🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

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🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 758 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  NorthernDawn 4 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 10 posts - 751 through 760 (of 760 total)

  • Day 31 / NZ
    Late final weigh in for August (lost my earlier post)
    Start: 67.7kg
    End: 66.2kg (down .2kg this week) Didn’t make “65s” August goal but closer now than I was at start of month!!
    Small decrease this week but wasn’t overly strict – good balance and plenty of water which must be helping.
    Wobbled all over the place this month with food – need to be happy with slow small losses rather than strict short-lived regime and then putting it all back on.
    Thanks FlourBaby for hosting August – I haven’t kept up with the posts over the past week but look forward to a big catch up hopefully tonight.
    Take care all and will head over to check in on “September” thread!

    2nd Post

    Kitchen is closed and I’ll await tomorrow morning for the results of today’s FD. Especially tough as one of mom’s church friends organized a sympathy drop-off dinner with lots of fixin’s yummmm

    But I just said, looks good — and made a plate for dinner tomorrow with some extra chicken tenders for lunch tomorrow 😉

    Thanks to @flourbaby for hosting Auspicious August. It was a slow month for me, but it turned out well in the end. See most of you in Salubrious September!

    Final post

    @bellyblast and @missybear, we did it but we seem to have lost @mia139, I hope she did it as well.

    @missybear I hope to see you back soon, take care!

    Final post

    I forgot to post yesterday 😱 Thanks @flourbaby for super hosting. Off now to some Salubrious September which is my Holiday month so just going to be mindful.

    Farewell Post,

    I’m re-posting part of this after beating the midnight Auspicious August deadline, for the Southern Hemispherites, last night🙌 ……………… just!!!

    So, …………………..
    To all who’ve enjoyed Auspicious August, been rewarded by those fickle scales, polished some halo’s, found & kept hold of their mojo🥇 ……………………. Or THAT lightbulb moment & discovered exactly what does NOT work😤 ………………….. I wish you well for Salubrious September🙏 Thanks for keeping me company, thanks for your appreciation of my Auspicious August efforts, but you should be aware, …………………………….. I did nothing!!! NOTHING I tell you😂😂😂!!!!

    As usual, we lost a few along the way, I hope you’re all keeping well and getting ready to climb back onto the wagon, the only months that have taken a decidedly disastrous turn have been the ones where I haven’t kept up with this forum, read posts or posted consistently …………………………. Just saying!!!!

    Once again, the first ¾ of the month were fantastic and somewhat vino free. The final ¼? …………………….. hmmm……………….. not so much!!!! I had a bit of a wobble, it happens (has happened!), I’ve learnt not to be too hard on myself after a couple (ok, three) decades of beating myself up about my weight, so yes, it happens, yes, I hate it, but I didn’t kill anyone and the wagon of Salubrious September awaits & hold on to your hats, it’ll be a DRY wagon!!!!

    My membership of the ZBC is firmly set in stone, I believe this truly kept me on track this month (well, most of it anyhow😜!) The sense of achievement helped me when that sausage-sarnie called my name. It may have been a wee bit false since, as a non-breakfast eater anyway, the ZBC is a bit like the ‘breath in & out club’ ………………………… I’ll take it anyway, ‘easy’ doesn’t mean undeserved!!!!

    This month’s -2lbs isn’t spectacular, but down, is down, so in that respect, it was successful. Now to try to stay mindful for all 4 weeks of next month’s challenge rather than just the first 3!!!!

    See y’all over in Salubrious September🙏

    Final August Post – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Final weigh-in for August = 71kgs, so +half a kilo. But I started off the month with plenty of wiggle room, so I’m right on my target weight, & I’m declaring August another successful month! 😃

    So I’ve decided to take a break from the Challenges for a while. I’ve done the last 16 now, so I think I’ve earned it 😜

    I’ll still be doing my Monday/Thursday fast days,TRE, DTF & two meals the rest of the week; & I’ll be having an occasional sneaky peek at how everyone is doing on the forum. Wishing everyone a Salubrious September!


    I logged in to thank @flourbaby for hosting August, it was really kind of you. I can’t see who to thank for volunteering to host September as I’m on page 16 and can’t go back without risking losing this post. Thank you who ever you are 😊🙏

    Im pleased to report I lost 9lbs in total for August. I’m still on it and will carry on. However, I’m taking a short break from the forum as I have quite a bit on in real life. Will be back soon.

    Good Luck Everyone & Take Care

    Final weigh in
    @flourbaby – thanks for hosting August.
    My weight has been up and down all month and I’ve ended up where I started. Still in maintenance but at the top end.
    I’ll be mindful in September and October adn keep checking in.
    thanks for being there.

    Thanks for guiding us @flourbaby I am delighted with my 3 lb loss Onwards to September 🌟

    Final August Post MN/USA

    Weight down 8 lbs (3.6kg) from July 30 to September 1, the most I think I’ve ever lost in one month. Very happy with that. I think I’ll just see what September brings when keeping to 5:2, staying under TDEE of goal weight (1450), ZBC, DTF, and exercise 30 minutes x 5 days a week minimum. I’m expecting a slower loss in September, but who knows?

    Thanks again, @flourbaby, for hosting this great Auspicious August. See you all over on the Salubrious September challenge.

Viewing 10 posts - 751 through 760 (of 760 total)

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