16:8 anyone?

This topic contains 103 replies, has 47 voices, and was last updated by  mjimba 4 years, 8 months ago.

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  • When we started 5:2 in April 2016, we had no idea that we we doing 16:8 at the same time. The easiest way to limit those calories on FDs was to skip breakfast and we did the same on NFDs.

    We soon became used to it and, as delayed gratification said, eating breakfast seemed to promote hunger. We’ve been maintaining since September 2016, keeping an eye on calories and rarely eating potatoes or bread.

    Our appetites have reduced enormously and tastes changed. I couldn’t eat a slice of cake now.

    I have recently started 16/8 and so far I am finding it fairly easy, especially on work days where temptation is less as the only food available is what I take with me. Some days I’ve gone 18 or 19 hours before opening the “eating window” and still not felt that hungry. Certainly I’m eating less each day, obviously by cutting out breakfast but also I have no desire for the big meals I was eating. I never would have thought I would enjoy this challenge but so far I’m really pleased with my progress and clothes are feeling more comfortable.

    Iona, 16:8 seems to work in a number of ways. It’s also easy to fit around life. Well done with your progress.

    Yes Pollypenny the fact that it fits into family life is a big bonus for me and no cooking or shopping for different “diet” foods like I’ve tried to do in the past.

    warrior’s diet is similar to 8/16 fasting and shows a good result. It is described in detail here, maybe someone will be interested) https://sweetsaltythings.com/warrior-diet-101-everything-you-wanted-to-know-but-were-afraid-to-ask/amp/# comment-8

    I am interested in the health benefits of I.F. I have tried the 5:2 and have recently been doing 3.5 day fasts every few months. These are rather extreme. I like the idea of 16:8 but does anyone know if one gets the reduced levels of IGF-1 on this regime? any research on this?

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