U.K. Evesham day 7 NFD
Mayhap just an aid to other newbies like me. Today’s a eat drink and be merry day as such,cards with the boys later with a takeaway wine beer crisps snacks whatever….the thing is I’ve been in a routine of working for the last two weeks so drinking at work first thing not eating till closer to lunchtime, however straight downstairs this morning and started to stuff my face without a care or concern…UNTIL I thought wtf are you doing? You sure as hell know your not hungry because you’ve not done this for the last two weeks so odds are just dehydrated.
Today I don’t really care what I have but there’s no need to just eat for the sake of it (which I’m guilty off) so be wary newbies that even if your in a goodish routine like I was it’s easy to slip & also don’t just eat because you can but because it’s right type thing…. Just saying….good luck X
Yes yes @happyslim you learn every day as I did today 😉
11:54 am
7 Apr 17