100 cals or less breakfasts

This topic contains 17 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  silverback 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi there, I’m very new to this and have just completed my first Fast Day…which went surprisingly well…dare I say I enjoyed it even?! Anyway, I’ve decided to stick to FullerLonger meals from M&S which vary from around 400 cals or below. I eat these in the evening around 19.00-19.30 and have my breakfast at around 11.00-12.00. Does this sound right?

    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone would give me some ideas for late breakfasts that add up to just 100 cals or less. I’d be most grateful!


    100 Cals is quite low,

    1 Poached egg with tomatoes and mushrooms done in the microwave.

    1 egg omelette, tomato/ chopped onion/ sprinkle of cheese maybe

    Bowl of strawberries,raspberries/ blueberries, although the egg breakfast will keep you fuller longer.

    I will keep thinking!

    Good for you. Stick with it. It works!

    I often eat 1/2 banana with 1 TBS peanut butter for breakfast. About 145 cals.

    Thanks Symba7 I think the egg dishes sound good…and should, as you say, keep the hunger pangs away longer!

    What is a typical fast day like for you?

    I have for breakfast 28gr of porridge oats 100mls semi milk and 80 mls water, 2 mins microwave stir and another 1 min. Splenda for sweetener.
    I also have about 8 strawberries or 12 raspberries.

    For Dinner, Chicken breast, pork chop or 3 slices of ham, then a mixed salad, lettuce,tomatoes boiled egg, a few grapes, spring onions, a few slices of beet root, half a peach, a tablespoon cold slaw.

    A bit boring but we have this every Monday and Thursday, no thoughts on food, non negotiable, plenty of water.

    We never cheat!

    Oh that’s really helpful, thank you!

    Have you been fasting for long? Have you had much success?

    Hi Nursebean,

    Your meal plans sound very similar to my own. I did my first ever fast day yesterday. Had 100cals at 1130am which was 100g fresh strawberries (28cal) with half a pot of Yeo Valley natural yoghurt (stated on pack 144cal per pot) therefore making my 100cals. If I had chosen no fat yoghurt I could’ve had more but I prefer the fat version! I then had an M&S Fuller for Longer thai chicken curry. Had a massive salad with it for around 25cals (leaves, cucumber, celery).

    Drank water, black tea and coffee throughout day, and actually managed just fine. Felt hungriest between 4-6.30pm but then struggled to finish my dinner!

    Good luck!

    Hi Racheyroo! Oh yes we’re very similar aren’t we. I suppose that my mistake really is thinking I’m leaving breakfast until 12 when it may as well be lunch mightn’t it. Well I don’t suppose it matters too much. I’m like you…I don’t like fat-free yoghurts either. Have you ever tried Total Greek yoghurt and then tried the fat free version? Man Alive what a difference!

    Anyway, are you all set for tomorrow? I’ve got my evening meal sorted (M&S FullerLonger salmon with ginger and soy sauce) which is 395 cals. This leaves me with 105 for my “brunch”. Mmm still not sure what to have yet!

    It’ll be good to keep in touch and help each other along…but so far so good 🙂

    We have just done three months on 5.2 on this coming Friday. With one month before on healthy eating.

    I lost 6 lb the first month doing healthy eating then changing over to 5.2 , loosing 1 stone, so this Friday hoping for 1 1/2 stone off. Husband has reached his 1 1/2 stone. Both have another 7 lbs to loose, seems to now slowing down but up to now lost most weeks.

    On “personal stories” I have our weight blog, under “my first week very pleased” if you want to see how we have done.

    Good luck to you

    Thanks for that Symba7. Wow you and your husband have done extremely well. That’s so encouraging. I will check out your blog too, thanks

    If you feel you need a breakfast (no harm in going without if you’re not hungry! a lot of us go through until dinner with nothing) how about a nice yogurt and some berries? Lots of micronutrients in the berries and the yogurt has protein to keep you full. I believe there are studies which show people who eat yogurt tend to lose weight more quickly (or something like that, it was on a documentary I watched some weeks ago) – it helps keep you feeling fuller for longer.

    That’s a good idea, Moogie, I’ll give it a go. It’s my second fast day tomorrow and my plan is to hold out until the evening meal (to really get a good fast) but if I struggle I may very well turn to yoghurt…thanks!! 🙂

    “If you feel you need a breakfast ”

    Yes, I look forward to breakfast and I can then skip lunch time.

    Works better when conducting business.



    I didn’t fast again this week! As I don’t really need to lose much weight at all (5-6lbs would be cool & off my abdo please!) I am seeing if I can manage this by doing 6:1. So am planning my next Fast Day which will be Monday! Off to M&S today for some Fuller Longers to put in the freezer.

    Got my 100cals ‘brunch’ planned: bought some Asda fresh Spicy Pumpkin Soup, and can have 300mls for 100cals! Ridiculously pleased about that!

    How did you get on with your Thursday fast?

    Cheers 🙂 Rachel

    Hi Rachel,

    Wow I’m pleased you’re almost at your ideal weight! I guess the abs are always the hardest part to slim aren’t they. I try to do yoga everyday. In fact, Barbara Currie is such a great advocate of yoga and such an inspiration. In her book she says that she has managed, at the age of 60 then (although she’s 70 now) to keep her waist at 24 inches…the same it was when she was 18!, now that’s inspiring 🙂

    Anyway, I found Thursday’s fast went brilliantly. I managed to hold out until the evening before I had my FullerLonger salmon with soy, ginger and chili…mmm. The only thing that went wrong was I forgot that I’d had some semi sk milk in my coffee so my overall total went over 502 (because I’d worked out I could have natural yoghurt and fruit :-(). To be honest there seem to be different cal amounts depending on where you read but I allowed 7 cals for the coffee. Perhaps I’ll stick to my green tea in future!

    Look forward (would you believe) to joining you in the fast again on Monday!! 🙂

    I am a tremendous fan of Ranchero Chicken Soup, one of the Glorious Soups range. It’s only 129 cals for half a pot and contains chicken , beans and rice so it’s got quite a lot of protein in it (6.3g) to keep you feeling full. I’m amazed that it’s so low in calories.
    My wife and I have it for our evening meal on fast days and because it’s so low in calories we can have lots of fruit afterwards. I do not work for Glorious, nor have any connection with them apart from being a fan!

    Oh thanks for that Silverback (nearly called you Ranchero then!). I’ve not heard of that range but ai will certainly hunt it out next shop and give it a go!

    Sorry – should have given the company website. http://www.gloriousfoods.co.uk/
    They do a range of Skinny Soups, Meal Soups and Sauces as you will see. It’s even more amazing that the Ranchero is not part of the skinny soup range. I just can’t believe how they keep the cals down. (For a real treat, try the West African Chicken and Peanut soup – but NOT on a fast day!)
    I know for a fact that Morrisons and Sainsbury sell Glorious products. Probably the other big supermarkets do, too.
    Find them in the fresh/chilled soup area.

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