4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • UK..Yorkshire,

    Coda, Merry and B2F thanks for the welcome. Interesting on the link on excerising and fasting..don’t feel so guilty when my feet don’t let me walk.

    A good day for me I have been going up and down stairs as coda suggested more than normal…lol..lol

    In my mind I do try and walk 30 mins three times a week but normally don’t ..I intend to do it over the challenge month.

    I am away for a weeks holiday on the 8th but intend to continue as usual. Wifi permiting will log in as I can daily, maybe at coffee shops.

    Over the month are we looking at 4lbs off or will we get more? Anybodies thoughts..

    I have had two really bad food days, this Friday and Saturday first in 6 months…as if food is going out of fashion….why do we do it!

    All positive again today.

    Have a good day


    HappyMargo: I agree with you about fasting being easier at work….take no food and no money, by the time you get home you are nearly done!

    Hi Symba7 I will mark your hols in on my spreadsheet from 8th just in case you can’t log in. Everyone’s goal will be different over the challenge depending on where they are on their journey. For me I would love 5lb off but would be happy with 4. I would also reach one of my interim goals. I never liked stating a goal as I got so deflated if I didn’t achieve it. That was the perfectionist in me. So I now have a goal and will do my best to obtain it if I don’t I will just keep going till I do. Ha ha that’s the plan!

    Hi Coda, count me in again! Looking forward to getting back on track and plan my exercise routine. Welcome to those who have joined us on the new challenge and good luck to us all in our weightloss journey!

    Hi Coda,

    I think if I get 4 lb off it would be good anything else a bonus. See if doing any excerise improves any weight loss it’s interesting.

    My FDs will be Monday and Thursday, with weigh in Friday morning.


    Fast day😊 Week4-Day1
    Last week I messed up on both my fast days. So I tried to compensate by doing about 1200 calories everyday (like the My FitnessPal app recommends).
    I go to a gym and am focussing on cardio as of now.
    Can’t wait for Friday. I have never written a word on an online forum before this. And I have never had dieting or workout buddies. This feels so comforting.
    Hope you all have a super week:)

    South Australia, count me in! I’ve only signed up for 5:2 today so guess I have a bit of reading work to do!

    Hi Payne1 – welcome – yes have a read and if you have any questions ask away and be ready to start this challenge on Friday 1st July.

    Myaramya – my view is don’t focus too much on cardio unless your are doing HIT – some cardio (HIT method) and some body weight exercises – if you can, on alternate days but as with this plan it is getting something that works for you. Me personally I want to get something quick and fast that gives results.

    A lot of the people in phase 1 had never joined or written in a forum before either and I know I felt a little self conscious when I started too. However you will soon get the hang of it and I can highly recommend the support you get here along with a few chuckles along the way.


    I’d like to join your challenge! I’ve been a silent reader on the forums for around a year. I’m a 41 year old mother of 2 from Maidenhead (UK) and I did the 5:2 last year & lost 1st (14lbs). I maintained for a few months but during a recent holiday I realised that my weight had slowly been creeping up and that I was feeling really uncomfortable.

    So decided to restart and have lost 7lbs in 4 weeks, I want to lose another 17lbs to reach my final goal. I usually fast on a Tuesday and Thursday, my weekends are usually very busy and usually involving lots of food and drink. So I try really hard to exercise during the week and to walk at least 15000 steps a day.

    Thanks and good luck to everyone!

    Hi Amritpc – welcome πŸ™‚

    Day 16 of 19: Cotswolds UK, Fast Day. Just got home from work. No food since 4pm yesterday….so just under two hours to go.

    Two pounds UP. Got cocky and overconfident. Ice cream, wine, potato chips.

    Guess what I’m doing today. FASTING!!!!!

    I’d like to join you! I live in The Netherlands and started doing 5:2 on May 9th. I lost about 4 kilo sofar but last week I was having a hard time to stick to the diet and do the fast days properly. I started fresh this day. Today is a fast day and it’s going very well!

    For exercise I try to walk 10.000 steps a day and sometimes I do HIT on my rowing machine.

    Hi All! I am new to the 5:2 but have been looking to try it, so happy to have found this site! Please put in for Phase 2. I am from the Northeast USA. Today will be day 1 and it is a NFD. Thank you for having me!

    Coda. Thank you for your kind words😊
    I do strength training as well as body weight exercises:) yoga too:) I am just enjoying the “more cardio and less of the others” phase right now. HIT is an integral part of the cardio I do.
    But the exercise is a bonus. The nutrition counts for 70-80% and I’m so totally looking forward to sorting that out here. Almost done with my fast today. Will have another tea to close the day at under 500. It’s been a happy day thanks to all of you.πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜Š

    I am in. Goal for the second phase – to be under 140. πŸ™‚

    Pacific NW USA: 16th day between Phase 1 & 2, FD with dinner out with son tonight

    Fast strength exercises this morning completed. OH and I walked to dinner yesterday with out of town guests, 6 miles round trip – slow walking the second half! Not sure where we will go to dinner tonight but I will choose wisely to stay under 500.

    I’m reading Mimi Spencer’s book The Fast Beach Diet. Not because I need more than what 5:2 has to offer right now but just to see if there’s any fine tuning I want to do. Also, to keep me motivated with any new ideas and maybe get some new recipes.

    Looking forward to my weigh-in and measures this week to get baseline for Phase 2 and set next goal!

    K-Lo, I bet it’s mostly extra water weight!

    It’s so great to see so many new names pop into this forum. We’ll have a fun month ahead!

    Help…A daft question..
    What is the difference between a N normal day and a NF non fast day??

    Anybody help?


    Hi simba7, no difference ! either FD or NF day!

    Well my FD started at 5.30am when I had to help OH and tow no 2 car to the garage for repair ! It’s been a looong day, did really wel until the kit-kat bar jumped out of the fridge and I ate it!! Soooo annoying.
    I really must sort my head out and get back on track!!

    Lol Rocy65 damm those chocolate biscuits for jumping out at you!

    Symba7 it is what ever you want to call your normal day of eating – non fast day or just a normal day. I don’t however like the term feast days.

    Can I just say to the newbies that day 1 is 1st of July for everyone no matter when you started 5:2. Some of the days you see some refer to is the countdown or the days between our last challenge to the new one – phase 2 if you follow me. 6 weeks of starting a post with the day you are on has proved a hard habit to break. Don’t worry you will get the hang of it. I also like everyone to put their country ie Can,Aus UK as that helps me keep track. I know AUS will be first to post with uk/eur next with USA bringing up the rear.

    Welcome fastDutchgirl – we had a fellow country woman of yours in our last challenge. Hopefully Dutch will join us again.

    Welcome also to nova05

    and nice to see a friendly name back for another challenge Coldpizza.

    I would like to join in but I go away camping on 27th July so would miss the last few days, so I may just follow you all from the sidelines πŸ™‚

    Los Angeles, CA

    Hi!! I would like to join as well. Having the community involvement may be helpful in keeping me on track. This is technically my fourth week, but I must admit that I haven’t been vigilant in keeping track of what I am consuming on non-fast days and my weight fluctuates up and down and ends up right where I started. I also haven’t seen a difference in my measurements.

    My commitment to doing this right starts today, my first fast day of the week. Nice to meet you all.

    Hi, would love to join this challenge. Have been following low carb and lost about 10 pounds this year but have plateaued and want to get rid of that last stubborn roll of chub πŸ˜€. I fly back from a business trip on June 30th and have no planned trips for July so perfect timing for me.

    Colorado, USA

    B2tF– that does sound like a successful day! Good for you!

    On the other hand, I completely & totally blew my Fast Day today. Ugh.

    Too many wonderful snacks in the break room: gluten free raspberry oatmeal breakfast bars, apricots. And a friend brought smoked BBQ ribs for me for lunch. Then OH wanted to go out for dinner.

    Unfortunately, I said YES to everything. It was all delicious, but way off plan. I feel like I’ll be full for days now!

    Need to remind myself, “Yes, you’ve stepped up your exercise, but you can’t out-run (or out-bike) a bad diet.”


    Hi everyone. I want to get back on board with this great group but I’m not sure I will be able to exercice.

    On my last camping trip the temperature was extremely hot and windy. So windy for 2 days and 2 nights that we couldn’t go sea kayaking ( witch was our objective). One night we had a huge thunder storm with wind and the temperature went down extremely quickly. All these factors made me develop a bronchitis and I cought a lot. Although I have medicine, I don’t want to take the risk of starting coughing because when it starts it goes on and on and on and that takes a lot of my energy.

    So I am committing myself to do fast days, generaly 2 a week and sometimes 3 ( Monday, Wednesday and sometimes Friday) I will do my best to exercice but not High energy. If I stick to those objectives I will be proud of myself and consider that I succeeded. I will report here every day.

    Looking forward to start this with all of you.

    Have a nice evening.

    I am in for phase two but cannot do exercise all the time. I would not dare to do anything taxing that could cause me to be laid up. Best I do is walking when the hips and knees are OK. I do about two to three kms daily. The joints are behaving at the moment, but when they are not I just stay home. They do get injected if they are bad. Running is out of the question.

    I have increased weight since the end of the challenge by a kilo I noticed this morning. I have not been fasting, or weighing myself. I had been having really bad dizzy spells and have just left it for a while. I wonder rif it is blood pressure. The dizziness comes when I stand.

    My daughter came and said I look thin, though I am not thin, I am the weight I am supposed to be. She hadn’t seen me for two years. I am down from a 16/18 to a 10/12. The whole idea of the weight loss is to help the joints cope better.


    I am feeling a bit dizzy just a bit, my blood pressure is also falling low on FD’s..and a 61 heart beat ( normally 65/66)

    My nurse at the doctors thinks it could be with fasting, she told me to up water intake as I could be dehydrated. I have to log it and if it keeps low to go back.

    I am 7 months into fasting and it’s just started.

    Just a thought for you…I am really naughty I don’t drink anywhere near enough.

    Hi Coda I am in. I plan to exercise 3-4 times a week – a mixture of Pilates and swimming. I would like to lose 6 – 8 lbs as I am off on holiday on Friday 29th July.

    I will check in daily from 1st July up until my holidays.

    Quebecoise– that sounds like one tough camping trip. I used to love camping but my OH is not a fan. If he read your story, he’d swear off it for good! Hopefully, you’ll have a much better experience on your next outing!

    ABC1– I’ve read that sometimes the dizziness on Fasting Day could be helped by 2 things: staying better hydrated & also taking in some electrolytes like sodium/ salt. Some Fasters use packets of Miso Soup to get salt & fluids. (If I can find a source on this info before I have to leave for work, I’ll post it for you.)

    Those breaks in between the challenges are really dangerous. I feel so relaxed, that I had a WHAT-A-BURGER! WHAT-A-HECK is wrong with me?! My mind is telling me soon another challenge starts, I’d better be naughty now. πŸ˜€

    Pacific NW USA: just 3 days till Phase 2! 36 hour liquid FD today

    I’m thawing my bone broth for the day and making my white tea. Son said last night that he thought I was “looking great”. I think he was being judicious in not asking if I had lost weight – or your kids just think you always look the same!

    HappyMargo – it was a successful day except for not quite enough sleep last night, rather, this morning.

    I did my not unusual trick of waking up earlier than I had to and then starting to review the day rather than fall back asleep. This has been going on over the years about exactly as long as I’ve seen the weight creep so I assume they are related somehow?? In the past I unsuccessfully tried to out-run the weight increases with increased running distances, I also hoped that extra exercise would help the sleep. Over the years neither plan worked out. At least with 5:2 my mental state is improved and I don’t feel so much in the dark about the weight issue. I don’t miss high gi foods and adding exercise in moderation will be easier in the long run (pun intended)!

    Quebequoise – yowser! You really do want to focus on taking it easy and getting your health back right now, please take care!

    ABC1 – I hope your joints keep behaving! Dizziness can be caused by so many things. For me, along with extra hydration I will try a product they sell here in the states called “Emergen-C”. I don’t know if they sell it in France but I use it to replace electrolytes when I’ve had a hot day working in the garden or after a long walk when I’ve been drinking lots of water. It really can revive me. It’s an easy, small packet of powder that you add to a glass of water. It’s used here by runners, athletes and people who use steam therapies especially when you’ve been sweating and/or drinking lots of water you’ve diluted your body’s electrolytes. I get the “lite” version that only has 1 gram of sugar and 5 calories. It’s sold in grocery stores and some people take it as a cold remedy but it works really well for me when I’m feeling woozy and a little head-achy.

    Time for my HIT bike ride!

    Hi Just a quick post – will catch up in more detail later.

    Kay65 no excuses – is there any reason why you can’t start 1st July to 26th or 27th when you go on holiday? You will only miss 2 days? Go on commit yourself – what have you to lose?

    Welcome Happygirl16 and Pinkie2 along with old friends Quebecouise and ABC1 – please do not worry – exercise is not compulsory at all. Do not let that put you off – it is only if you can and if you wish but maybe some need to push a little out of their comfort zone – just an idea, at the end of the day you know your limitations I don’t know you at all apart from pen/forum friends lol.

    Day 17 of 19 in-between days, UK, Gloucestershire: Non-fast day. I sense some slippage in my resolve. I am eating more and stopping later on non-fast days and yesterday, a fast day, seemed particularly hard because of that. My weight has plateaued again. That’s the result. Also my evening walk today had gone by the board as its raining. So, tomorrow, a new fast-day and renewed commitment please. Soon we will start phase two.

    Coda Im in then!!

    Kay (from Dorset, UK)

    I have a non fast day today. I ate about 1350 calories and walked 106616 steps. Tomorrow I have a fast day. What I love about 5:2, apart from the weight loss, is all the energy I have! When I started fasting I quit eating sugar and now I also don’t have cravings and binges anymore.

    Youppi ! This morning the scale showed me a number I hadn’t seen in a very long time. A nice 131,2.
    I know I’ll have to keep on the good work to maintain that achievement but I’m fully ready to do this and get down to 130, my initial goal.

    I am so gratefull to be able to get over my ” eating crisis ” more and more easily as time goes.

    Yesterday I accidently caught my husband eating secretly from a big bag of potato chips in the garage so I wouldn’t be tempted. He is just so sweat !!! Miracle : I was able to eat just about 10 chips whereas finishing the whole bag…. And I felt satisfied with those only 10 chips ! What a change.

    Thank you marvelous group for helping me with this healthy improvement in my life and thank you Robert for hiding the chips.

    B2tF and Coda, thank you for your support

    Have a very nice day !

    A simulator to calculate the time for you to lose weight, incredible for me worked very well!


    Hey everyone!

    Count me in for the challenge! I’ve been doing the 5:2 for a few weeks now and am starting to find it easier. I’m looking forward to adding the exercise component into my weight loss journey!

    It’s my first day of 5:2 today. I followed 5:2 a couple of years ago and lost 6kg but sadly, I got into bad habits and have regained it.

    This time, I’m going to keep going until I get to a weight I’m happy with and then try to keep it off.

    I’m doing this for health and to be able to wear all my clothes that don’t fit.

    I live in France.

    I forgot to say that I’d like to join the challenge.

    Anaide, can this calculator be converted to lbs?

    Hi, i’ve only just signed up but like the idea of this 4 week challenge and would like to sign up.

    Hi all a quick hello to our new members asweet0862, Clemmi and HollyLJ. You are most welcome.
    Remember everyone plan and plan – have you all printed off your calendar and marked in any special days, fast days and exercise days?
    When the challenge begins start your post with the day we are on and where you are from ie my post on Friday will be – day 1 UK. Remember you are committing to a 4 week challenge and to posting each day. If for any reason you cant post let me know and i will note this on my spreadsheet. All who complete will get a medal – that in itself should keep you on the straight and narrow lol never mind the weight loss and sense of achievement!!!
    Nite all x

    Nice to see some new members joining us i wish you all good losses lovely group of people here to keep you motivated bring on Friday.

    I agree with Fishing Gran. Great bunch of people carrying on from the 1st challenge. Welcome to our our new friends. Good luck to you all and much thanks to Coda for her leadership!

    Hi from Australia, and welcome to all the new challengers!

    Re dizziness – are you on blood pressure medication? If you are you may need to see your doctor about reducing it down as you lose weight. It may also mean your blood pressure is coming down a bit as you lose weight and you need to drink more water every day. If you tend to lower blood pressure you need to stand up slower. I had to halve my BP medication and then go totally off it as my weight came down. If the dizziness is only on a FD then you may not be drinking enough fluid. We get a lot of our fluid intake from the water content of food, and when we are fasting it’s not just our normal amount of fluid intake we have to keep up, we have to make sure we have extra to cover the food-fluid as well. You also may need to take a little extra salt on a FD. Some just wet a finger tip and touch some salt with that and take it that way. Miso soup satchets are also good.

    Re drop in heart rate, which was 65-66 to 61 if I remember correctly, may just be your heart being a bit healthier from carrying less weight. It is still within a normal heart rate range. Every 5kg (11lbs) lost means a bit of normalisation of the heart function. After several years of needing heart tests annually my heart function has improved from my weight loss and I no longer need to go annually.

    My apologies for not remembering names when I write sometimes.

    Coda, I will be away for 16 days from 2nd July, but I think I can check in most days. There may be 3-4 days in the middle of that 7th-11th. July where it could be more difficult and a computer not available. I will still be doing the challenge though, and will have my little travel scales with me.

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Namaste All from India:)

    Fast day today. Week 4: Day 2
    At 1302 calories, yesterday was the first decent NFD. I didn’t go crazy stuffing my face with cake and chips πŸ˜‹ So Yay!
    Fastdutchgirl: almost 107,000 steps sounds massive!! How neat! Sounds like a perfect day.

    All the best to everyone. Have a lovely day!

    Quebecoise, congratulations!

    131.2 is that in pounds (lbs) and is it 59.5 kilo’s? That’s about what I would like to weigh at the end of my journey. I’m 165 centimeters (5 feet 4 inches) and I’d like to weigh 59 kilo. I’m not sure what my current weight is since I had a small eating crisis myself last week. My lowest n the 5:2 diet was 67 kilos (147.7 lbs). I’ll weigh myself on July 1st.

    Myaramya, I made a mistake with my steps! I meant 10.616 steps (just over 10.000). 106.616 would be massive!

    I’m having a fast day today. For me that means no breakfast, no lunch, some almonds at 4 o’clock and a nice dinner of 500 calories with lots of vegetables, tofu and a little bit of brown rice. There will be cake at the office this morning. I’m going to pick it up at the bakery’s, but I won’t eat it. My colleagues don’t mind my new eating habits (no sugar, no pizza after a meeting, no crisps, no kroketten at Friday lunch (kroketten is a special Dutch snack) because they can eat my portion πŸ™‚

    Thanks Coda – count me in! πŸ™‚ I can’t wait for July 1. I was able to maintain my FDs and good NFDs initially after the finish of the last challenge but then last week a family member got into trouble and I had to fly to him to look after him. I ended up eating everything in sight! I’m back home now and will restart my eating plan and exercise. It is annoying that I could not maintain those while with my brother but given the extremely stressful situation I am not going to beat myself up! Coda I will weigh in on Friday and take my measurements. Good luck all! πŸ™‚

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