4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • The Netherlands – Day 5 (non-fast day)

    I had an execellent fast day yesterday. The only regret I have is that I didn’t go for a walk after dinner because the weather was so nice!

    Coda, I’ll be away from July 6 till July 9. Probably posting again at July 10.


    NL day 5 NFD

    ABC1- thinking of you and sending you as many postive thoughts and vibes as possible.

    Yesterday 2x plank (1 of 1.45min the other 1 min), half hour HIT walk and a few hours gardening. Then I stayed well below 1/4 TDEE too…dare I weigh today?

    Good luck today everybody and be strong!

    France Day 5 NFD

    Thanks for your good wishes everyone.

    Italy Day 5 – FD

    First weigh in done this morning. I weigh 78.2kg have lost 1 kg. Thanks 5:2 finally the scales are moving in the right direction.
    Will eat carrot and celery sticks as snacks and then a small piece of beef with a big salad this evening.
    Have a good day everyone

    Day 5 …UK..Yorkshire.


    We had a very good FD yesterday…scales are looking good for mid week.

    Visitor today so have to watch ourselves, hubby can’t say no…she brings things what we shouldn’t be eating! 😬

    Have a good day

    Australia – Day 5 – 26 days to go of challenge πŸ™‚

    A fasting day today. We have had such a huge couple of days. We got a poddy calf yesterday and today my sons pony turned up. It’s such a cutie pie. Would have been a much nicer day if it wasn’t freezing cold and raining. Had to go to town to get jackets for the new addition. Haven’t stopped until now. Very hungry though from rushing around all day. Looking forward to eating tomorrow.

    Surrey Day 5

    Going for a FD today, want to see if I can do with just some beetroot soup tonight.
    ABC1 – Hope things turn out well for you. With all the good wishes and thoughts coming your way I hope it all helps. Strength to you!
    Delwct – I agree about the mindshift…it is so interesting, just listening to what your body needs rather than following ‘rules’and the beauty is, everyone is different!
    I don’t want to be too focused on the weight yet, first want to establish this as a way of life. I can feel the difference in my clothes though.

    UK day 5 Good FD yesterday and did lots of exercise – managed the 3 min plank .Now just need to crack the NFDs – I start out with good intentions but always seem to go awry,I’m going to try and extend yesterday’s fast and not eat until I actually feel hungry today – see how that goes

    Interested to read about the bulletproof coffee,don’t think it’s for me but you never know β˜•οΈ (Just for you Dutch ) x

    NH-USA Day 5

    Well, got carried away celebrating July 4th-too much beer and heavy things like potato salad and sausage sandwiches, so I will be embracing my fast day today. I even took the kiddos to the movies to finally see Finding Dory and had some of the movie popcorn which I know is basically a heart attack in a paper container. I should know better but I indulged anyway.

    Side note – Finding Dory was just as good as the Finding Nemo, we all loved it and if you haven’t seen it yet….stay until the very end of the credits. <3

    The scale has me up 5 full pounds from my starting weight so we will see just how much damage I did on my weigh in day, Friday. I have already gotten 6,633 steps (3.26 mi) on my walk this morning and I will be heading to the gym after work. I basically sit at a desk for 8 hours day so the trip to the gym is just to get some blood flowing, I get 30 minutes for lunch so I try to stroll around the building during that time but I really do enjoy getting some cardio and Nautilus in after spending my entire day attached to a telephone. Blech! Have a great day everyone.

    Hello everyone. First of all ABC1 please have courage to continue to take care of yourself and once you’re doing your best pray that everything will turn out right in the end. I have said a little prayer for you. Two of my three daughters are specializing as they are doctors and they say modern medicine can do so much nowadays.

    Yesterday was a successful fast day for my youngest daughter and I. I also did five minutes air walking but as fast as I can slowing down t intervals. I took care to keep standing and walking around for more than an hour and a half also yesterday.

    Today I went walking to the village square and back about twenty eight minutes because I used to go with the car to attend mass in the square. I’m eating sensibly today under my TDEE. Cooked beef stir fry with basmati rice for lunch. I’m baby sitting my eight month old granddaughter this week.

    I hope everyone has a great day today.

    Day 5– Colorado, USA

    Yesterday, since it was a Holiday & day off work, I managed plenty of exercise: Run, planks, upper body weight lifting & bicycling.
    Then at neighborhood block party cook out, I was very careful with the food. Stayed well below TDEE (but not quite a Fast either.)

    Felt great being in control at a pot-luck. I didn’t sample everything, took only a small portion of just 3 dishes that looked best. No dessert, no sugar. Then stopped because I was satisfied. Last year was very different!

    5:2 is definitely helping me gain control. Thank goodness!!

    US SE Day 5 NFD. Back to work today ugh. On the plus side, the holiday is over and hopefully can get back on track. It’s been a three day eating fest. Probably not as bad as it could be, just feels like a lot of food from what I’m used to these days. I did gain about a pound but won’t let it get to me. Onwards and downwards as we say 😊
    ABC.. hugs from the US. I hope everything works out for you. Coda, I think Coolcat missed your question. She lives in Meath, northwest of Dublin. Have a great day all!

    Aus day 5 – yesterdays plans changed into a NFD with last minute dinner plans. Great fun but not helping my control of my weight loss. Today was better but not yet back on track. More confident about tomorrow n

    Day 5 (again)– Colorado, USA

    Although I showed great restraint at the cook-out yesterday, the scales aren’t showing it.
    Plus, Monday is supposed to be a Fast Day, but since it was a Holiday that didn’t happen.
    So shifting my Fast to today. Off to a good start.

    Good luck to all getting back into the 5:2 groove after a long weekend!

    Kay hon USA NFD 4 success yesterday. Said no to brats, popcorn, pretzel bites and brownies. Ate turkey burger and fruit for lunch, but did have eggs hash browns and a pancake for dinner. Kept it good. Other than walking, my exercise was nil. Today I will be putting on lots of steps and planking.

    Day 5. Wisconsin, USA. FD, and I am happy about it. I just stuck to rules of good nutrition more or less over the holiday. But, the less part got me at times.

    Last night, I had a run in with homemade, gluten free, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I made for the fam. Again, it is clear that the reason I need to limit these type of treats in my life, is that there seems to be no limit to my ability to consume them.

    Anyway, back on track today. I will walk my 4 miles, and I did 30 pull ups while getting ready for work.

    USA, Day 5. First fasting day of the challenge.

    Dorset UK Day 5

    My second of 3 fast days (400 cals for dinner only) and Im going to need to keep busy as I am already hungry!!

    Yesterday I kept to my 1200 cals, did my 20min HIIT plus 90secs plank, rest and repeated. My core is obviously getting stronger as I only managed 40 secs on day 1! My partner has commented that the back of my waist already looks more defined, so the exercise is definitely working!

    Weight is the same as yesterday, which is 10st 9.5, a pound down from initially weigh in on day 1 and 6.5lbs down from starting on the 5:2 diet, just another half pound and my first half stone gone!!

    Glad to hear all you americans enjoyed your holiday weekend…good luck to a fast day to get you feeling good!

    Best wishes to everyone on here, too many to mention by name, but keep the posts coming, it definitely helps me to read how you all are doing πŸ™‚

    I already checked in today, but I did not have time to read for a few days. After reading all posts, and learning of ABC1 struggles, I decided to post again with a big HUG, good wishes and supporting thoughts to ABC1. It is too much on your plate now, I hope it will give you some warmth to know how many people thinking about you.

    Hi Everyone UK Day 5

    So nearly have our first week over us already. I was supposed to do a fast day yesterday did well till after my run had my planned dinner and then some πŸ™ don’t quite know why maybe cus it was holiday in USA lol. Plan to put in another fast day tomorrow to make up.

    Had my first bulletproof coffee! Tasted all right and looked all right. Did it with just butter – didn’t have to put any lip salve on after lol! Not sure if I would do it all the time tho.

    Can I just remind everyone to start day you are on and what part of the world you are in. Also reminding about the commitment to post each day (no names mentioned at this moment) – don’t care if it is just day 4 UK – that is you checked in. If you can’t post each day let me know.

    We have 70 names on the list but 14 (which included some from previous challenge I thought may join in and some newbies who signed up but seem to have changed their mind) – will be deleted from the list at the end of this week.

    Announcement next week for my plan I mentioned before – watch this space!

    Coolcat – your home of Meath is not a million miles from me – we are on same land space albeit different countries lol.

    Day 5: Hello from Gloucestershire UK: Non-fast day. Did ok on my fast day yesterday, even though it was my day off work, and also completed my one-hour evening strut as planned. Probably equals 3 miles or so as I walk pretty fast. All those years delivering the mail, eh? My husband says he can’t keep up with me! I will try to not eat after 3 or 3.30pm today ready to fast tomorrow.

    California, USA day 5. Today is a NFD. Had a successful FD yesterday because no one was home. I had my family celebrations over the past weekend. The scale is up a little. My knee flared up after the boating trip so I am taking it easy with the exercise and focus on getting my knee back in shape. Looking forward to getting back on track after a weekend of eating. Must be off to work now. Wishing a successful 5:2 day to all.

    U.K Day 5 FD
    Only 3 hours to go. Then see if I could wait another hour or so.
    I, too, love the bulletproof coffee. When it comes out of my ninja bullet it is like a latte. Lol.
    This is my first fast of the challenge.
    Good luck everyone out there. X

    Austin Tx Day 5

    On clean up from the 4th. Fasting today.

    Weigh in Wednesday

    Despite my arm injury, I managed a plank for 20 seconds. ☺️


    I do a vegan version of the bulletproof coffee. Coconut butter and coconut cream. It’s yummy.

    Day 5 – USA – FD

    I’m off work today so fasting is hard. Keeping busy. Plan to have a very small portion of broccoli and beef for lunch, banana before my run and soup for dinner.

    It helps to read all the posts here and know I’m not alone!

    Day 5 – Had a good fast day yesterday and by accident having another one today! Pilates class tonight and then a light meal of smoked salmon salad.

    So far today have had a bullet proof coffee for 120 calories as I had bit more butter than usual and a small prawn salad from M&S for 102 calories so that leaves me with 278 calories. Happy days! Planning to do 4/3 this week as my holidays are looming πŸ™‚

    Hello everyone, today 5th of the challenge – BRAZIL

    sunny day and pleasant warmth, only the weather gives us only until tomorrow then will cool down again.

    I made a good fast yesterday, today only ate a salad for the evening have dinner with friends, I make Italian food.

    I’m positive I think this challenge should lose about 2 kg.


    Day 5 – USA (Illinois) FD
    Picnic with family for the 4th was a huge potluck of food. Whew, it was all good, but I did my best not to overeat. My one indulgence was a piece of carrot cake for dessert. Oh it tasted so good. I did avoid the 2nd batch of desserts they did later on right before fireworks.

    So, today’s FD will be a good change for me. I chatted quite a while about 5:2 with another grandma who was there who has had to watch her weight all her life. She may just order the book or check out the website! (Am I a proponent of this diet, YES I am!)

    I have made a list of all of our locations around the world. I hope I haven’t missed anyone who stated where they are, but I thought it would be fun to list us all. Feel free to add yourself if you’re not listed!

    USA (California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, Pacific NW, Texas, Wisconsin)

    UK (Cornwall, Cotswolds, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Nottingham, Surrey, Yorkshire)

    CANADA (Ontario, Quebec)

    AUSTRALIA (Sunshine Coast)


    Day 5 Northern Spain. NFD
    HeLlo everyone.
    Having a lovely day.
    Had peanut butter on toast for breakfast.
    Homemade vegggie soup and pasta for lunch.
    Love the Italians. Now we know that pasta doesn’t make us fat!!!
    It’s certainly not the cheese sauce or the carbonara that does it either!!!
    Feel nice and calm today as we have only 2 days left before we break up for the holidays.
    Hope you are all having a good day

    Day 5 NFD……Wisconsin
    I already had my walk….love to listen to health podcasts while walking…today’s was on boosting the immune system. Slept without the aid of meds last night so I think my cold is on it’s way out.

    I am modifying a bit today since husband is home …..doing
    16:8 and then will fast tomorrow and Friday

    Day 5 – USA
    First fast day for me and my tummy is growling. Planning to have some yogurt and berries for lunch and a plate of zucchini “pasta” and tomato sauce for dinner.

    Day 5, India, NFD
    Not a very good day.. ate too much :(.. was good as such but just grabbed a box of biscuits and everything went downhill from there. Went for a 40 min walk in the park. Completed 10K steps.

    Weighed this morning at 174.8!! Down just over 3 pounds – right direction for sure.
    Walked 3KM early again this morning before the humidity sets in. We are in for a heat wave this week.
    Had my first meal at 11:30 a.m. (deviled eggs & cheese cubes, homemade broth soup, and caesar salad with homemade dressing) and will finish eating by 7:30 tonight. 16 hr fast today and tomorrow, yesterday and Thursday will be 24 hr fast with small amts to eat in the evening only. Ketogenic eating again.
    That works for me
    Good luck to all

    US, Day 5, FD on the NYThruway. Had 2 Swiss cheese slices at 10.30. Swam half mile yesterday. Gorgeous day in the lake. Hope to get to plank and Pilates tonight. Will pick up fish for dinner

    Oh Pinkie..my 12 year old loves her zoodles! (zucchini noodles) It certainly makes like a little easier on the 5:2 plan when the kiddos will eat what you make for yourself! She loves it with a pesto or alfredo sauce, but…I’ll take what I can get.

    India. Day 5.
    This week hasn’t been as smooth as the last πŸ™ I’ve had one too many cheat days.
    This too shall pass:)
    Gn All

    Day 5 – Nottingham UK – NFD

    Good day today, eaten below my TDEE. Had a look at scales this morning, I know it was a FD but already 2lbs down.

    Weight today – 239lbs.

    HannahWatto – your right about cancer and weight gain, what with the steroids which make you eat like pac man and then all the goodies everyone brings you, it’d be rude not to eat them wouldn’t it ….

    Day 5 Cornwall UK.
    NFDay, stayed under TDEE, well pleased! Lots of walking, a busy day! Managed 3 mins plank and completed all the exercises 20 reps. Also did some pilates with weights.

    Day 5 again UK Yorkshire

    NFD…Naughty fast day…

    Weighed in very good this morning…back to my lowest weight…..sister visiting….wine by the bottle, scones and chocolate buns…I have enjoyed the day…800 day tomorrow…. πŸ˜€

    Happy Margo..12 bottles – 1…lol..lol


    Ireland Day 5 nfd…..so far so good…went for lunch that I’m making dinner…going to the movies which is nice timing as I’m full so won’t head for treats…feeling positive…go meπŸ‘πŸΌ

    Day 5 Minnesota, USA FD about 3:50 pm

    I have not caught up on posts since yesterday, so I hope to do that this evening. I’m having a FD that is going very well thanks to eating intelligently yesterday and well under TDEE: generally very low carb except for vegetables, red lentil Dahl, and also fats and chicken. Thanks to whomever it was that posted she always precedes a FD with a low calorie (800?), low carb day. Sorry that I can’t remember and will have to look it up later. It really is making a difference for me.

    Planks x 2 for 40 sec each this am and will do this again this evening. I aim for 30 sec and increase it if I feel like it. Also, I do one on forearms and one with straight arms. If I am too uncomfortable I drop to knees, but didn’t have to this morning. Then three sets of 10 squats, and 4 sets of 10 standing press-ups (push-ups against wall). I’m just gearing up for adding them in a couple weeks and normal ones are very difficult for me.

    40 min walk with 3 HIIT episodes for 1-2 min uphill (fast walking not running). Terribly humid this morning and humidity will increase until we have storms tonight, so I felt like I lost a pound just by sweating!

    I actually prefer to exercise before eating. It does seem to slow my speed when I’m walking a little if I’ve been fasting over 24 hours, but that’s the only difference I’ve noticed so far.

    Good luck everyone!

    Scotland day 5

    Still hanging in there and the scales aren’t moving yet. Ah well plenty of time to see a downward trend. The nearer the goal the further it seems.

    UK day 5 no time to read posts so quick check in, ended second fast day at 650 cals. A little over but feeling good πŸ˜€

    UK day 5 and a FD, Meli like you I went a bit over but not a disaster. I’m easing myself back in. Tomorrow will be a NFD for me I’m going to Hampton Court Palace flower show, which I love. I’m going to try to be sensible, there will be lots of walking which will help.

    Australia Day 6 NFD – had a good diet and exercise day yesterday but got wet and dirty walking to work in the rain and my container of soup leaked through my bag! πŸ™ Got to work, cleaned all that up, made myself a cup of coffee but the machine went berserk and I ended up with a cup of ground coffee beans. Not a good start! πŸ™‚ My brother still needs help so I will fly back to him on Friday and stay through Monday. When I was with him for a week recently we ate so much bread and cakes but I am determined to eat healthily this time. Stay strong all and HUGE congrats to all th new people who have had their first FDs.

    Day 5 France

    A non fast day. Ate pretty sensibly until quiz night where I’ve eaten quite a lot of nuts. However, I’ve been for 2 walks; a 40 minute speed walk first thing and a 45 minute walk over a massive 4km bridge and back.

    Will take more care tomorrow.

    Day 5, QuΓ©bec

    Very good NFD. I ate just 600 calories, did my HIT 5 repetitions on stationnary bike) plus the plank.

    I’m quite proud of myself for being able to do the plank because a few years ago my stomach and oesophage were so irritated by stress that I couldn’t hold not even a few seconds. This is really a huge improovement in my life. Stopping sugar is a big part of this success.

    Bye bye everyone, where ever you are on earth !

    US Day 5- NFD

    Lunch ended up being dinner as well today, which was ok considering it was high in calories. On the up side I managed to go to A.C. Moore and not spend money so proud of that at least!

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