28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Day 21. U.K. NFD
    Day 22. U.K. NFD

    Day 21 NFD UK
    Day 22 NFD

    Day 21 / Sweden / NFD
    Day 22 / NFD

    The weight loss has slowed this month but it’s still on the downward slope. I might end up only down one kg for the month instead of two.
    On the positive side, I did go out and by a new pair of pants yesterday, down one size from my start, from a 36 inch waist to a 34.

    Don’t give up. Even if, some days, we give in to temptation, don’t give up on the reasons we started this WOL.

    My reasons: I started a family late, I was 41 when my son was born (he’s nine now) and my BMI has hovered around 30 for the last 20 years and climbing up recently. My father’s family have suffered from poor health and obesity all their (shortened) lives. A few months ago, I was struggling to breathe when I bent down to tie my shoes and realised I had let things go too far. I tried LCHF four years ago and lost 13 kg but couldn’t sustain that way of eating. It only took about one year to put it all back, and then some.
    I realised that I have to find a new way of eating that I could sustain. I don’t want to give up the foods that I like but realising that I can have them tomorrow instead of today makes 5:2 very sustainable.

    Take care and cheerio!

    2nd post

    Not such good measurements this Weds. Upwards jump of 2lbs from yesterday morning:( I should have known that was too good to be true. I should have stuck to weighing once a week.. Still down by 1lb for the week so not too bad, Feb total at 8lbs loss so far.

    I didn’t eat until quite late yesterday as it turned into a very stressful day but then devoured half a punnet of grapes on autopilot while I was giving some to the guinea pigs. Then had a meal of beans and veg and cheese and then had pasta again for a late dinner and a nectarine. Not really too much food but not the best sort. But I suspect the stress hormones played a bigger role. Or maybe I’m just overthinking it:~ Now I need to go and do the work I should have done yesterday afternoon but was too agitated to do yesterday – although I did weed a large chunk of garden instead, a more positive outlet for stress than carbs:)

    Day 22 FD NZ
    I had an easy FD and ate 398cals of Cauli Fritters and a couple of pieces of fruit.
    I actually had a wee panic after doing the dishes as I felt so full I thought I might have accidentally forgotten it was a FD and eaten something I couldn’t remember! I don’t actually have memory problems but I was second guessing myself seriously!!!
    I’ll take my Greek yoghurt and berries with seeds to work for breaking my fast at morning tea but maybe go through until lunch if I don’t feel I need it. Ether way will 37-39hours.

    Day 20 – NSW Aust – FD
    Day 21 – NFD weigh in down one kg for the week.
    Day 22 – NFD bit of a funny tummy today

    Day 22, Newcastle UK, NFD

    2nd successful b2b FD yesterday and I’ve been rewarded on the scales – 64.5kg. I am delighted! My other statistics (I mentioned earlier I have YUNMAI scales) are all moving into a healthier position – I am no longer nudging up against the unhealthy area that I was certainly in danger of entering if I had not joined this challenge with all you wonderful people.

    Have a great day everyone – this really, really works. Some of us may be on the fast train and some of us may be taking the scenic route (quote pinched from my old Slimming World class). Key is to keep on going and when we reach our desired goals start taking regular day trips on the train to maintain our target.

    DAY 21 – Cardiff UK – FD

    Starting weight : 173.3lb

    Today’s weight : 164.8lb (8.5lb) Feb target 8.3lb

    Hoping for another good FD today.

    DAY 22 – UK – NFD

    Conquered my b2b – but admit it was a struggle. Headache and sleepless night. ADF is best for me. But will try one more b2b before end of Feb. just to keep on downward trend. In March will do more AFD’s as that is much easier for me.

    Flourbaby hope you managed yours!

    Good luck all xx

    Day 22 Belfast NFD
    The beginning of this month went like clockwork, but I’ve lost the momentum in this last week. Every day seems difficult. Tomorrow is a new day on the scenic route!
    Why did I start this WOL? I retired from teaching 18 months ago, and when I left, my BMI was about 28. When I worked I had my 10,000 steps done by lunchtime and when I stopped, I promptly put on half a stone, even though I worked hard at my exercise. I saw Dr. M on TV and thought I’d give it a go. I’m 20 lbs down and sorry I didn’t start this WOL a long time ago. That sense of control has also made me reassess my life. I avoid personal conflict, often to my cost and I am now dealing with personal issues I should have addressed a long time ago. As an emotional eater, I am learning to keep the fridge shut.
    My thought for today: you only have one life, so make the best of it! Have a good day everyone.

    Day 22– Colorado USA — NFD

    Meeting a friend out for lunch today. My plan is to only have this one meal. DH can either have leftovers or his own pizza for dinner. At most, I will join him by having a large mixed green salad.

    @fatrabbit your post is actually the scariest I’ve read in a long time. I tend to eat a lot of vegetables when I’m feeling like eating extra. So far it has been a safe plate for me. However I’m happy to here you are noticing increased energy levels. I have noticed that too, but it hasn’t been cheap because now I’ve been spending some money so I can do more faster!

    Day 22……Florida…….FD

    Although, I fell into a FD yesterday, I’m still following my normal scheduled programming and doing a FD today. A unexpected B2b2b. Funny how life can take over sometimes.

    So, last week, my boss and I talked about 5:2 again. She went to the dr. And was diagnosed with pre diabetes. She really wanted to fix it before she had to start taking meds for it. So, today, she told me was her first fast. So to support her I’m continuing on as normal with a FD today.
    Realistically, I’m not sure if she is actually going to take this WOL on. Hello….. my name is Doubting Thomas…… since I’ve worked there I’ve seen her on loads of different diets. But I will go forth and give her all the support I can!

    Okay, so that’s about it!


    Day 21, UK, NFD.
    Day 22, UK FD.
    Spectacularly fell off the wagon yesterday and day before. So much so that at the end of this week I’m over by 789 calories. Can a more experienced member please tell me whether I should claw these back this new week or just start afresh? It has worked for me doing 2 FDs a week and sticking to my TDEE on NFDs. This last week I’ve only managed 1 succcesful FD. Should I also try for 3 FDs this week? Sorry for the questions. My weight has stayed the same which worries me I’ll gain next week now as I seem to follow this pattern.

    @lynzm @coda @at – I’m happy to do April and thanks to @at for offering to do March. I’ll create a spreadsheet in work and update it each day but not sure about technical abilities to upload it, would if be ok at the end of April to just list those who joined and completed the challenged with their start and end weights? Also, I am brand new to this WOL so I won’t be able to answer any questions but there are lots of experienced members I’d hope would be able to step in? Do I just send a reminder out at the end of March?

    Day 22 Sydney NFD
    weight now 82.2

    Day 21 USA NFD
    Day 22 USA NFD

    UK Day 22 NFD

    Had a good FD yesterday and today will be a low calorie day as I am out at a seminar from 6-9pm tonight so won’t eat when I get home.

    Breakfast – Creamy coffee
    Lunch – Chicken, avocado and salad
    Dinner – Nothing probably – maybe some cheese and crackers when I get home 🙂

    Have a good day everyone

    Day 22 (USA- IIlllinois) NFD

    Busy days lately – lots of things going on, so not fasting but will tomorrow. Maintenance still, hard to do as stubborn couple of pounds are up and down. But I am feeling skinny, well, not exactly but much thinner thanI was!

    Will try to read and catch up on posts this evening.

    Onward and downward, everyone!

    Day 23, Dunsborough , West Aust , NFD
    CHecking in – all good

    Day 22, London, UK, NFD

    Reached my Feb target this am, after my 1st b2b!!!!! (@Jarbia……..I smashed it!!!) It really surprised me how manageable it was to b2b, maybe because I did a normal 500cal day after a liquid only FD. Once you have what you THINK is hunger under control, everything you’ve learnt through this process falls into place, no need to fear the unknown!!

    WOL or WOE, either way, it seems all I need to do is practice………….. I guess it was much the same when I learnt to walk, talk, drive, cook, etc. etc. etc.…….PRACTICE!!!!! Some days I’m going to be absolute PANTS at this (this last (pants)weekend has been relegated to a dusty dark inaccessible recess of my brain), but I’m pretty sure I didn’t manage ‘perfect angst free’ walking or driving perfectly on the 10th, 20th or even 30th day of trying!!!!

    On the home straight now, good luck everybody.

    Day 22 – USA – FD

    I started this WOL after seeing the book about 5:2 in a store. It peaked my curiosity and I found it to be the simplest plan I’ve ever undertaken. After being on many diet programs over the decades, this one has the most flexibiliy and works with my way of life. I told my best friend about it and she jumped right on board and loves it, but she doesn’t want to be part of a group or read any books. My feeling is that she is missing out, but that’s the thing I like about IF; it’s versatile for each type of individual. I’m grateful for this thread and hope to continue even through maintenance!

    Day 22, Gozo, Malta. NFD

    Above target weight 1.3 kilos at 65.3 kilos

    Have a great day everyone

    Day 22, UK FD (not weighed today, forgot)assuming maintained but check later
    Good Afternoon Everyone,
    I am out and about all day today, left home in a rush after oversleeping. Can you believe that I slept 9 hours last night without waking for the call of nature. This is very, very unusual for me and I am putting it down to my new practice of taking a cup of Kefir(milk version) before bed. I am now seriously impressed with this probiotic. I rarely get through 3 hours sleep normally, I am ecstatic after tripling it. I may need to set an alarm in future, haven’t done that since I retired 3 years ago. Happy days.

    I overdid my NFD yesterday, far too many tempting foods in the fridge. On top of my smoked salmon salad I added a quarter quiche and a sausage roll. Then I had the cheek to have fruit and yogurt for pudding. I also had lunch yesterday which I don’t normally do because I wanted to try out my new microwave egg poacher. It was really good and will save me the mess of cooking them in a pan. I ate them straight from the clear plastic cooking container- no butter required but I added pepper and 🌶. Just a tad. Yum

    If you are tempted to eat pasta have zero noodles, 8 calories for a double serving, perfect in a prawn stir fry with a little homemade sweet chilli dressing.

    If I go over on a NFD I do try to have 3 fast days the following week. But no guilt! It was a feast day(controlled day) after all. But some foods are not really in the healthy eating plan so you do need to pay the price for them on the scales. We will see tomorrow.

    Challenges work as well as a club, we all need support. Roll on March.

    I won’t be signing in Friday to Sunday as I am having an IT break whilst on a bowling trip. I have a couple of food research books to read too if I get off the dance floor with energy to spare.

    Have a great day everyone

    P.s. There are some very courageous and self sacrificing people on this thread, may they continue to have the strength to face their overwhelming responsibilities.

    Day 22, FD, Rocky Mountains, US

    Hi all,

    NFD went well yesterday, stayed within my TDEE. Today is a FD, with winter back here, it will be a challenge as comfort food is calling.

    I started 5:2 this month after reading about IF in the AARP magazine. I am member of AARP, it is a large national group for people over 50. I want to feel better and healthier and get rid of some weight. The article said that IF really works, so I gave it a shot. I do like the flexibility and how I can adjust it to life.

    Well, on with my FD.

    All the best to everyone, I love your posts, they are part of my morning routine!


    Day 22|CD|Toronto
    I wonder if there is a University student, or researcher, somewhere who could use all the monthly challenge tracking data for a weight loss or behavioral study? Our daily inputs and the amazing job done by volunteer, dedicated, facilitators is creating an interesting data base from international sources over the course of time.

    Day 22 FD country West Australia
    Posted a long post this morning only to find it had disappeared into cyberspace so posting just before bed ( 10.15 pm here).
    Yesterday’s FD went reasonably well except I decided to Konmari my pantry.Wasnt sure if being amongst so much food was the best plan. Then thought that I have to face food daily so a FD was as good a day as any.
    My pantry is more ‘ Lily-martined ‘ than konmari-ed but it IS clean and tidy. Got rid of some UFOs -unidentified food objects- difficult with the ‘ there are starving children in Africa ….’ mindset I grew up with, but truly, nobody would want to eat rice wrappers dated 2014, would they ??
    For the first time after a FD had a terrible nights sleep and felt a bit doughy this morning , until I put on my ’70s music for the exercise class I teach and we were away.Who can resist moving to Abba’s ‘Dancing Queen?
    Fasted until 6pm tonight and then had soup and a bread roll.
    Sorry @jojo but I won’t be giving up carbs anytime soon. I have cut back on them a lot but adore my carbs – well any food actually. I don’t plan cutting out any food group but am mindful of what and how much I eat.
    Despite being pretty mindful this month I have only lost 400 gms. 😣😣 but do feel generally healthy so will keep fasting and eating mindfully.
    @coda will definitely have to keep reading to hear your story. I am really intrigued.
    @dykask, do you have a medical background or just very well read on nutrition etc? I am amazed at your knowledge and grateful for your and everyone else’s input. Go well all.

    Day 20,21 Canada,NFDs

    I am definetely taking the scenic route with weightloss this month. My scales are bouncing up and down as I am struggling to get a fasting routine in place. Last month was easy for me, I was on the direct route. But not willing to disembark yet as I still want to lose 6 kgs.

    Thanks to all the posters. I always find some inspiration from those that are succeeding and take some comfort from the shared struggles of those that are having some ups and downs

    Day 22: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Wasn’t meant to be….but I just got TOOOO hungry!

    day 22 Canada NFD

    Day 22 – Canada – 16:8
    Day 21 – FD (First successful FD in quite a while)
    Day 20– NFD
    Day 19 – NFD
    Day 18 – NFD
    Day 17 – NFD

    Well I’m still hanging on but not doing so well on my non-fast days. I haven’t counted a calorie or portion size or anything in the last 10 days. Yesterday however I had a fast day that went so smoothly I couldn’t believe my good luck. Today I am trying 16:8. I will have a light lunch and an early dinner.

    I have a lot of reading to do to bring me up to date with everyone — all the way back to Day 16! I’ll get there slowly but surely but in the meantime it feels good to be back on this forum. I hope you are all doing well. If you are struggling, all I can say is just hang on, don’t give up and try, try, and try again.

    Day 22 – Brittany, France – NFD

    @jojo58 – I like the idea of cloud bread (all the more so as I have coeliac disease!) but have always hesitated to make it as nobody can tell me if the cooked buns are freezable. Have you tried freezing them?

    Day 22 – Montreal – NFD

    Apologies, I can’t remember when I last checked in
    Australia Day 23 NFD
    Day 22 NFD
    Day 21 NFD
    Day 20 FD

    3rd post

    Argh today is not my day. Out of curiosity I weighed myself when I got out of my soggy work clothes and somehow I gained another 1.2lbs during the course of the day without eating anything! And while moving around quite a bit. I’m back where I was a week ago:( I only drank coffee and mint tea and a cup of hot marmite. And now I have eaten no doubt I’m over last weeks weight. So much for being pleased with myself:(

    Day 22, USA, Missouri Ozarks, F

    Hello all, didn’t feel like eating anything last night so just went to bed. Didn’t even exercise which is so rare. Just listened to my body which said – Let’s go to bed…. Feel much better today – will eat something yummy for dinner.

    Today’s weight 145.6, Starting weight on 2/5 – 152, Goal weight 145.

    To your health, all.

    Day 22 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Had a successful 16:8 yesterday & going for another today.

    Fatrabbit – suggestion don’t weigh so often plus if you must weigh daily, perhaps 1st thing in the morning; a similar time. The silly scale can play mind games with us.

    Pashaw – thanks for sharing. I’m glad you’re doing so well. I lost at a similar rate when I started 5:2 in October 2016. Each month it slowed down. This month has been my slowest. It might not be the program’s fault but I haven’t been as consistently mindful. I still have plenty to lose.

    It’s wonderful to be on this journey with others.

    Day 22. Quebec. NFD

    Day 22 – FD – Canada
    Day 21 – NFD
    Day 20 – NFD
    Day 19 – NFD
    I’ve been absent for a few days, long weekend here with the kids upset my normal FD routine. Will only do 1 FD this week (today) as OH home over both my normal M & Th FDs and I don’t think I can cope with all the distractions.
    @onahealthyhigh – I am drinking lots of warm water as I’m cutting back on caffeine (because it hinders iron absorption which I need to promote). I do find it comforting and helpful and I was really glad to read your list of benefits. Thank you 🙂
    My weight has plateaued this month within .5 lbs of 140. I definitely find that weight loss has slowed but I can understand that health wise I’m at a good place. It’s my own will to be back at a good place bathing suit wise that drives me onwards! No, seriously, it’s that I feel better slimmer than this and also that all the other health benefits of 5:2 for the body and particularly the brain that drive me onwards. Am a little distracted by focusing my diet on absorbable iron. I did do HIT exercise M, yoga T and plan to do HIT Th. Today I just went for a walk – it is beautiful ad 15 degrees celsius outside right now in Ontario in February! Crazy.

    Hi UK day 22 nfd

    Sorry not caught up on pots. Hopefully will do tomorrow

    Hi AJCaroline,
    I have never frozen cloud bread, its 10 mins prep then 20 mins cooking. I tend to use them with pesto and sundried tomato. Fabulous, enjoy!

    Day 22 | FD | Bucks UK

    Day 22 : Cheshire, UK : FD

    A good liquid fast day. Going to bed shortly. Hoping to continue the fast through to Friday morning.

    The holiday is booked. Fly to Malaga on 24 March and return 2 April. I will be joining the March and April Challenge 🙂

    Cheerio for now 🙂

    Still day 22 –

    GoldenSun – enjoy Malaga! I have enjoyed living in the Canary islands,, Spain & visited the peninsula a few times. Still so many places I’d like to see. You’ll have to report.

    Why did I start 5:2? A neighbor in the apartment complex, shared a stack of books with me – some on the ketogenic diet & others on fasting. As I looked at the offerings, the 5:2 way seemed what I was ready for. I’d “dieted” and lost and gained over the years. I had recently injured my foot/knee and the road to recovery is long & I thought exaserbated by extra pounds. The last “diet” was too restrictive and stopped working; in fact I had started gaining it back while I was still following it. I was drawn to 5:2 by the science & that it seemed doable. So far I’ve lost 31 lbs since Oct.2016. Now I’m in it for the weight loss but also for so many other benefits, including what it does for the mind and more.

    Day 22 Ireland FD

    Day 23 NFD country west Australia
    Hmmmm!! I feel for you @reid.I’ve been reasonably vigilant over February and no weight loss at all. I haven’t counted calories for a while but been very careful with portion sizes and what I am eating.
    For me, having been quite restrictive with eating habits has seen weight loss over 5 months. However I’m not sure whether it would be sustainable for the next decade or so. I have difficulty seeing it as something that would work for me long term.
    I do like the fasting and plan to keep that up for other health benefits but just for weight loss ( one of the main reasons I started 5:2) I’m not sure it is the answer – for me.
    The number of people who adopt this as a WOL for a while and then drop off has me a bit concerned.
    I do plan to keep it up until November 2017 which will be 12 months and then I will reassess. But ATM I’m just not sure.
    Scales up another 400 gms today following a good FD broken by a coffee and a bowl of soup – under 500 calories for the day.
    I only count Saturday mornings weight so still have a few days to go but the scales have been bouncing up and down this month and I can’t really figure out why.🤔🤔🤔

    Day 23 – Tokyo, Japan – NFD 81.5kg

    I’ve been measuring my blood glucose throughout the day and am surprised to find how little I have to eat to send my blood sugar up! This is probably why the standard calorie restriction approach doesn’t work well for me long term. My problem is more how I react to my food instead of just how much food I have. Of coarse how much one eats is always an important factor, it just isn’t the only factor. Anyway my highest blood glucose levels are still borderline okay, but I wasn’t aware of long my blood sugar levels stay elevated.

    @lilymartin – early last year I accidently cut a large part of refined sugar out of my diet. I didn’t plan it that way it just happened as I was experimenting with my diet. I had been suffering from always feeling a hunger for several years as I was trying to lose weight and it was driving me crazy. When I cut the refined sugar much of my hunger went away. It didn’t make any sense at the time because I was eating less (at least for a while) and feeling less hungry. I took several months and read a lot, listened to a lot of medical lectures, started reading blogs, etc. Slowly I realized that I had been wrong in how I approached losing weight. I started making changes and even stated some fasting. Now in less than a year I’ve lost more fat than I had in the prior 3 years. Before that I was a firm believer in eating less and moving more even though it wasn’t working for me.

    So from mid 2012 – early 2016 – Eat less move more – I lost about 12kg, some of it was muscle.
    Form March 2016 until now – I’ve lost around 13kg and I’m gaining back some muscle. (This is based on my high weight today!)

    For me that is a huge difference. Now I’m working on some other projects but I’m still trying to learn a bit about what happens with my body. One of the benefits of fasting for me is improved energy levels. This is leading to a bit of a zest for life. I like the 5:2 diet because it is very flexible. We can do a lot of different things so we can find what works for ourselves. A year ago I would have thought 5:2 was a crazy fad diet. I was really stuck in the Calories In, Calories Out (CICO) mindset approach even though it wasn’t working well for me.

    Day22 Maine NFD

    Hi all – late getting to post today – spent a delightful day with our 14 yrold – going on 40 yr old – granddaughter. So old for her age! Of course this included an “out to lunch date”. I had a big salad, oil & vinegar dressing w/grilled salmon. fish house – could have done anything fried, but really wanted the salad! Temps being in high 40’s helped! Good practice for a vacation in Fl – must say getting a little nervous about the trip foodwise. So relieved to hear there’ll be a March forum – can bring you all with me!

    I heard about the 5/2 about 3 yrs ago. Tried it, but couldn’t focus beyond one day. Spent this past January reviewing all I could on effective ways to lose & maintain. 5/2 absolutely made the most sense to me – I was very nervous after so many failed dieting attempts,but really needed to lose weight and feel some good positive energy. I decided to give 5/2 a shot. I feel so fortunate to have found this forum – totally the hand holding I needed. I feel my positive energy returning – physically & mentally.

    @lily Martin – I’ll be interested in what you think & how you did when you evaluate in Nov. For me, I can see it working long term…slowly, but I love the awareness on the 2 FD’s – carries over to NFD – makes me question why I’m eating.

    Positive energy all! And strength!


    @lilymartin your post got me thinking. Why did 5:2 become such a succesful WOL for me as opposed to the myriad eating plans I have tried over the decades?

    A rather timely article by Dr Moseley on what he has learnt since the 5:2 diet sums up all the changes I have made whilst following this plan. Yes I have made changes, yes I eat whatever I like on NFD but my choices are healthy, low carb and non sugary.

    These are Dr Moseley’s tips.

    1) NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis). Simply move more, walk, take the stairs…
    2) Nurture your gut health. Dr M is a big fan of kefir, fermented home made saurkraut, kombucha. He’s not a big fan of purchased products, many of which are parsturized and contain no/little bacteria.
    3) Avoid “carby, sugary” foods.
    4) Allow yourself to get hungry with some type of intermittent fasting daily.
    5) Follow the Mediterranean diet. Eat oily fish, nuts, olive oil, vegetables, small serves of protein not Pizza!
    6) Avoid low fat diets

    @fatrabbit I am a serial weigher. I have been known to weigh 3 times daily. Don’t be freaked out by what appears to be a massive gain during the day. My weight can vary by as much as 2kg depending on what I have eaten or drunk and the normal digestive and elimination processes. I find it quite interesting but the only weight that matters is my weekly weigh in taken at the same time every Wednesday morning.

    Day 23 – Perth AUS – NFD

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