4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Day 5 – USA – FD (2nd post)

    Wanted to report on my FD before I go to bed. I knew it would be tough since I didn’t work today, but I did it! Made some cabbage soup to save for dinner, then met some friends at the beach for a 3 mile run. I was worried about it since I was very hungry, but it went fine. It was hard and I was dragging by the end. The 91 degree weather didn’t help. But I did it! Came home and ate my healthy soup and going to bed soon. The soup was very filling, so hopefully I’ll sleep ok. See you on Day 6!

    Day 5: Pacific NW USA – 24 of a 36 hour liquid only FD

    Water, miso soup and EmergenC drink so far today. Stayed busy which helped. Did my HIT on the bike but only walked 2 miles. OK, re-framing that last statement, “I walked 2 miles today and feel so happy that I was able to do so.”

    Yesterday we walked 4 miles but with so much going on I didn’t get in my strength exercises. Yesterday was a NFD that ended with a greens salad with spiralized raw carrots, tomatoes, soft boiled egg, avacado and macadamia nuts. I’ve found that a light supper with some good protein before a FD is better than eating heavy the night before a FD. Also, for me, no food on a FD is so much easier that eating during the day. A little food in my stomach just keeps telling me to eat more.

    Edzeko – wish I knew why my skinny little daughter can eat 1/2 brownie and leave the rest on the plate while I eat one piece, then her other half then another . . .

    SongBirdMe – what a great geo-list you made for us, thanks!

    HannaWatto – good health to your brother, and with your care I’m sure he will be the better for it,

    Quebequoise – I agree with you that no sugar has helped on several fronts during this new WOL

    Lisahawk – hooray for making a plan and sticking to it!

    Australia – Day 6 – 25 days to go of challenge.

    Songbirdme – I’m from Australia, but definitely not from the sunshine coast (although would be nice, it’s freezing and raining again today here! It was sleeting here yesterday.)

    An eating day today. Starting my eating days with bran, 1/4tsp of honey, 1/2 banana and 3 prunes. That should sort out my constipation naturally I figure. A draw back from the diet I suppose, is trying to make sure to eat the right foods on my eating days, as I only eat a few days a week. I definitely think differently about food these days. I have gotten sick of feeling bloated and constipated that I am making sure to have a well balanced diet. Not for dieting sake, but for feeling goods sake. (I never thought I’d be saying that lol 😀)

    Croatia, Day 6, FD
    weight – 83.3 Kg

    Austin,Tx End of Day 5

    Hi y’all

    My fast turned into an ultra fast as I was without my food for dinner and didn’t get home until late. You might think, ” but you held out! You could a bought an icecream!” Nope, no credit card in my purse. Gone.

    Anyway, one of my oldest friends is in her last days of cancer, in pain. They’ve called in hospice and only give her a day or so. So nothing like a lost credit card seems to bother me. What is it really? A small hungry few hours. Give a prayer for her if you are the prayin’ sort.

    Thanks all, nite.

    Day 5 Los Angeles.
    Slimnhealthy I appreciate your comment and perspective. My best thoughts go to your friend in her journey.
    FD for me, closing in on my 500 cals. Went okay. Tried to plank, with little success except in the “amusement for onlookers” department. I’ll keep trying.
    Strength to everyone.

    Prayers for your friend SlimnHealthy and for you at this sad time. Treasure your happy memories. xx

    Sunshine Coast Aus Day 6: FD today and determined to see it through. Ended up having 2 x 20:4 days as caved in around 5pm and ate somewhere between 800 on Monday and 1200 on Tuesday. Little exercise.
    Dear slimandhealthy, I’m not a deeply religious person, but words from one of my favourite songs that our choir sings are” And He will raise you up on Eagles’ wings, Bear you on the breath of dawn, Make you to shine like the sun, And hold you in the palm of His hand” . The sentiments give great comfort I think and I sang it at my uncle’s memorial. Thinking of you both.

    The Netherlands – Day 6 (fast day)

    I didn’t weigh again aince Day 1 of the challenge, but I fit in an old pair of jeans again! They didn’t fit last week.

    I’ll leave for a short break (no wifi where we’ll be going). Today is a fast day for me. although I have no idea yet what I’ll eat tonight (and the next few days). I’ll check in July 9th or 10th again. Happy fasting and healthy eating to you all!

    UK day 6 – sorry I missed yesterday, Coda – completely caught up in Holiday Club. FD today, if I can get away with it without people noticing. Getting plenty of HIT opportunities with catchy action songs and running after balls and bean bags.
    Slimnhealthy – you and your friend are in my prayers.


    NL day 6 NFD

    It’s going to be a sunny day today so I must make the best of it. Will be outside walking+HIT, shopping (new favorite is avocado!), check the garden then probably taking the bike for a ride.

    SongbirdMe- Thanks for the list you made! Pretty international bunch! Please add Anna6 from Malta.

    Rocy- now when I do the plank I think of you doing this for 3 minutes. Wow! I’m still around 1.5-2 mins.

    Slimn- wish you strength in these difficult days.

    Anna6- It must be lovely to have your daughter and husband fasting with you to support each other!

    For my fast days I’ve discovered a new easy peasy recipe: springrolls.
    (Spiralize) carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, anything you like, add corn, bell pepper, lettuce, etc…. – and roll in a rice paper sheet. Choose a dip and voila: dinner is served in no time.


    Good luck FD or NFD!

    AUS day 6 – NFD going well but the weeks planning has changed with more unexpected social get togethers (around food!) balancing well but not so many low cal days I had hoped to be doing. I am scaling back my goals to only lose 2kg this month as I had based my previous goal on a 1.5kg loss in the (quiet) week just before the challenge started. 2kg in this month is better than none and I am continuing with my exercise most days as usual. Have a great day 7 everyone

    Day 6– Colorado,, USA

    Awake in middle of night (trouble sleeping) so catching up on reading.

    Yesterday’s Fast was going quite well, stayed on liquids until dinner time. Then DH wanted to eat out. We went to Texas Roadhouse. Ended up WAY over 500 calories, but under TDEE. No idea what that qualifies for my day (FD, NFD??)

    Moving on. Today is a work day, makes it easy to skip breakfast. Plan to go for a walk at lunch time, that way I get outside for fresh air & avoid the break room. So again I’ll be able to Fast up until dinner.

    Have a great day all my fellow 5:2’ers!

    UK day 6 Fast day today, and fairly confident it’ll go OK, it’s the NFDs I’m struggling with, yesterday for example had a last minute trip to cinema which involved a couple of drinks ,when I totalled up on MFP this morning still under TDEE but I know I’m not going to lose weight this way , bottom line I need to make changes to drinking in social situations which sounds easy but it’s my Achilles heel .

    Day 6-NH, USA

    Slim-sending prayers and peaceful vibes to you and your friend.

    My FD yesterday went well and I did end up going to the gym after work. Supper consisted of a grilled chicken burger with some broccoli slaw dressed in Apple Cider vinegar only, calorie count was 410.

    I just finished my walk (3.5 miles) and I am enjoying my favorite lo calorie breakfast – Toasted Ezekiel bread (sprouted bread) topped with baby arugula, a tomato and an egg fried in veggie spray – 167 calories and oh so tasty!! Eggs and Arugula has been a joyous breakfast discovery for me! LOL My protein shake is packed for lunch (171 calories) and my hubby is cooking a pork loin for supper. I might have to find something to snack on as my calorie count seems to be pretty low right now, but then again, the day is young…who knows what I will stumble upon! Enjoy the day everyone!!

    Day 6 and the sun is shining woo hoo 🙂 My accidental fast day yesterday was a success and I did my pilates class last night. I am certainly feeling the effects this morning as it was an intermediate one so a lot more difficult!

    Low carb for me today. So far have had a bullet proof coffee and I am having a pot of prawns and squid for lunch. Tonight is a chicken salad and maybe a glass of white wine. Going to stay under 1000 calories today so might swap the wine for a vodka & soda with fresh lime juice and lots of ice – AKA A Skinny Bitch as only 72 calories!!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day/night and good luck to all those fasting today x

    Gozo, Malta

    SlimnHealthy I prayed for your friend.

    Dutch thanks for including me in the list. It’s great that I have my daughter and my husband fasting with me. Support is good.

    Today was supposed to be a fast day for me as I’m was doing 4:3 this week. However I contracted shingles and my daughters told me my body is under stress and I have to go off fasting but eat sensibly for about a week. I have to take medicine too.

    Anyway for lunch it’s baked fish with tomatoes, capers, and herbs and a salad. It will be a light meal, yogurt and fruit for the rest of the day for me.

    Please keep up the good work. Have a great day everyone.

    US, Day 6, back to work on an NFD. Yesterday’s fast went well, and back on my home scale, I can say I met my goal of NOT gaining any weight from vacation (still 121.5….with goal of 118). Maybe the FD took care of that. Dinner was grilled salmon and sauteed kale and dandelion greens.

    Pilates tonight. Pork tenderloin and veggies for dinner. In the 90s here today, so a salad is in order for lunch…with lots of water/seltzer.

    Slim, very sorry about your friend.

    Day 6 FD…USA WI. Not such healthy choices but kept it close to my TDEE yesterday. Looking forward to FD today. Planning for some good exercise today also. Bike ride and some interval strength training. I love this (not calling it diet). This way of thinking really seems to work for me. I feel more in control than I ever have and so much more aware of what hungry really means.

    Day 6, India, FD
    Feeling in control today, less bloated too. Fast going on well, have only had 110 calories till now. Will have idli sambhar for dinner and keep my calories well under 500.

    Italy Day 6 – NFD

    Bad Day emotionally, a neighbour of mine has had a stillborn baby. I’m devastated but, am determined to not look for comfort in the biscuit barrel.
    Rice salad for lunch and fish for dinner

    Did my situps this morning and another little plank

    Hi all – UK day 6 extra fast day for me to make up for Monday’s failed attempt and visiting spoon street last night oh oh! First time there although my boys have been lots of times. Yes I lost lots of pounds but not the good ones. It is very expensive!!! Note to one’s self if ever visiting again leave children at home and only go for the frozen yogurt and not all the toppings – if I can.

    Slim – thinking of you and your friend at this very sad and difficult time.

    Patti67 – how do you make your bulletproof coffee?

    Had to look it up – Arugula to us is salad rocket.

    K-lo – did you speak to your co-worker AnnmaryUSA? I forgot my spread sheet again (doh) but don’t think she has posted.

    You should all be very proud of yourselves – the commitment to the exercise part is very, very, impressive. Well done 🙂

    Coda, I’m just back in today and have not seen her. Will get back to you!

    USA, Texas, Austin Day 6. NFD.
    Yesterdays 36-hour-no-calories-fast was a success! – Thank you to my mom, who is also join the challenge. It is so easier to fast together. 🙂
    Unfortunately, I ate a small slice of cucumber when prepared salad for my husband by accident, and realized it a little bit too late. But it probably 1 calorie only, so I decided not count it. 😀
    Still walking about 2 miles every day with my dog as my exercise, but this time decided to speed up a little bit.

    Hi SlimnHealthy,
    It is nice to see practically a neighbor here (I am also from Austin, TX).
    So sorry to hear about your friend. It is hard time for your friend, and for everyone who loves and cares about her. Sending warm thoughts and prayers your way.


    Holly- that is such a sad post. I can imagine you wanting to look in the cookie jar but admire you for not doing that. Wish you strength too.

    Coda- could you please explain “visiting spoon street”?! 😕 Never heard that expression before ☺

    BrightonBelle- I’m confused about your post on bullet proof coffee july 5th? I’ve never made one yet but am looking into some recipes and ingredients.

    Tomorrow I’m off to Breda again and shall light a few candles in the chapel in the middle of the city center. Amazing but the minute you walk through the door there’s a sereen silence and only the candles burning. I hope burning a candle gives some suppport to those who are going through sad or trying times.


    NL- 15.00hrs.

    Holly- that is such a sad post. I can imagine you wanting to look in the cookie jar but admire you for not doing that. Wish you strength too.

    Coda- could you please explain “visiting spoon street”?! 😕 Never heard that expression before ☺

    BrightonBelle- I’m confused about your post on bullet proof coffee july 5th…I’ve never made it yet but am interested and am looking at recipes and ingredients.

    Tomorrow I’m off to Breda to meet up with a friend for lunch. We usually make a stop at the chapel in the city center to light a candle for those who are saddened or going through tough times. Will light a few tomorrow.

    Off to do the (*) plank now……..!

    Day 6.. UK.. Yorkshire


    Day 6 of the challenge!

    Last night dinner with friends … lots of food and drink!

    Remorseless, fasting is there so we can enjoy the happy moments and then come back and take seriously the next days.

    Tomorrow fasting!

    Surrey UK Day 6

    Just come back from a walk with the dogs, going out again later to take my grandson to his cricket match in a really beautiful part of the area called Peper Harrow, and yes, it is spelled like that! At least I can resume walking now, leg is MUCH better. So far so good.
    Does anyone know, if you go over the allocated calories (25% of the TDEE) on the fast day, when it is by a little, does it still count as a fast day? I had a fast day yesterday, but in the evening went over by about 100 calories…I am sure that must nullify the fast day. Think I’ve answered my own question. The principle is simple, so stick to it. Can’t start making excuses and adjustments to justify my actions!It will be interesting to weigh in. I used to weigh in on Tuesdays and will I think stick to that, because I have a chart laid out that I am plotting progress on.

    Australia, day 6 nearly finished, NFD

    Day 6 Cotswolds, Gloucestershire: Fast day. Just got home from a busy day at Royal Mail. The mail is always very heavy on Wednesdays. I haven’t had a chance to read any of the posts yet….will do later. Just checking in for now.

    Day 6, USA (Illinois) NFD today’

    Yesterday’s FD went just fine but with little exercise. Had some, not a lot.

    Thanks Dutch for the reminder of Anna6 on Malta. Yes, we are international. Also I forgot NH for Thom.

    Anna6, I have had shingles, and I am happy for you to have gotten the medication. Yes, they say stress is what brings it on. II hope your case is mild and brief.

    Silmnhealthy, sorry for your friend with cancer. You all have my prayers.

    Day 6, New York City, USA. NFD

    Bit of a bumpy start due to getting carried away with July 4th here in USA. Thanks to K-Lo for getting me back to the forum and posting!

    Day 5(yesterday) was my first FD of the challenge. (1 down, 7 to go!)

    Focus today is on having a nice hearty salad for lunch and a protein and veggie dinner after work. Also aim to take a 45 min walk.

    Austin Tx – Day 6

    Hi all,

    NFD for me after a very good one yesterday. Feel puffy this am so gonna wait to weigh in on Friday after tomorrows fast.

    Holly- so so sad for your neighbor. My thoughts go out for her comfort.

    Coldpizza- lol. I just told my OH last night that i liked your name the best and didnt know you were here in Austin. So nice to know someone is fasting nearby. Im in South Austin, where are you? Sounds like you have a good walking routine. I cant find anyone to walk in this heat. Dont you find yourself cooler on fasting days?

    Day 6
    NF day
    Did my daily walk 3 KM this morning, before too hot
    We picked up our beautiful 2 yr old grandson for a long walk after work. Ended up at a splash park and he was having so much fun. And so did we! Between the 2 walks I am sure I am close to the 10,000 steps, but have to find my pedometer again to ensure.
    But didn’t eat our dinner until 9 PM so went past my 8 hr window. It was NF day yesterday, but do try to do 16:8 when not doing the 24 hr fasts. Still sticking to keto. Am having company for dinner tonight, so chose not to do 3 24 hr fasts, just 2 this week. Made some frozen fat bombs in push up pops for dessert tonight. Cream cheese, heavy cream, lemon and rind, strawberries, all mixed together and then frozen. Yum
    Slim keeping you and your friend in my thoughts and prayers.

    Australia, very early (12.05am) day 7, FD


    Maybe you’ve noticed there are two posts of mine with nearly identical text. I mailed the Tech-team -JJ and it seems that if or when you’ve submitted a post and it doesn’t show up on the page then it’s caught by the spam filter which is (quote JJ) “overly agressive”. If it happens you can contact the TechTeam (link at the bottom of the page) and they will approve your post so it will show up on the page.


    Interesting that I was looking forward to this FD since it has been 5 days since the last and many bites of yummies have happened since then. I feel like the FD is a reboot day for my body and mind. Being mindful of drinking the water I need by putting hair bands on my bottle and moving one down to signify that I finished one bottle and then fill it up and move on to the next….hoping to move all 5 down by day’s end. Water class at the YMCA over the supper hour and a good long walk in the plans for today as well.
    Hope you all have a great Day 6

    Hello everyone! Starting Day 6, Los Angeles. Today will be a NFD. Typical day for me, working, walking dogs, looking after family. Bought a sewing machine and have decided to learn how to quilt — working on this will keep my mind away from the fridge and biscuit box. Slow and steady …

    Day 6 Minnesota, USA NFD 9:20 am

    Great FD under 200 cal, yesterday. Giving sore muscles a recovery day from strength exercises today. Walk planned. Maybe some HIIT added to vacuuming and whole house cleaning today. Shopping and errands this afternoon. The plan is to stay well under TDEE and stay low carb (no sugar) in order to have another good FD tomorrow.

    Scale has finally moved down after a 3 week *average* of no loss (though it went up and down plenty!). I can’t really call that a plateau. My fault entirely as I had really over indulged off and on, and gotten off track. But how great is this WOL that I didn’t really gain anything permanently, either?

    Prayers and good thoughts sent to those of you having sad and difficult times. Congratulations to those who are progressing in their activities, and to those seeing results on the scale!

    Thanks for all of your posts, so inspiring and motivating! Thanks for the challenge, Coda!

    Sorry for the confusion Dutch it was just the little coffe cup icon that was for you – to show I’d read your post X


    BrightonBelle- Thank you! It must be my lack of self-esteem due to circumstances that I didn’t pick up on that. X

    France Day 6 Nfd

    Delwct, re looking forward to a fast. I too looked forward to fasting after 5 days of indulging. It’s like crawling back into bed for a nap…giving the body a break.

    I am walking at 5 am – so no heat. 🙂
    We lived in South Austin for 10 years, and a month ago moved to Pflugerville. 😀

    Day 6 Northern Spain.
    My prayers and thoughts are with you both Slimnhealthy and HollyLJ.
    Fast day over here in hungry Spain
    No breakfast but half an avocado with tuna for lunch.
    Will have some crackers later after my pilates class.
    Haven’t seen any change as such but love my newly found energy.
    Like everyone else I have no idea what bullet proof coffee is.
    Is it dangerous?
    Is it an extremely strong cup of coffee?Could you dance on it?
    Just wondering 😋

    Day 6 again UK..Yorkshire

    Just checking in. I have been at hospital for 6 hours with hubby I had to call an ambulance this morning, he had 20/10 pain which wouldn’t stop in his sciatica nerve and in his back. He had three lots of morphine given from the paramedics then taken to hospital, he had some more different tablets given and we are now back home.

    So my NFD has changed into a 800 day as we have just had at 3 pm a slice of toast!

    Our FD again tomorrow.

    Coda..looks like our holiday may be cancelled I will let you know.

    Norris…I wouldn’t worry on your 600 day, class it as your FD….it won’t make much difference …try and keep to 500 on your next FD.

    Northern Spain again
    Just read up on bullet proof coffee.
    Not for the faint hearted!!!
    Coffee and butter!!
    Can’t get my head around it but I suppose I can’t knock it until I’ve tried it
    To those of you who drink this concoction-respect!!!
    To be honest I just might stick to simple butter free tea and coffee.
    Or the I really can’t believe it’s really not butter tea 😀

    LOL! I am with you on that! Cannot imagine yet to put butter in coffee… Nope, not ready yet for that. I guess it will be something that I could learn in future… 😀

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