28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

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  • Hi all,

    So it’s February and it’s a new challenge, some of you will have done earlier challenges and know how this works but for all you new lovely people this is what we do.

    Start your daily post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you are doing a FD (Fast day) or a NFD (Non Fast Day). Example for me is Day 1 UK FD. Then add any comment you want to make.

    I will check you off a list daily so you know someone is looking out for you, and at the end of the month we all put in our loss, gain or the fact we maintained our goal and I will publish the results of our team effort.

    We also have little pocketeers groups that have separate challenges throughout the month, but those you will learn about and join throughout the month if you want an extra challenge.

    So sign up and sign in people and it’s the shortest month let’s make it a successful month. Just reply to this post and I will add u to my list.

    Any questions let me know!


    Hi I’m in – thank you x

    Now that’s what I call keen. In Oz it’s not February until next Wednesday.

    PS, not joining the challenge (with a binge eating disorder, challenges push all the wrong buttons for me unfortunately). I just couldn’t resist a chuckle at the early start.

    Hi Joyce, others in the January group were asking if there would be a Feb one and I said I would put up at the weekend. So we are all set.

    Also everyone can then focus on their last few days of Jan and new users can get their minds in gear to accept Feb challenge and read up on the 5 2 and see if it’s suitable for them.

    But yes good to be ahead in somethings! Hope u find a forum that suits you. Dip in now and then and see if it can help you in some way, even if u don’t want to check in so to speak. We are all on different paths.

    Good luck

    I’m checking in now for feb challenge

    Az, USA. Ill check in February 1st with stating weight.

    I’ll be there. Thanks LynzM xx

    Wanted to stop by, throw my hat into the ring.

    Since I’m heading home for a visit mid march, I’m making my goal to lose another 10lbs. I know that won’t happen in all of Feb, so I’m going to say 5lb goal for Feb. but really want to push and make it 8lbs.

    See you on Day 1!


    I’m new and I’m in.

    I’ll be here! Thanks!

    Colorado, USA– throwing my name into the pot for February also!

    Have 4 days left to finish out January, hopefully on a strong note!

    These Challenges work!! Checking in daily, reading everyone’s posts & feeling Accountable are all incredibly helpful. Been steadily losing since November. December 2016 was my first round of Holidays I can remember that I did not gain weight (even lost a bit!)

    Thank you for volunteering to watch over our group in February, LynzM.

    @lynzm – thank you for hosting! I will be joining the group again and will touch base on the 1st of Feb!


    I am new and would love to join the challenge!

    Hello @lynzm

    What a glutton for punishment you must be! Thank you for taking on this monumental task. I am looking forward to following along with everyone on February 1 and will sign in then with my weight and my goals for the month.

    Have a good weekend.

    Hi Lynn, please add my name to your list.

    My goal for Feb will be to record my daily food intake in MFP. For me sticking to the process is better for keeping me honest, so to speak.

    Thankyou for taking on this huge job!

    Hi LynzM

    Thanks for the invitation – I’d like to join the Challenge.

    I’m new to this site, and only been on the 5:2 diet since the New Year, so a step up here in my commitment.

    Good luck to everyone. James

    I’m in.. I’m new here though! Hello everyone πŸ™‚

    I’m in LynzM. Thanks for heading up February. Will be back the 1st.

    Hello Sammy_56. Welcome!

    I look forward to spending a healthy February with all online 5:2 folks.
    @lynzm: Thank you for facilitating

    Hi LynzM

    I’m in for February if that’s OK

    I started the 5:2 WOL in January 2016 and reached my target weight at the beginning of December 2016.
    As @happymargo says “Checking in daily, reading everyone’s posts & feeling accountable are all incredibly helpful” and the year ahead will be my real test i.e. to keep maintaining.

    Thank you for heading the group up for February

    @annemarilyn Thanks! πŸ™‚ x Need all the support!

    Many thanks @lynzm 😊
    Please count me in

    lynsM thanks for leading Feb challenge!
    Count me in!

    @lynzm – I really appreciate you taking on the February challenge. Please count me in.

    Thank you! xoxo

    Hi LynzM, Glad to join you for this month. Thank you for taking over the role and I hope it gives you as much pleasure as it has given me. Will put up goals and starting weight on Feb 1.

    Thanks LynzM Count me in. Its lovely to see the familiar names from the January challenge. Feels like family.

    Thank you. I am in to start on Wednesday 😊

    Count me in too, LynzM! Maintenance is taking all my energies – I need everyone here as much as ever.

    I’m in. Thank you LynzM.

    Hi lynz
    Count me in for Feb please

    Thanks LynzM for hosting, please count me in.

    Hello, newbie here. Please can I be included?

    Thanks for the challenge. I am a newbie too, count me in please!

    Another newbie. I’m in.

    Would love to join the challenge. Am a newbie too!

    please count me in.

    Texas – I will weight in Feb 1st.

    Hello! I will be joining in …first time fasting and first time in the forum!

    Count me in too please. Will weigh in 1st Feb and looking forward to another month of moral support and friendship. Welcome to all the newbies and thank you LynzM for taking over.

    Jan 29th … super early for February Challenge and READY TO GO!
    Puyallup, WA ~ NFD

    Heading to the Home Show for some walking.
    I have lost 17# since October, would like to lose 6 more to reach ULTIMATE goal of 150! There, it’s in writing! Six pounds to go! BTW doing AFD for the past month. Going on a business trip mid February and planning to keep AFD (there, that’s in writing too).

    Here’s to ALL OF US!

    Hi all, welcome and thanks for replying, the list has been started and your names are down. We don’t officially start until the 1st of Feb so it’s good to be prepared.

    We have quite a few new members so welcome, you will see when you read the posts that we have members that have taken the challenge each month and are still going or maintaining. Please ask questions and I or someone else’s in the group will try to answer.

    It’s an exciting group we are all on different stages of our individual journeys and we are Worldwide, which I love, you learn a lot, you get constant updates so there’s always something to read, something to inspire you, or someone to help no matter what time, someone struggling and we reach out, someone doing well and we celebrate.

    With your day 1 post if you have a goal overall or just for the month that you want to share please do.

    LynzM xx 😘

    I hope you have room for another newbie. I really feel the need to stay on top of this to keep myself in the right mindset and this should be just the job. Hopefully I can break the weight barrier this month and weigh less than I have since 1993 when I was pregnant with my youngest child.

    I’d like to join too.
    I did this about 1.5 years ago but “fell off the wagon” due to all sorts of factors.
    Now I want to start again and find it quite hard.
    Hope this helps me.

    Hi , another new one here ….I’m in thank you πŸ™‚

    Count me in please!

    Hi Lynz, new to this…….heard so much positive feedback so actually excited to start a new way of my relationship with food. Here goes πŸ™‚

    Hi! Helen from Long Island here. Can you please add me to the challenge? I’m a

    Count me in please

    Hi @lynzm – count me in and thank you for managing this challenge! I started the 5:2 challenges with Coda in May last year and while I initially lost quite a good amount of weight a lot of different stresses in life and exercise-related injuries have seen me put it all back on and then some. But life is straightening out again and I am feeling really motivated with this February challenge. I will record my starting weights and measurements on Feb 1. I look forward to reading everyone’s posts.

    Hi all,
    Add my name to the list, please.

    Hi LynzM
    please add my name to list for February. Welcome to all the newbies. I joined on November 1st 2016 and this supportive group of people help me stay on track and accountable.
    Also get to learn about other places and other people’s lives – fascinating and educating.
    Thanks Lynz in advance for taking us all on!

    just created and account because of this challenge, so looking forward to it!!

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