28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 2,266 total)

  • K-Lo: Stay strong!!! It is only temporary. NO resorting to pasta, bagel!!! πŸ™‚

    SouthCroydanKate – thanks for sharing that you have gone sugar free for a year. I am working towards that.

    I would like to limit all refined, processed foods and sugar. Making good but slow progress. take one or steps forward and then slide but it I keep trying.

    I like to think, it’s like when you are stuck in the mud. you have to rock back and forth until things catch on momentum.

    Feb- start of the momentum!

    Day 1, Oceanside CA, NFD

    Starting weight 153.4. Short term goal 150. 5’3″. Could go for more.

    Muffin top deflating. Love the loose clothes feeling.

    Walk every day 10,000 step minimum.

    We can all make February a powerful month!

    Day 1 – Canada – FD

    Wow, just read all of the new posts in the last 24 hours. We all have set goals/intentions. They are all different,yet we are pursuing trying to become or stay healthy.

    I have just finished my first month of 5:2 and it is working for me. I hope that I continue this trend in February.

    What Success in February will look like for me:
    1) post here everyday (which means I have not totally turned my back on looking after myself – if I have strayed away from my goals)
    2) starting weightFeb. 1 – 159
    3) goal weight for February 28 – 155 (I do not achieve this number, but follow 5:2 properly — that will be ok)
    4) track what I eat on all days so that I am fully aware of accurate actual calories consumed. I need to learn new eating patterns and need to appreciate and know what 1700 TDEE looks and feels like on my plate and in my body.

    Trying to undo old habits. This is definitely helping.

    I’d like to join! Thank you!
    And sorry for the newbie question, but WHERE do I make my daily posts? πŸ™‚

    I love Ramsgate, especially the harbour. No I wasn’t born in Broadstairs, I moved there 20 years ago to start a Montessori Nursery School, closed when I retired. I also wanted to get away from M25 which was close to where I was born, Orpington. Clean air was my goal. Love being by the coast and we get the best of UK weather normally.

    I also had hip problems which were long term but rectified last year by 10 treatments of Acupuncture and physio. I would not have thought it was possible to be pain free after 16 years of misery, especially at night, heaven. I also bought a mattress topper which really helped, softer beds are much better these days. I use Nordic Poles on daily dog walks which also take the strain off my knees, hips and back. Losing weight hasn’t done my health any harm either. I have lost count of the permanent changes I have made to my diet. Most importantly I feel great and am very active. Glass half full person most of the time. Very busy socially and enjoy sports albeit retired versions like swimming, dancing and bowls. I do get impatient and frustrated by long term fasting and dietary control but know what happens without control. At my slow rate I have another year to go then maintaining challenge will begin. Hey ho!

    Day 1 Maine NFD

    Good morning! 195.2 lbs, Actually started Monday as a fast day (not difficult – no bad feelings) before I saw this challenge. – weighed this morning & down 2.3 lbs! Yay, but used to fluctuating w/I 5 lbs for the last couple of years – anxious to get below 190 so…feb goals:

    Lose 8lbs. FD: mon/thurs. track food daily – walk 3 miles daily or some exercise, if weather in Maine not cooperating, & weigh tues & fri.

    Have done WW off & on for years – never made goal! Reached goal on Jenny Craig about 15 yrs ago – even became counselor for them for awhile. So, know portion sizes – but obviously have blissfully ignored as weight creeped up. Now for various reasons, especially health & energy, want to chip away at the lard. I like the idea of this plan for many reasons & have committed to this first month on my way to a new WOL!

    Heartened by all the posts & diversity. Thank you, Hannawaddo, for answering my questions yesterday!

    @and…exhale Hiya! Thanks for all your comments. I’ve been ignoring the extra calories too, but it’s kinda annoying. Apart from that I find MFP good for tracking calories, although it takes time to enter in the details. It’s all a bit tedious really, but need to keep track of things to retrain on portion size and to stop snacking.

    Day 1: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    My goal for this month is to somehow be able to return to the 5:2 Way of Life….that’s all I ask!
    I’ve been falling off the wagon big time since Christmas and gained half a stone during January, managing only 3 fully-successful fast days all month long!!!
    I was tempted more than once to just…go away….still am.
    I am SO disappointed in myself after losing 28 pounds in total since joining the challenges last May. I reached my goal weight in September…past-tense.

    Day 1: Washington state, USA

    A little about myself, I’m a 60 year old female with a goal of losing 25 lbs. I started 5:2 in October, did great and lost 10 lbs and then all the US holidays hit and I fell off the wagon. I actually did 5:2 most of January but over ate on too many NFD’s and didn’t lose any weight, (kinda thought that might happen!) plus I’ve learned January is just not a good month for me to try and lose weight!
    So here I am, getting back to being serious about losing this 25 lbs and hoping this group will keep me on track with my mission!

    OOPS!, forgot to say today is a FD

    Day 1 Cornwall UK NFD/CD
    Wow page 5 already ! Hopefully catch up with the posts tomorrow!

    Start weigh 145lbs, aim 140lbs.

    Happy fasting!

    Day 2 Australia NFD yesterday was supposed to be a NFD but due to a range of things it turned into a FD instead which was actually a nice way to start the new challenge. Let’s be losers today! πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone, I’m a newbie too.
    Day 1 Ireland – FD

    My goals for February:

    1) Do 2 FDs a week: Wed and Fri
    2) Lose 2kg. Currently 69kg, I wanna be 67kg by the end of the month, with a view to 65kg in 2 months
    3)Take up more swimming

    First FD today and I found I really struggled from 2pm til dinner time…Im not used to not grazing. Hopefully this will get easier. My mantra today was ‘I can eat it tomorrow’

    Its so great to have such support on here.

    @ciren2 – you have done so well with your 5:2. I know weight loss is hard but I have previously found that maintenance in any WOL or diet is even harder as it just doesn’t fit with why we are overweight in the first place. If it was easy none of us would have a weight issue. One thing I try to use is asking myself if that piece of food I want to buy or make is taking me to my goal or away from it. Good luck xx

    Day 1 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    58 y.o Female – 5ft 4in – Weight 54.2kg / 119.5lbs
    I have now been maintaining for 2 months – my target weight was 55kg with a 1kg window on either side

    Joining this forum with the November Challenge has got me off the plateau (59.5kg) I had been stuck on for 3/4 months and got me to below my target weight – this would not have been possible without the support and advice from so many. I learnt so much from the experience of others and it helped me to find variations on the 5:2 WOL that suited me.

    Health improvement markers since starting this WOL in January 2016:-
    1. Total weight loss = 14.6kg/2stones 5lbs, and since reaching target in December 2016 I have maintained that loss!
    2. My Asthma is so much better controlled – using half the dose of my preventer inhaler and not required any treatment inhaler for the past 10months
    3. My blood cholesterol has improved over the past year as follows:
    – Serum cholesterol down by 1.2mmol/L
    – LDL cholesterol down by 1.14mmol/L
    – Non HDL cholesterol down by 1.08mmol/L

    Things I have learnt over the past year
    * It’s OK to feel hungry
    * I can now do 36hr water/tea FDs with no ill effects – never thought I could do without my 500cals!!!!
    * My non fast days are now mostly 16:8 days – with 2 meals
    * I have majorly reduced the amount of sugar and carbohydrates in my diet – feel so much less bloated!
    * I can still enjoy a glass or two of wine with my dinner 3/4 times a week
    * I can still enjoy a slice of cake with coffee when out with friends/OH twice a week
    * I am so much more mindful about what I eat on my non fast days
    * If I stray on any NFD I don’t punish myself β€œI CANNOT CHANGE YESTERDAY, BUT I CAN CHANGE TODAY”
    * Best of all I am full of energy and my mental health is a much happier and relaxed one
    * This WOL is a permanent one for me!

    My goals for February are:-
    – To keep doing my 2 FDs every week, ideally water/tea 36hrs Fasts
    – To follow a 16:8 days for the rest of the week
    – To try not to fall into my bad habit of continuous grazing in the evenings although I know that I will have days where I struggle
    – To stay within 1kg of my target weight
    – To keep my exercise regime going as much as my current knee injury allows – Pilates and Yoga for now and to restart my aerobic class and fell walking once the injury is resolved – it will hopefully get better in the next couple of months!

    Welcome to this WOL to all Newbies – 3 months from now, you will thank yourself that you have chosen this WOL. There is a fountain of information on this website as already pointed out by others.

    It’s great to see so many familiar names from our previous challenges – Together we are stronger!

    I look forward to reading the posts and joining in/contributing where I can – I am a bit of one for motivating quotes so I’m starting off the month with a reminder that “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in & day out”


    just post each day as you did above – state the day of the month, area you are from and if you are having a FD or NFD

    example: Day 1 – USA – NFD

    Welcome to the group!!!


    have you read or watched any of the books/videos/blog by Dr Jason Fung? Based on your post I think he may be just what you are looking for in terms of help with the insulin situation.

    Stay strong!

    Day 1: USA FD

    Ready to kick this thing in high gear. Someone here said January is a difficult motivation month for them; I totally agree. So bring on February. Moment of truth, though, getting on the scale this morning: 147 lbs; goal is ten pounds down by the end of the month with daily exercise and weights every other week (which seems to rev up metabolism); 3 weekly FDs with one 500 cal meal at the end of the day; my ultimate goal is to stop grazing — mindless, comfort/emotional eating that I usually ingest standing up; rather I will sit and enjoy my food; eat healthy, delicious food with an occasional glass of red wine (fav) or dark chocolate (fav) and GET CONTROL BACK OVER FOOD. (of late, it’s been in control). Good luck all of you.

    2nd post (Day 1-FD, London Uk)

    Hi @granny2ten, my steely determination came after a 3000cal binge on fast food, which I actually forced myself to eat……..who does that?? I think they say you have to reach rock bottom before you can climb back up, I was so disgusted, especially after a β€˜good’ or β€˜controlled’ 2 months, that since Jan 11th the focus has been 100%…. which isn’t like me at all!! I haven’t done any exercise other than walking, but I’m not meeting even my own very simple 5000 step target, hence the addition of 30 day shred to the mix. I hope your mobility improves enough to allow you to take some baby steps!!!

    @lou Belles, thanks for the advice and encouragement, I’m sure there will be a wobble or 5 before the end of Feb, and I’ll be sure to ask for help along the way. I really think the water fasts acted as a kind of β€˜jump start’ as my body was becoming accustomed to fasting days planned to the calorie & minute! And my water intake almost doubled (which I’ve stuck to, despite it being mid-winter).
    I’ll catch up with more posts tomorrow, when I can have a much needed Mocha; for now, more power to the fasters!!

    @happymargo. Thank you for the bone broth recipe. I will make that tomorrow.

    Day 1 | FD | Bucks UK

    Hey guys, I hoping all fasters both new and experienced to a successful February… not necessarily from what is shown on scales but also a learning curve to what works for our body and minds.

    Ooo i felt a little flutter when I just noticed the big man ‘Dr Michael Mosley’ is now on BBC2 – Trust me I’m a Doctor 😊

    Nuff love guys ❀

    Day 2. NFD/CE (Controlled eating) Melb, Aus
    Wow, what a lovely bunch you are and so supportive!
    I hate the word “diet” hence the controlled eating. Years of dieting made me fat! For all the newbies, 5:2 is a great and healthy way of life and the most successful way of eating I’ve tried in the last 47 years! This is the first time I’ve lost weight and have maintained a healthy BMI – I’m a lifetime member of Weight Watchers, have tried Jenny Craig, meal replacements and countless other fad diets. The current blip ( I’m still in a healthy weight range) was caused by too many wines, cheese and biscuits over the festive period. I’ve never had a sweet tooth but love anything fatty and salty.
    Loved reading all of your posts this morning. Would love to reply to many but now I’ve read the 70 or so posts in my inbox I can’t remember who wrote what. Memo to myself to keep a notebook beside me as I read.
    As to my goal to move more. Can sitting up in bed for an hour scrolling through posts be counted?
    To everyone hope you have a successful FD or healthy day of eating.

    Hello everyone – how was day 1?

    I had my first fast day of February and it went surprisingly well so feeling very happy. I didn’t have breakfast, then had a small banana at lunch, made myself busy after work with some errands and then shovelled down a delicious 3 egg mushroom omelette …had 150 calories to spare so I “treated” myself to 3 dried apricots and a ginger biscuit! I’ve had copious amounts of black coffee and lots of water and feel good. I wear Invisalign braces so I think this definitely helps with the not eating …although you cant have hot drinks with them in so that is a bit more restricting!

    Looking forward to breakfast tomorrow…xx

    Ps I answered my own question earlier talking to my husband about why I think this diet will work… because its only TODAY, tomorrow I can eat normally, its not like you have to restrict yourself all week …just for one day! (Well, one day x two or three times a week, but still…!) Feeling positive!

    Day 1 Portugal NFD
    Starting weight at end of September 70.9kg
    At beginning of Feb challenge 63.2kg
    Goal for Feb – 61.7kg (1.5 kg loss) at least!
    Goal weight around 58kg

    Other goals for February
    4:3 during the whole month
    At least 3 – 4 times per week – fitness blender workout
    Drink more water on FDs
    Be more careful on NFDs
    Take the stairs when possible -we live in 3rd floor apartment.

    I haven’t had a dessert, cookie, chocolate, snacks for 21days! OH joined me in this. We look forward to enjoying something sweet this weekend!

    Day 1 – NFD – Canada

    I like the diverse group of people/goals here πŸ™‚

    Starting weight (SW): Feb 1 – 157.2 lbs
    Goal for end of Feb: to lose 4.5 lbs
    Goal weight (GW) by June 1, 2017: 140 lbs

    I have been doing 5:2 since Sep 2016 and like the flexibility of the program. I am also currently trying to figure out my exercise/fast day mix and am super impressed with people who are able to do 36 hr fasts on just water/tea. I need every bit of my 500 calories (sometimes 550 calories) !

    Finally, I would love to hear input on the following question: I have a BMR of about 1450. I use MFP to track calories and enjoy it (slightly type A over here…) and have been tracking using a food scale since 2013. Since starting 5:2, on my NFDs I usually have no issues hitting my BMR and often have to take care to not go over my TDEE especially when I’m out/about or social. On NFDs that are work days/quiet days and especially on an NFD after a FD, I find my appetite to be quite dull and often have to make myself get to 1200. Does anyone else experience this? Is it terrible if I don’t get to my BMR some NFDs or is it okay to be between 1100-1400 on some NFDs?

    Thank you for all the encouragement! That was so good to read that three months from now we will be thankful we chose this way of life, can’t wait!

    This is my second attempt at fasting. Doing 42 hour fasts, 3x per week. I’m not yet familiar will all of your terminology so I may be asking a lot of questions. I have just finished reading The Complete Guide to Fasting by Dr. Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore.

    I’m 5’1″, female
    Will be 55 in April
    Start weight 168
    First goal 158
    Expect to lose 5 pounds in February
    NFD are strict ketogenic
    No alcohol for the duration of the challenge.

    Day 2, NZ South Island, NFD

    Post 2 of the day, just realized I have never officially done an intro.
    My name is Catrina, I’m 35 and live in Arizona. I have 3 kiddos that keep me busy and drive me insane (but I love them with all my soul). I’m a micromaintenance systems technician so the days I work, I sit on my butt for 12 hours a day :/ this will be my second month doing 4:3 along with the hubs. Nice to see all the newbies and I look forward to continuing to connect with you all from around the world. -adios

    Day 1 – London, Canada – NFD
    Feeling good today, optimistic for a ‘fast & fabulous’ February a la @happymargo
    Great to see so many new names πŸ™‚
    @lenlenk – you can do thIs – it will help you!

    Day 1: Pacific NW USA, NFD, or how to stay at or under 1800 calories!

    Hi Lynz and everyone! My beginning weight is 159.6 lbs. My grand goal is to hover around 150 lbs so the size clothes I am wearing are a little looser. My weight loss has slowed down since I first started participating in these challenges beginning May 2016 but my goal this month is to slide a bit further down the 150’s. It will help if I curtail snacking after 8:00 PM. I’ve gotten lazy this last month! I’ve maintained a LC/HF diet since April 28th (yes, I count every day!) I will do liquid only, 36 hour fasts on Tues and Fri and some b2b’s when I feel the need. I will continue to walk and ride my bike for exercise.

    Good fasting everyone!

    I have similar questions. I’m hoping not to yo-yo any more and so am being super cautious to eat my full TDEE on NFDs so as to not lower my metabolism and essentially end up on just another calorie restriction diet. I’m aiming for slow, steady and beach-ready by May/June. If someone who has being doing this for a good while wants to weigh in (ha) on the full TDEE on NFDs issue that would be appreciated by me, too!

    Day 2 NFD UK(NZ Holiday) Age 61

    2 lbs down after Day 1, I am thrilled but not thrilled enough to go out and treat myself.

    It was my second BTB fast day so included Jan 31st. No loss showed yesterday morning but decided to drop off during yesterday. It’s been a very long time since I had a 2 lb drop in one go so I am thrilled. I have been losing 1/2 or 1 lb or maintaining since October last year. Prior to that I was in yo yo hell. I got through festive season with no gain, a miracle for me.

    I am on a month long trip which started with a 2 lb gain which I really had to fight to lose before I started this challenge. I have always found it ‘hard’ to lose weight and continue to do so. I guess I haven’t yet found the formulae that will get me to goal unless it is just ‘bloody hard work and constant vigilance’ 7 days per week. I find fast days easier than non fast days. I have been fasting three years now lost a small child size (but needed to lose a teenager)so rarely get ‘hungry’ any more, I drink lots of water and hot drinks. I still crave foods I shouldn’t eat but am not often ‘over powered’ these days. Hopefully my ‘sod it’ mentality is a thing of the past.

    My success is down to a strict regime, not for everyone, all or nothing formulae

    No added sugar but I eat fruit daily( but not excessively)
    No bread, cakes, biscuits, pasta or rice(switched to zero noodles, small potato)
    Mainly vegetarian unless options are unacceptable or zero in cafe or restaurants.
    No alcohol(except special occasions)
    Lots of exercise daily but only mildly aerobic- swim, walk, dance.
    Currently doing 23/1 as a way of life, I have found it more successful.
    I either do zero cal or 300/500 cal on fast days (2 or 3 per week)depending on current success.
    Weigh daily morning and evening(tried every combination, this works for me)
    Mainly I eat eggs, fish and veg(occasion chicken), lots of homemade soup too.

    After 30 years of yo yo dieting I have a really shoddy metabolism and gut bacteria is weak (no scientific evidence of this just my own experience) I have always been physically active even at size 24 now size 16, exercise makes little difference to my weight except makes me feel better and tones my muscles. I still ‘live to eat’ to rather than ‘eat to live’ and this needs to change. Any suggestions welcome.

    So onwards and downwards
    Good Luck FebbyfastersπŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”keep focussed

    Wow – just back from 3 mile beach walk & instead of checking Facebook, read all your posts….so much better for both my mental & physical health! Thanks everyone – interesting & motivating.:..definitely the change I needed!

    Today NFD – working on not grazing – have open concept house – kitchen easily accessible – never realized how challenging that is when you’re trying to cut back -been years since I’ve really made myself accountable food wise.

    Good news – hubby has decided to join me on this trek. Good guy – preparing spaghetti squash as I type.

    Good luck w/evening calories everybody!

    So welcome everyone just wanted to check in with you all after our first day.

    I have spent the evening entering in a excel spreadsheet (Fuvvie set the bar high last month)’, I have recorded you all, your start weight if given, your goals if given and if you have checked in NFD or FD.

    ATM there are 103 of you who have signed up. So in future if you can respond alphabetically that would help me a lot – πŸ™ƒ JOKING! Although not all have checked in yet and some our now already one day 2. Will review and see who’s still here at the end of the week.

    I always knew the first set up day would take the time, and everyone likes to introduce themselves quite rightly so, it seems odd just stating Day 1 UK FD. somedays you will feel like that and that’s ok too. With my fantastic spreadsheet that I saved about 123 times as was so scared of losing it it Will be easier to check you off in future.

    So just a little note on goals if you haven’t already and want to add feel free.

    Goals should be SMART

    S Specific
    M Measurable
    A Achievable
    R Realistic
    T Timely

    I plan to do 8 FDS this month.
    I aim to lose 5lbs this month.
    My Goal is to get to 130lbs in 4 months.
    I will do 3 exercises classes this week.

    So team have a great day/week/month. think about your Goals, good to have weekly then monthly goals I think.


    Day 1 — Colorado, USA– NFD

    nyoosha– Welcome! There’s lots of newbies already here on this Challenge thread, but there are also many experienced 5:2’ers that have been here since Coda’s first Challenge call went out in May 2016. (Thank you Coda for getting me firmly into the 5:2 WOL!!)

    You post daily right here on this thread.
    Simply start each entry with the Day (it matches the date of the month, not when you started, so we’re altogether on the same Day #), then put where you are from (this is fun for everyone to see!) and tell us if it’s a Fast Day (FD) or a Non-Fast Day (NFD) for you.

    Day 1 – Washington state, USA, NFD

    I stumbled upon this site last night. I have been reading about it today and hope to follow it for a month. I am currently 136 lbs and would love to weight in at 131 at the end of the month!

    Day 1….. Florida……FD

    Man, I woke up today hungry and stayed that way until lunch…… but guess what, I actually forgot I was hungry…… just finished up dinner, having that last cup of coffee and I’m done….. Well until tomorrow! Lol

    Ciren2……… I wish I could wrap you in a big hug right now….. Take my hand….. I got you! One day at a time or minute by minute, you’ll get there! Your in my prayers and thoughts!

    Ophreusx……… I hope your doing well! Remember read only what you can but post so we know your still with us!

    LynZ…… love the Cheerio…..

    AT…… inspirational as always!

    Welcome newbies…….

    JoJo……. From the looks of it, it seems your WOL is pretty good, but you comment you lose very slowly. I’m just wondering, have you tried increasing your protein intake? I’ve read that a low intake of protein can slow even stop weight loss. Do some reasearch, maybe increasing your protein will help a bit, it also could decrease those cravings. There are tons of vegan protein options, tofu, almonds, etc. just food for thought!

    A girl at work just started a controlled diet with a doctor. She was telling me the doctor said that women tend to lose inches faster and men tend to lose weight faster. So, instead of being weighed in each week the doctor is monitoring her progress by a tape measure and only weighing her once a month…….

    See I told you all that those scales were lying, cheating and theiving pains in our ars! Even a doctor confirmed it……

    Newbies…….. make sure to go in your closet pull out something that is to small and try it on….. Remember the way they feel…… try them on each week, and feel the difference! This is the only true way to know and the only true way to determine the success! Well….. that’s my opinion anyways!


    AT– I loved reading your wrap-up post of benefits & things you’ve learned.
    It’s so encouraging to read of someone who has ditched (not “lost” because you don’t want to re-find it like your car keys!) their excess weight. And is now successfully maintaining. Gives me such hope!!

    How is your knee/ hamstring/ bakers cyst treating you? Able to get active again?

    erikaa67– I feel you on the food taking over control. For me, triple creme brie cheese & red wine were large & in charge of me in January. Time to show who’s boss! We can do this.

    FlourBaby– Oh my gosh, fast food/ french fries are my arch nemesis (and the rivals in my love triangle with brie cheese/ red wine.) If I feel the urge to go nuts on fast food creeping up, I will post on here to you for some hand-holding (or a kick in the keister) to steer me clear! Thanks!!

    Hello 2nd post I have almost caught up on all the posts – just this page to go but wanted to write a few things before the light goes out.

    @flourbaby so glad you stopped looking in through the window and decided to join us. I think you’ll fit right in.

    @mimigogirl yes we share recipes, we share anything we find that helps us in this journey to slim.

    @walkerbird monthly challenges have been on the go since last May and still going strong so there will be more to look forward to!

    @bert I smile each time someone ends with a cheerio!

    @lou Belle I did that (post daily weight) for a while so I could get used to the fluctuations. May do it again for February.

    So as February is the month associated with love – we need to learn to love ourselves. So how are you going to love yourself this month?

    I’ll catch up tomorrow on the posts above. Cheerio for now x 😊

    I’m in. Today nfd. I’ve had a glass of red wine tonight as I’ve had a dry Jan. I am looking to loose 5lb in Feb. Fingers crossed…..

    Day 2 Tas Aus FD 65.6kgs

    I think this weighing thing might work well for me. Was very happy to see I’m only up 300gms after a far from perfect nfd. But very motivated to see it head back down. I mostly just weigh in after a fd as the scales mostly have nicer things to say, but really want to get a hold of these nfd’s and hoping this will help.
    Fd going okay so far, will have a 1/4 tdee dinner tonight.

    Would love to answer @allsmiles questions but am in similar situation as @blueninjamama, from what I have read and understand its best on nfd’s to stay close to your tdee, for best results but also have plenty of times when I don’t reach it. Not really sure how much it matters or if making sure I eat more those days would be better? I think I’ll have another look in my books.

    Good luck everyone.

    Day 2 – Melbourne – FD

    @lany36 – great! Good to have a’site-buddy’ as it’s hard to follow all the posts in this large group (exciting, though!) are you in the South Island? I grew up in Upper Hutt, although been in Oz since 1985. OH and I have been considering a trip to South Island for a while, hope to do it within next 18 months. Probably either Nelson to Christchurch or Dunedin to Invercargill (will only have 2 weeks available). I haven’t been further south than Oamaru (as a child) but I remember how spectacular it is, and can’t wait to show it to OH.

    @adf12kgless – thanks for Coach Me! I like the accountability and I’m just starting to introduce more exercise into my WOL.

    Bit hungry atm: am trying a liquid only fast day (first) without my usual morning coffee. Tracking cals again, as I got a rather slack in January. Had about TDEE yesterday, maybe a little more as my TDEE has likely gone down. Hoping that shaking things up a bit will kick start me on a downward trend again.

    Best of February luck to All – cheerio!

    Day 2 Hopefully FD Country West Australia
    Had most of my kitchen renovated yesterday and the rest to be done next week.
    So house looks like a crockery shop exploded inside my house. Dishes and bowls and cutlery everywhere. I have SO much stuff – who knew ?? And the dust and mess left by the builders……
    Not the tidiest crew. They did the build and left. So exercise today is dusting, mopping, cleaning etc.

    Slowly going through everything and trying to Kon Mari my crockery – as if !! I LOVE my crockery and I LOVE to cook.
    No, seriously, trying to make 2017 the year I get everything on track ( weight, hence on this forum , it is a lifeline), house, garden, clothes , work-life balance. May as well go the whole hog I say.
    30 years of living with controlled chaos is enough.
    So for February trying to lose 2 kgs and get all the rest sorted. We’ll see…. Don’t they say to aim high and you’ll live up to your expectations.
    Aim low and you don’t ever really progress.πŸ€”

    Day 1 Sydney, Australia – NFD
    Day 2 Sydney, Australia – FD

    Sorry I didn’t check in yesterday, really hectic day at work then out last night.
    Fast day today and I normally don’t have anything until dinner time but I won’t be home until late so just had 125 g of cottage cheese and a handful of grape tomatoes. Stir fried cauliflower rice with veggies tonight so I will be well within my 500 calories.

    Have a great start to the month everyone.

    Aussie day 2 FD .
    So great to get another month in would like to lose 2 kilo over the month will be doing FD’s Mon and Thu love reading all the posts.

    Day 2 NZ FD
    So far so good. Have managed to just have coffee, tea and water so far.
    @ciren Thoughts and prayers are with you. I really feel for you.

    Day 1 FD US
    CW- 156.2 lbs
    GW- 152.2 lbs by end of Feb
    IW- 135 lbs by July if I consistently lose 4 pounds per month

    Love reading all the posts! It definitely helped with getting through the FD. Stayed with water, black coffee, and had a yummy soft taco with my kids for dinner tonight.

    Highs- 12,700 steps, 100 oz of water, 7 minute work out and stretch session. Yay!

    Lows- Two kids are sick and I’m going to bed HUNGRY.

    I wish you all well!

    Day 1 – Upstate NY – NFD
    Starting weight- 180

    I’ve been loving the modified 5:2 plan that I do. Twice a week I fast for 24 hours, and try to break my fast with a reasonably small meal. It’s not hard because fasting kills my appetite. I even look forward to my fasting days. I keep a special, award winning tea that I can only drink on fast days.

    Today was a good day. I had a couple of treats, but indulged in a mindful way. I’m looking forward to my fast day tomorrow. I started at 7:30 tonight.

    Everyone’s posts are so inspiring. It’s fun to be part of a group motivating each other.

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