31 Day January 2017 Challenge

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31 Day January 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,437 replies, has 150 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 8 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,051 through 2,100 (of 2,440 total)

  • Day 26 – Perth, W.Aust – NFD

    Another hot one forecast here in lovely Perth.
    Took dog for walk at 6am – 25degrees – 7am went for a bike ride, got home at 8 and it was already 30degrees and now at 10am it’s already 35, so I think we’ll have no trouble hitting that 40degrees they are forecasting. Perfect for our Australia Day celebrations.

    Son has cooked a pavlova and I’ve got the passionfruit ready, steaks, salad and some bubbly for tonight too, so definitely a NFD and may even go over my TDEE slightly today, but not worried. It’s important to enjoy life and celebrate special occasions too.

    Have a great day everyone, stay strong and be kind to yourself.

    Dear fellow pocketfasters – I am going to go to bed early too as for some reason I want to eat again tonight — maybe its the anticipation of a 48 hr B2B which started a couple of hours ago.

    We are all on our way by now — stay strong:

    Laddie10 – hey, that’s me!

    Day 26 – Brisbane, Aus – NFD

    I was planning on making today a FD, but it’s Australia Day, and the kids wanted to make damper and stuff… so figured I’d switch it to tomorrow… which I think might actually be a better plan going forward anyway. The weekends are when I typically eat the most, so only having a two-day NFD break, rather than 3 (if I fasted Mon/Thur), might actually work in better (at least psychologically anyway). Might try that for a few weeks.

    Hope everyone is having an awesome day.

    Second post

    AnneMarilyn, tarting the place up is just a vulgar Aussie bit of slang. When a woman of a certain kind, referred to in Australia as a tart, goes out on the prowl and does her self up with makeup, hair done, groomed to perfection etc, some say she is tarting herself up. So that’s what we are doing today, mowing grass, cutting and digging out some particularly vicious vines with thorns like tacks that drive through tyres when run over, pulling up weeds, planting out the herb patch, generally making the place look good, ‘tarting the place up’.

    Reid, delighted that you found the inspiration with Lolly and Buttonboots that I have found. I love their philosophy. And like me, they have a big amount to lose, so it is really encouraging.

    Bert, some people just are unable to respect other people’s personal boundaries. Good for you sticking to your guns with dignity. You just have to pity them for their lack of flexibility and open-mindedness. It’s a tricky situation when they are co-workers.

    AT, it would be nice to go camping, but my daughter and son-in-law and their 3 children live with me so it’s nice to have some me time. Apart from that, they are going with 2 other families their age, and there was never any question of my going with them. It’s good for us to have time out. It’s also just a wee bit tricky with the CPAP for my sleep apnoea; not impossible, but tricky. So I waved them off happily. I may go to my son’s place later in the day and have a soak in his swimming pool. One of my other daughters and her husband were up here this morning helping with the yard work, and they are going to our son’s place (I only have one son and 4 daughters, two of whom are twins; lovely family). We used to go camping a lot with our children when they were younger and we were building our home. We lived in a caravan and shed for 5 and a half years whilst we built our house from rammed earth (pisΓ© construction). We were a lot younger then. We’ve still to complete our home and we started the build back in 1981.

    I am so hot. It’s in the mid 30’s outside and 27 degrees here in the study. We don’t have fans or air conditioning, but I’m fairly cool as the perspiration from being outside is probably evaporating off.

    Day 25 (again)– Colorado, USA– NFD, turned into successful FD!

    Today I wanted Wendy’s for lunch *so badly* Kept playing thru my mind. Thought a cheeseburger with extra pickles & hot french fries would be so very tasty.

    But I knew fast food just wasn’t a healthy choice. So I kept logging in to read posts, while sipping on bone broth & sparkling fizzy water. Then I went into my craft room, cleaned out the closet & organized all my sewing & crafting supplies. Looks great now! Then read more of your motivating posts.

    And it worked! I got the strength I needed from all your wonderful words… and my NFD was able to morph into a pretty solid FD. Yay!!
    Thank you, Fellow Fasters!

    Sorry, it wasn’t AT, it was Yirrakurl I was responding to about camping. Muddling along.

    HappyMargo, it’s funny the way we sometimes fixate on things. I did that the other day with salted roasted macadamias. I thought about them non stop for a couple of hours whilst out driving etc, so I finally bought them but made sure I shared them with my grandsons and felt that I had managed a little better than usual. Congratulations that you didn’t give in.

    Day 26 NZ FD
    It’s 5.300pm and I’m feeling like I might be able to make this liquid only today.
    I’ve been toying with trying liquid only for a while wondering if no calories will help to shed the last couple of stubborn kilos, my only worry is that I am very wakeful and have trouble sleeping on FDs with 400ish calories for dinner and I’m mindful of making the sleep issue any worse by going zero calories.
    If all things continue as is and I don’t feel the need to eat anything I guess I’ll find out tonight.
    I’ve been sewing and tidying up the leaves and things that some really strong winds have thrown around outside today to stay busy, I do think it’s easier to fast on work days but I’m in no hurry for my holiday to end so sewing and sweeping it is!

    Fuvvie I did laugh at the question about tarting up the house, we are such an eclectic international group, that’s a colloquialism obviously unique to Australia and New Zealand. I’ve asked previously about what a ‘Turtle Sundae’ is, but never considered that we too have our own vocab that needs explaining.

    Day 25. QuΓ©bec. NFD

    Big news today. My husband decided to fast like I do. I explained everything and he is starting tomorrow. That’s cool !

    Day 26 NFD. Australia Day, country West Australia
    Yesterday FD went OK due to being flat out at work from 8.30 am until 7.15 pm. Exhausted and headachy from a very sore neck which I had to massage all day in between clients!
    All good today except for headache monstering the left side of my head.
    Hoping not to overdo snags, pies, lamingtons and pav today ( some ‘national’ Aussie dishes).
    A friend just sent me a very funny carton of a female doctor explaining to her overweight female patient
    ” Resistance training is just as important as cardio. Train yourself to resist chocolate, pastries, fried food, beer, pizza …’
    Made me laugh.

    Day 26 – Tokyo Japan – NFD – 80.7kg.

    Interesting that when I felt flabby and fluffy I weight less than when I’m feeling tighter and leaner. Guess I’m just a water balloon.

    UK day 26 NFD Had to get up super early this morning as I’d been dreaming about having a slice of toast for breakfast – I’ve had one slice and really enjoyed it ,just need to ensure I stop there and have a sensible day ,I’m trying to eat 2 or sometimes 3 balanced meals on NFDs and attempting to not get fixated

    Day 26 UK NFD

    Hi all, have a good day, good luck pocketeers and everyone whatever day you are having FD or NFD.


    Day 24 FD, Day 25 NFD, Day 26 FD – NZ

    Apologies – I’m commuting for work, and I lose track of the days.

    Have had the worst PMT this week, but handled two FD beautifully. The NFD was a goodie too!

    Hope you guys are all good; I’ve just got home, so I’m catching up with my kids. I’ll catch up with posts later.

    Day 26 -Staffordshire UK-FD

    Aussie day 26 NFD .

    Day 25 Ireland NFD
    Day 26 FD
    Day 27 FD

    Good morning fellow pocketeers. I started last night after dinner at 6pm …. and woke up hungry during the night and then was panicking about I would manage today. Any way have had 2 cups of tea, am planning a cup a soup at lunch and then a 400 cal meal in evening with family, and a similar plan for Friday.
    Hunger this morning is not so bad now that I’ve had the tea!
    Knowing that there is a group of us doing it together is very helpful for me.
    We can do it!

    Love the joke about resistance training! it is so true 😏

    Day 26, Australia NFD

    Day 26 : Cheshire, UK : FD

    Yesterday was a successful liquid fast day. Didn’t think I could do it because all day Tuesday I just felt hungry, although I stayed strong and ate under my TDEE. I think I didn’t drink enough.

    Also, I think I’ve was a little confused when the b2b pocketeer’s fast started. I didn’t realise it was Wednesday evening. No worries, I’m still in but maybe today won’t be a liquid fast. I’m sure I can go through to Saturday morning….she says optimistically πŸ™‚

    @rocy65 – my pleasure. Bach Flowers really help me in all kinds of different situations. Hugs back xoxo

    @debster251 – I am. I think I’ve had a “whoosh” in my spiritual practices πŸ™‚ Congratulations on yours btw!

    @anna6 – thinking of you today xoxo

    @bert1802 – Gosh! I was astounded at your co-worker’s comments and lack of boundaries. Loved your dignified but to the point response.

    @lilymartin – what are ‘snags’? My brother and his family live on the Gold Coast and my mum is currently there visiting them. Easier to ask you though πŸ™‚

    Love and hugs to everyone. Stay strong whether you’re on a FD or CD/NFD.

    Day 26 Portugal NFD

    Hi my fellow tues/wed fasters. How did you do? I found yesterday hard with a headache all day, but I managed to continue with the fast. Like some of you, I had the crock pot on all day, not a roast, but making some yummy Irish stew, which I had a small portion of at dinner time. I will break my fast at lunch time today making it about a 64hr fast.
    @mamacat…it feels so good to fit into “skinnier me” clothes. I have a pair of trousers I kept from 10years ago. My goal is to fit into them! Still a bit to go!
    @bert … well done you sticking up for this wol. People just don’t get it sometimes.
    @inittothinit … the roasted veg dinner sounds yummy. Feels great when we make it through a b2b fast.

    Have a good day. I know it is too late to wish our Australian friends, happy Australia Day, as your day is now over. I hope you had a great one….any lamingtons, pavlova or BBQ? Yum.

    Day 26 Cornwall UK

    Pamie We love NZ our daughter lives in Taupo now, but used to live near Huntly. My brother lives in Christchurch. We’ll be out there again next year.

    Hannahwatto congrats on new bras, I did that recently, very uplifting in more ways than one!

    Fuvvie we also have the β€˜tarting up’ saying!!

    Pocket fasters day two, lets stick together today, thankyou for your support!!

    I slept really well last night, the first good night for ages, the anxieties always come at night! I got a book from the library, Buddas book of sleep – mindful meditation, really helpful!!

    Lillymartin, love your resistance quote! Made me laugh and so true!

    Positive thoughts to all fasters today!

    2nd Post

    btw I didn’t get to sleep until 3am this morning because of the liquid fast. After 21/2 hours indoor climbing, I had a long relaxing bath so I thought I would fall asleep easily. Sigh! Hopefully, I will sleep tonight.

    Yes, ‘tarting up’ is a term used here in the UK too.

    Day 26 Australia Day – NFD

    Indulged but not extreme. A neighbour brought along real home made lamingtons! They were so good. Luckily just enough for one each.

    @fuvvie (and other Strayens and Kiwis) yes our slang is delightfully vulgar – I just love it. I laugh myself silly every single time we need to do a U-turn and I say to my OH ‘just chuck a youey… ‘ Yes, small minds, I know… πŸ˜„

    DAY26 – Bucks UK – FD
    Hi fellow pocketeers:- Weeme Pissupoosa, Goldensun, Yirrukuri, ROcky65, Coda, Laddie10, .

    Good day yesterday – I may have strayed over my 500 cals (prob.600) as I was really
    hungry….I won’t be eating to-day until 8.30pm as am going to see La La Land with girlfriends – we are sharing a pizza (one Pizza between 3)afterwards, so I am trusting that won’t be over my limit, altho that will be my first “bread” this year!

    I slept like a log last night!! First time for ages…what a difference a night’s sleep makes, I feel I can conquer the world!! KEEP STRONG. GOOD LUCK. xx

    Day 26 Belfast NFD
    Happy Margo I love getting new bras but I HAD to get one very quickly into this diet because the first weight loss happened from the wrong places! And I can’t afford to lose it there! Lol! (TMI) but it was worth it.
    BrightonBelle it took me from last April to September to lose a stone. However, and more important, I didn’t do the diet for 2 months. I just did 16:8 and easily maintained my weight with a few (!) glasses of wine and deserts. So hang on in there. We’re in it for the long haul, and not instant success.
    Ciren lots of hugs over the Internet. I’m holding your hand from afar!
    Fuvvie, we would use the same expression. In fact I’ve just spent a couple of months tarting up my kitchen! Which reminds me, LilyMartin did your kitchen get underway? I’m finished except for the splashback, which I’ll order next week.
    Off for a few days now. Control is the name of the game! Have a good day all.

    Day 26…….Florida…….NFD

    Wow… 26 days. You know what this means…. I’m starting my fourth month on 5:2. It’s funny as I look back on all the diets, I tried this is the first one in 15 years, I have been able to continue with for more than a week.
    In 2001, I joined weight watchers at 144lbs, in 8 months I got down to 130lbs. I managed to stay at 130lbs for several years. Then, we made a huge life changing decision. My husband and I packed a U haul and moved away from all of our friends and family to sunny Florida in 2007.
    With the big move to a town where we knew no one, ended up lost in our own neighborhood more than once, we have grown to love every aspect of living the Fl. lifestyle. We made many friends who have become family, our marriage and commitment to each other became stronger and this great big town has become home.
    But the bad thing is I let my weight creap up to 165.
    Feeling despressed and out of control, I found all of you! 4 months in and15lbs gone, I can honestly say 5:2 was another life changing decision, I’ll never regret!

    Today, is more of a CD for me as I am going to start count calories and aim to be under my TDEE. The husband and I decided to fly home to NY for a week in March and I would love to be down another 10lbs. So, I must get serious about this WOL.
    The way I’m looking at it is, if I start tracking on NFD’s, maybe I can get my weight to steadily decrease instead of staying the same for three weeks and then having a large loss one week out of the month. Or like this week, gaining back three pounds and fighting to lose it again. Ps I took a peak this am and the scale was nice to me today. So, I’m feeling fine!!!
    Well, it’s time to be off…. Work is a calling!

    Hi UK day 36 fd

    Yes it’s funny to learn different terms from around the world. As Debster as said ‘tarting’ something up is also used here. I had to Google snags and Lamingtons though to see what they were. We sometimes call sausages bangers. Hope down under all had a good Australian day.

    So far so good on my fast – yoga tonight so won’t be home till late and family will have sorted their own dinner.

    Quebecoise– how awesome your OH is going to Fast with you! That support will be invaluable. (It’s still a bit awkward around my house on FDs. I usually end up eating dinner with DH, in much smaller portions, in order to keep the peace.)

    lilymartin– LOL on the resistance training! Gotta build up those will power muscles! πŸ˜€

    Bert– I’ve had co-workers & others be curious about 5:2 and I’ve been happy to discuss the benefits of intermittent fasting. Even guiding some friends to helpful web-sites. But never had anyone be so “in your face” contentious about it. Although the “is it healthy to be starving yourself?” question has come up, more in a concerned tone. You handled yourself quite well! You’ve got your hands full with that new one!

    Debster– Loving my new (smaller) bras.
    I was actually quite happy to drop some weight from “the balcony” shall we say. πŸ™‚
    At my highest weight I was a 38-D. Ugh. Too much up top for running & working out. Bit uncomfortable with all the movement. Was hoping to return to cup size B. Nope. But did make it down to 34-C. Ahh! Much better for an active lifestyle!

    Day 26 USA (Illinois) – NFD

    quick post – busy day planned —

    I have always enjoyed the international flavor to this board, learning about other food, experiencing seasons we don’t have here, sports rivalries, and especially our differing lingo. Learned new words today “tarting up” and still wondering what “damper” is.

    Quebecoise – congrats on getting your hubs to join you in our WOL! When I started mine, my DH was very ill and needed to gain weight, so as I lost he gained. We passed each other about 175. He’s much healthier now, thank the Lord.

    New clothes, including bras, have been my experience too. I still have a few that don’t fit me right. But I am gradually replacing items. That has been fun!

    Have a terrific day, one and all.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 26 / NFD / Oman
    16:8 today. Lunch at 12.30 of eggs with lentils on the side, spinach and avo salad, slice of wholemeal toast. So filling… Kept me going all day long!

    Day 26 – Australia Day – NFD
    Got up early to mow the lawn and also a little weeding before heading to Mum’s for lunch. Grateful for the Day off. Watching a bit of the australian open with Federer off to the final. Back to Work tomorrow πŸ™ FD on for tomorrow as well. Time to head to sleep. Good night everyone.

    Day 26– Colorado, USA– NFD

    My goodness this first month of the New Year has flown by! Hopefully everyone is moving forward on your own personal resolutions.
    Remember: Progress, not perfection.

    I started off doing great with my exercise goals…but keep forgetting or missing my weight lifting sessions. Want strength training to be a regular, consistent part of my week. I would like to build up my muscle!! My job is very physical, so I need to stay fit to do it well.

    And as we all know, muscles look tight & toned. We have a vacation planned in 9 weeks to a very sunny, beachy locale. We’ll be meeting up with family we haven’t seen in a bit & I’d like to feel confident wearing my shorts & bikinis on the beach!

    So this morning I made up some fun, colorful post-it notes with workout reminders & a vacation count-down. One note even has boxes to check off as I complete my training sessions. I’ve adhered them prominently on my bathroom mirror. I can’t possibly miss the bright colors & fun pictures I drew!
    Each day I will have to mark if I met my workout goal or not…. Accountability! Just like checking into the forum daily.

    Think this should work splendidly!!

    Georgia/USA/Day 26/ FD: hard to believe this month is almost over! Here comes February!

    Day 26 – Canada – FD

    Last FD for the week. I’m glad to see that the month is coming to a more successful end than the first ten days of January. I was afraid everything was going sour but with encouragement from this site, I seem to be back on track. But of course it’s a day to day process and telling myself daily that I can do this. – – Just like the Little Train That Could.

    Good morning: day 25 FD
    Day 26: NFD
    I don’t think I put in my day yesterday throughout my posts. I feel great after dong a B2B. I hope all my pocketpals hung in there. I broke the 150lb mark and maintained it all day yesterday. Let’s hope I don’t fall too hard off on my NFDs. Grrrrr

    Day 26 USA – FD

    Good morning/afternoon pocketfasters – you know who you are! I hope you are all having a great day. Keep your eye on the prize πŸ™‚

    @weeme – I am happy for you that you stuck it out – stay strong we ARE in this together!

    @goldensun – I don’t think the start/end time of the day matters so much as we have our list of supporters in our pockets and we are staying strong together from some point Wed-Friday. I like to fast Dinner to dinner whether it be 1 day or 2. I really like dinner with the family and hate to miss it.

    So I’ve started this B2B day out happy – I was concerned after multiple NFD and eating pretty much what I’ve wanted during 3 days of travel (but within my TDEE) I would see a jump in the scales. But NOPE – holding steady (even after pancakes and bacon room service!?).

    Feeling strong with the good news this morning! Have a good day ONE and ALL!

    Day 26/ Midwest USA/ FD

    Hello everybody. In addition to enjoying our connection on these posts, I have been
    trying out recipes from the Fast Diet Cookbook. Yummy! And so easy with the calories already sorted out. The High Energy Breakfast on page 39 is both tasty and satisfying.

    Day 26 Surrey UK FD Very cold today. Just checking in!

    FD. Day 26. New York, USA.

    Busy day, will catch up on posts later. Can’t believe January is almost over. So glad I joined this group. I know for a fact I would not have stuck with this WOL if I hadn’t had you all here, and — probably as importantly — if I hadn’t joined this particular challenge.

    I’m thinking back to Bertie’s post about being frustrated by how slow this has been even while noting that clothes are literally falling to the ground when we try them on… lol

    and it occurred to me that we put the weight on very very slowly too… sometimes so slowly we were really shocked at how much it added up to after a year or three. At least I know I was.

    So the process is exactly the same, either direction: slowly, slowly, slowly, then surprised (in a good way for the downward slide, and in a terrible way for the upward slide) when we really wake up and look. I’m thinking that the weighing every day, even though it sometimes really frustrates me, makes me also stay in reality, and face up to what’s actually happening. I think up until November (the end of the time when I wasn’t weighing, wasn’t looking, was telling myself it was all FINE FINE FINE), I just kind of “coincidentally” was choosing clothes that are a little looser/baggier/designed to let me gain a few, and lose track of how much weight I’m gaining, as long as I didn’t get on the scale. Then, I finally took a deep breath and hopped on. Crikey. 165. In 2008, I was 136. In eight years, I had gained almost ***30*** pounds. Mostly by just looking the other way… and losing track completely. It was not a good feeling. But now I have hope.

    Broke through the 159 barrier and weighed at 158.8 pounds this morning!! Sometime in November I was 165; on January 1 or 2 I was 164; on January 4, I weighed 162.8. So this is almost 31 days to lose 4.0 pounds on this plan. Some of the weight I think I lost between November and January 1, and I honestly started at162.4 when I officially weighed in on January 1st; so it’s unclear EXACTLY what was going on. My first FD was January 2nd, and it’s funny to think back now, but I was honestly petrified when I realized I was setting out to fast until dinner. Also, I realize I was unrealistic: I honestly thought, when I set that goal, to lose five pounds in January, that if I did most things right, I would lose closer to 7 pounds, and be down to 155.


    But now that I see how hard it’s been and how hard CONSISTENCY has been, I have more respect for these four pounds (from January 4) or 6.2 pounds (from November something or other).

    Day 26 Canada NFD

    Day 26, Oceanside CA, NFD 153.1 lbs

    Today is our 10 week anniversary on Fast 5:2. I have lost a total of 5.3 lbs and DH has lost 16 lbs. Slow and steady is our MO. The rhythm of the FD/NFD WOL keeps us on track.

    NFD’s are nutritous low carb days with plenty of protein and some good fat. FD’s are the same, just less of the good stuff and very mimimal carbs. IF works for us.

    Daily exercise, walking and tracking with my Fitbit, is also an important element to our program.

    Day 26, Gozo, Malta, NFD

    After colonoscopy that went well this morning I had a slice of panettone, baked rice and a small piece of chocolate. I’ll have yogurt and fruit this evening and water only. I’m still in good health which is a relief.

    Have a great day everyone

    Day 26 – Cumbria UK – FD

    Doing a FD today instead of my usual Friday as I’m taking the OH out for a posh dinner tomorrow night, it was part of his xmas presents!! Thinking of extending my FD until dinner tomorrow night – will see how I go…….Will weigh in tomorrow instead of Saturday as usual for the week.

    Physio assessment this morning for knee at last – although it has started to feel better! The Physiotherapist thought I had a small tear in the cartilage in my knee!!! β€œMeniscal tear” and she could also feel and see swelling relating to my “Baker’s cyst” She did some manipulations, applied ice and laser treatment – taped up the knee and gave me an exercise regime to strengthen the supporting structures of the knee, such as the quadriceps and hamstring muscles. Told me to avoid twisting motions with the knee, apparently the tape will let me know if I’m doing any twisting as it will pull!!!!!

    @lany36 – as others have said Dr M originally stated eating 500cals on FD and whatever you want on the other 5 days but he has since amended this to say 1/4 of your TDEE on the FD and to stay within your TDEE on the NFD (so not eating whatever you want!) I did find that I plateaued for several months but by changing things up – e.g. trying 16:8 days on my NFDs (2 meals instead of 3 and no snacking) or doing B2B FDs or water only (with tea/coffee with a dash of skimmed milk) FDs, these variations did trigger my downward weight loss again. We all experiment and find what suits us and allows us to keep losing weight – good luck with your journey.
    @brightonbelle – well done – Remember our WOL is not a diet it’s a healthier lifestyle!
    @ciren2 – We have your back always – “When you feel like quitting just ask yourself why you started”
    @biddiev – hope your street party for Australia Day was good fun – as you say the best thing about our WOL is that you can enjoy treat days with no guilt because you can make up for it on other days!
    @bert1802 – Get you standing up for our WOL!!! and happy 4th anniversary!
    @lilymartin – loved your resistance training quote – so apt!
    @happymargo – loved your organised exercise schedule! You have got this! Accountability is the word for our WOL – you are so right in that we are the only ones who can be accountable for our actions whether that be with our eating habits or exercise

    A belated Happy Australia Day for all those in OZ! Was a bit saddened to read about all the demonstrations taking place in the papers over here this morning.

    Thinking of all the pocketeers – you have each other’s back – I’ll tag along with you today until tomorrow night – stay strong

    For anyone struggling at the moment “Keep you head up. You are so much better than you believe. You can do this. I promise.”

    Day 25: Pacific NW USA, NFD, over TDEE after I succumbed to the pressures at work and let it become my old hand-to-mouth reaction. There’s busy and tired and then there’s impossible. At least by my standards (admittedly high to begin with.)

    Day 26|FD|Toronto
    I am working to develop new “small” habits in my life around movement and exercise. The first is stairs over elevators where possible, second is a 20 minute walk each day. A bigger habit is doing a manageable HIIT exercise program, 3 days a week, such as laid out in FastExercise or the NYT’s 7 Minute Scientific exercise program. Easier thought than done. Anyone else trying a gradual, sustainable ramping up of movement and exercise.

    Day 27 Sunshine Coast Australia FD ;

    Can’t sleep. Up with the people on the other side of the world. At least I might be able to get back to sleep now. It is hot here and I think my TV is packing it in as it has started turning itself on and off. I woke to the sound of talking and light flickering from the lounge room.If I hadn’t watched a movie during the evening and seen the TV go off and on again immediately a number of times, I would have had an apoplectic fit. This is the first night I have had on my own in 3 years and I think I also have a case of the heebie jeebies. Have read the posts but not really compos mentis enough to comment. Will have more time in the morning to walk the animals as I will be that much ahead on the posts and spreadsheet. Night.

    Hi – oh Fuvvie isn’t it strange how things seem so much more sinister when you know you are alone. Sounds you are not aware of. Hope you got back to sleep and the TV stopped scaring you. You will soon settle – no doubt just getting used to it all when everyone will be back to disturb your peace and quiet.

    Songbird – I googled Damper previously when it was mentioned – its a type of bread – like soda bread according to google – if you know what soda bread is. We have Soda bread here and UK but not sure if you get it in USA.

    Not sure if I said about my dad having an operation on his tongue? The hospital called him back early so we all suspected but dreaded they confirmed they found a cancerous cell. However they said they hoped they got it all and he just needs regular check ups. They said of any cancer to get if your going to get it, this type was best as it didn’t seem to spread round the body. He seems very up beat about it all though.

    Day 26, Gloucestershire, UK: NFD (of course!)I just like eating TOOOO much.
    I’ve just come back from having a filling at the dentist….numb face, so that’ll stop me eating for awhile!
    Coda: Sorry to hear about your dad, however, they say they think they’ve got it all, it’s not the kind to spread, he’s upbeat….it’ll be fine. Hugs xx

    Hi, can I join in or is it too late. Been doing FDs since September, 16lb loss, no loss the past 2 weeks, but made it through the holidays with out a gain.
    Let me know if I can squeeze in or if it’s too late in the month.

    3rd Post : Had a tuna green salad at 7pm, under 500 cals. Boy was I ready for it. I don’t seem to be able to do a liquid fast past 48 hours.

    @ciren2 Sending hugs to you. I’ve been re-reading your replies throughout this challenge and Nov/Dec. You’ve done so well to lose 2 stones over 20 weeks approximately. That is about 1.4 lbs on average a week. Please don’t lose sight of how much you have achieved and I know you can achieve your maintenance goal. You have said that it took you 25 years to find a weight loss plan that you could stick with, it will take time to learn how to maintain but you will, for sure πŸ™‚ Maybe it may help for you to read your replies over again too and see how far you have come. How you have motivated yourself and others. Please don’t be hard on yourself. You are learning how to maintain. Be kind and patient with yourself as you are with others. xoxo

    @coda – Sorry to hear about your dad but I’m so glad it’s not the kind that spreads. I’m sure everything will be ok. xoxo

    Holding firmly on to my fellow pocketeers’ hands….we can do this my friends πŸ™‚

    Coda my prayers for your dad. He seems such a robust cheerful man. God bless him.

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