31 Day March 2017 Challenge

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31 Day March 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 3,249 replies, has 179 voices, and was last updated by  therealwil78 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hello All

    It’s a new month and a new challenge – Welcome to anyone wanting to join our March Challenge!

    We are continuing the health and weight loss inspiration inaugurated by @coda in May 2016!
    Some have been here for the whole 10 months, some have joined more recently.

    Start your daily post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you are doing a FD (Fast day) or a NFD (Non Fast Day).
    Example for me is Day 1 – Cumbria UK – FD.
    Add more to your daily post or not as you please. If you haven’t done so already you might also want to click on “Your Profile” at the top right of this page and add any information about yourself that you wish to share.

    I will check you off a list daily so you know someone is looking out for you. At the end of the month we all put in our loss, gain or the fact we maintained our goal and I will pull this information together and publish the results of our team effort.

    As this month’s organizer my role is to keep a “daily attendance” roster and try to keep on top of the daily posts, however there are many experienced people who hopefully will carry on from the February Challenge who are happy to share their knowledge and will be happy to answer questions, as am I.
    I am not an expert but I can promise you that we will continue to learn from each other and support each other in this WOL (way of life)

    So sign up and sign in and let’s make March a successful month. Just reply to this post and I will add you to my list.

    “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up ends up being the biggest step of your life”

    Hi AT – thanks in advance for hosting March challenge. Please count me in. 😂

    Hi @at,

    I’ve loved being part of the February challenge and looking forward to joining March’s.

    Thanks again for hosting.

    Thanks so much for hosting the March challenge. I would love to be a part of it as the accountability of the February challenge has allowed me to achieve my goal weight (and a bit below). My goal for March will be to stay within a pound or two of goal weight (either direction), to keep up my exercise and fluid intake (which has excluded diet drinks, I am pleased to say).

    Thanks again,


    Count me in

    Hi AT

    count me in – many thanks for taking on the role of leader for March – I am away the first 3 days of the month but should still be able to log in.

    Great to have you on board for March @lilymartin, @pashaw, @lindasue, @wannop, @metatauta, @coda

    As @lindasue says I have also found the accountability of signing in daily to a challenge has allowed me to lose that last stubborn 5kg and get below my target weight and maintain at around 0.5/1kg below my target weight.

    @coda thanks for adding the link into the February Challenge xx

    Together we are stronger – Looking forward to this new challenge!

    Hi all; I look forward to a “March” forward to better health with you!

    AT, thanks again for including me in the March group! I’m forwarding the link you provided to my bff who also started 5:2….perhaps she will join in!

    Thank you, AT! I’m in – more than accountability, I swear this forum has kept me sane this month! Look forward to all the camaraderie, motivation & support! AT, just love that quote about small steps – maybe I’ll take up crossstitch & put it on a pillow!!

    I’m in. I’ll set my goals March 1st.
    Take care

    A new month of challenge and support. Less than 2 lbs from goal. Amazing results with this WOL. Thank you AT for hosting.

    Hello AT:
    I’ll join you again on this new challenge. Thanks for taking us on.

    Count me in AT.

    Thank you for heading up March. I so appreciate this forum to help along the 5:2 journey.

    Thank you for hosting AT. Count me in please. The last two months have been amazing – congratulations, commiserations, support, laughter and friendship. Couldn’t have done this without the thread. Here’s to success!

    Thanks, AT!
    Please count me in! Looking forward to a successful March! 😊😊😊

    Dutchwoman joining in from Emden, Germany. Looking forward to having company after first three weeks on my own.

    Hi AT……I’m new to fasting…haven’t started yet. Will be going shopping this weekend to buy the foods I need to make the amazing recipes I found in the book. Will need everyone’s support!! I am a foodie! As I’m eating I’m thinking for what my next meal should be……..I know…it’s sad that food controls most of my life…I guess I associate it with everything going on in my life….happiness…eat…sadness … eat…upset…eat….mad……I clean…it’s the only time I don’t eat…go figure! But to top it off…I’m also addicted to chocolate, sweets, carbs in general…I’m also a diabetic; which I feel if I could get the weight off that my diabetes will get under control where I would not need any medication……at least that’s my goal. That and when I go to Scotland in July 2017 I’ll be able to hike the trails and keep up with my daughter who is an out door activist!!!

    Hi im in
    DAY 1 – FD weight 243

    I’m in too. Looking forward to it. I had my first FD yesterday and it went great!

    I am excited to be part of the March challenge!

    I will join again. I am finding Febs very useful indeed. Thanks for taking it on:)

    Wow so nice to see so many keen people joining already for March

    Welcome @august2024, @scs, @orpheusx, @steffieagle, @ciren2, @annemarilyn, @debster251, @redrockgirl302, @fatrabbit – lovely to have you continuing from the February challenge.

    @metatauta – it would be lovely if your bff wants to join us for March!

    @dmann5915 – I am a foodie too but this WOL has allowed me to lose weight (approx 3 stones) over the past 18months and taught me that I can still enjoy good food and wine but in smaller portions on my NFDs and therefore I don’t feel like I’m missing out when I can’t have any on my FDs!!

    @snowflake56 – welcome to a dutchwoman living in Germany! We are truly an international forum with members in previous challenges from all over the globe!!! I started this WOL on my own too but joining the challenge in November was such an eyeopener and I learnt so much from everyone and am still learning every day – you will get a lot of support

    Hi @restorehope, @patiger and @berlin_78 – great to have you all on board for our March Challenge. Day 1 will be Wednesday March 1st – you will get lots of support and encouragement from fellow 5:2ers on this challenge

    I will be starting a spreadsheet this weekend and your names will be going in – We don’t officially start until the 1st of March but it’s good to be prepared early!!! I can then add your starting weight and any goals you may have when you list them on Day 1 (March 1st) of the 31 Day March 2017 Challenge!

    I want to be part of this group too. I lost weight before starting the FD program, but want to keep going until I reach my goal weight and graduate to the maintenance program. I assume we start posting on March 1st, right?

    Thank you AT, much appreciated! I’m definitely in 🙂

    Please count me in – this site is so supportive and informative, I couldn’t have lost any weight without it. Thanks AT for taking the helm for March.

    Hello AT – thanks and yes please, count me in.

    I will also be participating in the March challenge. Thank you AT for organizing it.

    Thank you @at
    I’d love to continue.

    Thanks for taking over AT, I’m in for the long haul.

    Thanks for hosting @at! Please count me in.

    Hi @at, thanks for hosting March. Joined with the January challenge and managed a solid 4kg loss. February was always going to be a challenge, so changed my focus and aimed for a maintenance month, still did 2 FD’s per week, eased up on exercise a bit and am pleased to say I did manage to maintain the weight loss from January. Now it’s time for another weight loss challenge, so I’ll be back for March. Looking forward to hearing about everyone’s journey.

    March forward with confidence and determination.

    Hi there
    Please count me in
    Thanks @at …. always very supportive xxx

    Hi! Please can I join…I’m new to fasting…so looking forward to hearing how everyone managed!

    This Awesome girl will be here March 1st….. I’ll be the one wearing bells!

    AT……. You are fantastic for being host this month!

    Opreusx…… Glad to see you here!

    Ciren…… Hi!


    I’m scared but count me in! Actually kinda of looking forward to it x

    AT – count me in! Been along this journey with Coda and so many since May. I’m at maintenance at 160#. Maintaining my weight loss has been plenty hard.

    I’m a retired music teacher from Illinois USA – real name is Gwynne. Happened to find out about this WOL from a Words With Friends Aussie friend!

    @dressclub – I was scared at first since starting 5:2 nearly a year ago over 190#, but with the help and support of so many here, I’ve been able to lose over 30 pounds.

    Looks like I need to find a hula hoop! I remember when they came out in my childhood (I’m 68 now) and loved them!

    I’ll be joining in March. I don’t have a well defined weight goal but I’m trying to work my body fat down to the 12% to 15% range from the 18% to 20% range I’m at.

    I’m in!

    I will be signing up for the March challenge too. I will be travelling to Australia in March, but will try to fast twice a week and do lots of walking. I need to keep following along with my fellow 5:2ers. Such an inspirational group. Thank you @at for keeping this thread going. You are going to have your hands full by the looks of things. So many have signed up already.

    Hello everyone 🙂
    Count me in. This March will be the best

    Count me in please.

    Hi AT – I would like to join the March challenge please 🙂

    Hi there. I’d like to join too please. Started this WOL on 20/2/17 so a novice here.

    Please count me in. I haven’t done this for a couple of years, when I lost 11lbs in three months but got bored. Not feeling too healthy now so need this for inspiration. Felt marvellous last time out. Thanks.

    Starting the March challenge from Melbourne, Oz. Working towards a goal weight of 59 ahead of our kayaking season starting early April. That’s 4kilos. Great to have the extra support 😀

    WELCOME to all those new to the 5:2 WOL
    @1maureen, @snowflake56, @dmann5915, @dressclub, @btnh, @mebe (new to the forum but doing 5:2 on her own before), @monnieb, @frogs777, @suse13 ( again new to the forum but not to 5:2) @dietlicious

    We look forward to supporting all of you on your HEALTH and weight loss journey.

    A BIG WELCOME BACK to others who have been with us on this journey so far = @goldensun, @jarbia, @Strawberriesandcream, @-Rachel-, @onahealthyhigh, @biddiev, @elektron, @arvandee, @missj2002, @bert1802, @songbirdme, @dykask, @reid, @blueninjamum – GREAT to see so many familiar names!!

    I thought a reminder as to why we chose THE 5:2 WOL and for those new to this WOL these words may inspire you on your journey:-
    “The 5:2 diet involves restricting your calorie consumption to 25% of your energy (calorie) needs, two days a week, and eating normally the rest of the time. This means you’re consuming less calories – so you will lose weight.

    Plus there’s a health bonus – intermittent fasting – the general term for these kinds of diets – is thought to help your body repair its cells, which may help prevent diseases including heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

    Many people also report improved results in health tests like blood pressure and cholesterol testing, alongside significant, and sustainable, weight loss.

    For many of us, the fasting days also make us much more aware of what we eat all the time, so we make healthier choices and savour every meal. Increased energy and a feeling of freedom from cravings and anxiety around food is also really common.”


    Hello AT. Please count me in for the month of March. It is my birth month and I will turn 68. The 99.9 kgs still elude me, but will endeavour to get a wriggle on. I’ll be doing the 5 minute hula hoop challenge that Jojo mentioned, using the Wii. I have decreased my weight by 35 lb and that gets the average person to goal, but I have another 65lb or so to lose. It is frustrating the hell out of me as I have been stuck here for about 5 months after a great original 5 months. But I haven’t returned to the original weight which in nothing short of a miracle. So I will journey on with the group and see what March brings. Toodle-oo for now, and welcome to all the new faces. This is truly a fantastic group.

    Hallo AT, thanks for the warm welcome. I don’t know exactly what I’m expecting from this challenge. Apart from wanting to lose another 5 kilos (already lost 9) there are some other things in my life that need a change. So I’m looking forward to this new way of life.


    Hello AT. I’d love to join the March challenge if I may…need to get rid of a couple of kilo and celebrating my 60th birthday mid march at (hopefully!) 65 kilo – that’s about 4 kilo to go. I’ve been maintaining at 69 kilo for the past year I think so time to get rid of the next 10 pounds!

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