4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • India. Day 6.

    Day 6. Wisconsin, USA. NFD. Yesterday’s FD went well. Funny, I remember in the last challenge being so perplexed and frustrated when I read how well every one else’s fast days were going. It felt like I would never adjust. I have adjusted.

    I’ve changed my personal plan. I see pictures of myself from the holiday, and I feel that I look healthy and strong. While I would not complain, if I lost more weight, I won’t be disappointed if I don’t

    Instead, I plan on with sticking to the 5:2 plan, and just letting the chips fall where they may. I strongly suspect that this lifestyle over a period of a couple of years will bring you to your ideal weight, regardless of whether you stress yourself out by stepping on the scale each day.

    I also plan to continue to walk 4 miles a day, and put more emphasis on HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and weight training. I am after fitness, not thinness. The combination of losing fat and building muscle is so effective.

    I have learned so much from everyone here. THANK YOU!!!

    Hi Edzeko – I am also from Wisconsin and completely agree with your take on the 5:2 plan. I started the diet on June 1st and have been losing about 1 pound per week. The first few fast days were difficult, but now feel like second nature to me. I’ve also been walking about 3 miles a day as well as doing a Pilates class and lifting light weights. Staying busy on my fast days is key. I wish the weight would come off faster but will be patient and stay on the program until I reach my goal. I turned 50 last year and dealing with perimenopause. I would love to feel good in my body again and get my energy levelsl up.

    It’s so helpful to read your post and know that this 5:2 diet is more of a lifestyle plan and that staying on course will give me the results I’m looking for.

    Thanks for your post!

    Austin NFD

    Coldpizza- we almost went to Pflugerville for fire works, but we werent sure about parking etc. Ill ask you in the future.
    5am huh…do you have a big dog? Im too chicken to walk that early alone. Cats are no help. Lol. And we live in Circle C…pretty chicken right? πŸ˜”

    So decided to go for it and do a weigh in and i am the same. Oh well, better than gains. I like to imagine im building muscle.

    Day 6, QuΓ©bec. NFD

    Hi K- Lo as a lover of BPC thanks for that link and I skimmed through that article. I think it is really inretesting to see the amount of people who pedal their wares when in fact their diets are all Atkins ubder a different name! I don’t think we should eliminate any food group, especially carbs, as brown breado, brown rice and other high fibre foods are very good for you. As with everytHong in life, if taken in moderation, nothing is bad for you. So a square or 2 of good 90% dark chocolate is fine, but a large bar of cheap chocolate full of sugar is not. For those of you who don’t like the idea of butter in their coffee, give it a go, it really is delicious 😎

    Day 6: Pacific NW USA, 16:8 NFD

    Catching up on posts has eased me through the 16 part of my day as there was so much reading to do! Hitting my fast exercises next. Going for a roasted chicken or salmon salad this eve, depending on what I find at the market. Also going to “measure” myself against some smaller (hopefully) clothes today and see if I can squeeze in.

    SlimnHealthy, HollyLJ & Symba7 – so sorry for all that you are going through right now. As Slim reminded us it’s good to remember each day what is truly important and don’t sweat the small stuff (and as the saying goes, it’s all small stuff).

    Dutch – thanks for the great Pho website. Sounds very authentic.

    Anna6 – ouch, hope those shingles pass fast!

    Healthy day everyone!

    Post Script: my hubby and I are so fond of the original recipe for BPC that when on extended vacation we have been known to take our Kerrygold butter, refined coconut oil, pre-ground single origin coffee, a battery operated frother and our small French press to make our own coffee. Yes, we like the creamy, frothy, smooth taste so much that we give up the space in our suitcases! The butter in a container is usually fine in the checked luggage when we fly and we keep it in a cooler when we drive but beware the melt-ability if there’s any delay getting the rental car in Hawaii!

    I also enjoy the bulletproof coffee using 1-2 tbsp each of grass fed butter, and either coconut oil or MT oil. Whipped up is like a starbucks cappuchino (sp).
    I follow Dr Jason Fung very regularly. An endicrinologist, helping thousands loose weight and therefore lowering blood sugar counts. He sees no reason to use bulletproof coffee, he prefers intermittent fasting and LCHF (keto). But readily acknowledges ‘life happens’ and not to fret the cheats we will all have periodically.
    His book – I highly recommend:
    The Obesity Code
    In one of his blogs he highly recommends the book:
    8 week blood sugar cure, Mosley.

    Uk day 6 nonfd well under tde just plodding along! I keep telling myself i will do hit or plank when my little one is napping but today i napped too as i didnt sleep too well last night. I resolve to try again tomorrow….looking forward to weigh day this week, feeling pretty good and im hoping i will reach my challenge target extra early!

    Holly and slim so sorry to hear about the heartbreaking news for those close to you. I send you my love and hope you take care of yourselves and each other xxx

    I cant remember who posted it, but think if you go over by 100 on fd you should still count it….compared to the calories you might consume without 5:2 its a great accomplishment for the day!

    Good luck everyone, chin up and keep plodding along!!!

    U.K. Sussex. Day 6. FD.
    Weight 13 stone and 1 lb.
    one pound off in a week but I was 13.9 a month ago, so am really pleased.
    Exercise is a bit hit and miss but will get to it, walking mostly.
    Did well yesterday and was under the 500. Today friend came for lunch which extended into afternoon tea but even so not over 800 so will count it, but think I have to be more mindful for rest of week.
    Good luck everyone. X

    Day 6 France

    Quite a good day, NFD.

    We ate our main meal at lunch time which works well, especially when it’s hot.

    Will probably do a FD tomorrow but difficult with Mum here. Fortunately, local melons are in season now so I can feast on them for very low calories.

    Hi got my spread sheet and I believe I have everyone checked in, phew what a lot of posts!
    Norrieb I reckon you can call it a fast day, 100 cals over is not a lot in the bigger picture but not to be repeated all the time.
    Dutch sorry for the confusion I thought spoon street was a franchise from USA and assumed that was the global name. Turns out the idea is global but not the name. You select from many flavours of frozen yogurt and then top with as many toppings, jelly sweets, chocolate pieces, sprinkles, melted chocolate and or sauce as you can fit in your tub. Then comes the shock, you weigh it and it is priced per gram!!!

    Oh dear Symba7 that will be unfortunate if you have to cancel your holiday. I hope a speedy recovery for your other half.

    GIVE ME STRENGTH!!! The Candy Colleague’s jar has been refilled with Take 5 and Snickers crunch bars.

    Day 6 Nottingham – UK, been at a conference today so had a nice lunch, and only starting to get peckish now. I better have a little something as tomorrow’s my second FD.

    Weight today 238.6.

    K-lo what is the candy colleages jar? Whose idea is that and who fills it? Why not a fruit colleagues jar. I take my hat off to you guys in the face of all this temptation.

    Coda, a lovely lady who has had a big jar of chocolate for as long as I’ve known her. There’s fruit / nuts in the cafe a floor below. Nothing I can do except be strong. It’s currently filled with some of my favorites. It’s 4:18 pm and so far, I’ve walked on by…on my frequent trips to the ladies’.


    Back2thefuture – thanks for your wishes. I’ve got only about ten small red spots but my daughters bought me medicine and I’ve started to take them so it will be treated quickly.

    I ate well below my TDEE today. Around 950 calories. I hope to have lost some weight by Friday morning when I weight myself. Until Wednesday I won’t fast, doctors orders.a

    Good night everyone.

    US SE Day 6 FD. Fast day going well so far. Hopefully I’ll lose something this week after the holiday weekend. Fingers crossed as I weigh in tomorrow.

    Aussie day 7 I have had three grandchildren for the last three days haven’t had time to think never mind read posts also hoping to do FD today nice to sit here and catch up.

    Backtothefuture and Coda….

    Thanks for your kind wishes..things are a bit challenging at the minute.

    day 7 uk. nfd very busy one! under tdee until this evening wine and booja booja choc I had for my birthday a week ago , tonight couldn’t resist it! Oh dear!
    Tomorrow will try to be a fast day but so difficult with tbe family here going out for day trips, trying to make the best menu choices!
    Slim thoughts are with you and your friend x.
    Dutch I’ve been doing pilates for many years so my core is strong – but plank stil not easy, much mental determination!!!!
    All very best positive strong thoughts and vibes to you all!!

    Australia Day 7 FD

    Day 6 – USA – NFD

    Frustrating day today, as I had car troubles. Glad it wasn’t a FD or I would have really been grumpy.

    Edzeko – so glad to hear it took a month or so to adjust. I’ve been feeling the same as you- that everyone says it’s easy and it’s not for me!! Hoping in the next few weeks I’ll turn the corner.

    FD tomorrow.

    Rocy65 assume you meant day 6? Lol must be that wine and chocolate!

    UK day 6 late check in after a glorious day at the garden show. A NFD but walked miles.

    Sunshine Coast Aus Day 7: NFD today. Breakfast of bacon, 2eggs scrambled and tomato. Coffee with double cream. Will have bone broth for lunch and beef stew for dinner. Plan on walking with a couple of jogs between lampposts. Have a lot of laundry to do. Mundane but necessary.

    Dorset, UK Day 6

    Oops bit late checking in!

    Yesterday was a fast day and I did ok, just going a tiny bit over my 400 cal allowance πŸ™‚
    HIIT done. Plank of 1min 30 followed by 1 min but struggled more today, although I am doing 3 mins of abs in my HIIT exercise so maybe I’m expecting too much from them…lol
    No change in weight.

    Today was an non fast day and I came in under calories at around 1100 and didnt eat until early afternoon.
    No change in weight despite yesterday being a fast day. I am having IBS problems and a very sluggish digestion which is not helping.
    Exercise done plus gardening.

    Tomorrow is another Fast day, the 3rd of the week and as usual I will be aiming for just one meal at teatime of maximum of 400 cals. Exercise and some more gardening planned. Big push as its the last day of week 1 of the challenge and weight and measurements get recorded on Friday morning.

    Im finding the daily check ins helpful and I love reading others posts.

    If you are going through a difficult time at the moment with loved ones being poorly, or having bad times at work or at home, have lost someone close to them, or are not well yourself – look after yourself….sending healing thoughts…

    Hmmmm…..bullet proof coffee (or whatever its called..lol) still doesnt sound appealing! I have a bean to coffee machine and I enjoy my americanos made from espresso beans with nothing added….think I’ll stick with those πŸ˜‰

    Edzeko….I was really encouraged by your post and it gave me a reminder that the 5:2 is just an ongoing way of eating until I eventually reach the weight I want to be. Then the calories get relaxed a bit whilst staying with the principle for life.
    But first the kick start more restricted July to deal with πŸ™‚

    Heres to day 7 everyone!


    Ireland day 6 fd…settling into my fast days nicely….think I’ll find everything easier when I’m home from vacation and eating food I’m more used to…but I’m still happy with how things are going…getting exercise in the pool having been sedentary for way too long so really happy with that too

    US Day 6- FD

    It was a good fast day… felt easier than normal once I got my headache to go away mid-day. Off to Charleston tomorrow so next fast day won’t be until Monday.

    Croatia, Day 7, NFD
    Weight: 82.9

    California, USA, end of day 6. Today was a NFD, stayed within my TDEE. Walked 10,000 steps. My knee is better, back to HIT tomorrow which will be a FD. Good night!

    Extra post. This FD is harder than usual. I am feeling hungry which has only happened once before on a FD. I’ll stick with it though particularly as my first weigh in for this challenge is tomorrow and because I will be travelling for four days so dieting will be hard. Will still try to make good choices, just won’t always be in control of what is served πŸ™‚


    NL day 7 FD

    Coda- thanks on the update re spoon street. it obviously has not reached the Netherlands yet. If they do I’m sure they would be quite successful!

    Day 7..UK..Yorkshire

    FD today

    Coda cancelling holiday today ☹️

    Still Day 6: Pacific NW USA, also end of NFD

    Symba7 – I hope your husband’s recovery is swift and that the two of you will be able to fulfill your holiday plans soon. The most important thing at this time is that you are together and that he gets well! Here’s a big virtual hug! πŸ’

    UK day 7 – Oh Symba…so sorry you’re having to cancel your holiday…and on a FD too! Hope today goes well for you.
    Just broken my fast with toast and honey..I always mean to simply have yogurt, but I LOVE toast and honey, and I was delighted to discover there was no yogurt left in the fridge this morning!

    Day 7 – had a good NFD yesterday. Today is my 3rd FD this week as we are going away for a long weekend tomorrow so damage limitation is the plan😊 Bullet proof coffee for 100 calories, lunch for 120 calories and then a smoked salmon salad for dinner.

    Weigh in day tomorrow hoping for a good result! Have a good day everyone 😎

    UK day 7 Good fast day yesterday ,1lb down from start which as my week has been fairly up & down I’ll take gladly. Have a lunch date with a friend today but will aim to make good choices.Going to get some exercise in now to try and get rid of my pent up frustration with myself- did loads of laundry yesterday only to discover my eldest sons passport in with the last batch – completely ruined, to make things worse he has a charity bike ride to Paris in less than 3 weeks , think it’s all sorted now but very annoyed with myself,Grrr

    Australia – Day 7 – 24 days to go of challenge.

    The challenge is going too fast. I think I preferred the 6 weeks. 4 doesn’t seem long enough! IMO.

    A fasting day today. I went to the beautician and had a facial. They used a light zap thing, and gees it hurt!

    Good morning! NH-USA Day 7

    Backtothefuture- I love the picture of you smuggling butter and coffee in your suitcase! I have a friend who just LOVES butter coffee so I totally see him doing something similar.

    It is so HOT!! I’m up and walking at 4:30am to avoid the heat and I think the air conditioning at my gym is broken..there is no way THAT can be a good thing.

    Today is my fast day so I”ll be bringing a cup of fresh blueberries to work today, just in case I need them but I probably will. Fresh berries are the best thing about summertime, thank goodness they are good for you. I see some chicken thighs defrosting for supper tonight so you know that’s going to be something yummy that I can throw on top of a salad.

    I did well yesterday keeping my calorie count under 1,200 and tomorrow is my weigh in day. I hope I didn’t do too much damage to myself over the July 4th holiday. Fingers crossed and I hope everyone has a great day today.

    Ha ha ETJ it certainly concentrates the mind only having 4 weeks πŸ™‚

    US, Day 7…NFD…down a pound since start of challenge. 2.5 from final goal. I skipped my workout last night….odd foot pain on my walk home, in the foot I broke last year. Did some small weights for arms and thigh squeezes with Pilates ring. Knit a row or two, then fell asleep early.

    Made fabulous pork tenderloin with swiss chard for dinner.

    Day 7: Cotswolds, Gloucs: Non-fast day. Fast day went well yesterday….until I came to eat my “500” calories. I’m afraid, I kept returning for more. Oh dear. Never mind, I still lost half a pound.

    Day 7 USA NFD. Love the idea of the bands on the water delwct. Will do that today. Yesterday FD did well. Was pretty hungry much of the day. Planned bike ride during my hardest time 4:00. Today just going to eat normal healthy food starting at 11:00. Feel good today so far. Have a happy Thursday all.

    Planking in tbe lactation room!!! Don’t tell!

    Day 7. Wisconsin, USA.

    Bearsmom…so cool you are from Wisconsin as well. So is Delwct and Kayhon. We could start a club. πŸ™‚

    NFD today. Finding that I can easily do a 16:8 on a NFD after training my body to fast. The reality is, after a period of time following this program, your body is just trained to expect less, and still feel satisfied. It’s brilliant, really.

    Surrey UK Day 7

    Just checking in, it’s been a good day so far, tomorrow will be a fast day, and then just to say, CODA, I will be away Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th and then I will check in again on Monday 11th. If I can get to a computer earlier, I will, but just in case it’s not possible!

    India. Day 7.
    NFD. Under 1200 and mostly healthy. First sane nfd of the week.
    I am dreading looking at the weighing scale tom:( I was so excited at the idea of finally going below 60kgs this week. Doubt that has happened. The two good fast days will hopefully ensure I haven’t gained much. Need to work harder.
    All the best to all of you for your check ins tom!
    Guess we should be glad and proud for completing Week1. Here’s to keeping the faith and eventually being utterly fit losers :p

    UK day 7 fd today is proving a little tricky! I gave into hunger pains at 11am….i usually last till 4/5pm! Had natural yogurt and strawberrys, then about 2 i was still hungry so demolisged some quorn ham and just now not even 2 full hours later ivd had a bowl of vegetable soup! I am at 400 cals so have enough left to have 100 cal snack to last the rest of the day…..desperately drinking water to try and stop myself from eating! One of the toughest fast days yet….😰😰😰😰

    I am determined to make it through as tomorrow is weigh day and if i pig out tonight i will be all bloated and stodgy for the scales! I just keep thinking that i can have food tomorrow morning, its not that far away, right!? RIGHT!? 😱😱😱

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