30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

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30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

This topic contains 3,401 replies, has 151 voices, and was last updated by  LindaSue 7 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,901 through 2,950 (of 3,410 total)

  • Day 15 Sunshine Coast Qld Aus:NFD
    Spent the day taking 5 grandchildren, aged 12 to 8, to the movies to see Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. Ice-cream, popcorn and lunch were all part of the day, which certainly mounts up. I joined them. Can’t remember when I was quite as out of control as I am now. Just can’t get a handle on it at all. Sorry I haven’t had the time to follow all the posts. It’s all a bit hectic at present. Looking forward to quieter times and more structure to my life. Hope you are all finding that pull of intestinal fortitude that this season requires.

    Day 15 Italy- NFD
    Didn’t make my b2b but managed 1 fast day. Today I weigh 74.7kg slightly up on last week.

    @lilyM, I think it is a combination of factors. Kids are less active, takeaway foods are eaten more often. Sugar is in everything. I even found a vinegar that was 50% sugar content. Crazy. Portion sizes are now very big.

    @b2theF, Only read the one threads ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 15…..Florida….. FD

    Half way thru the challenge…. I’m am the same weight as I started on Dec. 1st. I guess, it could be worse. All in all, I’m okay with it. My FD have all over the place and not consistent, some weeks I do 2 some three. I’m not paying attention on NFD, eating what ever I want. So, it is what it is…….

    Today will be my last FD of the week because of Christmas gatherings and such…..

    Next week, I’m promising myself to try harder!


    Day 15 / Tweed Coast Australia / NFD

    Doing well! The beach was beautiful today. What more is there to say? I’m grateful.

    Manura, my partner Pravah, has spent a lot of time in Pune, lived there for some months different years. I’m aware that the Iyengar school is there as well as the Osho Meditation Resort.

    Day 15, Gozo. Malta, NFD

    Today is a nfd. Babysitting my one year old grandaughter and 8 month grandson with a babysitter helping me.

    I mean to eat within my TDEE.

    Have a great day everyone. Happy Thursday.

    Georgia/USA/Say 15/FD:

    Well here goes! A few more fast days before the Christmas gorge! I hope to maintain this WOL even through the holidays. I’ve already given into temptation and I’ve never really been a sweets (candy, cookie, cakes) person, but wow how things change. I sometimes get over confident in living this new way by taking on too much. But the scale often reminds me that I’m not invincible. Here’s to another week of Fast Days and a sensible weekend! Thank God for this group. It keeps me honest and holds me accountable!

    Day 15 UK FD

    Posting early to make my commitment to this FD. Looked back at the last few days as I’ve lost it a bit. Partly due to cough and not feeling too good. But also to not focussing. If I say shall it be a FD or a NFD I will decide depending on what I’m offered (Christmas treats). I never make that FD.

    I need to make that decision in the morning and commit it to the day. Otherwise I think it doesn’t matter, try again tomorrow trap. Whereas if I stuck with it today I would feel better and more motivated. Then the next day would naturally be good to not undo the good work. However I know this but do not always do it.

    This WOL you learn so much about yourself. I go back and read my replies, it’s a telling story.

    I need structure to succeed, but not be strict as I’m a rebel, tell me I can’t have it and I bloody well will!

    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ anyone else have this insights?

    Anyway on with my FD commitment.

    US SC Day 14 & 15 NFD & FD

    I went back to the office yesterday after my bout with sinus infection etc. I walked through the door and promptly slipped and fell. Swollen bruised knee, and a painful awareness of muscles I didn’t know existed ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am so far managing to maintain for this month and like you Bert1802 I’m okay with that. It’s a tough month so I’ll be grateful not to end up with a gain at the end.

    Have a good day all and early Happy Birthday wishes K-Lo!


    It took me over a year to commit to this WOL. I always told myself I’d start next Monday. It took me seeing myself on the news one day to say, “enough!” I started the very next day. Each day that I approach a fast day I think it through the day and night before. I try to plan my day out. I think about what I’ll drink and what my meal(s) are going to be. It gets me mentally prepared to battle the urges to eat. I also think about the progress I’ve made and how I don’t want to go back to the old me. Some days are better than others to be honest. My fast days are Monday and Thursday. This Monday was very hard. I didn’t feel hungry, but I my energy level was low and I wasn’t feeling well in the body. So I prepped by having positive thoughts about today knowing that I get to treat my self with a nice meal this evening. It’s really a mental thing this WOL. But its all very worth it. I hope that helped.

    Day 14/15 NFD, Canada
    Struggling to stay the course, but have not given up yet. Told all my family NOT to give me chocolate for xmas,please! At work clients are bringing chocolate gifts daily and I am dropping them off at the Womens shelter to get them quickly out of reach.

    Debbie-ouch! Hope the knee recovers without any lasting damage.

    Take care all and good luck to those fasting today.

    Day 15 | NFD| Cold Toronto
    Today should be an FD but I am invited out to a late lunch so it would be silly to even try and make it an FD.

    Hello all UK Day 15 low day but may end fast day (11.8 1/4)

    @sarah & AT you are a day ahead of yourselves in case you get further mixed up.

    @wellrounded – it doesn’t matter how you hold on just as long as you hold on.

    @debbie – ouch but it could have been a lot worse.

    @in it to thin it – I have done the same and most family members get the message apart from my MIL – I have said again so I will have to see if she does her own thing as usual. It used to be that I would not let my children open any presents they received until Christmas day but for a few years now if the present is definitely a box of sweets I tell them they can open them if they wish but to remove them out of sight. With 5 boys, people as kind as it was would buy a large tin of sweets for the family. We could have anything up to 10 boxes on Christmas Day sitting around. I would give them away as soon as possible but then just asked people not to buy them. We still end up with some but thankfully not as many and we don’t have the glut sitting around by Christmas and the days after either.

    @therealwil – I agree success of the plan is mental preparation.

    @bert – I think we have had this conversation before about why people were slimmer than now. For me I think it is about the readily availability of ready made foods (no longer have we control over what we were putting into our mouths but put it into the hands of people whose only end was to make as much money at the expense of our health) and confectionery. My own parents because of the war – sugar was not available in the quantities, so no sweets unless a special treat. She and my Grandmother would be horrified at the amount spent on confectionery and drinks/soda when they had to watch the pennies just to put proper food on the table. Walking/cycling was the order of the day as cars were few and far between. As Bigbooty has said cardboard can be made to taste nice if the right amount of sugar is added with some MSG added to make sure you come back for more. They added a lot of preservatives as well to keep it from going off never mind that our body simply couldn’t cope with it all. Bread would have been better quality and meals would have been simple meat, veg and potatoes, no pasta in those days. My Mum used to say she loved eating bread and dripping – don’t know if I fancy that lol! But if only she had stuck to that instead of being hoodwinked down the low fat way. They took out the fat from foods and what actually made the meal tasty and satisfying and added sugar to give it some taste and ensure we wanted more. She was constantly trying to loose weight to only add it back on. Day to day activity was a lot more than now as well. All I can say is that I am so glad I found out through Dr M and Dr J Fung about a way of life – you can have your cake and eat it – if you want.

    Day 15 USA (Illinois)

    NFD – will be burning up calories just keeping warm today! We are in this Siberian Express (also known as Polar Vortex) with frigid temps and wind chills. Some more snow due over the weekend too. Wind blew about 6″ onto my driveway yesterday, so I did have to shovel a little. Also put out new bird food for my now happy songbirds and a few scavengers.

    I am trying to keep up with posts, but it’s been a busy few days. Will try to do better and respond and support you all!

    Onward and downward….

    Day 15– Colorado, USA– 16:8 NFD

    Felt like I went nuts eating what I wanted yesterday. Even indulged in a banana spread with creamy peanut butter! Tasted like dessert to me. Yum!

    Just totaled up all of yesterday’s “crazy” calories & to my surprise, still just a touch below TDEE.
    (Pretty far over my normal grams of Carb cut-off though.) I fell so full & satisfied & a bit indulgent yesterday, but didn’t even hit max TDEE…. I think these FDs are definitely recalibrating my appetite.
    I “fill up” so much faster now!

    So with my 48 hour b2b Mon-Tuesday fast, my weight has slipped down a smidge more!

    I can’t believe I struggled for over 6 years trying to lose the same 20 pounds. Now those lbs are just slipping away (slowly, but surely.) And it doesn’t even feel that difficult.

    Intermittent Fasting is definitely a WOL I will be sticking to! I am so grateful to have found it!

    NYC, Day 15, NFD. Yesterday’s FD crashed and burned at an office baby shower. I plan to stay well below TDEE today, but above 500.

    2nd post–

    WellRounded– excellent points re: our change in lifestyles.
    For me, a big part has been getting a handle on eliminating sugars & limiting carbs, but activity, exercise, cooking from scratch, portion size, junk vs. fresh market produce ALL play a role. Good post!

    Fuvvie– You are one busy lady!
    DH & I have “a date” set for tomorrow, going to a matinee movie. We rarely ever go to the theatre, so I am excited about this! And, yes, I am planning to indulge in movie theatre popcorn with butter. Can’t wait!!

    Bert– Don’t be discouraged. There is so much going on right now: Christmas parties, meals out, gifts of food & chocolates, so many temptations! Maintaining your weight thru the holidays is an achievement too!

    DebbieQ– Ouch! What an awful return to work. Hope you heal up quickly!

    therealwi78– I’m with you on the procrastination. I first read about 5:2 a LONG time ago, just couldn’t seem to launch.
    Year after year, I’d tell myself: Next family trip/ vacation/ cruise/ Christmas party I’m going to be in shape, look great & feel confident in my body. But time would pass & I’d be on another vacation making the same lame promises to myself again.

    Took me many false starts & re-starts to finally get it right this time! I agree with your sentiments: “Itโ€™s really a mental thing this WOL. But its all very worth it.”

    Day 15 – London, UK – NFD

    Really happy to be another 1lb down today, making it 10.5lb loss since 1st November when I jumped on board with this WOL!!…I’m thrilled and my success is what will keep me on this WOL as I find it very easy to manage, especially with all the support on this forum from experienced ‘fasters’ and newbies alike! Thank you to all of you!

    The pre – Christmas ‘biz’ is kicking in big time so will have to snatch a few minutes each day to try and post, please forgive me if I don’t manage, it doesn’t mean I don’t care just ‘life’ is getting the way!

    Have a great day all, whatever you’re up to!

    Day 15: Gloucestershire, UK: FD
    Just got home from a BUSY, busy day on the deliveries! Haven’t had time to read any posts….but I’m here, and going for a fast day, to make up for yesterday’s change of mind.
    Stay strong x

    Day 15 | NFD | Bucks UK

    Coda. LOL! i am usually a day behind myself…thanks for the day check. Wishful thinking as fasting today. Not easy!!

    Day 15 WA USA FD

    After yesterday’s feasting celebrations, I decided to go for a FD. Yes it’s a snow day so school is cancelled. Will be the first time I do a FD on a day I’m not at work. Even though it was an NFD yesterday, I agree with HappyMargo that my appetite seems to be recalibrated. For example, at the Mexican restaurant with my neighbor last night, I ended up boxing up half the meal.

    That actually makes me think of Well-Rounded’s comment about portion sizes. I believe many places have increased their portions in North America or fast food places offer the option of Super sizing. So many families do a lot of fast food instead of making real food at home. What is the trend in other parts of the world?

    Manura – congratulations on your loss in 1st half of December.

    A goal for the rest of the month – I’d love to lose 1 more pound to make my total loss 25.

    Day15 USA Hawaii NFD
    Today will be 17:7. 17hour fast -7 hour eating window.

    Day 15 : Cheshire, UK : NFD

    Slightly indulging a little with some festive chocs but not as much as I would normally.

    Hoping to fast tomorrow.

    @back2thefuture Thank you. I didn’t realise that a post of mine would be considered inspirational. Your comment made me feel warm inside and smile quietly to myself. I’m pleased that I’m able to make a valuable contribution to this forum too.


    Day 15: Pacific NW USA, NFD. I’m taking a day to wrap presents as the various family exchanges start this weekend. I need a plan not to over snack while at home so I have decided to eat 2 meals and writing that down means I can remind myself to reach for a glass of water instead of the fridge door because all of you are watching! Lynz – I think to develop our commitments to ourselves into a daily habit it takes a group like ours to circle ’round and not let us get lost down the rabbit hole – yours truly, Alice!

    I’m glad to read how we are re-affirming our goals for the rest of the month. I needed to do that to find my way back to remembering in the midst of the whirlwind season where we are thinking so much about others that it is still the best guidance to put the “oxygen mask” on ourselves first.

    AnneMarilyn and Lou Belles – so happy for you both!

    Golden – you are as your name implies!

    Debbie – what a crazy thing, I hope your knee is getting better, ๐Ÿ˜ so sorry.

    I think AT followed Sarah through the wormhole into Day 16, (they must want to lead us in the second half of the month) – I did bring you both back to Day 15 on the roster, hope you don’t mind, we need to keep you in this universe with us!

    Day 16, Australia NFD

    Thanks so much for the congratulations BrightonBelle, Manura for the happy dance and fireworks! And Ciren2 for the great advice regarding maintaining. I think it will be a bit of trial and error at the moment. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Australia Day 16 NFD

    Day 15. Sussex U.K.
    Checking in. Cooking ahead of busy weekend.

    Extra post – I have just caught up on the last four pages of posts and have to say what a fabulous group! I wish I had been reading them daily as you are all so inspiring. Life has gotten on top of me this year but I will keep coming back and will be more faithful to this WOL. Thanks all and I hope everyone has an easier time of it as we head into the holidays ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 15 Cornwall UK FD

    Kept really busy today cleaning, laundry and wrapping Christmas presents – anything to keep my mind off food. I have managed to drink water – lots- green tea and one cup of broth and just one coffee. I’m going to head to bed very soon!! I’ll weigh in the morning.
    Amazing week, I’ve really been able to focus so 3 good fast days. I am looking forward to OH coming home tomorrow night but intend on a 500 cal day tomorrow also. On a roll!

    Hi Bigbooty โ€“ Thanks for feedback and links, Iโ€™ve looked at dietdoctor.com and like all these sites you take what you need from them. I think about it Iโ€™m eating enough good fats! I do eat almonds and brazil nut but have to be careful about how many! I do drizzle olive oil on salads to release the nutrients, I use coconut oil for cooking. I will have butter but not much. I donโ€™t eat refined carbs.
    Thankfully I donโ€™t have high blood pressure , so not who you thought! โ€“ I donโ€™t add salt.
    Lou Belles โ€“ whoopee well done b2bs arenโ€™t easy but they do work! Now time to celebrate and enjoy the festive season!
    Bert1802 โ€“ What an interesting post. My mother really went down the alternative medicine route and I believe there are alternatives to taking drugs. Many of our modern medical problems are diet and lifestyle related. I also believe in researching and am becoming quite knowledgeable with the help of this and other threads. Over-weight children are becoming such a problem and much of this seems to be down to snacking; children arenโ€™t given a chance to be hungry. I see children being given a snack (usually sweet) half an hour before they are given a main meal โ€“ which of course they donโ€™t eat because theyโ€™re not hungry! Hang on in there Bert over this next week or so, weโ€™re all in the same boat and I like others will just be happy not to gain, but if I do I know that come January 1st Iโ€™ll be right back on 5.2!
    Lilymartin -I do hope you are able to get some of your crops harvested. I think itโ€™s the refined carbs that are the problem and yes I agree there are so many unrecognisable ingredients in processed foods. Best is to make our own you know whatโ€™s in it!
    Diggly hope the weekend goes well.
    Debbie – rest up and look after yourself.
    Simcoeluv put this link โ€“ makes interesting reading!

    All very best of luck every one – stay strong!

    Had my annual physical this morning!

    I am SO happy to report the first words out of my doctor’s mouth were “So tell me how you lost 33 pounds?” Needless to say, he wanted to know but did not seem to have heard about our WOL. He said he could stand to lose a few pounds himself. He’s in his late 40’s, so likely even looking at how we all seem to gain a few pounds each year just about that age.

    Cholesterol and triglyceride levels are all great, blood pressure, etc. very good.

    I am so pleased to feel fit as a fiddle and tell everyone so!

    Day 15 Portugal FD
    FD went ok today. Maybe just a few calories over but that’s ok, as yesterday was also FD. Going to try for tomorrow also.

    Day 16 FD country West Australia
    Yesterday’s FD was derailed by an impromptu work lunch. Not too far over TDEE – but what can you expect with cheesecake as dessert!
    Thank you all for your kind thoughts the past few days re harvest. We started again late yesterday afternoon and managed a few loads. I won’t tell you that they are forecasting more rain in the next few days!!๐Ÿ˜ง
    The support of this group is astounding and has really been instrumental in keeping me on track.
    SongbirdMe – WOW! Congratulations!! Really well done.It is SO good to feel healthy – one of the many benefits of this WOL.
    Debbie – sorry to hear about your knee and best wishes for it not to be too serious.
    Rocy65 and others – yes homemade from scratch is always best but seems to be a dying art. And snacks! At the local school children have ‘ sip and crunch’ not long after they start school and only about an hour before recess! I agree that children aren’t allowed to get hungry these days because of the way they constantly graze on usually poor food choices.
    Annemarilyn a lot of people eat out in West Oz and often at fast food places because they are relatively cheaper. A lot of people eat and drink when shopping, walking in the street, in the car etc – something my parents’ generation would never have done. Lots of people drink alarming amounts of soft drink and serving sizes are HUGE! Current dinner plates are 4 – 5 cms larger than ours were as children.
    Looking forward to the lighter feeling of a FD today.
    Make today the best day it can be – you’ll only have this one chance to live it. Tomorrow it will be gone.๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 15/Carolina (USA)/FD

    Was expecting it to be a NFD, but was busy at work and only had popcorn during lunch, so I decided to just make it a FD. Will be home tomorrow, so it’ll be a NFD. Didn’t go to the gym today (usually go at lunch and was swamped), so hoping for the scale to move.

    Hey all… .I have reported the post above.

    Day 16 – Melbourne – NFD
    DebbieQ thanks – I was just about to do that! And all the best for speedy healing so that you are all good for Christmas celebrations

    @lynzm – yes, yes – I am like that too and esp so with exercise – there’s always tomorrow but somehow it never comes…

    @in it 2 thin it – hang in there, the struggle day will pass!

    @songbird – Congratulations!!! How good is that, to have a doctor want to catch this WOL off you! Huge Well Done – it’s so inspirational to hear it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy Baking Happy Fasting to All

    Day 15 Minnesota, USA FD
    A very good FD today, under 250 calories. DebbieQ, I’m glad nothing was fractured! Take care. SongBird, what a wonderful health report! You’ve certainly earned it and should feel proud of yourself. K-Lo, have a great weekend (gearing up?) and Monday birthday!
    Good luck to everyone!

    Day 16 UK NFD

    Liquid fast yesterday felt very hard work all day but completed. Realistically that will be the last until January. I have the next two weeks with family staying, away for a quick break or planned activities involving food with others. The festive season feels perilous.

    My goal for the rest of the month is not to undo any of the hard won progress and put on any weight. My exercise levels will go up as I will be on leave from the end of today and will do lots more dog walking with OH.

    Posting here will keep me accountable and I hope stop me throwing caution to the winds! I plan to do 16/8 as a minimum every day, skip meals whenever possible and try to sneak in the odd fast day. Good luck to everyone with the plans to survive the holiday unscathed.

    B2TF, thanks for pulling me back from the future.

    Songbird, what a brilliantly inspirational health report. Congratulations.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 16. Sussex U.K.
    Songbird – you are such an inspiration. You must have come out of that consultation on wings.

    Day 16, FD, New Zealand. Today was the easiest fast day I’ve ever done. I can’t pinpoint why, but possibly because I was very busy at work, but also I had none of those tummy rumbles that I get so I never felt hungry. Just had 500 cal dinner. Undecided about next weeks fast days – maybe mon and tues before I head off on Christmas road trip. Have a great weekend, everyone.

    Day 16, Gozo Malta, NFD

    Today I’m not babysitting but I still intend to go to my daughter who’s babysitting her daughter and her sisters son this morning to see if I could help her a bit. I mean to do some weekly shopping and visit my two sister in laws to give them Christmas gifts.

    I’m having beef and vegetables for lunch and baked fish with salad for supper. This morning had a white coffee and brioss total 130 calories. I want to stay within my TDEE. This morning weight was 63.6 kilos then 63.2 kilos so I take it I’m around 63.5 kilos. Not bad.

    The weekend starts today. Have a great Friday everyone.

    Day 16 | Pune India | NFD

    Day 16 UK
    Hoping to have another fast day today dispite a disappointing weighin! 3fast days and 1lb loss! Not going to hung up on weight but consider the health benefits for my body from these fasts.

    Today I’m taking MIL out to lunch then to a hospital appointment so I’ll need to be extra vigilant! Usually I get a large black coffee but there maybe a small salad to choose!

    Songbirdme Huge congratulations on your health check, what a brilliant end to the year for you!! It is the great to feel healthy on this WOL!

    Sarah57 I think your strategy for the next few weeks is a good one and certainly 1 I’m also aiming to follow!

    Fortunately I don’t have any office parties to attend. I will do a 24hr fast on Sunday eve through until Monday evening when I have an evening do.

    Best wishes to everyone, onwards and down!!

    Day 16, London, FD.

    Today is my only real chance to fast- even though I am getting on a plane later on so have to avoid all the munching that usually accompanies airports and planes (or is just me :-)).

    Anyway, I am away until Monday night, just mentioning in case someone thought I may have locked myself in the kitchen, devouring mince pies :-). I may be able to squeeze in two fast days next week, but that will be it for me for the year.

    Day 16, Georgia/FD
    Sorry I haven’t been on this month, I have bilateral carpal tunnel and my hands go to sleep while typing with a lot of pain. November wasn’t so nice to me I thought but I weighed in Wednesday and have lost 6 pounds, maybe I had a delay in my system (body) ๐Ÿ˜‚ but I only lost 1 pound in November and after trying the 16:8 way I lost 6 pounds meaning I fasted 16 hours and only had 8 hours during the day to eat with my last of anything before 8pm but nothing to eat until noon. I’m seriously excited ๐Ÿ˜Š…

    Hi all UK day 16 NFD I need to get real, as much as my intention was to fast until we go out for our Christmas dinner. (11.8 1/2)

    Finding it a bit of a struggle but my own fault that I have not stuck to my plan – I am
    1 Tired – my mind comes awake with things to do, things to get
    2 not drinking enough water
    3 not logging into MFP so not keeping account to myself.

    Still planning on fasting from Sunday evening as long as I can.

    Well done Songbird on the excellent results – you are an inspiration to us all.

    Good to see you back Cathyh46

    UK day 16 NFD relatively good day food wise yesterday but I darent even put my prosecco consumption into MFP – must remember to drink a glass of water for each glass of wine . Aim for a better day today

    Day 16…. Florida…. NFD

    I first have to mention this….. what the heck was that post about cat urine and witches. Oh my, I have never laughed so hard in my life. I mean, I’ve had some side effects such as tons of energy and reduction of weight but I can say for sure, I’ve never smelled of cat urine.
    That was a brand new reaction to someone who heard of this WOL….. but has never tried it…. If any of you start to have this reaction, please let me know!

    Today, is another NFD as well as my second Christmas party this week! One full week left before the holiday, so starting Monday, I’m planning 3 solid fast days before the big day!

    Those whom wrote about obesity in children, I couldn’t agree more. I must add another excuse to the mix of why. Children can be catorigized into two groups, the over scheduled and the under scheduled. Parents of the over scheduled say that because they are running their children from one activity to another, they don’t have time to provide proper meals so the drive thru becomes their norm. The under scheduled are kids whom have parents that work various hours and are left to tend to themselves or parents don’t have the energy to cook proper food.
    Either way parents must find a happy balance for the children. Something, I noticed in my own children, now that they are semi grown, spend more hours out of the house with their own lives. They have both put on a few extra pounds, which is probably one of the reasons I gained too. I am NOT blaming my kids but when they couldn’t be independent, we as a family were more active riding bikes together, going to the park, roller skating, playing basketball in the driveway. Now, my husband and I while still enjoy walking on the beach, we’re more lazy! We still make proper meals and the kids are always home for their favorites, but the life style changes we’ve all had in the last couple years have had an effect on all of us! For me especially because I miss my kids, not in the sense that I never see them but more in the way of how we spent time together. I miss stepping on legos, scrubbing grass stain of the knees of pants, finding dead bugs in jars. But what I think I miss the most is the various tones of Mom being yelled all over the house. The tones that tell you what is wrong or right before you walk into the room.
    Okay….. I’m off my soap box now…. lol
    Well I must be off….. I just got the hurry up Mom from the kids who are waiting to pray!

    Day 16 Surrey UK NFD I don’t think I posted yesterday. Afraid it is going to be a bit like this for the next 10 to 12 days. Oh well, got the new scale set up and really happy with it. I can’t remember who suggested it on this forum, but I followed the advice and got a Tanita, so thank you for the suggestion! Weighed in this morning, at 94.9 kgs, which I think is a downward trend…I really want to see below 90 and then below 80, so long term that would be good. Taking it step by step. I was really hungry on the last fast day, and then the following morning not hungry at all, so the second day was much easier than the first one. Still working on the Obesity Code. Such a brilliant book!

    Day 13 – 14 – 15 – 16 Canada NFD

    Oh boy. – I am so far behind now. I’ve been down with a big chest cold, sore throat and congestion. Seeing the doctor this morning. I’ve been completely oblivious to calorie counting or FDs. However the scale doesn’t show too much damage so far. I hope to have a FD on Monday. We are off on holiday for 8 days on Tuesday.
    I have a lot of posts to catch up on and I’m sure that will give me lots of inspiration to keep going along with all you wonderful people. You are so strong.

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