31 Day January 2017 Challenge

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31 Day January 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,437 replies, has 150 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 8 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 2,440 total)

  • Day 6. Oman. NFD but doing 18:6.
    I’ve discovered that it is much easier for me to fast until 1-2pm on nfds and remain under tdee. Once I start to eat it makes me hungrier. I’m keeping track on mfp most days…even yesterday when I had a few glasses of wine!!

    Day 6 – NFD – South west UK.

    Hi all. Cold again today! Yesterday’s FD went well, SUPER busy:

    5.30am walked dogs
    6am at the horses – 3 to feed, hay, water & turnout
    7am left for work
    Had a banana at 11.30 then ran on my lunch hour at work, then had yoghurt with some honey & muesli afterwards
    6pm back at the horses, mucked out all 3 got them in and rode one
    Home for 8.30 and walked dogs again (my Mum has them in her house in the day and walks them at lunch in case anyone worries I’m leaving them 14+ hours) had 2 handfuls of dry cereal just before bed – can’t sleep if I’m hungry – but I really should have had something with protein in.
    Then to bed at 9.30!

    NFD today, had porridge with honey and raisins for breakfast. Still feeling hungry but trying to use my experience from FDs to just live with it – it isn’t true hunger – just I ‘want’ to eat. Think I’m running again on my lunch then the canteen is doing its yummy chicken wraps for lunch. Out on date tonight with husband, will try and avoid going overboard!

    @mamacat how did the pizza eating go?

    @annemarilyn I will have to try cashew milk. I tried soya milk but it made me queasy I don’t think it agreed with me. What is cashew milk like?

    @zoomuwo same as others I aim for 36 hours fast. 24 hours not as effective, imho, but useful when a 36 hours is hard to fit in around family etc.!

    @happymargo 7 day fast 😮 gosh! Willpower.

    @yirrakurl I am also doing dry Jan and I’ve also given up fast food – no mcdonalds, KFC etc. I LOVE a mcdonalds breakfast so I think that’s harder for me than dry Jan!
    Still can’t seem to give up sugar though : (

    @bongbong hi and welcome! I love the support in this thread.

    @southcroydonkate don’t worry tomorrow is another day. At least you had your swimming

    @missymoomoo I just can’t manage that on NFDs if they are after a FD. By 8am I’m desperate for my porridge!

    Day 6, London, FD.

    Yay, my first “collective” fast- really excited about it :-).

    Today is the first day I feel mentally ready to get out of the holiday haziness and laziness. I weighted myself. I finally filed my tax return. And yesterday, I used the time saved from my commute (was working from home) to de-clutter some cupboards/cosmetics/etc., and to nag the children to do so, too ;-). Space has been opened, literally and figuratively – on several fronts. And it feels good.

    Good luck, everyone, and especially to the fasters today. It’s just a day, right ;-)?

    Hi there, can you sign me up? I’ve slipped a bit over the last two months but have been a very good boy since 01 Jan. Dry January so far (seemed like most of my calories were coming from alcohol!!!!) Commuting by work by bike every day (usual for me anyway) – lunchtimes will either be gym , run or bike for 1 hour. 2 meals a day – porridge with raisins, and dried apricots and 50 / 50 skimmed milk and water with artificial sweetener, no lunch (maybe a protein shake) and healthy supper. Trying to keep to 1500 calories a day, dropping to 800 twice a week. Using scales and the my fitness pal app to count calories and finding the bar code reader really helpful. trying to loose 1 kg per week due to diet and a further 1 kg from exercise

    Day 6 | India | NFD

    Day 6– Colorado, USA– NFD

    BongBong– Welcome aboard! This is a fast moving thread loaded with very useful information, tips & best of all, support.

    Relating to your feeling light-headed on FD, this is a very common issue, especially when new to Intermittent Fasting. Many people find relief by enjoying a sachet/ packet of Miso Soup, broth with a pinch of salt or boullion cube. The electrolytes (sodium, potassium) are the magic that help!

    REPOST of original answer:
    (Also back on page 9 is Jason Fung’s List of Top 8 Fasting Tips…worth a read!)

    An issue I keep seeing people mention often on here is: headaches. This can be quite common on Fast Days, especially when first starting out & new to intermittent fasting. Here’s some helpful info from Dr. Jason Fung:


    Most likely, you’re becoming dehydrated. Preventing this requires both salt and water. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. However, the low-salt intake on fasting days may cause some dizziness. Extra sea salt in broth or mineral water often helps alleviate the dizziness.

    Another possibility is that your blood pressure is too low—particularly if you’re taking medications for hypertension. Speak to your physician about adjusting your medications.


    As above, try increasing your salt intake. Headaches are quite common the first few times you try a fast. It is believed that they’re caused by the transition from a relatively high-salt diet to very low salt intake on fasting days. Headaches are usually temporary, and as you become accustomed to fasting, this problem often resolves itself. In the meantime, take some extra salt in the form of broth or mineral water.”

    The entire article has excellent Fasting Tips re: feeling tired, headachy, constipated, etc.
    Check it out here! 😀


    @emilymeg I haven’t managed 18:6 the day after FDs either. I really look forward to my breakfast on those days too. So I’m going to try for 18:6 on the other 3 days.

    Day 6……Florida……FD

    I am sooo glad it is Friday! Work has been super busy, from the time I walk in until I leave. That’s 8 hours of standing, walking pushing, pulling, lifting flooring and talking. I tried to figure it out last night, since Tues., when I started back. I may have, if I was lucky, to have sat maybe a whole 45 min. in total. No wonder, I’m exhausted when I come home.
    Looking forward to this weekend, plans are to take the Christmas decorations down, since today’s the epiphany, clean under the furniture and I’m going to start the 30 day clutter challenge.
    Today is another FD, with my pocket pals, 16:8, will have a lite meal at lunch and dinner, then another 16 to finish it out. I’ll break about noon on Sat.

    My thoughts are with you all today, as your venture out into the world and making it your own. Remember, one small change a day end ups being a drastic change eventually as long as you are persistent!

    Day 6– Colorado, USA– NFD

    Oh my gosh!! Stepped on scales this AM (as I do every morning, but Friday is my official Weigh Day) and was pleasantly surprised! I am the lowest weight I’ve been in over 10 years. I finally cracked the 130’s. Barely. But I’m in there!

    Intermittent Fasting has been fairly “easy” once I got in the habit of it & it works! It fits so nicely into whatever my schedule throws at me. And this is the first Nov-Dec Holiday Season I managed to lose weight instead of gain.

    156 lbs. = Original start of 5:2
    147.5 = November 1, 2016
    145.8 = December 1, 2016
    143.4 = December 25, 2016
    147.5 = January 1st, 2017 (out of hospital, retaining IV fluids on Prednisone.)
    (8 day clear + full liquid Fast for Crohn’s flare-up.)
    139.7 = Today. January 6, 2017

    Ultimate goal wt. = 136- 138 (or 61.8- 62.7 kg) So very close now!

    Many THANKS going out to Coda, B2tF, Fuvvie, AT, SongBird & all the many other wonderful Pocketeers & international hand-holders that helped me do it! I feel fantastic & am so happy to have found this simple, healthy WOL.

    3rd post:
    Also, I’ve so far been sticking successfully to my other goals:

    1– Strength training/ weight lifting 3 x this week. Gettin’ it done! Feels good to get stronger & toned up.

    2– Stretching & calisthenics in evening while watching TV with DH. Better than just sitting on the couch!

    3– Wanted to walk daily, no matter the weather. Yesterday we had a HUGE snow storm in Colorado. No walking could be done… But I shoveled the driveway & sidewalk for 40 minutes. Was a sweaty, puffing, panting mess, so I’m counting that as my cardio for the day! 🙂

    4– Considered joining everyone for Dry January, but tweaked it to “no wine at home.” For January, I will only order dry red wine when out on “Date Night” with DH in a restaurant. That’s working quite well for me. Sets limits without full denial.

    Cheers to our continued group successes!

    London | Day 6 | FD

    Morning fellow pocket’eers and everyone! How’s it going?
    For some reason, I’m glad to be fasting – my stomach feels rested already, and only 12hrs in. No rumbles (YET!). Had a black coffee earlier.

    @Inittothinit – glad you can join, added you to my pocket list

    @missymoomoo (love your name!) – I’m the same. I try and skip breakfast on NFDs now, unless it’s a 36h fast. I last until about 1230/1 before I need to eat something. I find, my need to have breakfast is mostly driven by habit and not hunger.

    @happymargo – well done on the scales front – looks like your fluid retention is getting better and weight heading in the right direction 🙂

    Re. questions about headaches and feeling light headed – this is my personal experience:

    I used to suffer from headaches since reaching puberty and I always put it down to not eating on time – it was an inconvenience more than anything. Since starting 5:2 and increasing my water/liquid intake, the headaches have decreased. I’ve realised that it’s dehydration that gives me headaches, rather than lack of ‘food’/fasting.

    As for salt intake: fasting reduces salt intake, due to the simple fact of reduced food intake. Also, during exercise and general sweating, the body loses salt. So, it is important to replace some salt with bone broth, bullion etc. on FDs. The body needs salt to retain water (among other things) and this helps overcome dehydration. The caveat to this is, too much salt can cause unwanted levels of water retention and obviously people with kidney or heart issues, or high blood pressure may need to regulate their salt intake and take medical advise.

    Day 6 – Queensland – FD

    I think today has gone okay. Have been trying to increase my daily exercise this week. Just walking but being sure to keep active during the day. All-in-all, I think this week has gone really well and want to be careful not to undo the good work with two NFDs coming up over the weekend.

    I am amazed by the wealth of information shared in this forum. It makes for very interesting reading. Thanks everyone.

    London, Day 6, FD

    Second post, for my rant of the day 😉 Colleagues have again brought in sweets to work! This time, I am determined not to succumb, but this is getting ridiculous. Every. Single. Day. People bring sugary treats and leave them in the kitchen. Like offerings to some deity. The Fat Toothless Fairy, or something.

    @nmanfield: there are two schools of thought about weight-loss aims. To some people, the aim to lose 2 kg per week may appear unsustainable after the first couple of weeks. Others seem to think that setting ambitious weight-loss goals produces better results. I tend to think that aiming for half a kilo per week is about right. Of course, there are many crash diets that will produce fast and impressive results. But intermittent fasting is not supposed to work like a crash diet, more like a strategy that still permits flexibility. I suppose the question one should ask themselves is about a diet/regime is how long one can sustain it. If it’s just a couple of weeks (or just a month), it’s not worth the effort (at least in my books, anyway). I have mentioned before a friend of mine who goes on every new diet out there- and is very disciplined in completing them, losing weight, but then regains, every single time, because on balance, even if one subsisted just on cabbage soup for a month, the other 11 months in the year still weigh in, so to speak.

    Good luck to everyone, whatever their goals.

    Good Luck to the b2b Pocketeers! First b2b challenge of 2017. You’ve got this!

    Well Rounded

    Back in November, I’d only ever done 36 hour Fasts at the very most. Then along came Ciren’s idea of carrying our names in a pocket for additional mental support… And, viola! I did something I initially feared impossible: completed 2 full back-to-back Fast Days. What?!?

    For those new to this WOL, know that if you stick to this, you will AMAZE yourself with what you can accomplish! You’ll lose weight, your health markers will improve, you’ll enjoy new energy & you’ll make new friends here.

    You’ve got this.

    Day 6 – Cumbria UK – 16:8 Day

    To the b2b Pocketeers! I am just below my target weight this morning so I will continue on the B2B FDs and join you for the day today so minimal calories (dash of skimmed milk in tea/coffee) until evening meal tonight.

    Holding hands we are stronger and will do this together and as @happymargo said this is the first B2B challenge of 2017 – go us!
    @Well Rounded – Mind over matter regarding the offerings at work and YES you can do this!

    @happymargo – so pleased that your recovery has gone so well and well done with the weight loss – You have got this lady x
    @goldensun – I will be holding your hand firmly to the finish of your B2B2B challenge x

    Another of one of my favourite quotes regarding our lifestyle:- “It’s not a diet – It’s a healthier lifestyle”

    Day 6|NFD|Toronto

    2nd post – sorry meant to say today was a FD – had intended to do a 16:8 but decided to keep going with the b2b Pocketeers!

    Day 6 – USA – FD (3rd fasting day for the week)

    Originally planned a NFG today however I have decided to fast from 6:30 p.m. last night (day 5) through 6:30 p.m. today (day 6)- a ‘short’ 24 hours fast – hahaha. Actually, thinking of going from dinner to dinner isn’t really that daunting of a thought now that I have done a few 36/40 hour stretches.

    Meeting family tomorrow, Saturday, and plan on having something yummy so wanted to do a little extra work prior to that.

    Love reading everyone’s updates from their days!

    Stay strong pocketfasters! I will join you some time but probably NOT on a weekend 😉

    Hello UK day 6 FD with my fellow pocketeers

    Just bookmarking again – still a couple of pages to catch up on.

    Reid, Nmanfield and Bongbong, I have added your names to the list. I’m sure you will be happy here in this community. It is sort of catching. I find myself grinning through a lot of the posts. Today came out of left field for me, for the second day in a row. Never mind. Fresh day tomorrow. Can hardly keep my eyes open to catch up on all the posts. Talk tomorrow. Night.

    Day 6 – Canada – NFD

    @fuvvie – I’m not sure if I said I would like to be included in the January challenge. Just getting back into 5:2 now after three weeks of having a big cold and being away in the Caribbean over Christmas. It threw me off track! 😁 I am ready now to keep going and I know this is the perfect place be. I have been trying to read through the January thread but have only reached page four so far. So much encouragement and so many old and new great 5:2ers following along.

    @fuvvie. Just a quick question for you. When do you want me to post my weight and my goal for the month, and how often do we post our weight. Is it every Monday?

    Day 6: Belfast UK NFD
    Good afternoon everyone.
    Jumped on the scales and was disappointed to see just 1lb down. My official weigh in day is tomorrow so here’s hoping. I haven’t just reinstated my sense of discipline SINCE Christmas. I so sympathise with all you folks who have sugar cravings. My FDs are fine but am struggling to avoid sugar on NFDs.
    @jarbia I admire your self control with just a mouthful. Am working towards that but am better avoiding sweet things altogether!
    Congratulationsa to HappyMargo, Rocy65 and everyone else who has had great weight loss, many congratulations- you’re all an inspiration.
    HappyMargo your 7day fast is amazing and thanks for the link.
    Am off now to buy some veggies to make some yummy soup.

    -13 in the middle of Nebraska, USA this morning! Suppose to warm up to the 20’s later today.

    Day 6 NFD. I will not break yesterday’s fast until noon today giving me a full 24 hours of liquid only. Found some lchf recipes I am anxious to try out and get creative with.

    I watched a couple YouTube of Butter Bob. Interesting. Describes my body and how it processes carbs and sugars.


    This WOL is so freakin awesome! I enjoyed my holiday and all of its delicious delights way more than I should have, but I trusted the program. I put on a few pounds by the end of it all, but I trusted the program. I didn’t change a thing an after much thought I kept to my normal fast day regimen and viola! Back to my pre-holiday weight! If I wasn’t before, I am a believer in this WOL. It works! I’m in it for a life time!

    Day 6 // New Hampshire, USA // NFD

    Yesterday’s fast day was HARD. I don’t know what happened – I was doing really well until I picked the kids up from school. Then I felt so hungry, but was trying to wait for family dinner time to use my calories. The one thing that saved me was, weirdly enough, vegetable broth. It satisfied my need for something savory, plus it filled my tummy and made it stop rumbling. Also – terrible headaches! I have read about others having them, but hadn’t experienced that myself until yesterday. The broth helped with the headaches, too. I will say that I feel really energized this morning – is that normal following a fast day?

    Today is a NFD. Enjoying my breakfast, for sure. I’ve lost five pounds this week, but I’m guessing at least some of that is water weight. Hey, I’m not complaining. Anything that moves the scale keeps me motivated! Here are my stats (my first goal is 199 lbs, but my long-term goal is somewhere around 160 lbs, maybe? – we’ll see when we get there):

    SW 225 lbs (102 kg) // CW 220.8 (100 kg) // 1st GW 199 lbs (90 kg)

    We’re off to my in-laws’ house tomorrow night (we go every Saturday night). My mother-in-law is a wonderful woman, and a fantastic cook, but she definitely likes to stuff us full of food. I was thinking I might try to fast all day until dinner (unofficially) just so I don’t go over my TDEE.

    Frigid January weather here in New England. Happy to be in my warm, cozy office this morning. I’m the only one in the editorial department today, so I’ll be able to put on my headphones and get some good work done.

    Happy Friday, everyone! 🙂 Love reading all of your posts each day.

    Debster– I so feel you on fighting the sugar cravings. For years, I was truly addicted to sugary carbs. Once I got my hands & mouth on sweets, I would simply lose the brake pedal & careen downhill into sugar mountain ravine!

    I was able to break my habit after MANY tries. It started by NEVER bringing ice cream into the house. (Oh, Coffee Ice Cream, my true love. Mmmmm.) I knew I had no control with it. Now the ONLY time I allow ice cream is one small serving while on vacation (so I have it maybe 3 x per year now.)

    The next step was cutting all desserts. I still craved “a little sweetness” after dinner, so shifted to teeny-tiny single serve bags of Skittles. I slowly lowered it till I was only popping 4-6 of them a night. Then weaned down to zero… Managed that by brewing up a mug of mint tea.

    That mint tea was my salvation! It felt kind of sweet, but also filling & satisfying. It became my new signal “all food for the day is now done.”

    And now, after much time & patient baby-steps, we no longer have ANY sugar at all in the house. NONE. DH has a stash of Dove’s Dark Chocolate in his office & has just one each day. But the easiest thing is just keeping my whole house clear of all sugar.

    Recently, in the break room at work, a surgeon brought a fresh box of bakery donuts. The smell was intoxicating! But I was able to sit at the table & not even take one bite. Amazing. My addiction is finally broken.

    Keep plugging away at it & you will find your path too. Gaining freedom from addictive clutches is so worth the effort!

    Hi all…Day 6/Midwest USA/ NFD
    Yesterday(FD) went well, the snow fell all day and I ventured out to clear sidewalks every few hours. The right amount of activity was built in. It is beautiful and very quiet with a blanket of white everywhere.
    Keep going!

    Second post.

    @happymargo – thank you for sharing your experience with cutting out sugar. Having read several books on the subject (+ the case against sugar, I’m reading now!), I still haven’t quite managed to take the step of ridding the house/kitchen of sugar… This is my biggest hurdle and I know once I start, I’ll be on the path to going sugar free.


    Here are a couple more..That sugar book by Damon Gameau, Fat Chance.The hidden truth about sugar, obesity and disease by Robert Lustig and The Obesity Code by Jason Fung.

    @fuvvie Yes, it really is going to be a test of willpower for me this evening. I am already in a little bit of a “Yay it’s Friday Feeling” so keeping away from a celebratory G&T or wine is going to be DIFFicult! As you say, maybe I will try having only a slimline tonic with lime instead. Why can’t someone invent calorie-free alcohol or something like that? 😉

    @emilymeg Keep strong! We can do it!! I am so hoping I will not be tempted by a drink later! MaccyD’s is addictive so I can imagine it being hard to give up especially with your busy days. Love that you have horses, must be so nice!

    Anyway, I didn’t mention my weights properly but since my wedding at the end of August (when I was down to 63.9) and following my minimoon and the couple of months in between and festive December, the whole shebang ended up costing me 5kgs!!! All that hard work gone.. 🙁 Anyway, I had an entry on MFP on 28th dec of 68.9!! This morning I weighed myself and was down to 67.9, but I will weigh myself again tomorrow morning and enter that as I started my week one day late with having a NFD on bank holiday Monday. Hoping I can stick to 1kg per week from now onwards!

    Will check back in later to let you know, hope everyone is having a nice day.

    Day 6. Fast day Friday for me. Arizona, US.

    Day 6 Canada NFD

    @ HappyMargo – Thank you for your kind words of advice… I’m trying! We’ve eaten up all the Christmas rubblsh so tomorrow is a new day. It’s worse than quitting smoking, which I did over 30 years ago.
    @pissupoosa, like you I have just got the Case against Sugar so happy reading.
    @annette52 my brain must be totally befuddled – I read the author’s name as Damon Gateau! Oh…… Thank you for those other titles, they’re added to my list.
    @yirrakurl I’ll be joining you with the slimline tonic – dry January, but I’m also trying to cut my medication for heartburn and alcohol doesn’t do me any favours.
    Staying strong…..

    Day 6 Canada NFD
    Felt great all day yesterday (Day 5) after first FD on Day 4. Looking forward to next Monday which will be my next FD, when I actually get ‘into’ a routine post-holidays. The clear head and energy alone seem worth the FD! Great motivation to have somewhere to post.

    Day 6 : Cheshire, UK : NFD

    I just couldn’t sleep last night and was awake at 1.15 am. I feel it was a result of the b2b fast, it keeps me so alert so I had to have something to eat. I ate cheese on ryvitas and that did the trick.

    @at I can feel you holding my hand firmly 🙂 Thank you so much but I might be just over my TDEE today x

    @debster251 I laughed out loud at Damon Gateau! So funny 🙂

    Day 6 – USA (Utah visiting) – NFD

    Going to the gym today to work off the extra calories I ate yesterday. My first NFD after a FD is always the worst for me.

    Quebecoise – great to see you back with us!

    BongBong – hello and welcome. I am 68 and live just south of Monroe, WI into Illinois. I visit daughter in Utah fairly often, which is where I am for a couple more days. I’ve lost over 30 pounds on 5:2 starting last March, and very happy to be at maintenance of 160. For that, 6:1 seems to be working. If I lose more, that’s okay with me!

    This is such an active thread, it’s hard to catch up on reading everything. Forgive me if I skip saying something important in support! Pocket fasters – you have my hugs!

    Onward and downward!

    US Day 6 NFD

    Tough FD yesterday but made it .. just barely.. to the end.
    Can you believe we are to have 6-8″ of Snow is South Carolina tonight into tomorrow.. I see a snowman and maybe a snow angel in my future 🙂

    WI, USA — Day 6 NFD

    Yesterday was my 2nd FD of the week. It was easier than the first, surprisingly. I very pleased so far. I feel like my sleep improved this week. I actually feel like I have more energy on the fasting days than I do on regular/NF days.

    I’m excited for my weigh in next week (will be after a fasting day on Monday, probably Tuesday morning). I really hope I’ve made some progress weight-loss-wise. I do feel lighter/less bloated which is great.

    Thanks so much @happymargo for your reply to my question about how long a fasting day should really last. I’ll keep striving for 36 hours x 2/week.

    Day 6, Québec, NFD

    Yesterday was a rather easy FD because I am sick with a big cold. I am happy however it gave me the needed little push to come back to this WOL and this marvellous group of people.

    A special hello to SongBirdMe, Fuvvie, Coda and the “old” friends and all my encouragements to the newcombers in the group. Believe me, you will not regret.

    In Quebec we had huge amounts of snow and ice. I was almost glad to be sick and stay in my warm bed !

    Bonne journée xxx

    Day 6: Gloucestershire, UK: Yet ANOTHER NFD! Quite disheartened, my motivation has gone awol since before Christmas. Results on the scale…unknown.

    Day 6 Ireland NFD

    Woke v early in morning hungry and ready for breakfast… luckily a NFD so could eat at normally mealtimes.
    I Walk the dogs every morning for exercise and also went horse riding this morning… which made my step count look great as had phone in pocket while hacking, but somehow I don’t think horse steps really count!
    Should be aiming for 10 000 steps but s very difficult to reach that many in a normal day!
    Looking forward to wkd ahead and hoping to see a result on Monday morning, fingers crossed!
    Ciren2.. . Every day is a new day… just draw a line and start again 🙂 would it work to do a semi fast and allow yourself a few more calories to get through the day?

    Hello Weeme; You are SO right, I DO need to believe in fresh starts. I will try to fast again on Monday. Half-fasts will not work for me….I am an all or nothing person. Somehow I need to de-stress about it and MOTIVATE myself. My new book “The case against sugar” is due to arrive in the post any day. Maybe that will help, but, equally, I’m on a super-hard rural delivery every day next week, which won’t do my arthritis any good at all. I’ve also been requested to work my day off. But, hey, every day is a new day and maybe there are opportunities in there for me….

    Day 6 / Sweden / NFD

    Hello all… Decided this morning to fit in an extra fast day 9today), after Wednesday went well but the scale seems to be a little bit stuck. Does everyone here weigh themselves on a regular basis? I got in the habit of weighing every morning, first thing, and now that’s my way of keeping very firm with myself. Otherwise, I find the numbers just keep increasing…

    Anyway, I went and took a look at the spread sheet — marvelous! I’m so sorry, can someone tell me if I should update it myself -? I fasted on the 4th and am fasting again today. On the 4th I was so proud of myself because I had no wine with dinner — one of my favorite habits/treats is to have a glass with dinner. But even though I had the 450 calories dinner (used the other 150 cals during the time when I got home at 4:30), I resisted the old siren call of that wine bottle and had a cup of tea instead.

    Anyway, if you (Fuvvie?) are the one to update it, I’ve started out at 164 pounds (11 stone 10 pounds) and my goal is to get back down below 10 stone, preferably to about 137 pounds (9 stone 9 pounds). So I guess I’m trying to get back to when I felt so wonderful, strong, and happy at that weight (and I have a whole wardrobe of clothes that fit that body, naturally). Currently I’m at 162.2 pounds after 2 weeks and four days of the fast diet. Makes a weight loss of nearly 2 pounds so far. (Not what I had hoped, but hey, better than a gain of nearly 2 pounds, is what I’m telling myself!)

    Today is the third fast of the week. Are there people who are doing three instead of 2? I just wonder if maybe I’m getting too impatient already?

    I love the stories and questions and answers on this site, thanks everyone who updates and answers and tells their story. 🙂

    Oh, forgot two things I wanted to say:

    1) I’m getting headaches, on both FD and NFD. How long til these disappear? I’ve seen other posters getting these as well – anything to do for them? I’ll read a bit more on these forums, I’m sure someone has answered this but thought it couldn’t hurt to ask… or maybe they don’t really disappear? Maybe it’s something other than fasting?

    and 2) I posted over on the Rheumatoid Arthritis topic (I don’t have RA, just ordinary arthritis-y fingers) — today I woke up and the pain was absent in my fingers — most mornings it’s the first sensation I have after waking — could just the few fasts I’ve done result in a lower arthritis pain/inflammation ALREADY? that seems too good to be true…

    Ah! I think I’m getting the hang of this.

    Day 6/FD

    Starting weight: 164

    Location: New York, USA

    55 year old American – three boys, tired of being overweight and feeling like I need to go up (another) clothing size. This is my first experience with the 5:2 and feeling motivated.

    Long term goal: lose 30 pounds

    Short term (January!) goal: lose 5 pounds

    Ciren2… just read that you already shed 2 stone and are maintaining which is brilliant!. I think when trying to maintain, that if your weight goes say 3-4 lbs over your ideal weight then you switch into 5:2 fasting mode to nip it in the bud, before it becomes any more. Even trying to do this may prevent further gain 🙂

    My problem is that the 3-4 lbs became 7 and then 10 lbs over the last couple of years… I had managed previously to shed baby weight after each of 4 children, but now the youngest is a teenager I can’t really use the baby weight excuse anymore… I haven’t a lot to loose but it’s v difficult to shift:/
    Pamelav… others are saying that dehydration and lack of salt could cause headaches

    Day 6 – SW WA USA FD

    Day 3 of fasting. This time with fellow pocketeers. Day 1 was good, but day 2 I went over 500 cal in the evening. Today is going okay. When I promised this, I forgot about the Bunco game tonight. I’m trying how to handle it. I wish I knew what the treats were. Probably I’ll eat a little, and record calories before I go & leave enough for a small treat or 2 – again being mindful of the calories so I end up at 500 or less.

    Doing this with others, helps!

    Thanks Weeme. I’m going to get some vegetable broth cubes (can’t spell buillion whatev!!!!) and try to drink more water on fast days —

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