31 Day January 2017 Challenge

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31 Day January 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,437 replies, has 150 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 7 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 751 through 800 (of 2,440 total)

  • Day 8 Sunshine Coast Qld Australia: NFD: Had a great day singing and eating with friends. I did NOT indulge in alcohol, even though it was on offer. They are on a canal at Bribie Island, and whilst we were singing, a couple of pods of dolphins swam lazily by. It was such a delight. There was also a turtle and some fish jumping (probably scared out of their wits by the dolphins. lots of jigging around whilst singing.

    Welcome Peli and welcome back LEW. The list is up to 118, but there are a number of people who asked to be part of the challenge, but have not actually come online since then. So may shorten the list soon. Sorry you are unwell B2tf. Sending you best wishes for a fast recovery.

    Day 8 : Cheshire, UK : NFD

    Not had breakfast yet. I’m trying to see how long I can go before dinner tonight.

    Loving reading everyone’s posts. Some excellent guidance being given….thank you. I’m amazed that I’m keeping up with the posts. I have to put time aside to read and I regularly catch up in the morning and last thing at night and then try in between, not always possible πŸ™‚ .

    @back2thefuture – Hope you feel better soon. Warm hug xo

    Day 8 Kent,England NFD
    Forgot to post for 3 days and all were NFDs. Back on my fasting Days tomorrow and Tuesday but feel positive about that and will enjoy a Birthday party at friends today without any guilt!

    Hello all UK day 8 nfd

    The posts seem to be slowing down somewhat – mixed feelings, while it is certainly easier to read and keep up with the posts it means some who started with such good intentions and enthusiasm have stopped posting. I hope they find another way. Can those still with us remember to put their location at the beginning of their post as well – just a little thing but i find so useful. Thanks

    So weighed on Saturday morning but disappointed the scales are up so not even going to note it down. That’s the way it goes. I’ll just keep on keeping on and find my rhythm again.

    B2tf hope you feel better soon x

    Day 8 – Tokyo, Japan – NFD – 79kg

    I’ve just finished eating. Now nothing for at least 36 hours and I might push it to 60 hours just because I’ll be traveling with my family this next week. I think that is all the stress I can handle.

    While I’ve had good success the last couple weeks, I spent almost two months bouncing off of 80kg before my body gave up on holding that line in the fat. I kind of expect my weight loss to slow or lose ground since I’ll be on the road for 12 days over then next 4 weeks.

    Day 8|NFD|Toronto
    Not feeling great, may have been exposed to the flu; strain that is making people ill is reportedly not covered in this year’s flu shot.

    Day 8 – Queensland – NFD

    Day 8 / FD / Oman
    Did not make it to 6pm as planned. I just needed to eat so I had a slice of cheese and 10 almonds around 3pm. Lots of water. Not eating is HARD!

    Day 8……Florida…… NFD

    Woke up to it being 30 degrees outside…… Doesn’t the weather know, it’s not suppose to be this cold in Florida. My heart goes out to everyone north of me.
    Knowing it was going to get this cold last night, the whole family spent a good 45 min. covering the garden, the wind was blowing so hard, it took all of us to tie everything down….
    Man, I hope everything makes it… my peppers, tomatoes and radishes are almost ready to be harvested. It would be a shame to lose them! Ah, but I guess that’s what happens when you have a winter garden.

    Today is a lazy day…. not much happening. Finished all of my house work, got the Christmas decorations down and put away. The only bad thing, is we were so busy we didn’t eat our final meal until 9pm, so I can break my fast until 1pm.

    Augustus and b2tf….. I hope you feel better soon…… get plenty of rest and stay hydrated!

    Coda…..I noticed the posts slowing a bit myself, it’s a shame we are losing people this early. I’m praying that they’ve found a new thread and are doing fabulously. P.S…… no worries, I’m looking for my rhythm too, but I can hear it in the distance, walk with me we’ll find it together!

    I also noticed some experienced fasters, coming back to us. I would list you all but as soon as I turn the page I’m gonna lose all I’ve written…. So, let me just say Glad to have you back! Can’t wait to catch up with you!

    Well, my coffe cup has run dry, so I will end it here. Have a great day!

    Day 8 – St. Louis, MO USA – FD

    Yesterday was nice – eating some good and not so ‘good’ food and at the same time not feeling out of control. I ate. It was good. Enough said.

    Today FD to start the new week – would like to get into a pattern of FDs that are planned ahead so this week most likely I will have this FD today, Sunday, and the next FD on Tuesday. If I am feeling ambitious I will add in an occasional Thursday FD to the mix. Planning to continue with the 18:6 or 16:8 on NFD because those aren’t too hard and such a nice bonus to the weeks’ results.

    Stay Strong!

    Day 8, NFD,Canada

    There are some bad flu bugs going around here, hope you all stay well. Bracing for an ice storm here today which makes driving and walking treacherous. Seriously envious of all you enjoying summer weather now!

    Lilymartin will track my calories this week as it is soooo easy to underestimate thanks for the reminder.

    Good luck to all fasting today.

    Day 8 USA (Utah – last visit day). – NFD

    Heading back to Illinois home tomorrow. Even though I am calling this a NFD, I am going to try to do a modified FD, or 16:8 if it turns out to be that.

    Day 8 Surrey UK NFD Apologies for not posting, Fuvvie, I think it has been 2 or 3 days now. Still with my eldest daughter in Stourbridge,it has been difficult to get to a computer that I could use…. picked up a nasty little head cold so not feeling well on top of everything.. Going back to Surrey tomorrow and I will post again on Tuesday. It will be really good to get back into a routine and I am looking forward to a decent b2b fast. Looking forward to making some decent bone broth and soups for fast days
    Desperate to see my dogs again, I am really missing them! am hoping to get through the posts once back, but I have a feeling there is a mountain of work waiting for me down with the other part of my family!
    Hope everyone is fine and doing what they are all aiming for. Warmest and best wishes to all here!

    After 3 NFDs I experience hunger but no aches today, no headache which is wonderful. Walked 2 h and it was fine weather outside. It is funny to read comments from Australia where is summer. I find this challenge a good support for me.

    Day 8, Canada, NFD

    Hi everyone. Good posts. The keep me grounded/focussed. Thank you.

    Hello All,

    Aged 67 and with a height of 4:11 and weighing 11:5 stones I’m very overweight.
    I started 5:2 last week, nothing changed yet.

    I’m relatively fit being a cyclist, cycled 2229 miles in 2015, 2300 in 2016 and target for 2017 is 2500 miles. It does not however seem to help with the weight loss.

    Hoping to lose at least 14 lbs for my godsons wedding in April.

    Day 8/Midwest USA/ FD(TD)…All is well here.We are in this together and that makes a huge difference for me. Thank you all for eating, not eating, posting, laughing, and weeping(if necessary).

    Day 8 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Had wine with dinner last night and overindulged in both food and wine………….should not have had and certainly did not need the port and cheese after dinner as well – wine has that terrible effect on me………As a result I had a dreadful night – poor sleep and heartburn same as you @pammie!!!!!!!!! – when will we learn?
    I also woke up with a sore throat and feeling a bit worse as the day goes on, and my leg injury is gnawing at me and getting me down………I think I’m missing my regular walks and yoga sessions…..Oh well enough of the negatives!

    OH was out running early this morning with his club – came home and saw me feeling a bit sorry for myself so took me out for a coffee and lovely slice of almond and apple cake at our favourite little cafe!(As I did not have breakfast or lunch I do not feel in the least bit guilty!) Lovely mixed salads planned for tea and I suspect the leftover red wine but no port and cheese tonight – I will NOT overindulge again!!!!!!

    Going out for lunch for a friend’s birthday tomorrow so trying to sort out my FDs for this week – may start a fast after lunch tomorrow and see how far it goes………may continue until Wednesday evening??will be thinking of you @coda with your extended fast

    @lilymartin – ouch and ouch – hope you are feeling better
    @happymargo – so pleased for you and a new car too!!!!
    @bert1802 – I don’t think I could give my wine completely but with this WOL I have managed to give it up for 3/4 days per week and by the way I loved your reply to @laddie10 – so encouraging and motivating
    @ciren2 – you will find your way – if you need a fasting buddy next week – I’ll join you even if we do only a 24hr fast together – it might get you back on track – let me know x
    @cboz – totally agree – what an amazingly small world it is when as you say “we are extending our journey across the globe with some of us freezing and others sweltering in the heat”
    @peli – welcome and the advice given by @bigbooty, @annemarilyn and @happymargo is spot on and follows the advice I gave to those new to this WOL on my post on Day 7. You have fought bigger battles so YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS. We are all here to support you x
    @annemarilyn – “If you ever veer off the road, just make a U-Turn and head back in the right direction”
    @kmeng – hope you had a fab birthday and enjoyed it with no guilt
    @fuvvie – your day out sounds amazing and you restrained from alcohol – Yay for you
    @back2thefuture – hope you feel better soon

    Several on this forum @Iilymartin, @happymargo, @debster251 have mentioned about the importance of tracking what we eat. I totally agree it is so easy to overestimate your portion size and not realise how many calories we are consuming

    Amazingly well done to those on the group doing an alcohol free month as well.

    Well done to those who have lost substantial amounts – but for those struggling remember every loss is a loss – “Even is you lose 1/2lb a week, you will still lose 26lbs by this time next year – keep going”

    Reading all your posts has stopped me feeling so sorry for myself and reminded me that though I cannot change my “blip” yesterday I can change what I do today – Thank you all

    Day 8: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD.

    Day 8, NFD, AZ USA. Was going to fast tomorrow but they announced they were feeding us burritos at work tomorrow for a post peak season celebration and I’ve never been known to turn down a burrito. Looks like I’ll have to hit the gym at 4am tomorrow morning.

    Day 8 SW WA USA NFD

    Love you guys! Such encouragement from folks. I so appreciate it.

    Coda – yes I think I’m still working on getting my rhythm in the new year.

    We’re in the midst of freezing rain & very slick conditions. Staying home to stay safe & warm. Many church services cancelled. One of ours is cancelled; the other is planned to be Live on Facebook. The latter will be my option today.

    Bert – and you having to cover your garden in Florida. This cold is spread coast to coast it seems.

    AT – hopefully you’re feeling better soon; including your leg injury. It sounds like you have a sweet hubby. Thanks for your encouragement for the rest of us.

    Have a great Sunday all!

    Day 8, London, NFD

    Not an exemplary day on the food front for me (picked at things, etc.) but tomorrow will be a fast day (going to the theater in the evening, which may help, too).

    Have not read all posts, sorry, as a bit short of time.

    Day 8 Ireland NFD
    Yoghurt bananas blueberries muesli breakfast and a morning run with the dogs.
    OH came too and measured distance with his running watch… the same run as yesterday and actually it is 3.3miles not 4miles as I had thought😬
    Ended up skipping lunch as was out with kids to swimming training (them not me!) but I coach another group at the same time. Not home till 4.30pm so had a coffee and am holding off eating till a spaghetti bolinaise dinner tonight.
    Planning a FD tomorrow, to be honest I find it difficult to go all day without eating but I want to keep the 500 calories until the evening so I don’t go to bed hungry.
    Also planning to weigh myself again in the morning… fingers crossed 😊
    Good luck everybody else this week. I love reading the posts, but I’m not very good at replying individually.

    Day 8/London, Canada
    Feeling not so good today. Anticipating stopping eating at 6 pm and beginning 18:6 fast until noon tomorrow.

    Hi… This is my first time here.. Still getting to understand things around… I want to start with my diet plan tomorrow, i wont be doing the fasting day until Tuesday… Am mears from Nigeria,Africa… I hope i am welcomed

    Welcome Mears you will soon get the hang of the thread. We start our post with the day we are on which is the day of the month so it is same for everyone no matter when you actually join us. Put your location and whether it’s a fast day or non fast day. Any other questions just ask

    London | Day 8 | NFD

    Apologies for not posting on Day 7 – was a busy and late one. Completed a ~38h fast on Saturday morning. The actual fast went fine but breakfast was a black coffee and a croissant while hubby and I were out and about collecting our new car from 50-60miles away from where we live. Skipped lunch and had dinner with a friend – Lovely spicy Sri Lankan food πŸ™‚

    This morning, breakfast was again a croissant and tea. Lunch at one of the local markets – Malaysian chicken dumplings with vegetable noodles. (early) dinner – Sausage and onion stir-fry with a fried egg, and wholemeal pitta bread. Now nibbling on some pomegranate seeds and grapes while typing this post πŸ™‚

    Sorry I haven’t had a chance to fully catch up on all the posts today. Hope you’re all well. Planning to fast Monday and Thursday in the coming week.

    Day 8 UK NFD

    Hi everyone – happy new year

    Hope it’s ok if I rejoin this late. I have been reading posts, just not posting…

    I was plummeted into what felt like mass catering over the entire holiday. It was lovely to spend time with assorted family especially my two little grandsons and although very enjoyable it was very full on.

    I feel back on track now. Weighed for the first time last Friday after completing two fast days. I didn’t feel I could face the damage before then. The first fast day last week was one of the hardest I had ever done amd the second much easier. I was certainly not fasting over the holiday and drinking and eating too much but I was much more mindful, tried to avoid breakfast most days and kept sweet treats lower than ever before.

    I am 1lb up on my pre Christmas weight and tbh feel quite ok about that.

    So total loss since September is 21 pounds and 26 to go to end target. (Although real end target is maintenance for the rest of my life!)

    My target until the end of January is 8lbs. That is ambitious I know but something to aim for.

    Day 7, US, NFD
    Day 8, US, FD

    Welcome @mears!! Great to see you here! Favvie is our host and if you need anything there are lots of us that are happy to help!

    Day 8- US,Pennsylvania-NFD

    Second NFD over weekend. Bitter cold single digit temperatures encourage inside activities. NFDs relaxed and we enjoy a sensible dinner and some wine or spirits.

    Always eat breakfast, protein waffle with berries, kiwi, and banana. FD I just leave off the butter and maple syrup for 350 calorie breakfast.

    Today lunch is nonfat Greek yogurt flavored with vanilla and stevia. Also a delicious small piece of 7 grain toast.

    Tonite is fresh salmon, half sweet potato and broccoli. Heart healthy with fiber.

    Travelling tomorrow so meals will be simple. Bringing lunch from home. Next FD probably Wednesday. I don’t get excited about the “hours fasting” just try to stay close to the 500 calories. IF is a new way for me but it works.

    155 pounds today and looking toward 150. It really is one day at a time. I post weight once a week.

    Thanks for sharing. The posts are very entertaining and inspirational.

    2nd post –

    Stefieagle – that’s just how I started. 5:2 is flexible & doable. Dr. Mosley usually did all his calories in the evening meal but Mimi spread it out a bit. Whatever works!

    Keep warm – folks in the USA & Canada! I think some of you are baking while we freeze πŸ™‚

    Sweden – Day 7 NF Day
    So I forgot to post the last days and I think I might have eaten a little bit less the last days had I posted every day. So from now on I will post every day just to keep my own motivation running!

    All in all I am still very proud and happy. I’ve completed two fasting days (500 calorie-days) and managed to eat sensibly during the week, indulging a little on the weekend, but hopefully not too much. I know I eat less when I count all my calories, but I hate counting calories during the weekend when I want to enjoy myself with loved ones.

    I seem to have lost about -1 kilo already!

    Tomorrow will be FD so I will check in here for sure.
    New week, fresh new Monday, good luck with the challenge everyone!! Just the fact that you’re reading on this forum means you’re doing something right πŸ™‚

    Day 8- Michigan- FD
    This is my third fast day on 5:2 and so far its going well. I am figuring out what to eat for 500 calories and will only weigh myself once weekly as I have learned in the past before that it works best for me. Otherwise I become too obsessed with numbers ;). Had a wonderful veggie omelette for lunch with 1 egg and 1 egg white- which was really quite filling!

    Mamacat– That’s not “just” a burrito; it’s a FREE burrito! Can’t turn that down. πŸ˜€

    I’ve been known to switch up my FD when at the last moment our bosses provide a free “Thank you for your hard work” lunch. That’s the beauty of 5:2 WOL = the Flexibility! It’s not like cheating on another diet, it’s just moving your intermittent fast & carrying on living your life!
    Bust a move at the gym & enjoy that burrito guilt-free!

    AT– Darn that cyst/ hamstring injury! You must be missing your yoga & waking buddies (plus the stress-relief & exercise.) I’ve always enjoyed reading about all your work-outs, motivates me to get up & move too! Sending healing vibes your way!!

    Weeme– Wow! You sound like a busy lady! How lucky you have OH to run with (mine will only run on treadmill inside a gym. I prefer outdoors in nature.) If I do take in any calories on FD, I like to save mine for dinner time too, then I feel like I’m eating normally with DH & have food in my tummy when I go to bed. Keep up the good work– you are bound to have success!

    Welcome, Sarah57– 21 pounds down already is wonderful! Keep up the awesome progress & you’re sure to reach your goals!

    Day 8

    This is my second day, actually. Yesterday I did a fast, and actually didn’t eat anything because I was afraid that once I started eating I would eat more. Today I am going light with fruits and vegetables. I still feel very tired, but hope that as time goes on, I’ll start getting more energy on this plan.

    Day 8 – Melbourne – NFD
    Day 9 – Melbourne – FD

    Oops, sorry, missed posting yesterday.

    @fuvvie 100+ members! wow – you have your work cut out in tracking everyone! Thanks for your hard work.

    @missymay: “Love the way this forum has changed my way of thinking. A couple of bad days, now feels like a blip rather than a failure. As long as I check in I know I haven’t quit, just taking it one day at a time. ” EXACTLY!! Thanks for putting it in words – that is the biggest of many wonderful things this forum is giving me.

    @sheam2567: ” Theme: β€œMishaps and Wonders.” ..” I Love it! I will borrow that one, for sure – it would give a better perspective on the things that don’t work so well over the silly season. Have already borrowed “Pull up my Big Girl Pants” from Bert1802 to great effect, many times πŸ™‚

    ((Hugs)) [safely germ-free at this distance πŸ˜‰ ] – to all who are feeling under the weather atm.

    Hello all —

    Snowy day here in upstate New York. Didn’t post yesterday — but:

    Day 7 (yesterday): NFD

    Day 8: (today): NFD

    have lost a total of 3.4 pounds in 3 1/2 weeks… almost EXACTLY what I was told to expect. πŸ™‚

    Several of you responded to me, thank you!

    Marinermum — I’m going to be keeping a pain chart for my fingers to see what is up with the pain. Hoping it really is on the down-swing, as there is nothing for making one feel old than arthritis in one’s vein-y old hands as soon as one wake’s up. ack!

    Fuvvie — thanks for keeping the spreadsheet. It is a real “labor of love” to help us this way. Also, it’s great fun to stroll through.

    Coda — also Debster251 — yes, we definitely are all around the same markers — in the mid 160s, hoping to get to the mid 130s… I’m with you. In it to thin it. Sorry. bad puns aren’t usually my thin(g) πŸ™‚

    Bert1802 – Bigbooty — and Happy Margo — thanks for the advice on the headaches. My guy (what does OH stand for? something to do with husbands/wives?) went to the store today and I asked him to buy some bouillon cubes to help with the salt/hunger cravings/thirst, so that should help with the headaches. Also getting more potassium. It was very interesting the information about the liver’s role, and how it might need to habituate to the task of getting the blood sugar up by accessing fat cells rather than waiting for glucose to arrive through constant meals. Not exactly what was said — but that was what I get out of it all. Thanks for your encouragement, your engagement with my questions, it helps a great deal.

    It’s interesting to see that there are others who are also using horseback riding as one of their activities. I mentioned earlier, it’s motivating to me to try to get stronger and lighter for my health, but also for the increased ease I’ll have in riding. My pal, Joker, is a beautiful old (25) chestnut, a well-trained thoroughbred who’s got two gears: fast and faster. this despite the fact that he wheezes from time to time. He just likes the faster pace. He’s a nice old gent. I’ve got to be on my toes when I’m on him and I’m so happy to find something I love doing, as my background motivator to really give this 5:2 approach a REAL chance by not cutting corners (a problem when I was on Weight watchers). Sometimes “health and well being” seem awfully abstract, compared to “wine and dine.” Riding feels real.

    Another thing I’ve noticed since starting the 5:2 — how many times a day I used to eat! — and how hard it was to limit my calorie intake when eating multiple, multiple times a day. Way back in the olden days, before I started 5:2 (oh, say, about three weeks ago…), so much time used to be taken up with planning what I would eat, preparing what I would eat, eating, and then cleaning up after whatever I ate, or feeling guilty about or feeling good about whatever I ate… ai yi yi…

    By contrast, on FDs, I find that I have a LOT more time on my hands. Also, even on NFDs I’m finding that I stick much more strictly/easily to just my meals, instead of the grazing approach to food.

    My own hunger really doesn’t scare me/impress me much now … (I’m hearing an echo of Shania Twain’s song… “that don’t impress me much!”)

    Okay, great to hear about everyone’s progress, whether it’s smooth, or rough or in-between.

    Day 9 – Queensland – FD

    Feeling rejuvenated after the NFD weekend and ready for the week ahead. Starting weight for this week is 66.3kg so on track to reach my goal for the month.

    Day 9 9th January FD
    Weight 81.5

    Great loss. Really happy with how I feel. exercise done for the day – will stick to liquids today for my fast day.

    I dont use the computer at the weekend if I can help it – work for me is 5 days in front of a screen – so I will be a Mon – Fri poster.

    Day 8 Portugal NFD
    So I over ate today …. again. But tomorrow is the start of a new week … with no visitors – back to the normal routine. Hoping to fast tomorrow and perhaps Tuesday and then a third fast later in the week, possibly Friday.

    Wishing everyone a great week.

    Day 8 | NFD | Bucks UK

    @pamelav. You are correct with your interpretation of what was said. A month or two down the track your liver will be zooming along. Its the same as going to the gym for the first time. Muscles you didn’t know you had hurt. But after a while your body gets used to it and you enjoy it. Same with the liver. Give it time to do the job it hasn’t had to do in many years.

    OH = other half.

    Day 8….. Flotida….NFD

    Found myself, starting to eat mindlessly. Took ahold of those reigns very quickly and snap myself back to reality.
    I figured I’m about 900 calories in so far. Getting ready for dinner, sauce and salad for dinner. 7pm starts my fast. I’m hopeful, I’m not going to be over my TDEE
    Tomorrow’s an FD and the start of another long week at work…….

    Everyone has talked about tracking calories on NFD…… since I’ve normally not done this. I’m gonna try it this week and see if I see a difference. I really need to buckle down as .I desperately need a haircut and at this rate, It may not happen as quickly As I need it to!


    Surrey UK
    Day 6 FD
    Days 7&8 NFD
    Going well!!

    Day 8 / Sweden / NFD

    Day 9 Sunshine Coast Qld FD: Have read everybody’s posts and entered the facts. Welcome to 66, Mears and Sarah57. You are on the list.

    I know it looks like a few people have fallen off.
    Animalhouse is probably driving, but hasn’t been seen since 2nd.
    Blue Monday
    Madamofmayhem, are you still with us? I know some are choosing not to enter daily
    Summer skies

    That’s 34-36. There are a number of people who haven’t posted for a few days, but I think they are still ongoing, just not meeting the daily challenge to post, but still staying in touch as this works for them. I can live with that, as I think the overall aim is to encourage people in a happy accepting environment and I think this thread does that. I’ll give people a couple of days to respond about whether they want to stay in the thread and then take those off the spreadsheet who choose not to be there.

    Will check in later.

    Some stunning results showing up. And to all of us who are struggling, we are still here. We are winners. We will achieve our goals. It may take a little longer, but to quote a very old quote Rome wasn’t built in a day.

    Quote from The Obesity Code: ” One of the most pervasive pieces of weight-loss advice is to eat more fruit and vegetables, which are undeniably relatively healthy foods. However, if your goal is to lose weight, then it logically follows that deliberately eating more of a healthy food is not beneficial unless if replaces something else in your diet that is less healthy. However, nutritional guidelines do not state this.” This is from Page 133 . I encourage you to read the rest for yourself.

    “Our own disastrous, misguided dietary changes since the 1970s have created the diabesity debacle. We have seen the enemy, and it is ourselves. Eat more carbohydrates. Eat more often. Eat breakfast. Eat more. Ironically, these dietary changes were prescribed to reduce heart disease, but instead, we’ve encouraged it since diabesity is one of the strongest risk factors for heart disease and stroke. We’ve been trying to put out a fire with gasoline”. page 134 and 135.

    Day 9 Gippsland, Australia, FD
    Pretty ordinary day yesterday as I ended up going out for tea with the family and had some arancini balls. Bad choice due to carbs and aslo the fact that I am coeliac and they played havoc with my innards. That will teach me to cheat!!!
    On the other hand, I had an awesome ride on my horse in the bush despite the heat. Somehow, everything seems much more bearable with my lovely mare as company πŸ™‚
    I think I am coping with the Aussie summer heat better since losing weight too.
    The only things I really don’t like about the Aussie summer (apart from being too hot) is the ever constant worry about bushfires and the snakes. I have seen more snakes here in the past month than ever before!! Not just lovely redbellied blacks, who I try to leave alone, but browns, copperheads and a rotten huge tiger snake that climbed a tree out near my veggie patch and ate all the little Willy Wagtail chicks from their nest!!! It was awful to see the adult willies dive bombing the snake to save their chicks, but to no avail.
    My fearless Jack Russell terrier was doing her best by jumping up to grab the snake by the tail, so I scooped her up and put her away safely. She has survived 3 snake bites, a dose of rat poison and an encounter with a poisonous toad in her 12 years on this earth, so I don’t want her risking her chances too often.
    Off to the gym today and then probably play with my horses a bit more.
    Good luck everyone!!

    Wow, JEM. That’s lots more snakes than we see around here. I’ve seen a couple of snakes on the road. We had one that shed its skin on our verandah a few times, but haven’t seen it for a while. We keep most of the grass down on our 7+ acres, but leave a wildlife corridor from one dam to the other for the little creatures. Very distressing seeing the snake eat the chicks. But that’s nature I guess. I would have been horrified to witness that. Dogs can be fearless. The smaller the dog, the bigger the fight in the dog, it would seem.

    Fuvvie, I bookmarked the spreadsheet, but it does not update when I refresh. Can you post a current spreadsheet link. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Thank you for all your encouragement and work on this board.

Viewing 50 posts - 751 through 800 (of 2,440 total)

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