31 Day January 2017 Challenge

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31 Day January 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,437 replies, has 150 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Just checking in:

    Jan30: Surrey/ FD

    I did my yoga today and felt great! Last day of the Jan challenge coming up tomorrow. I will be FDing it. 🙂 I’ll take my weight tomorrow morning (that’s if my stupid annoying scales haven’t lost their battery already)! Made the wrong purchase of some fancy digital scales that need the battery changed once a week! Grrr.

    @quebecoise heart goes out to all involved at the terrible events happening there in Canada. So awful!

    @fuvvie, my starting weight was 68.9kg on the 3rd of Jan. Just thought I’d let you know for the final spreadsheet completion! You have done such an AMAZING job of it! Really appreciate All you have done and time that has gone into it! 🙂 glad to hear you are doing so well too! 🙂

    looking forward to catching up with you all tomorrow on the last day (guess it’s already last day for some of you!!) yay! We did it!

    G’night all x

    Day 31 – Brisbane, Aus – NFD

    Well, it’s been a good month. Thanks to Fuvvie for keeping everyone in line, taking the time to write everything down and herd cats when needed, you did an awesome job.

    Hope everyone is feeling positive and eager as we head into another month.

    Day 30 | FD | Bucks UK

    Day 30 : Cheshire, UK : NFD/CD

    Tomorrow will be my last FD of the month. I will weigh-in on Wed 1st Feb as my final for this challenge and use it to start the February challenge.

    @hannahwatto – you made me smile but I feel for you too. Well done! 🙂

    @rocy65 – wasn’t sure what you meant about going ‘on the wagon’. I just love crisps (chips). I really don’t know how I’m resisting them at the moment especially when they are on offer. I love Kettle crisps especially and they seem to be always on offer in one of the supermarkets. I eat the big packets like I used to eat the 30g packets. 🙂

    @quebecoise – Such sad news. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. When will we learn that violence is not the answer. So sad. Hugs to you my friend. xoxo

    Second post today

    Thank you all my friends around the world for you good words concerning the terrorist attack in Québec City.
    Violence is so sad and certainly not a good option.

    I am sad tonight xxx

    Day 30 / Sweden / NFD

    Celebrated my wife’s birthday today so a definite NFD today. Will end the month with a FD tomorrow. (But the goat-cheese pizza with walnuts and honey was delicious!)

    One thing I’ve learned is that I’m definitely an emotional eater – I eat when I’m bored and even more when I’m nervous. Friday I was invited to join a planning group at the Nobel Museum for a research project and I suddenly just wanted to eat everything in sight. I’m nervous about the invitation (what are they expecting of me? It’s the Nobel Museum!!!) and eating is how I react. I have been ravenous all weekend. Becoming conscious of my reaction helps. A little. I hope.
    So I think tomorrow’s fast day is going to be a challenge but I know that I have your support out there.

    Good luck everyone!

    @quebecoise, mon neveu et sa blonde habite a Quebec. Je vous embrasse tous dans mes pensées! Courage!

    Day 31 NFD cold country West Australia.
    The weather is all over the place here , a bit like weight loss really ! On Thursday it was 39C and today 19C.
    Weighed this morning and a pleasantly surprised 72.6 kgs ( down 1.8 kgs for the month ).
    Goal was 4 kgs loss at 1 kg / week but am happy to simply be down and the lowest I have been in over 5 years.

    To those who are feeling down-hearted or wanting a break from being mindful, I guess that has been my main question and what I struggle with .
    To really make this a WOL and something we do until we shuffle off this mortal coil it has to be something we do day in and day out, fasting weekly or several days a month , AND eating more or less to our TDEE on other days , whatever that looks like for each of us.
    Not fasting fairly regularly and over eating on the other days of the week will not result in weight loss.

    There are a lot of other benefits to IF ( intermittent fasting) so it is worth remembering this.
    However for weight loss it really IS a matter of being mindful of what you are eating.
    Some people seem to have it off pat and don’t have to think about it too much.
    I, on the other hand, am still measuring and crunching numbers with MFP to keep track. I had only planned to do it for a little while but have done it fairly consistently for 12 weeks and plan to keep doing it into February for the challenge.

    As I have previously said, to be doing 5:2 as a WOL unless we really commit to doing this forever then it simply becomes just another diet possibly the very restricted calorie diet for 1 or 2 days a week.
    I have vegetarian friends and they have said that just because I have a meatless day here and there doesn’t make me a vegetarian!
    Similarly, in my opinion if I don’t fast fairly regularly each month and don’t watch my TDEE then I can’t claim to be doing 5:2.

    I suspect some of us put weight on because we don’t think about what we eat and just tend to keep on keeping on when it comes to putting food in our mouths.
    Unfortunately it sometimes takes ‘ tough love’ or being brutally honest with ourselves to actually face the truth that we are probably eating more than we need for our daily energy requirements.
    At work a lot of people I know who are struggling with weight issues in particular ( including me) just want the magic wand. Eat what I want to, do no exercise, let the fairy wave her magic wand and whoosh…. the weight would simply disappear.
    Sadly life is not like that.
    BUT with this group to keep us accountable and to support us in the hard times and hold our hands while we are teetering on the edge of the wagon we CAN make lifelong changes for our health.
    @quebecoise so sorry to hear of the terrible event in your city and thinking of you all.
    @ fuvvie thanks for herding the cats so well
    Onward to February.

    Day 31 – Melbourne – NFD

    Big Thank You to Fuvvie for the many hours you put into this month for us – much appreciated x

    Jan 2 was 62.5kg today 60.9kg – up 300gm from 10 days ago but down for the month, so that is at least something. Will tighten up Feb NFDs to CDs.

    See you all in February! Happy & Successful Final January Day, Everyone 🙂

    Day 28-29-39, Pacific NW USA, NFD’s, last FD of January tomorrow and will weigh-in on Wed.

    We were away for the weekend, me for work, OH for fun. We are back home, both for work but wanting fun!

    Good luck ending the month on a new low, everyone!

    I actually came in at 106.0 kgs this morning, not 106.2 kgs. I’ll accept that as my finishing weight for the month I think. That’s 2.6 kgs gone and I will endeavour to make that a permanent casting off of that weight. I just have to get under the 100 kgs by 28th March. Good numbers BiddieV.

    I love the phrase “herding cats”. Mind you, trying to keep up with our youngest granddaughter in Myer this morning was just as hard as herding cats and then she hit her head on one of the sharp corners of the clothes display stands. It didn’t stop her (aged 2 in May) nor her sister aged 3 from continuing to run around. They shouldn’t have had that sweet milk shake for morning tea! It really ramped up their rowdiness/excitability. They are very sweet little girls but the youngest one is really testing the boundaries. Their mother is trying to teach them consequences. It does make them think, that’s for sure.

    Fuvvie – last post suppose to read 28-29-30, sorry for trying to pretend your month is 39 days long!

    My FD went pear shaped this afternoon so I will have another go tomorrow to round off the month.

    Day 31 NZ NFD
    Weighed today – havnt stood on the scale since 21st October
    I’m up 1kg over the past 3 months with fastidious 2 FD every week
    Obviously my NFD are not working or there’s something else wrong with me
    I don’t want to feel discouraged but fasting obviously isn’t shifting my weight. I have 5kg to lose and I’ve gained 1kg in 3months
    I’m doing 4:3 this week and next and monitoring my NFD better – if that doesn’t get things trending down I don’t know what’s left for me to do
    Feeling hopelessly disillusioned

    Day 31 UK FD

    No weight loss for me this month, I have had a month off work and a three week holiday and only rejoined the group on day 20, I’ve got off some of what I gained, so I’m glad it’s also not much. Still down from November when I started this journey, yay me. Not an excuse but a fact and I enjoyed myself.

    Good luck all – my squats are still going strong. got about 30 posts still to read and more today as the day goes on, so it’s my challenge to myself. Also stops me raiding the fridge.

    Have a fab last day all. See u on the Feb challenge hopefully. Thanks Fuvvie for hosting and well done all u losers! (In the nicest way possible). 😀And maintainers and don’t lose heart all the ones who haven’t done so well. Tomorrow set a new goal and carry on.

    See u all for the Feb challenge I hope x

    Don’t give up Lany36, who knows what your weight would have done if you hadn’t been doing what you are doing. If you haven’t been weighing yourself, you don’t know if this has been happening up and down like a lot of us and maybe you are at the top of your weight fluctuation. You have just gone through the hardest time to resist food. I went up to 110 kgs just after Christmas but am on the way down again. However, even in that there have been fluctuations up and down and I know this as I weigh every day. If I don’t do this, I have no idea what my weight is doing or what I am allowing to sneak into my regimen. What are your other markers like e.g. BMI or waist measurements or neck, thigh, arm measurements? How are your clothes going? Think of the other health benefits you get from fasting intermittently. What are your blood tests like? I looked back at your entries on Days 23 and 24 and maybe some of the answers are in those reflections. Take heart. I’m sure you can still change some things around to maybe effect the change you are seeking. Big hugs. xx

    I figured that, B2tf. You squeezed a burst of laughter out of me at your comment about making my month 39 days long.

    2nd post

    Quebecoise are you still with me and squatting as you read, and sometimes a lunge. I hope so x

    UK day 31 NFD end result down 2lbs to 142.

    Last post of this challenge Thanks for all your hard work Fuvvie.

    Québécois- Tragic to hear of another terrorist attack.

    Things I’ve learnt this month – I can be strong, I can make good choices – however I don’t quite a lot of the time but it’s all down to me . This way of life works , I’m the fittest and healthiest I’ve been for years .

    See you in February xx

    Day 31, NFD New Zealand. So not a FD as I had planned. Going to put this month down as just a very slow gearing-up for feb and march. Will do better from tomorrow. Having had clear skin since end of November while doing 5:2, my rosecea has returned. That alone will push me to getting back on track as I really had thought it had cleared up after years of treatments having no Effects.
    Well done to everyone who stuck with Jan challenge. I’m looking forward to rejoining you all properly for feb. can’t wait to do a pocket fast!

    Day 31 Portugal FD
    Just completed 30 minute lower body exercise routine with fitness blender. Feels good.

    Started 5:2 on 24th September at 70.9kg
    Post Christmas weight (mid January) 64.8kg
    January goal: 63.5kg.
    Today’s weight 63.2kg so I made my goal. Slow but steady loss.
    Total weight loss so far 7.7kg. Wow!
    Final goal 58kg.

    Without this group, the accountability, motivation and encouragement, I doubt I would be still going on. Thanks to everyone and to fuvvie for all your hard work. See you in the feb challenge.

    DAY 31 – Bucks UK – FD

    Weight 1st Jan……149 lbs.
    31st Jan ….142.2 lbs.

    WOW have exceeded my target – HOWEVER – a few blips on the way…but I have done lots of FD’s – more than perhaps I should – and will do another to-day….I don’t think my fd’s are sustainable long term, but wanted to shift weight quickly. I have another final goal now of 133lbs. which would be my perfect weight. However, happy to settle at 137 ish, In February I shall attempt 5:2 and watch my nfd’s more carefully and see if I can shift 2.2 lbs. by end of Feb. However I am worried that FD’s are becoming addictive!! (Does that ring a bell with anyone else????)
    Thank you everyone for such a positive and informative thread and to Fuvvie for doing such a wonderful job. xxxx

    Day 31 – NZ – NFD

    Can’t do measurements until I get home on Thursday, but feeling good.

    Day 31 / FD / Oman
    Starting at 115 on 1st Jan I’m now at 111.5. Thats a loss of 3.5kg for the month. Overall I’m happy although I still find the FDs tough and the last 2 weeks I’ve been up and down on the scales. Onward to Feb challenge!

    Day 31 Belfast NFD
    Weight loss for January 4.25lbs
    Where has January gone? I weighed and measured myself this morning. Apart from my weight loss, my neck is down 1/4 inch and my waist is down 3 inches from when I started this WOL in April time. My BMI is now 25.7, which is well on the way to the desired number. However, here’s my problem. I have skinny arms, and now quite skinny legs. I have lost weight from my face, making me look a bit scrawny but clearly not from my stomach. My primary goal for doing this was for health but when do I stop? My next goal is not really weight related, but waist related. 2 more inches From the middle I think.
    Bert I have to confess a slight ulterior motive in weighing today and not Saturday. I over indulged at the weekend and wanted to end this month with the best numbers to motivate me for next month!
    Laddie 10 your post has inspired me to try bone broth. Any tips?
    BiddieV I have noted your quote and it is going on the fridge!
    K Lo good luck with your investigations. I have had an upper endoscopy several times. Hope it all gets to the root of your problem.
    Lilymartin being brutally honest (or not being,)is certainly my problem. I take on board your words of wisdom
    Lany don’t lose heart. Just remember, it took a long time to put on weight and it will take a slow and steady approach to lose it. Hugs
    A big high five to all the losers (too many to mention) and sending moral support to all of those who didn’t achieve what they had hoped.
    Did I say I am quite a private person? A month ago I didn’t imagine I would share so much, but more importantly receive so much love and support. It never fails to strike me that despite the many thousands of miles, we are all so similar.Thank you my international fasting family.😃
    Onwards and downwards to February.

    Day 31, Australia FD
    Last fd for the month. I’ll weigh myself in the morning and add it then and add a starting place die February too.
    Great job everyone! Some great losses there, very inspiring!

    Day 31……Florida……. NFD

    Drum roll please…… final weight for Jan. 151.2lbs. I believe that is 4lbs. Whatever, it I’m a gonna take it.

    Debster……. Lol….. that’s why I skipped Friday too. On another note, I’m a very private person as well, but I found so much acceptance from this group, it was very easy to open up and share the real me. I have definitely came out of my shell! Love that you ended with Cherrio….. now I’m going to have a great day!

    Jarbia…… I do think fasting can be addictive, if let it, so please be careful. I love a good fast myself….. I enjoy the feeling of being lighter, the extra energy as well as the clear mind. I just will not do anymore than three in one week.

    Lany……. hang on my friend. I went for a good spell without losing weight, it’s one of the main reasons I believe the scales are lying, cheating and theiving pains in the ars. To be honest, you really can not base success of 5:2 on the scales. How are you feeling overall? How about your clothes, do they fit better? These are the things that show success…. hang on love, the weight will shift eventually, it’s the other successes that carry you through.

    Okay, well I woke up late this morning, so I’m off!


    Day 31 – nsw -Aust-nfd
    Thanks to @fuvvie for keeping track of us all.
    My weight loss for January is 3.7kgs will aim for 3kgs in Feb.
    @lany36 don’t be disheartened its I tough road but it’s one we share.
    My thoughts go to our Canadian friends …
    Looking forward to the months ahead I hope we all get closer to our goals. Good luck everyone.

    Day 31- Canada – NFD

    I’ve come down from 150 to 143.6 this month! A loss of 6 lbs and am terrifically pleased.
    Watching and listening to my body has also recommitted me to a gluten-free diet (past three weeks) and I feel much healthier, much less gut and lower back discomfort. I’ve had IBS on and off my whole life and find that fasting really helps me to feel in control of my gut.

    I’ve discovered that, for me:

    FD are good days
    that broth is my friend
    that I can use the ‘Lose It’ app to track my cals on FD and NFD to great success
    that by just sticking to the essence of the 5:2 with two non-consecutive FD and 1/4 TDEE on each my weight loss is satisfying.
    that Monday FDs ‘reset’ me to my last weight low
    that Thursday FDs bring the weight off a little more
    that community is a great thing!

    Thank you all 5:2 ers – I celebrate your efforts & successes and stand by your frustrations.
    Thank you @fuvvie 🙂
    On to February!

    Day 31/Midwest USA/ NFD

    Enjoying a warm cozy feeling of being connected to our global group in pursuit of good health. Thank you all. It’s so much better going after a goal with honest, warmhearted folks.

    Day 31, NYC, NFD….

    Not certain where I started this month, but after colonoscopy/upper endoscopy yesterday, I weighed in today at 121.9. I think that’s down.

    I suspect that I will drop some more next month as I have been forbidden alcohol and chocolate for at least two months (and my beloved coffee as well). Colonoscopy clear. Upper endoscopy….hoo boy. That explains the chest pains. No ibuprofen either.

    On the upside, I looked great at the fancy dress ball on Saturday!

    Day 31: weight maintained @ 195 lbs. Looking forward to February. Has the link been posted yet?

    Day 31 USA FD

    Jan. 31, morning weigh in..Down 9 lbs..Yes, I am doing the Rocky song and running up the steps and raising arms in victory! Lol…Still have a long way to go, at least 70 more lbs. But now I know I can do it and how to do it in a healthy way.
    Since Nov. 15 when I first started this journey into a new way of living, 31 lbs of weight off me, my blood sugars are down to normal instead of diabetes 2. My blood pressure is lowering, no ringing in my ears, more energy.
    @jarbia, I too find If addictive, but it works! So I am not going to beat myself up over this addiction 😃. With regular caloric dieting I used to beat myself up all the time, done doing that!
    I appreciate this forum. Wealth of information on here and encouragement.
    Blessings to everyone as we continue on with our new WOL

    DAY 31,Canada, FD

    Last FD of the month, will weigh and measure tomorrow and report in.

    Congratulations to all reporting in with weightloss, some amazing!

    For those without weight loss this month you are to be congratulated for staying the course. No doubt your metabolism is resetting to a different level and will soon release the extra weight.

    Hope to see you all on the new Feb challenge.

    Day 31 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Long month of watching calories for me, and I am still up a couple pounds. But I consider maintenance just that: give or take 2 pounds and I am okay. It’s been a busy month, family stuff, meetings, skiing (going today!) and not that much gym work. I’ve stayed at very close or under TDEE each day with minimal FD’s.

    Like I read yesterday, we are in a new WOL To be healthy, we must constantly monitor what we eat and how much energy (calories) we expend. If we don’t, those few pounds stay on month after month, and our weight is out of control.

    It’s been a terrific month getting to share with you all. On to February!

    Day 31 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Weigh in this morning 54.2kg / 119.5lbs – so very happy with that!
    I have now been maintaining for 2 months – my target weight was 55kg with a 1kg window on either side

    Joining this forum with the November Challenge has got me off the plateau I had been stuck on for 3/4 months and got me to below my target weight – this would not have been possible without the support and advice from so many. I learnt so much from the experience of others and it helped me to find variations on the 5:2 WOL that suited me – Thank You to All.

    Health improvement markers since starting this WOL in January 2016:-
    1. Total weight loss = 14.6kg/2stones 5lbs, and since reaching target in December 2016 I have maintained that loss!
    2. My Asthma is so much better controlled – using half the dose of my preventer inhaler and not required any treatment inhaler for the past 10months
    3. My blood cholesterol has improved over the past year as follows:
    – Serum cholesterol down by 1.2mmol/L
    – LDL cholesterol down by 1.14mmol/L
    – Non HDL cholesterol down by 1.08mmol/L

    Things I have learnt over the past year
    * It’s OK to feel hungry
    * I can now do 36hr water/tea FDs with no ill effects – never thought I could do without my 500cal!!!!
    * My non fast days are now mostly 16:8 days – with 2 meals and no snacking!
    * I have majorly reduced the amount of sugar and carbohydrates in my diet – feel so much less bloated!
    * I can still enjoy a glass or two of wine with my dinner 3/4 times a week
    * I can still enjoy a slice of cake with coffee when out with friends/OH twice a week
    * I am so much more mindful about what I eat on my non fast days
    * If I stray on any NFD I don’t punish myself “I CANNOT CHANGE YESTERDAY, BUT I CAN CHANGE TODAY”
    * Best of all I am full of energy and my mental health is a much happier and relaxed one
    * This WOL is a permanent one for me!

    Well done to those who achieved their targets and to those that are struggling please do not give up, we all follow different paths and you will get there if you persevere! Keep posting into February – Remember that together we are stronger!

    A BIG THANK YOU TO @fuvvie for keeping us together in January

    Hope to hear from most on you on the February challenge with @lynzm

    Day 31– Colorado, USA– FD
    (Yesterday ended up being NFD, so trying again today!)

    156 lbs. = Original start of 5:2
    147.5 = November 1, 2016
    145.8 = December 1, 2016
    147.5 = January 1st, 2017 (Hospital, Crohn’s flare up, IV fluids & Prednisone.)
    143.4 = end of January results = down 2.4 pounds from December. I’ll take that!!

    Ultimate goal wt. = 136- 138 (or 62 kg) So very close now!

    Briefly hit 139.7 lbs after my 7-day strict medical Fast in early January. But I was a big slacker the rest of the month.

    I had FDs, but just wasn’t strict enough. On many FDs, I floated up to 800-900 calories, so definitely didn’t qualify as Fasting, but also far below TDEE calories. Then I allowed too many NFDs to become a free-for-all.
    The Prednisone is NOT HELPING. The corticosteroid makes you VERY HUNGRY all the time. There were days when I lost control. In early February I will come completely off Prednisone & that will help tremendously in getting firmly back on track!

    I’m excited to move on to February & Challenge myself to have proper, strict Fasting Days along with controlled NFDs…. And continue to work my way down in inches & pounds!!

    Day31 Surrey UK NFD, Checking in. Didn’t weigh this morning, had a doctor’s appointment. Will do tomorrow morning.
    @fuvvie thank you for this month, I hope to be a little more focused for February.
    It is with gratitude I will continue on this forum

    Day 31 – Staffordshire UK-fd

    Will weigh in tomorrow.

    Day 31 Canada NFD
    finishing off my first month of 5:2 with a weight of 159.5. I think that that is a loss of 12 lbs for the month. I am proud. This thread helped alot . Thank you Fuvvie

    Day 31-FD. AZ USA. I stated at 160. Today weighed in at 150. Gained 2lbs over the weekend But I stuffed my face. I’m excited for feb challenge. I want to thank every single person on this forum for taking the time at of your days to be supportive and giving a piece of yourself everyday. 🙂

    Day 31 – SW WA USA – FD

    Finishing out with a b2b. Will post final results tomorrow morning.

    therealwil78 – LynzM has started the February thread already

    Have a great last day of January!

    Day 31 | NFD | Bucks UK

    Total weight disappearance = 4.2 lbs the scales went up over the past few weeks but i am pleased with the work in progress…. roll on Feb my last month being in my 30s!

    Thank you @fuvvie xx

    Day 31: Gloucestershire FD turned NFD at 4.30pm…eek!
    It’s not been a good month for me…half a stone UP from my target weight. This is what can happen if you get complacent after reaching target. Beware!
    During February I must reign myself in. See you there.

    Day 31|CD|Toronto|84.8 kg (post FD)
    Thank you @fuvvie and all
    January is never my best month,this one was much more pleasurable being part of this community. Best wishes and luck going forward.

    Day 31. Love reading all the positive comments. @missj2002, as Feb will be your last month in your 30’s, 1/2 way into Feb will be my last few days in my 50’s. It has taken me 30 years to find a WOL that seems to be working for me. Best wishes on your continued path to a healthy life!

    Day 31. Sussex U.K.
    184 lbs. no weight loss, but no gain. Realistically only 3 proper fast days in January and lots of occasions for consuming over my tdee. Plus too much snacking after evening meal.
    New scales came today.
    Also have downloaded the game app from Exeter university site which is meant to help me stop snacking on poor choices. Am religiously doing it every day now, especially when I start thinking about what else I want to eat when I have just finished a meal.
    For anyone else struggling there was an article in the press recently by Sylvia Tara. She has just written a book called ‘The secret life of fat’. IF is one of the things she recommends.
    See you all in February.

    Surrey, UK

    Day 31 NFD but so far pretty controlled so pleased with myself.

    Total weight loss this month 7lbs. Sooo pleased.

    Well done everyone and thank you Fuvvie. Extra special congrats to those who have not had success but have continued anyway. That’s real commitment. I salute you.

    See you all tomorrow in Feb!!

    2nd post
    A good,not spectacular, start to the year; a little weight loss (2.5 kgs or 5.5 lbs) plus the re-establishment of better habits of taking the stairs, being controlled on non Fast Days and improved food diarising.

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