4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Ireland day 8 nfd….I’m sorry Coda…away while I’m away and all over the place now…please take this as sign in for yesterday and today….smidgen over 6lb down on start weight so happy out…had I not been on the road I would’ve made better decisions and feeling the affects of them today…Too much sugar and feeling really sluggish from it so will detox as much as possible today….loving my new eating habits and being aware of what’s going into my body…when I’m back in Ireland I’ll write out the calorie and sugar content of all my usual foods so they’re to hand for me…pretty chuffed with myself thoπŸ˜‚

    US SE Day 8. NFD. In Charleston with coolcat and asweet0862. Don’t know what I was thinking booking a weekend here in summer. Over 100 degrees for today and probably 80% humidity. I’m dying!!! We should have headed for the mountains πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ Have a great weekend all!

    U.S. Day 8 FD… I did not do well yesterday with NFD. I feel a bit out of control on those days. I know how to fix it, but just haven’t been counting my calories on those days. I do so much better on FD. I will figure it out because I like how it is working. I have lost 7 since doing 5:2. I have 22 lbs more I’d like to lose. Have a great day all.

    USA Day 8. Fasting today! No calories, 36 hours.

    US, Day 8, sweltering NYC.

    I planked twice yesterday – 45 seconds each time. Blew through TDEE for a great dinner out with hubby and son #2. FD today, and I will sneak into the lactation room to plank again.

    Tried coconut oil in my coffee this morning. I brought a small container to the office. Tasty..I like it. No butter just because I can’t be bothered. I may try it at home tomorrow.

    The next 10 days will be tough. Hubby is driving off to spend some time with his aging mother. I will miss him very much. I may sleep better without the snoring but…

    Day 8 FD wisconsin

    Ready for this…..walking with a friend this morning and have my evening meal planned. Will use the bands on my water bottle again. Have a great day all

    France Day 7 NFD down one kilo

    austin tx, day 8

    Finished fast yesterday at 235. Best fasting day ever after i dedicated my fast to my friend Jeannie.

    Maybe im better with a purpose outside of my own desire for skinny jeans. So again, i will dedicate my healthy NFD to my griend. They have moved her up to the Hospice floor because the pain became unbeatable, but i woukdnt count her out. She said she’s going for a really cool near death experience come back.

    Thank you to those who have said they would also deficate a fast to Jeannie. ❀️

    As for my weight, still no change. ?? Just one little pound? Please. Its been a month. I think.

    Sorry, no glasses on. Dedicate!

    Day 8
    Lost 2.8 pounds!! Very happy with that
    ketogenic & 16:8 for next 3 days, next fasting Monday
    Yesterday was fast day, did quite well. Had shrimp & green beans, and made shrimp bisque soup from homemade fish broth. Very tasty
    But then…quite hungry and handful of almonds became more like 1/2 cup
    Next sign on for me is Monday as weekends I don’t use the technology. Busy playing outside and swimming with grandest son.
    Enjoy weekend

    Day 8 Los Angeles. Woke up this morning to find I’m now lighter than I have been in nearly 5 years. Down 1 lb. since July 1, and 23 lbs total since starting 5:2 in mid-March 2016. BMI is a little closer to where it needs to be too. Very happy about all this!

    Australia Day 9 NFD well it has only just gone midnight here but I can’t sleep so read the blog to give myself something to think about. Community has always been very important to me and I find myself recently really trying to encourage other people to think of themselves as part of a community and not just cogs in a machine. I read this blog and I am so impressed that a bunch of strangers from around the world can share such personal stories and thoughts knowing they have a support network they can depend on even though most of us have not even met face-to-face. Isn’t it marvellous! Night all !

    Day 8, Cotswolds, UK: Fasting day. I feel confident of success today. My new book “The Obesity Code” by Jason Fung just came through the letter box, so, hopefully, an inspirational read. Under two hours to go to complete 24 hours water-only, then a small meal and nothing else till breakfast tomorrow, the start of a non-fasting weekend. Hooray!

    Day 8, New York City, USA. NFD

    a little over on my fast day yesterday (100 cals) but still happy with myself for not giving up altogether and ordering a pizze πŸ™‚

    Had cereal at the office today, i can’t even remember the last time i had it!

    Goal for the rest of the day – stick to TDEE
    – salad for lunch
    – healthy dinner
    – avoid happy hour and go for a nice walk after work

    Slim your friend sounds a wonderful and very brave person and I hope that she gets her last wish. I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and her. xx

    Day 8. Wisconsin, USA. FD today. I like the Friday FD. Sets me on a better path, heading into the weekend.

    Did a killer kettle bell workout yesterday. Planning HIIT workout tomorrow, and will look for more physical adventures too.

    Keep up the great work, everyone.

    Day 8 – USA (Illinois) FD.
    Weighed in this morning and down 1.2 lbs! YEAH! Actually saw 168.8 this morning.

    I am like Micky42 having begun 5:2 in mid-March, but I haven’t lost quite as much as she has, but I have lost 19 lbs.

    Going to a new Fitness Center today as our local Curves has closed after the owner could not sell the business. I don’t plan to have a heavy workout this being a FD but check it all out.

    Edzeko, I love kettlebell! If I ever conquer my costochondritis, I’m going to go back to it. What a workout!

    Ciren2, I found The Obesity Code incredibly helpful in debunking a lot of “common knowledge” about weight loss. So much now makes sense. Let us know what you think.

    K-Lo…had to google costochodritis. Ouch. Hope it heals up. You are right. The kettlebells workout is not gentle.

    Hi UK Day 8 FD phew just caught up on all the posts.

    I think we should keep Jeannie in our mind during this challenge – it may make us focus on on lucky we actually are and focus our minds on eating to, hopefully, help prevent illness in the future. Tell Jeanie how she is helping lots of people round the world focus on healthy choices and we are all thinking of her.

    ABC1 are you a day behind the rest of us?

    That is most (Payne1 and Pinkie2 – where are you?) people carried on to the next week of the challenge spread sheet.

    So week 2 begins – this is where you introduce squats to your exercise if you haven’t already. So planking and squatting is the plan – remember to check form – back straight. Start slow and build up gradually.

    I didn’t weigh today but will do tomorrow but not holding my breath – seems to be a pattern that for 3 weeks or more I don’t lose weight then suddenly drop. It is staying strong in the face of this pattern I find difficult at times. I just have to stay strong and keep doing what I am doing. I also feel a part of me doesn’t quite believe I will drop below 11 stone 9 lbs I know if I can get through that barrier it will be a very significant mental break through. Believing and visualising is so much part of everything too.

    Not sure if I have used this quote before but it is one I have stuck behind my computer screen – if we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves – Thomas Edison. If is it to be it is up to me! So stay strong everyone – you are amazing!

    Ps well done to all who are seeing results – πŸ™‚

    Edzeko, I’ve had it for over 6 years, but I may have finally stumbled on a successful therapy. Time will tell. Planking seems okay. And all lower body work is fine.

    Ciren2 – I am a huge fan of Dr Jason Fung, his web site intensivedieterymanagement.com, all his youtube videos, and of course his new book ‘Obesity Code’.
    Everything makes a lot more sense thanks to him and his way of explaining and questioning main stream logic.
    Let me know what you think!
    I was considered type II diabetic, but did not want to take medication. So began my 1-1/2 yr journey eating again (was in the late 90’s) a more ketogenic (high fats, very low carbs, and moderate protein) way of eating. 45 pounds lighter now, and considered being metabolically resistant, but not diabetic, or prediabetic. In the last few months incorporating fasting again, always 16 8 and 2-3 24 hr/week water fasts plus small evening meal.
    Sugars are hard to moderate and lower, so for me this has been so worth it. The weight loss (needed) is wonderful, but the blood sugar lowering always my goal.
    Enjoy the book!


    Very informative for all the calorie counters out there…

    FD observation. Coconut oil in second cup of coffee at 8 am. No hunger….

    Real or placebo effect? Not sure I care

    Surrey UK day 8

    Off to see my daughter, son-in-law and 3 granddaughters for the weekend..Will weigh on Tuesday, because I have a chart!…..Might be difficult this weekend, being with family, but let’s wait and see. I have to find a way to deal with this without all the props, otherwise at some point it will revert back to what it was. Very much a question of “What do you really want?’
    CODA… I won’t be able to post again till Monday. Take care everyone, and Good Luck!

    NorrieB Hope you see this before you go – have a lovely birthday on the 10th with all your family x

    California, USA day 8. Today is a NFD, plan to keep to 16:8 and to my TDEE. I did the squats today without any knee discomfort. I don’t know how or why, but I was able to hold the plank position for one minute x 3 reps. Practically wiped me out but I did it! I was at 25 seconds one week ago. I finished a 4 interval HIT in my stationary bike as well. I am feeling good. I am up a pound on the scale but I had a bad week of poor choices so I am not surprised. I work the next five days in a row. I have better control of my diet choices on the days I work. Time to refocus and get back on track. I am hoping for some weight loss at the end of next week. Wishing a great weekend to all!

    Gozo Malta

    Thank you so much for your compliments about my country HannahWatto. It’s hot already here and good for swimming. From which country are you?

    I kept to my TDEE today. This morning when I weight myself I was 0.8 kilo lower than last week despite a wedding and birthday party over the weekend. I’m so happy. I still have 9.5 kilos to go.

    Please keep up the good work and be determined to reach your goal for this challenge. Good night everyone.

    Day 8 – USA – NFD

    I forgot to weigh this morning, so will report tomorrow. I think I should stick to Saturday as my weigh in, as that’s easier for me to remember. FD yesterday was hard, but glad I stuck it out. I didn’t sleep well, as usual on FD. Sure hope that gets better. Now a nice NF weekend!

    Did a spin class this morning and boy was it hard! I ate a small breakfast before, but the day after a FD seems to be the hardest for me to exercise. Those might have to be my rest days.

    Everyone’s doing such a great job! Very inspiring!

    Day 8 USA FD—Thinking of Jeannie!
    Congratulations B2tF, Micky42, SongbirdMe, ETJ and everyone who is showing a weight loss. It feels great when the clothes are loose, or our weight is a number not seen since years ago!
    For those of you not showing a loss yet it will come! Don’t be discouraged.
    Weigh in today shows down 3 lbs (1.36Kg in metric)!

    Coda, you always bolster us with your strength, so I’m sure you will get past your barrier weight. I know you will!! Also, OH and I are on the road this weekend collecting the grandkids, so I may not be able to check in until Monday.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 8 Cornwall. UK.
    I’m so impressed by everyone’s commitment to this challenge and to weight/inches loses, well done!
    Not doing so well myself, it all seems SO hard this week! My FD today started well and ended badly, but tomorrow is back on the horse! Thankfully my grandson has had a good day today and hopefully is over his sickness. Just been such a worry.
    So out for walk today with the grandchildren to the woods, feeding ducks, swans and squirrels. Great fun jumping in muddy puddles!
    I’ll try for a FD tomorrow and will get exercises done. I think dedicating our fast days to Jeannie is great way to focus.
    My thouvhts are with you all going through testing times.
    Good luck, onwards and downwards!!

    Italy Day 8 – NFD
    Got off to a good start but then spent all afternoon ‘grazing’. Not biscuits and naughty things but still i never stopped. Its as though i missed that heavy, full feeling i hope this is my body adapting and will pass. finished the day a 300 calories over TDEE so not a complete disaster. Tomorrow i start a 30 Day squatting challenge, can’t wait to start doing these instead of the dreaded plank – it kills my back!
    Buona notte

    Day 8 Sussex, U.K. NFD
    Struggle today. A friends birthday lunch. Back on it tomorrow. X

    Days 7 and 8, QuΓ©bec
    NFD x 2

    Bye bye x

    UK day 8 checking in

    Sunshine Coast Aus Day 9: NFD today. 108.2kgs. I agree with you HannahWatto. I never realised how inspiring tapping into my iPad could be. What a kind like minded group of people.

    Aussie day 8-9 no access yesterday been feeling to off to fast but still keeping up with everyone else good luck all .

    Have any of you heard that you wished you were the weight on your driver’s license? Well, I looked at mine the other day (actually had to get carded – at 68 – for a glass of wine), and I am 12 pounds lighter than it said on there!

    Day 8– Colorado USA

    Commuted to work on bike again. Legs were already sore from 4 mile run yesterday. So now I’m wiped out! But feel pretty proud of my extra efforts…. Now just gotta get back into proper 5:2 groove!

    US Day 8- NFD
    Still on vacation. Its so hot and humid I may sweat out a few pounds! I dont think I did too too bad today. Ill start exercises again when I get home.

    Day 8: Pacific NW USA, FD thinking about Jeannie and how her pluck in spite of what she’s facing can be a role model for us all and that we should be thankful our pluck just needs to get us through a FD. Slim – your friend has become part of our daily inspiration!

    Weigh-in results for week 1: down 2.2 lbs, measurements down 1/4 inch here or there but as mentioned yesterday results since April 28th have meant noticeable changes in how my clothes are fitting and I’ve officially started my donate bag.

    Finished the 12 fast strength app exercises this morning then a pretty measly 2 miles in the rain before PT appointment. The app exercises include 4 push up and plank variations and I’m seeing improvement. My modified plank (still hard!) is up to 75 secs. My FD included iced black coffee (no BPC on FD’s) and water before a bavette, broccoli and fennel stir fry dinner. Used some toasted sesame oil and chili pepper flakes to liven it up. NF for the week end.

    Hannah – I quite agree that our common healthy intentions with some weight loss motives thrown in has surely brought together a thriving, community of daily inspiration. (Thanks Dr M, F et al and Coda.)

    Yeah! to Micky42, SongBirdMe and all the rest of you ” losers”!

    Coda – there are many, including myself who believe you will get below 11-9!

    Thanks for article, LS.

    Rocy65 – please go easy on yourself when worry and stress are part of the picture,

    SongBirdMe – I haven’t heard your saying, but you made me look. 2011, oh my! My current long term goal is 20 pounds lighter so it was a good lesson to look back in time and see that the mystery climb upward had already started.

    Croatia, Day 9, NFD
    Weight: 82.2 Kg

    Coda, Rocy, Jml, back2future, And everyone who has had a kind word, thought or fast for Jeannie, (I know I’m missing the first person who said she would also fast for Jeannie so you know who you are)

    Our thoughts and fasts matter! They moved Jeannie to the hospice floor last night with no hope (an infection, no immune system, unbearable pain) ….

    ….and today….I got a text from a family member saying ” crazy! She is revived! She is up talking and asking them to give her some pain meds that won’t kill her!” Lol. Yep! She blew some minds!

    She is actually doing better and said, “this is not taking me down!”

    Fasters, if you feel inspired, as Coda said, lets keep fasting for Jeannie! She is obviously not finished with life, Thank you so much for all your beautiful words.

    With your permission, I will send the posts letting her know she is inspiring us on our challenge and our own struggles for Heath!

    Shine on!

    Australia – Day 9 – 22 days to go of challenge.

    A fasting day today.

    NorthernDawn – That is a great loss! Well done.

    Slimnhealthy – So sorry about your friend. It sounds like she is a real warrior.

    Back2thefuture – You went 2 miles in the rain? Crazy girl. I take it as a sign that I am supposed to stay inside, lol.

    Songbirdme – You have your weight on your license? Thank gosh that Australia hasn’t introduced that!

    Coda – I completely agree with that saying. The only person holding us back half the time is ourselves.

    :waves: to everyone else! Another rainy day in Oz.

    Scotland Day 9

    Well I managed 2xFD and 3 cut back days (700-800 cals) this week and didn’t get as much exercise as I would like. This new week my calendar is full what with things to do with mum and one thing and another! I doubt I will get in as much as I would like. I haven’t done these planks so might give it a try. The scale still looks on a downward trend so all’s good from that perspective. And so another week begins. Good luck all.

    Slim tell Jeannie from another Jeannie πŸ™‚ You give it some welly girl the 5:2’ers are in there fighting with you!

    France Day 8 NFD


    NL day 9 NFD

    Days 9 and 10 Sussex, U.K. NFD.
    Doing 16:8 today and tomorrow.
    Next fed on Monday. X

    EJT – Ha! Here in the NW it’s the heat that keeps us scurrying indoors for cover!

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