2nd Post – I was pondering the ‘having a break’ (from Controlled Eating) and it occurred to me: “O, that way fatness lies; let me shun that; No more of thatโ
[I’m sure Shakespeare wouldn’t mind being paraphrased that way ๐ ]
This topic contains 2,437 replies, has 150 voices, and was last updated by Fuvvie 8 years, 1 month ago.
Day 30 Cornwall UK FD
LynzM wow how can you read and squat,amazing!
Pamie great cm loss, thanks for reminding me to measure!
Goldensun – well done going โon the wagonโ til March.
Also resisting prawn crackers, I think its the first one that does the damage, like crisps, if I have one that’s the packet gone!
Fuvvie Book club sounds great and now back to choir you’re one busy lady!
I’ll look up page 161 later.
Feeling better today though still got the headache! The weather is the same thick fog and drizzle. Another quiet day, I have a quilt to plan for my granddaughter so will get on with that and keep my hands busy!
Going for a b2b today and tomorrow, must end the month less than at the start! Will weigh and measure on wednesday for the end of this challenge and beginning of Feb challenge.
Stay strong fasters, this is a new day look forward not back!! xoxox
DAY30 – Bucks UK – FD
Have struggled over the past few days – having started so well and done a b2b and AD most of the time – but my weight is stubbornly refusing to budge despite me losing initially and if I go over my cals only slightly seem to put on the lb lost! BUT however frustrating, I am sticking to this tried and tested wol and am hanging in…..
February challenge? Yes please.
Good luck all xx
Day 30 Surrey UK FD I will weigh tomorrow and see what damage has been done the past two weeks. This does need to become a way of working with food daily so that it is second nature…it’s taken long enough to get into bad habits, so it needs conscious effort to change those habits. Over the last few days I have had potato chips and also some pizza. The effect has been felt because my body has not had that for a long time, and it clearly doesn’t agree with me any more. Really useful to notice that, and I think this is of enormous value because it shows that there is much more awareness of what is being eaten. Before learning about 5:2 there was a kind of mindless eating. So thanks to Fung/Moseley and all those who are practicing and contributing on this forum!
Day 30– Colorado, USA– FD
After the weekend of heavier meals, Monday Fast Day always feels so refreshing & welcome!
BiddieV– I’ve also had days of feeling like “I want a break from this.” For me the break isn’t from 5:2 or intermittent fasting WOL, it’s more I’d love a mental break from the constant planning & thinking of what foods are “okay” and “how many calories are in that?” Too many years of being obsessed or too pre-occupied with these details gets tiring.
But then Fuvvie posted this perfect (and timely!) reminder from the book:
โWhen you reach your target weight, you can change the frequency of your fast. Play with it. But donโt drift. Stay alert. Your aim is for permanent life change, not a blip, not a fad. This is the long distance route to sustained weight loss. Accept that it is something you will do, in a form that suits you, indefinitely. For as long as life.โ
And that is the reality for me: Acceptance that this must be a permanent change for life.
Just last week I eased up on the reins & slid back into old habits: indulged in far too many fast food/ french fry (chips) lunches and a glass of red wine with dinner each night. The results showed on the scales. Oops!
Good wake-up call to myself that I can’t just “take a break” or I’ll return to the fat jeans & bigger bras & longer belts that I already gleefully packed away. I’m enjoying feeling comfortable in my skinny jeans & look forward to shorts next summer.
And for me that means remaining vigilant. For Life.
Day 30, Australia NFD
Congratulations @mamacat on your fantastic loss for the month! Wow!
Very happy today even though I didn’t fast as OH came home from work and turns out he had started his first fast. So glad he had finally tried one and was feeling great from it, though a bit spacey at work as the day went on he said. Hopefully he’ll adjust quickly and enjoy the results.
Day 30…..Florida……..
Feeling quite good with myself, because I did over eat on Sat.&Sun. Didn’t eat anything remotely good for myself foods. Sat., I completed a 20 hour fast and on Sun an 18 hour. Quite pleased with myself.
I’m with some of you, weekend are my down fall. I’ve really have to find away to combat this little problem I’m having!
Debster…… I normally weigh in Fridays but didn’t so I can sign off for Jan. Today, I’m doing the last FD of the month, hoping for some good results! Best of luck to you!
Rocy…….. sorry about the headaches, my friend. As I was reading your post, a thought popped into my head. I always get a headache when the baramedic (sorry, it’s not spelled right) pressure changes. So any easier sentence is when natures air pressure changes. It occurs normally when their is a big weather coming in mostly rain, snow and fog as well as when these are lifting as well.
Could this explain your headache? Maybe research it, see if your symptoms match. I know there are remedies that can help reduce them when it happens. I personally don’t use them because I’m a gluten for punishment….. lol
Birdie and Happy……. glad your still with us. Oh how lovely it would be if we all could take a break from ourselves. My family and I watch this program called reflections, it’s a faith based program on life and God. Friday night, the lesson was on One day at a time. Fr. Clifton said if you took a builder up in a helicopter and showed him 500 miles of houses he was to build in his life time. The builder who see an impossible task before him. Or show a doctor a stadium full of sick people he need to help, he would only see and unachievable goal. So, look at us, we see 30, 40, or even 50 to a100 lbs we need to lose, and we become discouraged. But, if we break it down day by day, hour by hour or even minute by minute, the life time of what we have to do actually gets done. The builder builds one house, the doctor helps one person, we lose on pound…. one day at a time….. in the end, we achieve our goals. So those impossible tasks become possible….. one day at a time!
Fuvvie…… no novel yet…… lol
Well, I’m off coffees cold…. so time for refill then off to work I go!
Cheery O’
Now your predestined to have a great day!
P.S. Am I spelling it right?
Thanks everyone for your sweet words, I’ve definately had some challenging days but checking in everyday has certainly made me accountable for what I have been consuming on a daily basis. I still have a ways to go but you all have taught me that we can do this and I am incorporating 5:2 as a WOL, not just to drop the weight. My husband has lost 25 lbs this month by fasting. He is energized and proactive and is looking great. It’s amazing how eating less makes us feel better.
Day 30: NFD AZ USA
Day 28 – nsw, Aust- nfd
Day 29 – nfd
Day 30 – fd
No drama with the fd but I think I need to up the exercise although I’m not sure where I’m going to get the energy from. It’s stinking hot today at least 39 degrees which doesn’t help. I’ll weigh myself tomorrow – I did measure waist and neck and was very surprised as waist did not not change at all but the neck measurement was down by 2.5cms – so it looks like the face and neck will slim down but other areas will need a lot more work. Tomorrow is another day. 3kgs was the goal for the month so am very interested to see how I do. slow and steady is the aim as I think it will take 12-18 months to reach my ultimate goal weight. It’s a day at a time.
Good luck everyone for the last day of the challenge ๐
Day 30 USA NFD
This may turn into a FD and if it does not then tomorrow will most likely be one.
I won’t be able to weigh in tomorrow as I am traveling again so here are my month end results.
Started @ 152.6 – today 142.2. Total 10.4 lbs lost since January 1. I am very happy with the results in weight, inches, and the fact that I have learned so much about this WOL and more about me too.
Just as important – and I have said this before, is my new outlook. I am in such a better personal space – so much better than I have been in several years! It is really amazing.
Love this group and hope to see you all in the Feb forum! Thank you, everyone, for the support and the regular posts and for sharing your journey. Special thanks to Favvie – Bravo!!!
Georgia/USA/Day 30/ FD: I need to do better. I’m up about 5 lbs. today. To be honest I wasn’t gonna say that, but I need to face facts. I’ve been maintaining my weight for the last few months and I’ll probably be back down tomorrow after this fast day, but I want to loose more weight. I hit my goal some time ago so maybe I should be satisfied with just the maintenance?
Day 30 USA (Utah) NFD
Eating things I don’t normally eat, but doing okay. Will get to the gym today and work off the morning coffee cake I bought for the granddaughters (and me).
Yesterday I had a terrific massage, went to daughter’s gym to use their hot tub and eucalyptus steam room, so more than anything just pampered myself. Guess we need those days too!
Onward and downward!
Day 30, NYC, half FD. Yesterday was colonoscopy prep — want to lose three pounds very quickly (and uncomfortably)? Add to that an upper endoscopy. Went to the ER with chest pains after a party Saturday night. All night in a very noisy ER…ugh. Cardio all clear. Since I was scheduled for the colonoscopy today, my doc added on the upper endoscopy.
I am official 120 pounds again. How do I parlay this into staying on track and getting below 120? I plan to eat once this is over.
Day 29, Canada, FD
Laddie, mamacat, vardez,pamie- wow so impressed with your progress, it is inspiring.
Lynn and Quebecoise – I like your plans to squat whole you read posts. No doubt you will soon have ‘buns of steel’
Biddie that skakespeare modification trips off my tongue . . . Will use that as a mantra to keep on the straight and narrow.
2 more days this month, stay strong everyone!
Day 30, Gloucestershire, UK: NFD, hopefully my last of this (bad) month.
Tomorrow is the last day and also I’m back at work after my long weekend (which comes around every six weeks) so I’m hoping for an elusive FAST-DAY then.
Let February be better for me. I won’t give up on the challenges, but it’s so true what they say. Losing the weight is the easy bit….keeping it off is the real challenge! I NEED help with this, truly.
Good luck to all of us, wherever we are on the journey.
Nebraska, US…Day 30 weigh in, down 8 lbs since Jan. 1. Total weight down today is 30 lbs. Since Nov. 15. I thought I would feel really good about what I have accomplished since November but feeling blah and scared. I have lost 30 lbs before and gained it back, will I keep it off and be able to lose another 70 lbs?
Day 30 โ Canada โ FD
Fasting today in the hopes that I can finish off the month with a pleasing weight loss. I’ll remind myself to do my measurements tomorrow morning.
@bert and @fuvvie. Why don’t you both get together and co-author a book. I would definitely read it. ๐
We are now on the homestretch for January and racing to the finish line. Have a good day everyone and stay strong.
@fuvvie. I was amused to read that you have a token male in your book club. We have one as well. He is a retired gentleman and claims that he had previously never read any fiction. His books of choice would always be either chemistry or physics. Suppose that’s understandable as he had spent his whole working career in the petrochemical industry. He has certainly enjoyed most of the books we choose.
@quebecoise oh no. That is terrible!! ๐
Hey team January – Thanks for the great tips regarding bone broth and the recipes!
Omg – bone broth made with beef bones simmered for 24 hours – removed extra marrow, fat and veggies thru a cheese cloth and wow wow wow – soooo delicious! I’m not saying I could be happy with only homemade bone broth every single day without solid good but I gotta say I make a mean broth!
Day 30 Portugal FD
First of b2b fasts. I was really busy today so didn’t really notice being hungry. Enjoyed a yummy roast ham dinner. Just about to tot up the calories and hopefully it came close to 500. Can’t believe January is almost over – will take measurements and weigh in tomorrow.
Thanks @fuvvie once again for looking after us all, for the fantastic spreadsheet and words of encouragement.
Day 31 NZ NFD
Last day of the month. Last weigh in 82kg.
Thankyou @fuvvie for running this challenge. Now onto the Feb one.
@fuvvie, I too belong to a community choir, we have our first practice for the year next Wednesday. Really looking forward to it. It will be exciting to see what our choirmaster has chosen for us. We have a big concert in May apparently, looking forward to learning more about it. I would be interested to know what music you are doing are you a soprano or an alto. I’m alto. Have a good day everyone.
DAY 30 – Cumbria UK – FD
Doing well so far today keeping to a water/tea with dash of skimmed milk FD – did a 1 hr Pilates class early this afternoon and now just back home from a 1.5hr Yoga class – feeling in control!
@quebecoise – was saddened to read about what happened in your beautifull and peacefull city of Quebec – my thoughts to all those affected.
@mamacat @southcroydonkate @laddie @vardez @pamie @Believeit- well done on such positive results
Where has January gone? Final weigh in tomorrow
Anyone else fasting today – stay strong – together we can do this
So deeply sorry to hear of attack on mosque in Quebec City. Condolences to Canadian people, especially those who have lost someone. Standing in solidarity with Muslim sisters and brothers ๐ . I understand that terrorism is no more a part of Islam than hatred and prejudice are a part of Christianity. So glad that President Trudeau has stated that refugees continue to be welcome.
Hi UK day 30 CD
@bert I did say ‘cheerio’ to all in my last post but maybe you missed it.
@quebecoise I heard the news on my way home and thought of you in Quebec- senseless – for what!
As January has not been a particular good month I too relate to what others have thought – do I need a break? I feel tired and have been so cold over the last few days but what else would I do. I am a little disheartened as I started the month with so much enthusiasm but haven’t seemed to make a lot of progress. But as I’ve often told others keep the faith and keep keeping on.
Cheerio for now x
DAY 30 sweden FD
i haven’t been posting in the forum due to life and to my computer breaking down! but i have kept with the plan the whole month, fasting 2 days every week and lost one or two kilos. I’m not sure the exact amount because my weight fluctuates so much depending on the weekday.
The weightloss is going very slowly, because I only have a little to lose and because I indulge Friday to Sunday, but the important thing is that I have discovered that I love fasting!
Even if I didn’t lose very much weight this january challenge really helped me break the bad christmas eating and get rid of any holiday weight. I feel good about myself!
This forum has really helped me a lot. Thank you!!! Love and good luck to you all!
Day 30 -FD-Canada
Fast day going well so far. 5:2 has made such a difference to my January. It is likely the best New Year’s Callenge I’ve set myself, certainly the one I’ve been most committed to.
@quebecoise – so very sorry for your city and… really.. for the world that such things should happen.
Day 29 – NFD New York, USA *not the city. I live in UPSTATE New York, close to the Canadian border.
Day 30 – NFD
Days have been so whacky busy, and I’m trying to stay off the internet more (can’t take the news here in the US) and that means occasionally I miss posting a day. But I’m so looking forward to seeing how we all fare at the end of this month-long journey!
Day 30…..Florida…..FD
Coda….. I’m sorry that I missed your Cheerio. I really could have used it today tooo๐ญ
Idea? We all should do Cheerio as our salutation for the whole month of Feb. ? Thoughts?
Quebecoise……. I just don’t get it anymore. What is the purpose of it? Regardless of our skin color, religion, sexual orientation or any other thing you want to throw into the mix, we all our people! I think people have forgotten that we all have hearts that beat, lungs that breathe, and all of our blood is red. We all though different by our upbringing, our culture and how we choose to live our lives, we all are the same, we all our human!
Fuvvie and I co-authors of a book….. heck, Iwould even read that!
Congrats to everyone for sticking with Jan challenge! No matter what you final weight is, each and everyone should be proud of how far you’ve come and look forward to where you will go!
Day 31 – Perth, W.Aust – last FD for the month – will weight in tomorrow morning
And, still it’s raining! What has happened to our summer? @cboz seems you guys on the east have been receiving it all on our behalf. My brother is also in NSW and his power went off yesterday, he was definitely not a happy chappy.
@cboz you also mentioned about having to work other areas harder to lose the centimetres. Just remember that you can’t spot train an area of the body. No amount of only sit ups will give you a flat tummy, no amount of only lunges will give you skinnier legs. They will admittedly strengthen and define the muscles, but working only a particular area does not mean that is where we lose the weight from. So I would encourage you to find an exercise you enjoy doing (or at the very least can tolerate doing) and know that it is helping you build a strong body to help you move easily through your daily tasks.
Have a great day everyone, stay strong and be kind to yourself.
Congratulations to all of you taking part in the January challenge. I wish I had the strength of character to do it over such a busy, holiday (celebratory) period. ๐ @k-lo – sorry to hear you are not well. My thoughts are with you. @believeit – you sound just like me. I have lost and regained the weight so many times but IT IS NOT WORTH IT and I truly believe that this new WOL is the best chance I will have to succeed. It is not a fad and it offers so much flexibility so we can make it fit our lives. We just have to be determined. Good luck today and see you in February! ๐
2nd post
Glad to see a lot of you are returning for 28 Day February Challenge, a lot of newbies signed up so gonna need all your help answering all the qu’s.
So much information we gather in the past months (joined in November challenge) but it’s been a brilliant learning platform, I don’t want to write too long posts to scare people off before we start.
Happy to lead, but realising Fuvvie what a fantastic job you are doing, and all the others before you did too. I hope I will be as good.
Good luck for the last day of this January challenge everyone. X
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9:35 am
30 Jan 17