28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

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  • I wanted to update my goals here as I am hoping to lose 5 pounds for this March challenge from 147 down to 142 with my eventual goal down to 136 pounds. I’d like to get my waist down from 34 to 32 inches. I think I put the wrong measurement in my profile so need to update that. I’m still figuring out the system.
    Planning to start 5/2 with fast days on Monday and Thursday. Wanting to do 10,000 steps a day so plan to try to take some walking breaks at work. In addition I think I’m going to do the daily Wayans. Many of you have mentioned doing that. I’ve been using the fascia blaster and I am continuing to do that daily, particularly on my belly as that is where I seem to have accumulated my extra weight. I think this has happened as I’m getting older and my hormones have changed or significantly decreased.

    Good luck to everyone on this March challenge. I’m really excited to be part of this. I’m still learning the terms and since I’m used to pounds and ounces, I’m trying to wrap my mind around the metric system measurements as many of you are from countries that measure that way.

    Thanks so much to the moderator or person who is managing these post. Much appreciated.

    All my best – Sirisan

    Final post….. Florida……FD

    Blew my final FD out of the water with a good ole’ Fat Tuesday treat, Paczki.
    They are my absolute favorite and can only found on Fat Tuesday, so indulged.
    So, with that in mind, I ended Feb at 148lbs. 2lbs up from my lowest recorded weight.

    So, I ended the month with only a 3lb loss.

    Thanks again LynZ!



    you may want to head on over to the ’31 day March challenge’ as this Feb challenge is finished. We’re just logging our final results for the record and soon there won’t be any more posts.

    I look forward to ‘hearing’ from you on the ’31 day March challenge’ thread.

    Good luck!!!

    Final weigh in and it’s exactly where I started the month – 9st 6lbs.

    Not exactly a success but I guess with a weeks holiday eating most things in sight not entirely unexpected! On the positive side no gain and I think if I had measured myself I would have lost a bit, def look leaner!

    Well done to all in the Feb challenge and thanks to LynZ for the leadership

    Wednesday March 1st — Colorado USA — NFD

    Well, I’ve finally busted thru my mid-winter blahs & have halted the scales climbing back up.
    I feel reinvigorated & ready to charge into March!! πŸ˜€

    143.4 = February 1, 2017
    147.0 = March 1st…. up 3.6 lbs.

    Plenty of room for improvement. I’m not worried. I’m raring to go at it again!
    Again, many many THANKS to LynzM for a wonderful job hosting!!

    Day 29 final check in for Feb.

    @Lynzm- a huge thank you to you for recording all our efforts!! I know I would have quit this month if not for the support of the group and reading about the struggles and successes of my fellow 52ers.

    I end the month with 3 extra lbs😑, so I guess that for Feb I practiced 52 for the health benefits of fasting, rather than the weight loss.

    But hey,ho it is a new month starting today and I know I can do better. See you all on the March challenge.

    Day29 final check Maine NFD

    Thank you Lynzm for your leadership! Ending weight 188 – so, since feb 1 lost 7.5 – but adding in the 2.5 I lost from last mon in Jan (& of course, I’m adding that!) – lost 10 lbs! And I know I lost inches – journal w/measurements, packed in car for our travels, so will measure later.

    Thank you all! I haven’t watched my weight go down in about 8 yrs!! Feel like this is a WOL for the duration – at 65, no idea how long that will be – but, doing this will hopefully help me eek out a few more good years! Need to find a picture of a trim 75 yr old to keep in mind!

    Marching onward & downward! Good luck!

    Final post for February – USA

    I am happy to report my goal of maintenance at 160 pounds for February has been achieved. There were those up 2, down 3, up 1, up 1, down 2 daily weigh ins, so I consider this all a WIN! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ I had no idea that maintenance would be this much work, but it seems I will just have to get used to it. Keeping my BMI right at 25 or less is my main goal.

    You’be all been so helpful with good ideas on our weight journeys.

    See you all, I hope, on the March “other side”

    Day 1 second post

    Thought I would add some measurement stats to my profile. Bmi 26.4 Waist is 36 inches height/weight ratio is 0.52 and hips a HUGELY embarrassing 45 inches. Goodness only knows what those stats would have been 2 stone ago!

    I have been reading waist measurements on here with interest. They seem to vary so much and seemingly without much correlation with actual weight or bmi.

    This is the very first time I have measured, using a handy gadget called a myotape which manages the correct tension for you. Does anyone have any idea of suitable goals for inch loss in relation to weight reduction?

    Final post for February

    31/1-86 k
    1/3 – 82.2 k
    Loss of 3.8 kilos, along with 6cm of waist, 4 cm of hips and 6cm of bust for February!

    I had a successful FD yesterday but it’s that time of the month and I’m feeling bloated and heavy so it didn’t show on the scales.
    Here I come March!
    See you on the other side:)

    Still getting results in will post all soon x

    Anyone posting into this challenge wanting to carry on, or new, please move to 31 day march challenge hosted by AT!

    Good luck all. πŸ˜€


    Hi all,

    115 people enrolled or entered something on the challenge.

    103 people posted during the challenge, anyone that had entered something throughout the month.

    53 people posted their weight loss (so over half).

    222.96 lbs lost or 101.34kg. WELL DONE US! πŸŒŸπŸ…πŸŽ–πŸ₯‡πŸ΅πŸ†πŸ’«

    Well done everyone, thanks all who joined in, whether just posting your day or answering questions, the group works because we are big and global.
    There is always someone to answer a question no matter what time.
    Always a tip to be found.
    Always something to read when you have your challenging moments.

    Hope you have found ATs 31 Day March Challenge, see you all there! 🌈

    Cheerio πŸ˜€

    Thanks so much @lynzm! That’s a fantastic loss for 53 people! Great job keeping on top of it all! πŸ’•πŸ’•

    Thanks @lynzm for your brilliant stewardship. Fantastic results!

    Sorry for the late post. Didn’t realise how much time had gone.

    Day 20 – New Zealand – FD
    Day 21 – New Zealand – NFD
    Day 22 – New Zealand – NFD
    Day 23 – New Zealand – NFD
    Day 24 – New Zealand – NFD
    Day 25 – New Zealand – FD
    Day 26 – New Zealand – NFD
    Day 27 – New Zealand – FD
    Day 28 – New Zealand – NFD

    Down 5.7 kg for the month.

    Oops made a mistake on my monthly loss. I weigh weekly and was looking at the wrong dates. It should be 6.6 kg.

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