31 Day March 2017 Challenge

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31 Day March 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 3,249 replies, has 179 voices, and was last updated by  therealwil78 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi while we wait for the first of March and this challenge to begin I thought any newbies could read this link which may answer a few questions


    Remember – signing up is the easy bit, the challenge is to be still here on 31st March. So how serious are you in wanting to change? This challenge is not about making every day perfect, it is when required picking your self up, dusting yourself off and keep on trying. You do not fail if you keep trying – oh btw that word fail is banned. In this challenge you should speak nicely to yourself, be mindful, visualise what you will look like at goal. Take a photo, no one else will see it but it is a useful reminder at times. Take measurements, the scales can be fickle and while we all want their approval they can be erratic so you need other means by which to see progress. This is not a diet but should be seen as a way of eating WOE for life. Have you a pair of trousers or a skirt that is too tight? Use them as a means of seeing progress. Lastly, enjoy learning – this is only for 31 days and it may be the best step you have taken.

    Hi @at,

    please count me in for March, I was a lurker through Jan and joined in fully for Feb, so I’m definitely up for the March challenge and paying forward all I’ve learnt from the experienced fasters who are also here. @coda, @fuvvie, @bert1802 etc, etc, etc.

    Great to have you on board @fuvvie – I’m also doing the 5 minute hula hoop challenge with Jojo though I cannot remember last time I tried – LOL

    @snowflake56 you have joined the right forum – plenty of support and the 5:2 idea can be applied to other aspects of your life too!
    Welcome @dutch – great to have you on board for March – do I take it you are from the Netherlands?? Plenty of support here.
    Welcome back to you too @flourbaby

    @coda – thank you for that very encouraging and informative post xx


    Thanks AT, that’s correct, I’m from the Netherlands

    Hi please count me in. I’m from Gozo Malta

    Count me in please, started only a week ago so pretty new to it all 🙂

    Just checked back into this site after 2 years away and have gained 20lbs although my weight then was unusual as I had been really unwell & was recovering from major surgery.
    I am definitely in for the March challenge, I need to turn this weight thing round….
    Thank you for managing this!
    Good luck everyone!

    Count me in for the March challenge please !I’m a newbie who has just signed up after reading all the posts. Very encouraging indeed. I turn 60 next year and have a massive 18kgs to lose.

    Hi to all my Fasting Friends!

    AT, thank you for hosting March. Please add me to your list. I’m using this month to recharge & re-commit to 5:2 WOL.

    In 5 weeks, I’ll be vacationing with family on a sunny island. I want to feel confident in my bikini & energetic enough to enjoy beach running & ocean swimming.

    Hi AT
    Please add my name to the March challenge

    Welcome to the 31 Day March 2017 Challenge @anna6, @sandie76, @suzedavidson (welcome back to this WOL), @gail123

    Great to have you both joining from the February Challenge for the 31 Day March 2017 Challenge @happymargo and @lany36

    You are all added to the spreadsheet for March – we are up to 53 so far!!!

    So sorry @adrum83 I missed your name out on page 1 – welcome to this WOL and to the 31 Day March Challenge 2017 – you will find lots of support here – check out the link that @coda posted at the top of this page that might answer a lot of your questions – don’t be afraid to ask – someone on the forum will answer.

    Greetings from the East Coast of USA. Thank you AT for hosting this month’s challenge. I’d love to join, as I was motivated by all of the support during my introduction to 5:2 with the February Challenge. I will post my new goals on day 1. In the meantime, I’m jogging to the finish line with the fabulous February Fasters, as I am sooo close to reaching my weight loss goal (and my “mindful eating” goals) for February. Cheers.

    Hi AT.
    Can you please also count me in for the March challenge. I have been following everyones progress in Feb and have done a few weeks of fasting practise. I can’t wait to participate in the challenge. I have been eating low carb high fat since the beginning of sept last year and have lost 8 kilos but have another 10 to go. Thanks

    I have reported post above hopefully it will be removed quickly

    Hi AT, please count me in for March. Things went a big haywire for February – despite my best intentions – so my waistbands are feeling decidedly snug now. I want to get back on course,so will be more mindful of what I’m eating on NFDs just as much as FDs.

    Hello, first post, first challenge accepted!

    I am just finishing my first week on 5:2, trying casually for a third FD today but as I am less occupied by work and about the house, I won’t beat myself up if it doesn’t work out. My first fasting day on Monday was of the “fresh start after a holiday” variety when “eating well, just less” hadn’t produced any results after Christmas. Unexpectedly, it also coincided with the end of a serious relationship and I am feeling quite determined to take some control back over what’s going on in my life.

    Will be checking back from Wednesday. Excited about the community, intrigued by the challenges and eager to give myself yet another line of accountability here!

    I am from Germany but posting from the UK by the way.

    Hi @at. I’m in again for March. I’ve been lurking a bit in Feb because I don’t have internet access for my computer atm and everything I do here is from my phone which is oh so tedious! But I’ve kept up with reading posts and have learnt heaps. I know I’ve definitely lost inches during Feb but not doing a weigh in until the end of Feb… which will be my start weight for March. I’ll post March goals on 1st March – although I know now my goal will be to be 2kg less on 31/3 as I was on 1/3. But I’ll give you actuals – if that’s what you’re recording. Thanks so much for doing this great community service @at xx

    Hello @at – thanks for running this for March, and please count me in.

    I’ve had ups and downs over the last year or so on 5:2, but I can get my weight heading in the right direction again. Will brave the scales again on Tues night and let you know for starting stats.

    Hi. I would love to join. I really need to lose 25kg. I feel like I am in the right headspace to get started and for my own health I really need to do it!

    Please count me in! I am the heaviest i have ever been in all my life and i am done – i have never in my life been able to enjoy summer and the beach properly because i am the fat one and refuse to undress. For once i want to be in my bikini together with my friends and family and not be worried or afraid.

    Hello @at and all the familiar faces!! I am going to hang out with you all again in March.

    Welcome newbies!

    See you all in 3 days on our first official check-in.

    Goals for March – I still need to get some exercise built into this new WOL! I travel every week and once I return on Thursday I have just enough time to get my office back up and running (work from home when not traveling) and then the weekend hits. Not very motivated to w/o being so tired and sometimes jet lagged – but I can only imagine exercise would really aid in the weight loss.

    That said, I’ve lost 12 lbs since Jan 1st with this new WOL so I am sticking to it!

    March month-end goal – 136 lbs or under – and get my butt up and add some strength training!!

    Stay Strong everyone.

    Hello it is great to see more people joining our March Challenge – good thing I set up that spreadsheet early!!!!

    Watching the rugby this afternoon – who would have believed that Italy would be ahead of England at halftime!!! so thought I would catch up with the posts for the new challenge!

    Welcome to our newbies @pugalug, @skinnylove, @shawclan, @georgia83. Check out the link that @coda posted at the top of this page that might answer a lot of your questions and get you started.

    Welcome back to @erikaa67, @lew, @mimigogirl, @and… exhale, @laddie10

    @coda – thank you for reporting that post – we do get some strange things posted at times!!

    We have 62 signed in for the March Challenge so far.

    Hi AT. Please count me in. I am a newby and keen to start.

    Hi @at please count me in for the March challenge.

    Hi, please add me to the March group. Been a bit of a lurker since January but it’s getting harder to do it alone. Need something to spur me on. Next FD is Tuesday to coincide with first gym session since September! May need help getting through March.

    Count me in for March please, thanks for organising us all.

    Post deleted x

    Hi AT thank you for taking on to lead this March challenge. Please count me in. Will post goals etc on 1st.

    Hi AT I’d love to join you all in the March challenge.

    Hi AT, ❤👄❤❤👄👄 thanks for hosting us all. Hoping to find my 52 MOJO again in March. February has been disappointing. But onward and downward for a new month.
    Will post goals and starting stats on the 1st.

    Please count me in too.

    Final check before bed to update the spreadsheet and its so nice to see more joining our merry band for March!

    Welcome on board @ Jamba61, @curlytot, @saffy420, @jo15, @erika45, @mrsgettingthere, @
    In it to thin it and @lynzm

    @In it to thin it – we will all be helping you find your 5:2 MOJO
    @lynzm – so nice to have you on board and Thank You for all your hard work keeping us together in February and for your support xx

    Now we are up to 68 in number for the 31 Day March 2017 Challenge

    Night all or good morning depending on where you are in the world!

    I would like to join the March challenge!
    Tomorrow will be be the start of my third week and my 7th FD.
    I normally fast on monday and wednesday so far i have maintained my weight with no loss which is why i am eager to join this challenge!

    Hi @at – sign me up please and, yes @coda, I will get serious! I thought I was serious about 5:2 in February but I wasn’t really and while I have lost 3kgs I am frustrated by the fact that it could have been so much more if I had only stuck to my TDEEs. Anyway I now have a goal of a trip to the US in May to meet a client and I definitely want to look my best for that! So here goes …

    Hello, I’d love to join this group! I’m new here, but seems like a great, supportive network!

    Count me in too

    Hi AT, please count me in for this challenge too please. Thanks so much for hosting.

    Please count me in: Mila, 48 years old, from Munic, Germany.

    Hello AT please add me to the list x

    AT count me in for March please. My 5:2 journey started with Codas challenge last May and been with the group ever since due to holidays etc took a month out in Feb so back and raring to go , I’ve lost around 20lbs and kinda happy with my weight at the moment but in the lead up to summer I’d like to reduce my tummy a little, however I know it’s not possible to choose where you lose the weight from so I’m taking it steady aiming for a couple of pounds off but I’m really going to step up my exercise and aiming to tone up .

    Dutch – were you with us last year ?

    Wishing everyone a successful March – and looking forward to some better weather here x

    Good morning from Cumbria UK

    Welcome to those new to this WOL @ @andreak70 @cleo120 @nica9t @mila69

    Welcome back to @hannahwatto @lou Belles @missymay @brightonbelle – great to have you all back on board

    77 in total so far for our March Challenge

    Hi AT,

    I’m new to this; this is my first day fasting. I’d love to join the March challenge to help me off to a (hopefully) good start. Thanks for your help.

    Hi everyone – I’m a complete newbie and can already see that this is a welcoming and supportive community. I am planning to start with a 4:3 schedule to see how I go. I want to lose about 20kg by Christmas because I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself.

    Monday 27th Feb – London – FD

    Hi AT, count me in.

    I am a self-confessed food addict. Food occupies my thoughts most of the day, every day. I am a good cook, but in being so, I have gained about 2 stone in the past four years since leaving university and starting a full time desk job. I am 5”5 female, I have a stocky, muscular build which doesn’t help me during BMI checks etc so I don’t do that. I am 176lbs, and I hope to return to my post-university 140lbs. How long do you think this will take?

    Today is the first day of my 5:2 journey. I think I can do it – I used to live in a Muslim country and sometimes fasted during Ramadan. I think it will be much easier to fast all day, just drinking 0 calorie drinks and maybe eating some celery. Then I will have my full 500 calories at dinner. I think this will be easier as I won’t have to keep calorie counting. Has anyone noticed weight loss differences in doing this vs eating 2 or 3 small meals?

    My main concern is getting headaches and losing concentration at work. Or fainting on the train home – I have low blood pressure and have been known to do this in the past.

    This looks like a friendly community. I look forward to being a part of it.

    Hi Dutch welcome back to the fold. I hope all is good with you x

    I just wanted to drop in real quick and say Hi!

    I am so glad to see many of our previous challenger joining us again this month, along with our newbies.

    To our newbie……. if I could only give you one piece of advice to make this new WOL work for you. It would be to stay in touch with this group. Each and every individual on here is the main reason, I’ve been successful. I’ve fallen off the wagon, laid crying on the side of the road. Someone has always picked me up, dusted me off and pushed me back up on the wagon. Without them, I know I would still be laying in the middle of the road somewhere waiting to be run over by the next wagon that came along.

    I honestly believe, our motto ” Together we are stronger”

    Peace be with you!

    Please count me in. From MA USA. I have done other programs before and lost a decent amount but gained it back. My doctor recommended the Fast Diet book to me a few days ago. I got it yesterday and nearly finished reading it in one sitting. Today is my first day of the 5:2 WOL and I’m starting with a FD. Ultimately I would like to lose about 80lbs but I will be taking it one month at a time, starting with March.

    Please include me for March. I went AWOL in February due to some health issues and new medication. I am fasting today for the first time in weeks, and will be re-dedicating myself this coming month.

    Onward and downward!

    Would like to join the march challenge. I would like to loose about 7kg so hopefully will be more dedicated if i have to write about it. Thanks

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