28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 7 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,851 through 1,900 (of 2,266 total)

  • Day 23 Melbourne NFD

    My last 2 FDs have been really tough, for some reason. The only thing different is that I ate 3 meals instead of doing 2 meals as 16:8 on the day prior. Yesterday I could have chewed my arm off.

    Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.
    ….Walter Elliot

    Day 21 USA NFD
    Day 22 FD
    Weighed in at 152.4- so close to my goal for the month I can feel it. Been super preoccupied and busy this last week. I haven’t been reading posts and I’m missing it! We are on the countdown now… for the month at least! Yay! I’m wishing you all well 🙂

    Day 23 Oman NFD

    2nd post. Perhaps by focussing on my health, cooking and enjoying tasty food, loving the renewed energy and fitness as well as a new wardrobe and not focussing on weight loss are the main reasons I’m still embracing this WOL. I love the flexibility, not focussing on calories or the next meal and enjoying the freedom and zest for life. Two and a half years on I am still going strong.

    Day 23 Sunshine Coast Qld Australia NFD

    Today was meant to be an FD but bought a large packet of chips and ate every last one of them. I have a much bigger problem with potato crisps than with chocolate, although I did look longingly at the white chocolate. I have been eating lots of fat and whilst I don’t think I am getting cholecystitis, I am getting some sort of abode pain/discomfort. I felt better after a good fast on Tuesday as I felt so yuck on Monday. Now I just feel yuck most of the time so will have to review what I am doing.

    Thanks for your concern, Coda. I do feel out of sorts. I just moaned the whole time at my flute lesson, didn’t want to be there. Don’t feel like being anywhere right now. It will sort itself out. I get like this from time to time. I feel for Rocy65, Fatrabbit and Debster as I think they ring a bell with me. Take no notice. I was on a high last month and on a low this month. It will turn around, as it’s swings and roundabouts with me. I love reading that so many people are doing well and sticking to the way of life. I could be worse. I could live in so many places in the world where there is true suffering and I’m fighting a battle with bourgeois suffering. Wanting what I can’t have and not putting in the effort to get what I want.

    I read 5:2 and looked at the Michael Mosley You tube and then came to this site following the suggestion in the book. I was just a lurker when I lost most of the weight over the first few months. I was highly motivated. But it has become a bit of a slog as I have started to want to eat more of what I had forbidden myself in the first 5 months. Now I am in a constant battle with myself. But I look at the people who have lost the most weight and they just hang in there, and come down little by little. I am looking for that sort of equilibrium. It will come in time. I’m just so used to instant gratification and that just does not work when it comes to weight eradication. I don’t want to lose it, I just want to blast it out of my life forever.

    Rant over. See you all tomorrow. Cheerio.

    Day 23 UK NFD

    Hi all,

    So seems some of us are struggling a bit, that’s ok. Keep at it, think of other benefits don’t put it all on the scales.

    For example I’m the same but I upped my lemon water, 2 days later noticed clearer skin, yes that quick. Upped the protein, slept better, result straight away. That wasn’t a tip from this group.

    Give yourself a little break, focus somewhere else, then get back on. As long as you don’t give up entirely.

    @hannahwatto you can check your posts if you want, go to your profile and it will say your replies, then you have a list of all your replies. You can check your days and use it as a sort of diary.

    @curlytot and @at thanks for sorting out March and April, @curlytot, don’t worry, wealth of experience in this group to answer questions, also I haven’t been able to upload spreadsheet yet either so maybe doing the same as you, create a list at the end of the month. The first two weeks are quite busy, then people seem to drop off for whatever reason, does take a bit of time at the start of the month.
    When it gets to end of March you put a note on and tell everyone your new topic you created, as above on this page, as AT will do at the end of this month, then people will join. I’m sure others will have more tips didn’t want to inundate u with lots of info.

    Day 23 – Switzerland – NFD

    Hang in there @fuvvie. You inspired so many of us in January! My weight loss has slowed dramatically in February as well but I do look forward to my FD as it feels good completing them.
    Make a small change and remember who you’re doing it for. Yourself. This journey we’re on is not a punishment but a reward.
    I choose to wait until tomorrow for that piece of chocolate because I am rewarding myself today by fasting. Being mindful is the reward.

    At least, that’s how it feels like for me…

    DAY 23 – UK FD

    Slept so much better last night after a NFD..had a lovely chicken dinner, and indulged in 6 squares of dark chocolate!! (my treat on a nfd) also had some homemade popcorn whilst watching telly. But paid the price as weight was up again this morning. What a struggle this month has been – last month’s seemed a doddle and I got too big headed about it!!! I just can’t see me reaching my revised target this month. Was hoping to walk to-day, but gales are forecast (wind is building up already) so it looks as tho it will be a day of housework…..not good on a fd – I need to be out and doing something to keep my mind off food.

    Fuvvie I enjoyed reading your honest post. Here we are trying to lose lbs. gained from being self-indulgent, whilst most of the world’s population struggle to eat to live. But that is the way of the world and will always be so. We lead such a different way of life compared to some – and have been bombarded and tempted with images of food and indulgences since birth by marketing men. If we all stopped buying products we don’t really need or over eating and indulging in “snacks” our fragile economies would collapse. We have been programmed (or hypnotised) since birth – and it’s difficult to buck the trend – at least we are trying. Hope you can come thru’ your difficult time – hang in there, you know you can do it!
    Don’t beat yourself up – we have all been led down a path by very manipulative powerful corporations whose only goal is to make profits. They certainly don’t have
    the health of nations at heart.

    Sorry! rant over.

    Good luck all. xx

    Day 23, UK, NFD. Out for a meal tonight so I’m going to try to fast until then as I’ll only be guesstimating my calories at the meal. Yesterday was a successful FD.

    Day 23, Newcastle UK, FD

    HAHAHA – what a numpty I am! I was ever so pleased with myself having gone through our entire forum yesterday, finding, copying and pasting my daily posts into a word doc so that I would have a diary. I was going to tell you all this morning and recommend it as a way of keeping track of our individual lows and highs throughout the month. @lynzm – thank you for pointing out that my replies are already grouped within my profile. Doh!! There’s also some other useful stuff in there.

    I had a good NFD yesterday – ending up between BMR and TDEE. Interestingly, this morning on the breakfast news we are being advised to up our 5 a day portions of fruit and veg to 10. This is a tall order for even the most diet conscious of us. Well last night I got out that spiralizer that I bought from Lakeland year before last and have hardly used. I have seen electric versions available for less than I paid for my manual one and have been very close to buying one until common sense kicked in and told me that unless I actually use my manual one, what on earth is the point of buying an electric one. So last night I spiralized sweet potato, carrot and courgette, tossed it in green pesto, added some IKEA meatballs and sprinkled with parmesan. Delicious and a huge thumbs up from OH who is really starting to take notice of his carb intake. It was so easy to do, so no I won’t be buying an electric version. And yes, I shall be making spiralized veg a much more frequent part of our meals to try and get that fruit and veg intake up.

    I feel for those of you who are questioning whether 5:2 is actually working or sustainable for life. That is how I felt about Slimming World and why my last 3 attempts of getting back into that regime just didn’t work for me. The restrictions they recommend just don’t fit with the food I want to eat. 5:2 does. When I ask myself ‘what is the alternative?’, it’s either get fatter and unhealthier or stick at this. When I inevitably fall off the wagon/train, get back on the next day.

    Have a good Thursday everybody.

    Day 22 UK NFD

    Thanks to everyone for your understanding about my run in with the scales. I need to stay off the dratted things. It is great when they are doing what you want but so demotivating when they get fickle for no apparent reason. I am going to try not to go near them again until next Weds.

    I nearly took my frustration out by buying inappropriate things when I did the online shopping order last night but at the last minute I went back and deleted a fair bit – like the kettle chips that were still on offer, dangerous things those. I am pleased with myself about that.

    I am rather anxious about the wind today as we are in the amber area and gusts up to 63 are predicted and from our most exposed direction and the one from which trees are likely to hit the animal housing if they fall:(( Wind makes me anxious at the best of times so this is very unsettling. At least it is during daylight so I can see what is going on and not speculate about what is happening out there in the dark. The conifers are already waving about madly. We hadn’t lost one this winter and I had been thinking we were going to get away with it this year. But I think it is less a question of do we lose one than where does it land.

    Day 23 NFD NZ

    day 23 Sydney FD
    current weight 82.2

    Getting in the swing of these FDs now.
    I want to get back to at least 79.9kg before the end of the month, but with only 5-6 days to go I’m going to have to cram in some extra FDs to get there.
    2.3kg in 5 days may be a push.

    Day 23 UK NFD up 1 lb (paying for previous NFD overeating) but still over my 4 lb goal for Feb so not beating myself up.

    Perfect Fast Day yesterday, stir fried prawns with onions, peppers, mushrooms and zero noodles, homemade sweet chilli dressing for dinner, very filling. Rest of the day fluids.

    It seems that since I decided to increase my goal to 10 lbs for this month, everything fell apart so I am cancelling it. I am away for 4 days and giving myself a complete rest from threads. It will be bowls games, socialising, playing cards and dancing(hopefully). It will NOT be about eating and I will still do my regular Monday and Friday fast and eat healthily on other two days too. If I can survive a month in NZ and lose weight I can certainly survive a British seaside town for 4 days. I bought a new novel to read on the journey by coach and will not take part in the sweets that are sent round every 30 minutes. I AM OVER BEING A SLAVE TO FOOD TEMTATION, I AM STRONG! Just keep drinking, that’s the answer, every 30 minutes.

    Off to Rock Choir today and lunch out with my U3A retirement group, no food after lunch, no breakfast. Going to a gardening talk this afternoon so keeping busy. Dog walk and packing to do too.

    Wind is pretty ferocious here on the coast so I won’t be walking near the woods today. @fuvvie I really hope no trees get uprooted and fall on your animal pens, how worrying for you and frightening for the rescue pets.

    Good Luck everyone, have a great weekend, I will sign in Tuesday with summary which I think is our last day, or do we summary on Wednesday.
    Can we include my extra goal for next Month- waistline winners? It could be fun! Who remembers how to Hula Hoop? Can you do it for 5 mins per day for the whole of March? I will be doing 15 mins waist exercises per day, it will be an interesting experiment. Will you join me?

    Day 23 a very stormy Belfast – lots of trees down FD
    Feeling very positive today.
    The scales have been very steady this week which is heartening. Went out for a meal with some previous work colleagues and indulged in a beautiful key lime pie mmmmm! It did wonders for my well being if not my waistline.
    @jojo You seem to have such willpower and determination but completely carb free is not for me. I have cut down on refined carbs and have upped the veggies. I am going to try your recommendation for cloud bread. It looks delicious
    Had a good swim yesterday. Someone (HappyMargo?) recommended doing squats so I have been doing a couple of sessions a day to music on the radio with weights, which is hard work but I can already feel the difference. I had intended going for a walk today, but the weather is pretty awful, so I have identified a spin track on YouTube and am going to give it a go first thing this morning on my bike. No excuses! Am upping the exercise level. @monkeydo I would like 4.5 lbs gone before the end of Feb so I’m with you!

    Day 23, Gozo, Malta, FD

    I’m doing a fast day though it may come to 750 calories but I’ll still call it a fast day. Having salmon and salad for lunch and yougurt with honey in the evening. I had a small sponge (brioss) at 115 calories for breakfast and two coffees with semi skimmed milk.

    Have a great day everyone. Onwards and downwards.

    Day 23, London, UK, FD,

    Carb heavy NFD yesterday, but still within TDEE, I think this is shifting towards ‘carb cycling’.

    Birthday celebration tomorrow, planning to fast until dinner, which will be WHATEVER I fancy & dessert!!! and wine of course, can’t forget the vino!!!!

    I’ve already reached my Feb target, so if dinner causes a 5lb gain………… at least I saw 176 on the scale!!!!

    That thought would have crippled me a month or two ago, but I know I can mix and match FDs, Liquid fasts, 16:8 or 23:1 to trick my body into shifting any ‘blips’.

    Good luck everybody, keep the faith, you KNOW this works!!!

    DAY 22 – Cardiff UK – NFD

    Starting weight : 173.3lb

    Today’s weight : 163.4lb (9.9lb) Feb target 8.3lb

    Another good FD yesterday, and meals planned today to come in around BMR. Since I cut the sugar and refined carbs I seem to get so much more food for my calories. Today I’ve had rolled oat porridge for breakfast and I’ve got a smoked mackerel salad an apple and almonds for lunch and pork loin with a creamy mushroom sauce and veg for supper. A few cups of coffee will bring me up to my calorie target today.

    Tomorrow I am planning to go a little ‘off plan’ and have some chip shop fish and a few chips as the rest of the family always have a Friday evening chip shop supper. I rarely indulge and find I don’t miss it and will often treat myself to something like steak and salad if I’m not fasting.

    Take care anyone in the UK affected today by Doris, here in South Wales we’re due to miss the worst of it.

    Day 23,Canada, FD

    @fatrabbit – leave the scales alone for a few weeks, those bouncing readings can really mess with your mind. Maybe check your measurements instead. Your stats are still way impressive even with this little bounce.

    @annemarilyn, I think you must have stolen our Vancouver weather, it’s actually snowing here now in Vancouver 😭. Super results since October, well done you!

    Day 23 Thursday– Colorado USA — FD

    Had a wonderful lunch out yesterday with a friend. We picked a Mexican Cantina that our husbands don’t especially like & won’t ever go to. Seated at a nice sunny table, we hung out chatting for 3 hours!

    Must have been A LOT of salt in the food. I woke up this morning with my feet & face all puffed up. Lots of swelling around my eyes & my toes look like stuffed little piggies. Worth it!

    Makes me very glad though that it’s a work day! The Fast Day is very welcome! And, I’ll be on my feet walking/ moving/ lifting/ carrying all day, the activity should help move some of the swelling. (I will just have to sneak a covered water bottle in somewhere to get myself hydrated too!)

    Everyone have a beautiful day!!

    Day 23……Florida…..NFD

    So, yesterday was another FD but I did go over my 500 calories but stayed well below my TDEE. I’m okay with that and still today is a regular scheduled day.

    After reading all the posts today, I had a thought and I wanted to share it all with you. A couple years ago, my company moved their offices to another state to reduce spending. I had a choice, sell my home, uproot my kids and move to Texas or in the line with everyone else looking for a job. Long story short, we decided to stay in Florida. My family went from making very good money to just making ends meet. We had to rearrange our whole approach to living. Where did we cut the most…. Food!
    No more ordering out, no more going to nice restaurants, no more treats and snacks in the house. All in an effort to save money. Heck, I even planted a garden to reduce our cost in the fresh veg department.
    Weight loss in theory, is like having no extra money for the good stuff. Spending your money on only the necessities.
    In order to lose weight, we must cut back on the good stuff. I mean your not going to spend your last 50 on cookies and candy, if your electric bill needs to be paid. Right?
    So, why would I eat a whole box of Cadbury chocolate, if I know I’ll gain 10lbs? By the way, I love Cadbury chocolates…… yum yum!

    So the challenge I propose is to approach food as if your are broke. Your money is the amount of weight you want to lose. Do you want to spend all your money on something that is not a necessity?

    Okay, well that’s it for me and my encouragement for the day!
    Those who are struggling, hang in there!


    Interesting article from Dr m…. http://www.smh.com.au/

    Day 23 Tasmania Aus NFD 64.3kgs

    Don’t think I worked out the calories correctly in last night’s fd dinner as I’m not really moving down. Have been out to dinner tonight and had cake for a friend’s birthday, so not expecting great things in the scale tomorrow. Will fast again tomorrow and make sure I add up my meal properly.

    Day 23 FD Sydney – second post

    Insomnia – HIT Exercise – 5:2- Energy levels

    Does anyone have thoughts on how to manage this process (5:2) so I can achieve my exercise goals as well? I want to do HIT (fast exercise), but I’m often waking in the night – sometimes for hours, then I either sleep longer or am tired at work that day. This happens on both FDs and NFDs. I am losing weight well and I do feel more of a sense of energy overall, but somehow I’m also too tired to exercise. I need to get on top of the flab before I lose more.

    Day 23 – NSW Aust – NFD

    UK Day 23 NFD

    Gosh where has February gone!! I know it is a short month but it seems to have flown by! Delighted to say I am down 1.75 lbs this week despite my last 2 weekends and the non counting of calories. Mind you I feel full more quickly now so maybe I didn’t eat as much as I thought I had and I also did a lot of walking.

    Yesterday did a semi-fast day I consumed less than 1000 calories. Today I am on track to eat around 850-900 so I am doing a semi FD again. I am hoping to reach my target for February but might just come up short :):):)

    Have a good day one and all x

    @lynzm thanks very much, I’ll probably feel more confident by time April comes around and will just follow the good lead you’ve set!

    Hi monkeydo ideally you should exercise early in the morning as that keeps you energised during the day. If I exercise in the evening I am too energised and don’t sleep properly as the endorphins are on high alert! 🙂 I normally swim first thing in the morning before work or do my pilates or HIT at home and I sleep really well. How long have you been doing 5.2? Have you combined exercise with your fast days? They say that is a good thing to do to kick start your metabolism. Hope that helps

    @fatrabbit, hope you’ve not been too badly affected by the wind. I too hate the wind, it frightens me and really worries me so you’re not alone worrying about the damage it can cause. The positive in this is that I’m distracted by the storm and not thinking about food!

    Oops correction as I put day 22 again

    This day 23 UK NFD

    Day 22 was a FD.

    Well a big tree has blown over but it has only broken our Bramley trees and some fences. They broke its fall quite well or it would have crashed into a rabbit hutch. Luckily it went before the wind swung around towards the south otherwise it would have flattened quite a few rabbit hutches. I suspect the unoccupied aviary at the bottom of the bank has been destroyed but that doesn’t matter. And maybe the run on the chicken house too. But that is also empty. It is still very wild out there and we still might lose another tree or two. It is lovely having so many trees except at times like this.

    Day 23 – Canada – FD

    Day 23- NFD – Canada
    Successful FD yesterday and down to 138.8 this morning. I hope I can manage to stay on this side of 140 now… will be extra mindful of TDEE.
    Off to mind two field trips today – may be a stretch but at least I should be able to make it to noon to end yesterday’s FD without eating.
    Everyone – February is a traditional low willpower month… coming down from January big goals. We can all do this, and we are all accomplished FDers. It is such a powerful business to reclaim health!! With true, significant dividends.
    Hugs to all.

    Day 22 and Day 23 – Cumbria Uk – NFD

    Restarted my aerobic class this morning after missing the last block due to my knee/hamstring injury – felt OK – will wait to see how I feel tomorrow morning……..

    Last 2 NFDs have been OKish probably a bit over TDEE – planning on a water fast for tomorrow’s FD to make up for any overindulgence!! Weigh in on Saturday morning as usual.

    Can you believe that this health and weight loss inspiration was inaugurated by @coda way back in May 2016 – I actually joined the 30 Day-November 2016 challenge headed by @back2thefuture and each month someone has taken up the challenge of pulling the group together – I am happy to head up the March challenge so will set up the new group “31 Day March 2017 Challenge” hopefully tomorrow, ready for everyone to sign up for Wednesday 1st of March – Will be good to see you all again and to welcome anyone new who wants to join!
    I hope I can cope but I know that that there will be great support from the many experienced voices here to help answer questions and give advice – so in advance thank you to everyone for your support.

    Day 23, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD

    Hello All – and Guess What?

    I am at goal weight (well a bit below).

    Today’s weight 144.6, Starting weight on 2/5 – 152, Goal Weight 145.

    And I owe my success to the fact that I post here everyday and have listed my ups and downs with my weight every day. There it is in black and white, accountability. Which is exactly the basis of Weight Watchers or any other meeting type group.

    We are our own meeting !

    Off for a day with the hubby, we will be eating lunch at our Mexican restaurant but won’t have any breakfast so it will all even out.

    To your health, all.

    Forgot to add, we bought a Total Gym system – right now it is stil in its box but hopefully we will get it up and running in the next day or so. Anxious to add something else to the exercise arsenal.

    Day 23: NFD in Gloucestershire, UK:

    Bit of a gale blowing here today….storm “Doris”?
    Why have we started naming storms all of a sudden??
    Our recently re-roofed side “bit” has already started leaking AGAIN! At least the sun is out now after overnight rain and wind.
    Roll on spring is all I can say.

    Georgia/USA/Day 23/FD: Gonna do water fast today.

    Day 23 Maine FD

    Good morning all – great read this morning! Good luck to all with storm – very unsettling. Wind also makes me a wreck & living on the coast, we certainly get our share. We had 48 trees taken down around our house – still have 5 x’s that left, but nothing that will hit our roof. Cost a fortune, but peace of mind & sleep worth it.

    Will finish cleaning my closet today – so far 11 bags to give away! I’ve never looked in the mirror so much – but a very cathartic & motivating exercise. Very productive.

    @missymoomoo – thank you for the link….plus, i loved browsing the articles from your paper! Mediterranean diet really does make sense – basically, wiping out processed food & added sugars = Mediterranean diet. Think I’m going to take the leap & try kefir!

    Off for my “therapy walk”….good for mind & body….next goal is to incorporate some weight bearing exercise.

    Make it a great day everybody!

    day 23 canada fd

    Day 23 – USA – FD

    Still on maintenance, but I continue to find my scale bouncing up and down around my goal weight. So, I’m doing a FD today, maybe even all liquid, but more likely will have a salad supper.

    My journey on 5:2 started nearly a year ago, beginning at over 190# with BMI about 30. I reached my goal of 160 in November, my BMI at 25. This WOL has thoroughly impacted my life, and aided immensely by you wonderful blog posters. Exercise at my Curves didn’t do it. Oh yes, likely I was stronger and healthier, but certainly not thinner. I forced myself to watch calories, but I did continue my exercise of 2-3 days a week. At my annual physical in December, my doctor was very pleased. I always wondered if he noticed my weight. He REALLY noticed my loss!

    @orpheusx – interesting history of your weight struggles. I would encourage you to stay on our challenges, be strong and vigilant on your caloric intake.

    @debster251 – I’m also a retired teacher, but for me retirement has meant more travel and eating at wonderful places not known as healthy. More power to you! We discovered Key Lime Pie when my parents moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in 1969. There are quite a few recipe variations, but I never have had a bad one! Some are creamy with meringue, others fluffy with whipped cream, and every variation. Different crusts too, but all good.

    @onahealthyhigh – I also saw that article by Dr. Moseley. Fascinating evolution over to what we do eat more than just our FD’s. Glad the link was listed http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/what-michael-mosley-has-learnt-since-the-52-diet-20170221-guicoz

    @jarbia – I wonder how many really care when we see world hunger and compare it to our own indulgence. Somehow it seems to be a disconnect. Likely it should not be.

    NEW WORDS for me reading the last couple days: PUNNET, MARMITE, NUMPTY – at least a Google search gave me their definitions. They seem to be more commonly found in the UK than in USA!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 23, FD, Rocky Mountains, US

    Hi all,

    Yesterday’s FD turned into a NFD, so today I will try again for a FD. It is snowy and cold outside so I am not sure if a FD will happen but I will definitely eat in a mindful way.

    Ciao and all the best!

    Day 23 – SW WA USA – FD

    Orpheus – I appreciate your thinking. I needed to hear that today.
    “This journey we’re on is not a punishment but a reward.
    I choose to wait until tomorrow for that piece of chocolate because I am rewarding myself today by fasting.”

    Day 23 – USA – NFD

    After having blew my fast day last week, I was determined to get back into gear…..so yesterday’s fast day was a success.

    Day 22 and 23, USA FD& NFD today

    Fast day yesterday wasn’t too hard; I cruise through most of the day until 3pm; that’s my vulnerable time; so that’s when I try and sip the bone broth until dinner, but alas, I made it. Sleeping on FD is getting better, so hang in there ladies — your body does adjust and sleep comes back. I had a bowl of homemade chicken soup last night sans noodles and I slept like a baby; unlike the beginning of the month whereas my body was not calm enough with the little food I gave it that day.

    Hang in there everyone — the final push before the monthly challenge is over; I’m craving more healthy foods now, like a lot of you; staying away from sugar and processed crap. My body gets too hangry without any carbs, so good carbs from sweet potatoes and a few starchy veggies does it for me.

    65 degrees here in Boston today. How weird is that for mid February — actually going to break a record here today. Not like when I was a kid and our winters were ALWAYS covered in blankets of snow.

    Day 23 – USA – NFD
    Second post – I noticed a few things over the past 6.5 weeks of 5:2. Perhaps you can relate — some may be redundant, so forgive me: 1) My habit of weighing in each day is becoming self-defeating…I decided on a weekly weigh-in. (Sunday a.m.) 2) I will never get rid of this spare tire unless I cut down on the beer, which I am pro-actively doing; 3) Slow and steady wins the race. 4) NFDs are not a free-for-all. 5) I can relate to Fuvvie in that over the winter months, I get into a mood funk. I don’t resort to eating as a comfort; reading usually does that for me! But my moods certainly are affected by the darkness of the winter. The fact that we live very rural surrounded by woods and that I am newly retired, there is a claustrophobic feeling about waiting out the winter. Would hate to live in Alaska! Looking forward to outside activities in the spring, of which there are many on a homestead. Well, that’s it, ladies (and gent?), thanks for listening!

    Day 23 Norway NFD
    Having trouble doing FDs and exercising, partly because of sore shoulder and partly because of allergy-related tiredness. I’ll look at tweaking my routines. Where did this month go? Good luck on the home spurt everyone.

    Jojo- I would love to join you hula- hooping five minutes a day in March. Last time I tried I couldn’t get the blessed thing to stay up, so that will be the first challenge.

    Hi UK day 23 had intended a fast day but definitely not.

    Haven’t read pages 38/39 but will hopefully catch up later.

    We had a visit from a director of our Company – we call her the Wicked Witch so you can imagine the impact she has when she visits our office. While I was not on the receiving end I could feel my stress levels rise just listening to it all – I will not tell you what I had but suffice to say I have a splitting headache now – that will teach me.

    @pashaw – you have a lot to deal with – well done you, you deserve a medal.

    @curlytot – draw a line under each day and start afresh moving on.

    @fuvvie – what you said rings true for me too, going through a low point after my high of getting a new low (that sounds irish lol). Thinking I am so ungrateful when I have so much to be thankful for. But like you I will go back up i just need to keep on. Especially as there are signs spring is in the air – the daffs are blooming and we have frog spawn in our pond. We will hold hands together – all of us holding hands together.👭👭👭👭👭👭👭👭👭

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