31 Day January 2017 Challenge

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31 Day January 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,437 replies, has 150 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • UK day 25 FD feeling much more positive today and when reading through the posts this morning many of you are reinforcing my own personal journey – slow and steady . I do get envious when I see some of the losses recorded but then I reflect and realise this isn’t a short term fix it is the way I eat now , at the moment I have a few pounds to lose, but after that when I’m in maintenance it’s not as though I can walk away and forget all this , this will be how I eat so all the lessons I’m learning will put me in good stead for the future

    Day 24: Pacific NW USA, FD, liquid only except celery with almond butter when I took some Advil (still with the ear ache/headache/vertigo pattern).

    Ciren – if you are still here I don’t think you lost it but merely set it aside for a moment and you will find it again when you stop looking (a bit like my coffee cup that suddenly turns up after I’m sure it just walked away).

    Lily – I’ve always enjoyed your self-discovery and self-awareness. You are putting in a lot of work and I bet you will find it leads you to the right balance for you!

    CBoz – at least you can put a finger on the culprit to plug the hole, hope it wasn’t too much of a loss.

    Have a good night/day wherever you are!

    Morning all uk peeps.

    I’ll be joining in with the b2b’ing.


    I’m still feeling really shit about over eating this last weekend. ๐Ÿ˜ก

    Hope you all have a nice day!

    BUck-UK – FD

    Well, another fd under my belt – and feeling so good I am about to add another one!
    So this week Mon/Tues/ and now Wed. for me. The longer I fast the easier it seems to become!!
    Much easier than a nfd. However not being silly and if I feel the urge to eat to-day I will…no point in being too precious about it.. and it’s early in the day yet. Hairdresser about to arrive, then out with friends for our weekly cards so will keep busy which always helps. I am wondering tho’ whether I am not eating enough!! (Is that possible) as I don’t think I have lost more than 5lb this month and that’s with alternate day fasting (almost) and with the odd extra one thrown in!
    So I’ve added myself to the list, trust this will support get me thru another 2days..


    So fellow pocketeers, let’s grab the moment and stick with it…..eom is in sight and we can start February challenge in the knowledge that we have been able to stick at a b2b and go forward with confidence.

    Love and good luck to all. xx

    Day 25. Sussex, U.K.

    Day 25 Cornwall UK FD

    joining the fasters for today thro to Friday!

    laddie 10

    Thank you so much for your hugs and supportive comments, fuvvie, happymargo, coda , goldensun and debster251 they are very much appreciated! xx

    So my first counselling session was really good, by the end I felt much more relaxed and I know she will help/ guide me to come to terms with my anxieties and relationship break up.

    I planned a fd on Monday, managed up til about 2 but it went downhill after that. then yesterday again managed until 4pm then went right off the rails carbs and sugar- I’m not sure why and Im not weighing for a while! But I’m not going to beat myself up about it! I have to be kind to myself, today is a new day and I am โ€˜ready to rumbleโ€™ (do like that bert!)

    Let many of us I have to keep busy on fast days. I have quilt to finish – on the last leg completing the binding! So looking forward to giving it to my granddaughter at half term!! Then on to the next for another granddaughter!!

    Stay strong today fasters! I’ll catch up again later today to get/give encouragement! xx

    Goldensun thankyou so much for reminding me on Bach flower remedies! I have Elm and have got some in my water!! hugs x

    Day 25, Gozo, Malta, FD

    Today it’s liquids only. My daughter recoended that I take a 1.5 liter soft drink bottle to drink today so that’s 630 calories plus the sugar in black coffee this morning it’s 655 calories today. I’m recommended to have some sugar today so my blood pressure doesn’t fall to be ready for the colonoscopy tomorrow.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Day 25 – Melbourne – FD
    Australia Day tomorrow with our street coming to ours for afternoon tea, well half of them, anyway. Did a tough first half of the week so I can let my hair down just a little tomorrow.

    Heard a saying today that I liked, not sure who said it: “I’m too busy watering my own grass to notice the colour of yours”

    Hang in there, everyone x

    Day 25 Surrey UK Was going to be a FD but I am really rather hungry right now, so might have something light and see if it can stretch then to tomorrow morning.
    @fuvvie, sorry for not posting yesterday, computer problems have been endless. I went and bought a new one, only to discover that the problem was not the computer but the broadband connection and how far away I was sitting from the router….oh my word, what a mission! Now I don’t know whether to keep the new computer because mine is 9 years old, but then I have to learn to use it again and have to wait for the kids to show me how. It has taken so much attention and concentration that I am not actually sure where I am right now, but I have been doing my best to read everyone’s posts and am very grateful for them all. I don’t have that much to offer in return at present.
    As soon as I have anything useful to say, I will!

    Day 25 – NSW Aust-NFD
    @lany36 thanks for the timely reminder. Busy day almost a FD too many meetings and not enough hours in the day. Sleep is still an issue but with so many things going on I’m not surprised by it. Booking in for a deep tissue massage to see if that will help with the tension.
    life is full of ups and downs – great going everyone have a great day ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day25 Belfast FD
    Day 26/27/28/29 NFDs All 16:8
    Started this fast on Sunday night and am still going strong, just eating my 500 cals. I couldn’t do just a liquid fast. Will quit this evening and have a good meal with OH. I got on the scales this morning and had a whoosh moment. That 4lb from the beginning of the week has gone, and one more too, so feeling good.
    PamelaV I so identify with you emotional eating problem. When I worked I was regularly stressed, which puts on weight around your middle anyway. I added to that by constantly grazing on the never-ending sweets and biscuits in the staff room, which made the problem worse. I came home and started on the biscuit tin, then after dinner, ate to relieve the boredom of marking. Not working now, I have tried to make a lot of my tasks at home somewhere other than the snug next to the kitchen, so I’m not tempted. Have tried post it’s on the kitchen doors!
    Coda thank you for your inspirational links.
    GoldenSun, so seem very focused. Well done
    Lynx thank you for taking this wonderful post for another month
    Lany thank you for your grounded words of wisdom
    Rocy I’m glad your first session of counselling went well. I would love to see a picture of your quilt. Now my kitchen is finished, I need to do something creative.
    Am off for a few days, and may have difficulty in posting so Fuvvie I’ve accounted for myself in advance.
    Keep strong everyone.

    Day 25…..Florida…..FD

    Day #2….. on my b2b. Actually looking forward to it. it’s funny after the crappy eating week, I had last week. I actually forgot how good it feels to fast. I slept great last night, woke up wide away, feeling less bloated and gassy. Rejuvenated in away.

    It really is amazing how so little food in your system can play such a big difference in how you feel.

    NorrieB…… I had that same issue, a couple years back. Drove everyone crazy but I called a guy in and he moved out router to the middle of the house. Now, we can be anywhere we’d like to be and still get on. The only issue, we seem to be having is when everyone’s home and trying to get on with their various electronics. I had to limit the kids amount they could be on at one time. So, I could get on too.

    I feel really bad, it seems like, I have missed a new comer. Welcome!

    Okay, well, my coffee is almost gone…. time to get ready for work!


    Day 25, Australia NFD

    After my second b2b fd yesterday I put on weight from the day before! Ha! I know it’s all crazy sometimes, really it is funny and unpredictable!
    Kids are off school for another two weeks, I’ve decided to not worry about anything weight related until they go back, I find it so much harder with everyone around and feeding them. Will stick to my 2 fds, probably 1/4 tdee not water fasts, and do my best on nfd’s but not stress about it.
    Good luck everyone, I hope all the pocket fasters are doing well.

    Day 25 Portugal FD

    Hi Pocket fasters:

    Did we all make it through yesterday’s FD? Everyone continuing today? Today I m struggling a bit with a headache which won’t go away! I will try my best though to make it through this b2b fast. I have just had herbal tea up to now, have done some strength and cardio with fitness blender and feeling great apart from headache! Thinking of you all today. Keep on keeping on!

    Georgia/USA/Day 25/NFD: So I skipped Starbucks this morning, 165 cals saved. I also skipped my stop at the local gas station where I get my snacks, 460 cals saved. I think I’ll have a sensible lunch and dinner today. I believe if I change my pattern I’ll have better results.

    Missj2002– After that killer boot camp class & the DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) you’re experiencing, the gain could be water weight.
    When we put ourselves thru killer workouts our bodies are not familiar with, our muscles get tiny micro-tears. This is okay & normal. During the repair process is when we build more muscle! But to do that, more water is sucked into the muscles temporarily. So as long as your food choices are on the mark & you’re following 5:2, you shouldn’t worry about that slight gain.

    steffeagle– your days at Oceanside sound so lovely: good food, long walks, golf, beaches…. AAhhh!

    PamelaV– agree about that kitchen trap! For me, FDs are much easier on working days because I’m much busier & can’t just wander into the kitchen or rifle thru the pantry. The weekends for me are tougher because food is closer by.

    Before reaching for food, I’m trying to teach myself to STOP. Then do a gut check (or a mental full-body check) & determine: Am I truly hungry? Or just bored or heading to snack out of habit or procrastinating? (I totally do that too! I used to use “snack time” to postpone working on annoying projects or chores.)

    This WOL is about learning to feel real hunger vs feeding habits & emotions. I’m slowly making progress.

    Hi, RedPumpkin– definitely jump into 5:2 WOL (way of life) now! No need to wait till February.

    Some people find the first couple FD (fast days) challenging… but then you get a feel for hunger moving along in waves, you find how much extra water/ plain black coffee/ tea you need to drink to stay hydrated & maybe even a little miso soup or bullion for the sodium/ potassium to stave off headaches… Then you’re good to go! It gets easier, promise!

    Coda posted some excellent links just up the page a bit. Browse thru those links for a wealth of information to get you started well. Welcome & good luck, RedPumpkin!

    Good morning 2nd dayers!!

    Erika- my first 2 weeks I kept having headaches too. I had some caffeine and it helped a bit but i eventually had to take meds. Now that I think about it, are calories on the back of Tylenol bottles ๐Ÿ˜›
    Bert- I’m feeling great too!! My kiddos have a half day today and want to go to lunch on campus here. They are going to drive me insane today, so I’ll have to keep the image of summer dresses and cute shorts on my mind.

    Thinking of everyone today. The struggles, the achievements, the virtual hugs I send to you all….. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lany– excellent points & very well-stated.
    My progress has definitely slowed down (& I’m a bit shocked at how little food it takes to maintain my new lower weight) BUT there is still progress!

    And as you said, I don’t want to push myself so hard that I hit mental-fatigue or burnout. I’ve spent too many years obsessing about food & calories. Thankfully, 5:2 is helping me move away from that.

    Like Coda, I did an extended Fast after Christmas & it was a good re-set after the Holidays. Reading Jason Fung’s Complete Guide to Fasting provided the info to make me even more convinced that this WOL can be successful & flexible! And when feeling strong (not burned out or desperate) it can even be interesting to shake things up with a b2b or 4:3.

    Actually, the longer I do this, the more my 2 FD’s each week just feel like a normal part of my life. It’s getting easier as a pattern or rhythm. Those scheduled FD are allowing me to become more relaxed (less obsessional) on my NFD. And that is a huge WIN in my book!

    Thank you for an excellent post & good reminders!

    London | Day 25 | NFD

    Skipped breakfast this morning – managed a sneaky 14-15 hr fast from dinner last night to lunch time.
    Ready for the b2b starting tonight ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well done to all the current fasters and good luck to those starting.
    Most importantly, virtual HUGS to all those who’re struggling. Hang in with us – you’re doing great! xx

    Day 25 USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went just fine. I do my apple in the early afternoon then had a grilled steak portion and salad for supper. I think it’s just about 500 calories for those. I really wanted a glass of red wine with the steak, but managed to stay strong! ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s an extra 100 calories, but it also increases my hunger to wanting a treat or even popcorn.

    Happy Margo – I have to agree that those FD’s become second nature after a while. I still tell people who ask just how easy it has grown to be.

    But I never have felt like I wanted to try a b2b fast yet. Maybe if I get to wanting to lose more, I might. Right now I am happy with maintenance using 6:1.

    Gotta run – onward and downward, everyone.

    Day 25 – NFD – Canada
    Hope all goes well for you tomorrow Anna6!

    Happy Margo, I love your post, thank you.
    Am just beginning ‘Why we get fat’ by Gary Taubes, am liking it already.

    Day 25: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Still floundering.

    Hello all UK day 25 CD or should that really be just a NFD.

    Having a crap day in the office which on top of the grumpy day yesterday not particularly good for attaining my goal. Going out tonight for dinner with friends but as soon as dinner is over that is me until Saturday – so may be a bit later in the evening joining the pocket fasters but I will be there. Think this is the correct list.

    Laddie 10

    Ciren – not floundering – just treading water

    Well done @debster on having a whoosh!

    Believe it or not Fuvvie I had intended to go to bed early but one of the boys started to talk about how he would like to go to work in NZ for a while and ask about how best to save etc. So before I knew it it was after midnight.

    Day 25/ Midwest USA/NFD

    Reading your posts helps me a great deal. Today I am pondering the distinction between a feeding habit and real hunger. very helpful!

    Day 24– Colorado, USA — NFD
    Day 25– Colorado, USA — FD

    Waited as long as I could… But finally had to do it… I bought all NEW BRAS!!

    The old ones just got too sad & saggy.
    Plus, I’m close enough to goal weight now that these lovely new bras ought to be just right for plenty of time to come. YAY!!

    (Still haven’t bought a new leather belt though. That will be my Reward when Goal weight is achieved!)

    oh by the way Yirrakurl – don’t dwell on the past – it has gone and can’t be changed, the future is yet to be, so live in the present and you can change the future.

    @anna6 – hope all is good for tomorrow x

    Day 25. I thought I had done well on a fast day but then succumbed to late night snacking again. I think I need to do more good water fast days, as I seem to do better on those than if I eat 500

    Question: what are pocket fasters?

    Day 25|CD|Toronto
    @cboz: Thank you for the sun and warmth transfer,even imaginary, I’ll return the favor in July!

    Day 25 – Canada – NFD

    thanks for your posts everyone. You are helping me keep my eye on the prize.

    Day 25 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Managed a successful b2b Mon & Tue.

    All the best whether you’re fasting or not.

    Day 25 USA NFD

    Starting B2B at 6 om Wed going thru Friday 6 pm

    Day 26 – FD
    Day 27 FD

    Let’s do this pocketfasters!!


    @peli – pocketfasters are those that have all stated they will be fasting during a set period usually 48 hours…we all commit to making a list and keeping it in our pockets in support of each other. Sending strength to each other.

    Day 25, OceansidE CA, FD

    Sun is shining on my second FD this week. Energized and ready to walk, golf, and enjoy the ride with our new President.

    Day 25 FD Surrey UK

    Feeling good.

    I put on some of my “skinnier me” jeans today and they actually buttoned. Tight but buttoned. I had to force my pocket pal list in my back pocket but you’re all there. Very snug to my Tooshie.

    Note to self: don’t put a roast in the crockpot on a day you’re going to be home cleaning while you are fasting. I kept thinking to myself good Lord I must be hungry if I am just smelling food all day, and then I remembered I started the crockpot early this am.

    Day 25 | FD | Bucks UK

    @happymargo thanks for the advice. I’ll wait to whoosh Ha!
    Buying new bras must feel so rewarding – being a big boobie lady myself I hope to get to that stage some day but it will be a good while…

    Best wishes pocket fasters – 4:3 is my personal achievement

    Well done everyone for continuing this far, roll on February lets do this!

    Nuff love guys x

    2nd post

    Anna6 hope all goes well for you tomorrowx.

    Fast gone well today, really pleased! I had a broth at about 1pm then a 2egg omelette with green veg and a clemintine. Under 500 cals.

    laddie10, weeme, pissupossa, yirrakuri, jarbia, and coda hope all has vone well for you today! Stay strong for tomorrow!

    Ciren stay with us, we can do this x

    Debster wow a whoosh thats great!! I’ve yet to experience this! Wish I could show you the quilt now all washed and ready! Really pleased with it.

    All the vry best of luck to my fellow fasters, we can do this! Keep on going.

    Haha! Mamacat,
    I fired up my crock pot this morning too! Smells delish. Why do we torture ourselves like that?? ๐Ÿ˜€

    Day 26 Australia Day, national holiday. Family going camping so will have the house to myself with two furry friends, Andy and Molly. 104.6 kgs today. Having trouble cracking the 104 kg barrier. Never mind. It will come. Patience is all it takes, not compensatory packets of chips. Will plant out that herb garden today. Bought the herbs yesterday, plus cow manure mulch and cane mulch. Ran around like a hairy goat yesterday getting mowers fixed so a few days of tarting the place up coming on. My husband can’t believe it, when we talk at night, he says I sound a lot more energised and he finds the photos of what I am doing proof that I am practising what I am preaching. So there must be extra benefits on top of the weight loss. Hope he notices the difference when he gets home as he left on New Year’s Day. Might be home some time in the next 2 weeks.

    Go all pocketfasters.

    Well done with new bras, HappyMargo. It is a real treat to have the support we need.

    Day 26 NFD Waikato New Zealand
    its a beautiful day here in paradise. I’m feeling really positive today. Began with silky tofu yoghurt (from Revive Cafe Book) with fresh raspberries, blueberries,cherries and almonds. Good luck to all of the b2b fasters. Maybe next week I’ll join a group if theres one going.

    Still day 25 –

    Fuvvie – what’s “tarting the place up”? Haven’t heard that expression.

    Today is a feasting day, after b2b, and it’s interesting how I’m feeling. I thought I ate mindfully at the staff lunch that was brought it but after I was done, I’m feeling ready for a nap. My tummy feels like the food “grew” inside after I was finished. It’s quite a different feel than on a fast day. I think I’m just becoming more aware. Maybe I need to stop eating a little sooner to avoid feeling as I am right now.

    Question – do others do FDs on extra long workdays? With a 3 hour teaching session T & Th, I’ve been wondering – to fast or not to fast on those days. My normal days when just teaching during the day was M & Th.

    Checkin in

    Had to come to bed early as I could feel the urge to open the fridge! I didn’t have a good day at work too so feeling really tired! I hope it all pays off when I step on the scales on Friday! Jan is coming to an end and I must reach my goal!

    Hope all the fellow b2bers are doing ok. Tough work but we can do it if we stay strong together!

    Fuvvie: sounds like a lot of fun! Why miss camping with family? I love camping! I’m so jealous of you guys in Australia! I’m sick of the cold… brrrrrr

    Also totally lol’d at your comment on bras! Good support is definitely good!

    Another FD tomorrow! ๐Ÿ˜Š
    G’night x

    Sorry I have not posted for a couple of days but had busy days and no time.

    Day 24 – Cumbria UK – NFD – broke my fast fro Monday’s FD at 1200hrs with a very light brunch and then nothing until dinner but exceeded my TDEE as had 2 glasses of wine as well

    Day 25 – NFD – kept to my TDEE today and it included 1 glass of wine – happy and did 1.5hr yoga class this morning too.

    Tomorrow will be another FD – whether it will be a water/tea with a dash of skimmed milk or a 500cal day yet to be decided……..

    Physio assessment for my knee tomorrow – will try to read back on the posts tomorrow afternoon and do a bit of a catch up.

    Positive thoughts to everyone whether you are struggling or having a good FD/NFD

    “Losing weight is hard. Maintaining weight is hard. Staying overweight is hard. Choose your hard.”

    Day 26- syd – FD
    I’m going to try my first liquid fast day today. Been feeling bloated and gross (despite fasting on Wednesday) so hopefully that will help my insides do a bit of healing.

    I’ve loved reading how positive so many people are feeling about their fast days. I think my attitude is more like ‘brace yourself’ but I haven’t felt too bad for the last few, so I’ll try and remember the feelings today.

    Day 25 / Sweden / NFD

    Day 25 Canada FD

    Phwree goodluck with your liquid FD. I did my first liquid FD yesterday and felt so good and slept well.

    Woke up hungry this am for my second day of the B2B Tues/Wed group. Was at a First Aid course all day so that kept my mind off food, but I did get a bit light headed after practicing the CPR compressions for 45 mins. Luckily I had brought an emergency apple with me, so able to get a bit of quick energy to carry on.

    Now only 3 hours til dinner and breaking my fast. Not a lovely Pot Roast like lucky Mamacat, but will have some oven roasted veg and a bite or two of apple crisp.

    How are all my fellow Pocket fasters doing? Good luck to you all – so much comfort from knowing you are all fasting along with me – thankyou!

    Day 25 โ€“ Canada โ€“ NFD

    I had a good day today and have managed to keep my TDEE at 1325 so I am now treating myself to a glass of wine. Then I will go back and read all the posts for today. The road we are on is not always straight, there are lots of twists and turns, not to mention the bumps along the way, but we are all headed towards a goal and we must not forget to keep our eyes on the target.

    I loved reading about Buttonboots and Lolly. So inspiring and they just take life one day at a time.

    Day 25…..Florida….. FD

    Good Evening, my fellow WOL ears. Feeling fantastic, in the last leg of my b2b.

    So, the new girl asked me if this was my day. I said nope today is not my day. People at work have become accustomed to how I eat. So they actually started the is it your day meaning NFD, before they offer me something. Then she said you want a piece of celery? Then began the list of how it’s good for me calories, water content, so on and so forth….. I still said no then began to tell me how starving my self was bad. I swear a 10 min. lecture. Then she said here eat this, so I know your not one of those girls….. then began literally shoving this piece of celery in my face.

    I was stunned, I’ve never actually had this type of reaction to the choices I’ve made about eating. So, ever so calmly….. I said to her
    First off…. I am not starving myself. I eat but only when my body is ready, meaning I know the difference between hunger and thirst.
    2nd…… One of those girls? You mean women who have physiological disorders, that cause them to not eat?
    3rdly……. I hate celery! So, I will not be eating that to prove a point to you!
    No two people eat the same, some don’t eat carbs or sugars, some eat breakfast, some don’t. It is all actually personal preference, and I prefer to eat this way. So, although I understand your concern for me, it might be best, if we agree to disagree at this point.
    This seemed to calm her, then me being me as I walked out of the room, I turned to her and said…. Just a quick question…… wasn’t I that showed you were all the good candy, pastries, chips and coffee were?

    In the end, I happily went on my way with a little grumble in my belly, knowing that no matter what people think or how they feel, this is right for me!

    Mamacat….. Oh a roast sounds lovely…. what time is dinner?

    HappyMargo…… I love new bras…… Victoria Secrets has a new bra out, it’s so soft and sexy. Feels like fleece….. I got one for Christmas and absolutely love it….. I can’t remember the name of it but if your interested, I’ll get the name for you.

    In it to thin it and Ciren…… I’m holding your hands….. don’t let go! Hold on tight! I’m going to pull you through!


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