4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I and others have completed a successful 6 week challenge recently and as I among others have more to lose we are doing another, slightly shorter, challenge. Anyone wishing to join us?

    Weigh at the beginning of the challenge – share if you wish, you must blog here each day – this shows commitment – some who thought, oh no, actually found it very good. What days you are doing for your fast days? If you wish to tell us what you had to eat on your fast days – feel free. If you eat something you deem to be ‘bad’ tell us why you ate it – you may see a pattern. This time we are going to incorporate some exercise but this is NOT compulsory to the challenge. More details on next post.

    Weigh the next morning and report in. We will see how many join me and will see how many are in at the finish line (last challenge attracted over 90 with 36 completing it – in total almost 270 lbs or just over 19 stone or just over 122 kg were lost. Any other ideas to keep us motivated, inspiring posts will be most welcome.

    Start your post when the challenge begins with Day 1 (where you are from ie UK, AUS, CAN etc) and whether this is a fast day FD or a normal day ND or non fast day NFD.

    Any questions? you have 1 week before challenge begins.

    Hi Everyone

    I am conscious I don’t know you, I don’t know what health issues you may have or what your capabilities are. If necessary clear things with your Dr or don’t do it – this is entirely your decision and not an absolute for the challenge. These are only suggestions.

    I have the fast exercise book by Dr Mosley so some ideas are taken from that – other bits and pieces are ideas of mine and how to incorporate HIT in your life. You may be able to come up with your own. I want you to think ahead and get planning how you can work this into your routine and what days you are going to do it – remember anything is better than nothing but if you don’t want to that is also fine.

    You can apply HIT (High Intensity Training) to anything – walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, housework, skipping, dancing. I am also conscious of those who don’t like exercise but I would still like you to think of ways to incorporate something a little more that you may not even consider as exercise per say.

    Do you have stairs in your house? Go up as fast as you can and as safely as you can – walk down slowly and go up again as fast as you can. If possible repeat 5 times. Would you be able to do this daily?

    Do you swim? while swimming lengths swim on length as fast as you can – then go back to normal and repeat as often as you can during your swim.

    Don’t go swimming or have stairs (or access to flight of steps) can you jog on spot or do you have a mini trampoline? Set the kitchen timer for 10 secs. Start a gentle run on spot or on trampoline or take alternative steps on a small step or bottom stair – then for 10 secs go hell for leather – if you can’t manage that do the same as before but incorporate your arms – raise and lower or swing – then go back to normal and when ready speed up again repeat 5 times or try this with jumping jacks – can’t do arms just to legs.

    Do you walk? as you approach a marker like a lamp post, driveway or tree speed up to another marker ahead – relax and continue to speed up and back to normal along the rest of your route – if you can jog – jog in between markers.

    The HIT is entirely up to you – do you dance think of a slow dance and then think of punk or rock and alternate between the two. Washing a kitchen floor do it the usual way but every now and then give those shoulders a work out and move the mop or brush vigorously. Anything you can think of doing at different rates can be counted as HIT. Even sitting and you can raise/swing your arms vigorously is still a form of HIT.

    So in addition to this I thought – for each week of the challenge we are going to do 4 different body weight exercises Week 1 Plank, week 2 squat, week 3 press up, week 4 bridge. Google any of these exercises to ensure good form.

    Week 1 Plank – this can be elbows bent or straight arms – ensure core is tight – no bum in the air or dip in the back – you are to be as the name suggests as straight as a plank. For anyone new starting begin with 10 secs relax and do another 10 secs 3 times. feel confident – build up gradually adding 5 secs each time – anyone can do anything for 5 secs more.

    Week 2 squat – again ensure good form at all times – think of this as about to sit down and then changing your mind and standing up again do three reps of 10 squats to start and then build up.

    Week 3 press up – can be started on knees as an assisted press up again start with what you can do and build up gradually increasing when you feel able.

    Week 4 Bridge – this is where you lie down on back and raise your bum creating an inverted v really squeeze your bum at top of the motion, when you lower your bum before you touch the floor raise again and squeeze – for 10 repetitions.

    I thought you could all decide what you plan to do and what number and repetitions you plan to start with – at the end of the week you should have been able to increase even a little.

    What we can do is week 1 is the plank, week 2 is plank and squat, week 3 is plank, squat and press up with week 4 all four exercises – but again this is just a suggestion for any who wish to do it.

    Again this is not set in stone and just my suggestions to get you thinking.

    Hello everyone,

    I’m in!

    Thank you Coda!

    Thank you all !!!!

    First in the queue Anaide lol – you are now officially checked in for the next phase.

    Pacific NW USA

    I’m in for Phase 2!

    Hello Coda!Brazil!

    I am the first again! Also in another challenge.

    I would like to be the first in weight loss!

    I’ve Hit a year, I found the best exercise for me. Every day I go up 24 andaderes the building where work will give me the best me in this challenge!

    You better believe I’m comin’ back!!! Count me in for Phase 2.

    Minnesota, USA
    Count me in as well! Looking forward to it.

    USA, Minnesota, (again)
    This time I am going to take measurements. I really regret not doing that for the last challenge.

    Cailifornia, USA. Sign me up for phase 2. I am looking forward to this next challenge.

    USA, NYC/NJ (depending on the hour of day), sign me up!

    Hi Coda and everyone, count me in please!

    Me too! UK: Gloucestershire, Cotswolds.

    All checked in x

    As this is for 4 weeks only I want us to hit the road running. Carefully plan your fast days – Google blank calendar and print off July. Put in any special days and plan your fast days around them. Mark your exercise days and keep a date with yourself.

    Sunshine Coast Aus: Sign me up please Coda. Have reached a bit of a plateau so looking forward to this.

    Hello from VA, USA 🙂
    I’ve never tried this before and am hoping this will help me to overcome my occasional binges which set me back big time.
    I’ve lost 50lbs so far and have the last 10lbs to go but it’s being a real struggle…I get anxious about it and end up bingeing; definitely not a good pattern.
    Anyways, looking forward for the challenge!

    USA – Illinois (real name, Gwynne)
    I’m in again too! Thanks so much, Coda, and everyone for your significant input to this forum!

    USA SE- Hi Coda and all. I’m in again for phase 2. Looking forward to getting good results again too!

    Hi Coda – signing up for Phase 2 from east coast of Australia.

    BatataDoce – welcome. We are both near the end of our weight loss. We can do this together! I am not perfect at 5:2 but I just keep going and know I will get there. I just keep doing one day at a time doing the best I can that day, learning what I am doing that is sabotaging me, accepting I am human with all the foibles that brings, and working out strategies to help in ‘those’ times.

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Back2thefuture – re the scales discussion from the last challenge. I think Petit Mignon are Japanese. There are other brands and I’m sure you’ll find something to suit you available in USA. Let us know what you find.

    Hi everyone count me in as well please.

    Colorado, USA– Happy Margo checking in!

    Excited to get everyone on-board & daily chatting again. Really enjoyed the routine of touching base each day. Kept my fasting goals on the front burner!

    And, NorthernDawn, I’m with you on the measurements. Failed to take mine at the very start of 5:2. Looking back I wish I had.

    Australia – Count me in for phase 2. I have been trying to lose as much as I could in our interim (which sounds good, but I’m just sticking to my alternate days, lol). Will weigh in and measure on Friday. I’m nervous about the exercise. I haven’t planked since I was in the military, lol! I dare say I won’t find it as easy! haha.

    India 🙂
    Would love to join this challenge. I am on week 4 of this diet but binged on every non-fast day in the first two weeks. Would love to just get into a groove with this lifestyle.

    Thank you Coda for your enthusiasm.

    Hi all – you are checked in.
    Welcome to our new members Fuvvie, Batatdoce and Myaramya. Can I suggest to Batatdoce and Myaramya to update your profile a little, tell us a little about yourself and your journey so far?

    Well done Batatdoce for your loss so far. The last lbs always seem to be the hardest not that I am there yet mind you. You will be able to help others in their journey

    Myaramya don’t worry things will settle and you will find you won’t binge on you normal days.

    Good morning Everyone, I am in as well, glad to be starting at the beginning of this challenge. There is a long way to go for me!

    Delhi, India! Count me in please! I am on week 3 now. Have lost 5 lbs till now, and have atleast 13 lbs more to go. Would love to checkin everyday.. should keep me motivated! I am down with upset stomach since 2 days 🙁 but hope to be back in the game soon.

    Northern Spain here again.

    Hello everyone.
    Thank you Coda for organising this challenge again.
    I have been following your posts from the sidelines and staying on the fast 2 diet as well.
    I am looking forward to the next part in July and have signed up for pilates class. Please sign me up for it.
    Good luck everyone have a lovely weekend.

    Good to have you on board Norrieb!
    AT LAST!! since 14 May I was stuck on 12.00 st and this moring I am 11.12 (75.4)!!!!! Hopefully I will be even a little less by the time our challenge starts.
    While you may have an ultimate goal break this down into mini goals for the challenge not only in weight loss but exercise as well. Keep a note of your starting distance and repetitions. Don’t increase too much too soon. It is only 4 weeks so focus and plan now!
    Medals for all who post daily and complete challenge but what are you going to reward yourself for your achievement. Have a think – nice scarf – manicure or pedicure?
    Also please learn to forgive yourself don’t let a bad day today ruin a good tomorrow!

    Welcome Mermaidtiya and welcome back Dollybird

    Congratulations Coda on going down into the next stone. It’s a great feeling isn’t it?
    I am still on the other thread every day…not sure about being in two places at once. Roll on 1st July.
    By the way, I didn’t climb the church tower today after all. When I got home from work it began to pour with rain, then we had a raging thunderstorm. Not the best place to stand on the roof of the church tower next to the flag pole, eh?

    Ciren2 – I would just post on this one from now on. I only go back to check but will be redirecting everyone to here. Sorry you didn’t climb up the tower but as you say maybe not the best place to be eh!

    Colorado, USA

    Yay, Coda (Liz)!! Progress = Success! Every little inch downward counts 🙂

    I’m setting up my Calendar today. Selecting my Fast Days (aiming for Mondays & Wednesdays) and also penciling in the exercise challenges to add each week.

    You guys have me inspired to try the daily planking… but I’d better get going now, my abs are weak!

    Yesterday, I finally broke out my bike to commute to work on. It’s 13 miles one way = 21 km.
    So round trip to work & back was 26 miles (42 km) bike ride! My legs & bum are sore today!!

    My goal by the end of our Challenge is to build up to bicycle-commute 2 or 3 days each week (depending on surgery schedule.) That’ll torch some calories, for sure!

    Coda: sorry for not following the rules….that’s me all over….I’ll stick to this thread from now on. The weather has cleared up, I’m about to go out for my evening strut…so, fear not, I’m still exercising. Non-fast weekend for me, but I try not to eat after mid-afternoon.

    U.K. Yorkshire,

    I would like to join you. Count me in.

    I checked in on your 6 week challenge, some amazing results…I was too late to join you last time.

    Health reasons I can’t start HIT but I can promise a 30 mins walk at least three times a week. Trying to make it quicker and slower…if I can.

    Pacific NW USA: counting down to July 1, NFD with HIT on my stationary bike

    My goal today is to eat while being mindful of staying below TDEE and not bingeing on “healthy nibbles”. My downfall is the sub-conscious self talk that convinces me that since it’s healthy and organic it won’t hurt to have a little bit. Then it’s like I wake from a coma and see an empty bowl of hummus or nuts in front of me.

    Happy Birthday Rocy65! Hope you’re off-line having fun and we will see you on this thread soon!

    MerryMe – I’m ordering a travel scale today and I will let you all know if I find the small packing size with ease and accuracy for my 5:2 travel needs that I can buy here in the states. I just didn’t find the Japanese one that you have. Hope it’s not too hard for me to balance on and get an accurate weight! Your previous explanation of the necessary “stance” gave relevance to my shopping otherwise I would have thought they looked impossible!

    Congrats Coda – whew! Less of you to admire!

    And welcome all who are new to our group! I was a newbie last challenge and I cannot imagine that I would have had the same motivation without this world-wide support team! We will benefit from your added voices!

    Just another quick note to Symba7 – welcome! Also, there’s some commentary on the 5:2 website comparing exercise with fasting for weight loss. It is not anti-exercise at all, in fact we know exercise = better health. This post gives some reasons why 5:2 is more effective for losing weigh than all the expenditure of energy you would have to achieve with exercise to gain the same results. So that’s just to say I have found you can be mindful of exercise restrictions and still have great results in our 5:2 challenge. Good luck!

    Thank you B2F and happymargo 🙂
    I am impressed Happymargo! Wow for commuting on your bike as it is not just down the road either.
    Symba7 welcome and excellent for planning a fast and slow pace in your walks. Take note what you do at start and look to improve by the end if you can. Every little helps as they say!

    Hi symba7, when you’re not able to do your walking you can join me here on the sideline cheering the HITters on! 5:2 is so good that it allows even us less mobile ones to normalise our weight.

    Ciren2– you amaze me! You are on your feet all day with your job, then still add in more walking for exercise on top. Wow! Hope it pays off wonderful dividends for you!

    Hi – I am in Perth Austrlia and would like to join you – I have been doing this for 3 weeks and although had some success i know i am not doing it right. I need more exercise and to be more switched on and honest. After a hysterectomy in 2014 I havent been able to lose the weight and stopped running. I do still walk the dogs and complete the Tibetan five rites each day. Thanks for the support

    Welcome Karenpp I have you signed up. For me personally I found getting 5:2 working was the important bit, then I added the exercise. If I Google the 5 Tibetan rites will I find out what they are? Sounds interesting.

    Day 15 of 19 in-between days. Cotswolds. Non-fast day.
    HappyMargo: Thanks. Walking is the one thing I can do, within reason, as one foot is, like my lower back, part metal, and I can never find comfortable shoes. This is what a lifetime at Royal Mail does, I’m afraid! However, as a result of losing well over a stone, I now have plenty of extra energy.
    symba7: Same as you, the HIT would most likely wreck me, so I walk. Walking is very good exercise.
    Merryme: Hopefully, as we all lose weight, our mobility will improve.
    Have a great day, everyone.

    Brighton UK

    Hi Coda and all,I’m back and gearing up for our next challenge. Had a great time in Italy , I took the decision before I went not to fast whilst I was away but would aim to make mindful decisions, I did indulge – c’mon you can’t go to Naples and not have a pizza ,but the very warm weather and the local customs did encourage good eating most evenings I had either swordfish or prawns for dinner. I was expecting a small gain but I’m delighted that I’ve actually lost a pound whilst away, those good six weeks we shared really did set me up well !

    So a few days to get back to normal and I’m looking forward to part 2 . Ive booked a Legs,bums & tums class tomorrow and we do planks so I’ll pay attention to how long – I think I can do around 2 mins, press up are my weakness so I’ll start brushing up on my technique

    Although I couldn’t post I was able to read all the posts occasionally and great to hear on everyone’s progress, Hope our next challenge is as life enhancing as our first

    Ciren2- I agree with you so much about walking, and apart from dancing, it was my favourite exercise, I encourage everyone to do lots of it, and it’s a great place for non-exercisers to start. I had planned to do lots of looooong walks, up to 3months long, in my retirement. Thank you for your good thoughts for me. I do appreciate your kindness. I’ve already done most of my weight loss and only about 3-4kgs to go. Unfortunately a much bigger increase in mobility isn’t possible for my situation, but, I am so appreciative and fortunate that my health has improved a bit with 5:2. I am off blood pressure medication, and all my medical team and physiologist are very happy wth my weight loss and progress on 5:2. Both cardio and non aerobic exercise are contra-indicated for me, and I have a ceiling heart rate I must keep under. With the weight I’ve lost my ceiling heart rate has gone up a little, and that translates into a small increase in various things, which is wonderful. The increase in self esteem and in the way I look means a lot to me. It is absolutely wonderful.
    Onwards and Downwards,

    Colorado, USA

    Took my doggy for a 3 mile (5 km) run yesterday. Then rode my bike to grocery store & rode again later out to dinner with OH.
    Today my legs are SORE. Haha! I kind of expected that! But the weather has been so gorgeous, I’m enjoying getting outside as much as possible.

    I’ll follow Ciren & Merryme’s lead & stick to walking today! 🙂

    Meeting a friend for lunch at a famous little Rib House this afternoon. I’ve never been, so I’m looking forward to trying their food! Means I’ll be skipping breakfast today.

    Then tomorrow will be Fast Day. It’s so much easier fasting on work days. No access to food/ drink/ snacks in surgery!

    Everyone enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

    Pacific NW USA: NFD

    Yesterday I subdued the snacking habit and kept below TDEE – one day at a time, going for the same today! I did my HIT on the bike, took a nap and then walked 3 miles with hubby before dinner. All together a successful day!

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