16:8 looking for buddies

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bebbspoke 4 years, 10 months ago.

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  • 16:8 has worked for me before. In fact, whilst on the 16:8 I didn’t change much else With my diet, I didn’t limit carbs etc just ate what I wanted for two meals. The weight fell off and stayed off and I had more energy, a better morning mood – all was good…

    Then work got very stressful, I stopped running due to injury (I love running), child was poorly (just usual but long lasting virus) and stopped sleeping well for a few weeks. I got complacent with the whole eat whatever you want thing and started snacking on biscuits and chocolate at work and then grazing came back and so did breakfast and my previously lost weight.

    So I had lost heart for a bit but 16:8 kept weight off without really trying for about 6 months.

    I now want to try again and looking for really supportive buddies with whom I can reciprocate the support too. It worked and I have no idea why I stopped really but at the moment I feel sluggish and unhealthy. Due to see all my family in a few weeks and it would be nice to feel a bit better.

    Anyone want to join me or share their great experiences with this?

    Hi 🙂
    My name is Megan, 34, Polish a! and a happy (though exhaused coz of the lockdown!) mom of two.
    I’ve been struggling with my weight I reckon since I was born.. I got it finally sorted some 6 years ago but put on too much while pregnant. So now I’m at my unhappy 64..wishing to go down to 55. They say I look too thin at 55 but gosh!! hoe happy I was 6 years ago when every outfit fitted!
    I tried it all again..cabbage soup, 1000cal etc etc. Nothing worked since I’m a huge sweet lover!! Name it- I love it! A few monthd ago I came across the 16:8 plan and decided to give it a go. I soon loved it!! My weight went down to 60..ot there even was a morning ehen I saw a 5..at the front! But then not quite what happened..or I think I got too confident with that “5” at the front that allowed myself one or two..went to four..five late night snacks. And here I am back at my worst since giving 2nd birth at 64kg. I feel bloated, fat and just horrible!! Thanks to the lockdown I’m sure my baggy-homey clothes fit.. but I so much wish to finally get down to 55! And the time has come.
    I was in England for 5 years and saw then the BBC documentary on the 5:2. I got the book, read it and fell in love with the diet! That was the time when I reached my ideal 55kg.
    I decide now to stick to 16:8 as it allows me to take my mind off food… But decide to add 5:2 ..as a kick to rhe weight loss.
    My biggest issue is my tummy. I bought an app for daily exercise routines..and really want to follow it since tomorrow! (well today- 1.15am here.)
    I hope to have some great company here!!

    Hi Megan, I’ve just joined the site… plz explain the 16:8 (I assume it’s hours)…
    I’ve started on the 5:2 – but streching it to 60h to incur x3 nights i.e. instead of (say) breakfast, miss day, breakfast; – I intend to do a last supper, miss day, miss day, breakfast… I’m not too concernd about my actual weight but most keen of the implied other benefits of fasting e.g. body system repairs as given in Dr. Mosely’s “Horizon” (BBC 2012-13).
    Rational being that sleep is best time for body to recover.
    It is somewhat strange that for the fast days – if one is permitted to 600kcal; – one could have (per day)3 pints of Guinness OR 6 double gins OR 1 70cl bottle of wine… far preferable to 17 dry biscuits!!!

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