🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

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🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 758 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  NorthernDawn 4 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 701 through 750 (of 760 total)

  • Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @i-hate-lettuce – Good to hear all went well yesterday, & that you haven’t lost your sense of humour!

    @daffodil2010 – hope you’re feeling better & that the cold doesn’t spoil your weekend.

    @snowflake – an LFD, on a Saturday?! Good for you!🏋️‍♀️

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌈 ⛅️

    Pocket List – Day 29 🍋
    @snowflake56 LFD

    ZBC List – Day 29 🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 29

    Day 29, London, UK, LFD

    The ‘FINAL’ week wobble has taken its toll this week, I haven’t been listening to my own motivational ranting!!! On the wagon, off the wagon, on the wagon, Uurgh!! I’m not sure why, but the mojo took a hike & got lost on the way home!! It’s only been 2 LFDs that didn’t go to plan, so although it’s not the end of the world nor this WOL for me, and certainly I’m fully seated on the wagon now; throwing caution to the wind is a sure-fire recipe for disaster. Lessons learnt – When you have a cheeseboard to finish, make a cheese sauce & freeze it, open that bottle of vino only when you invite your greedy friend around to help demolish it, that loaf of bread in the freezer ought to have a ‘may be addictive’ sticker, but you might have to wrap it in 2-slice portions and limit it before the addiction sets in!!!!

    @daffodil2010, I think this will be our new ‘normal’. The freedoms we’re used to are now more limited😭 and the key for the future ……………………….. planning, planning, planning, even just to travel or visit family we’re gonna need a 3 page action plan😷 in place😟!!!

    @snowflake56, your lonely pocket list kicked me into action and after throwing myself off of a couple of lists this week😳, I’m determined to keep you company💪!!!

    @i-hate-lettuce, your post warmed my heart this morning🤗 & worked the chuckle muscle!! So, so glad to ‘see’ you up & about💪 and back to ‘normal’ ………………………….. I suppose the anaesthetist might be packing a dart gun next time!!! Well, you did mention oxen & outhouses ……………………………… not forgetting that warthog🐷!!!!

    Pocket list day 29🍋 🐉
    @flourbaby LFD

    ZBC day 29☕🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 29 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    “Success doesn’t just find you. You have to go out and get it.”

    2nd Post,

    So, I just finished a Zoom Pilates class and thought I would read my Auspicious August welcome post for inspiration & to stop me raiding the fridge!!! I apologise for not quite managing my promise as host😟 to give you “31 mindful days” if you would do the same; ……………….. no self-flagellation required, but I’m superglued to the wagon for sure now😜!!!!! The ups & downs of a 5:2 lifestyle…………. I’m blaming the vino😎!!!

    Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5

    @i-hate-lettuce, thanks so much for the detailed report! We may be reasonably “anonymous” on this forum, but we all care, and are delighted at how well everything went! And I’m sure you’re right, that the weight loss and being more fit had a huge impact on how well things went, and will go!
    @flourbaby, I was right there with you yesterday! After four days of near-perfect behavior, yesterday was A Study In Indulgent Eating. Some chips (corn tortillas) and salsa here. Some cashews and almonds there. A half a beer (a new one, split with DH). Some dried mango. A lovely dinner of reasonable calories, with my very own beer. Another beer as “dessert.” Nibbles of nuts throughout. sigh. When I hop off the wagon, I do so with great style! So today will be lived with far more restraint. It’s only 6:15 as I type, and I’ve been awake since 5am with a pounding headache. Haven’t gotten on the scale yet, as I’m sure I’m no longer at 151.2, LOL! On the other hand, I’m absolutely certain I didn’t eat 3500 calories yesterday, so whatever the scale shows, I’ll know it’s only water/waste, not actual weight gained. So, dear @flourbaby, let’s think of each other today as we both attempt mindful days! 🙂

    Pocket list day 29🍋 🐉
    @flourbaby LFD

    ZBC day 29☕🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 29 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    2nd post

    @i-hate-lettuce I’m glad to hear everything went well yesterday.

    @daffodil2010 I hope you get well soon, I wish I could send you some chicken broth.

    @funshipfreddie My DH often works at Saturday’s so no problem doing a fast on those then. He’s also on a weight loss trip this month but he’s much stricter and lost more weight.

    @flourbaby I’m also doing a LFD, I made 4 liters of chicken broth but I’ll try to take it as late as possible. We did a LFD once together so I’m sure we can do it today as well.

    D29 NFD UK Lake District.

    Late checking in today been quite busy. Will read all posts later. You all look to have been busy as well.

    ZBC day 29☕🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 29 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    Have a good weekend.

    Day 29 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh in this morning at 246 lbs. Mom wants to go to the grocery store — we will see; I can understand the need to get out for a bit, but dad may not agree. Either way, I can get groceries for us both.

    Just a couple of days left! We can do this!

    Day 29 UK NFD

    Still I track for a reasonable weekend No ketosis didn’t feel any different @emma-taylor but I was only there for a day ! I’m guessing it was the alcohol yesterday that’s the culprit but at least it was Gin & slimline tonic so no carbs and only 56 cals I’m relaxing on the carb watching over the weekend We really are in synch @stitchincarol 🤪

    So glad it went well @i-hate-lettuce Hoping @annabelle48 is ok too

    Well done @northgeorgia for September

    Day 29 Canada NFD

    Focusing on a strong weekend and getting some rest. Working for a few hours today and then have tomorrow off. @i-hate-lettuce I’m so glad to hear everything went well.

    Day 29 USA (Illinois) NFD

    I’m doing quite well, and maintenance management is good.

    @i-hate-lettuce – so great to hear you’ve managed all your surgery and associated recovery thus far so well. I think you’re amazing.

    @northgeorgia – I know your parents, mother especially, are glad to have you close and so helpful. It’s so wonderful to read about your loss and success! I predict the 230’s will happen soon. <3

    Onward and downward.

    Day 29 NFD UK

    Yesterday was such a stressful day. All sorts of things went wrong and had to be fixed and altered, so much so I was glad to go to bed early and end it.
    This morning the scales gave me a big boost, WOOHOO. I have reached my August target of 154 lbs and not only that I now weigh 153.5. This won’t last long though as tomorrow DD and DSIL are coming here to tea with sandwiches, scones, clotted cream, jam and who know maybe a little drinkie or two!!

    Hopefully this gain will be fairly short lived as next week I start on the purge in preparation for the periscope job on Thursday. Collected the Dynarod kit yesterday.

    Today is my wedding anniversary, 61 years, so the weight loss was a welcome present.

    @ I hate lettuce. So glad your procedure went well. Your post made me laugh.
    @ Northern Dawn. Many thanks for your good wishes.
    @ Daffodil 10. I really hope it is just a cold you have even though that’s bad enough and can make you feel pretty miserable.
    @ BrightonBelle. I have had no luck with the ketostix. Have had 3 goes so far.


    Day 29 MN/USA CD

    Stayed just under TDEE yesterday but did have more carbs than usual, so gained a pound. Trying for a day under 1000 cals today. Planning the weekly BBQ tomorrow with DD and her family. Such a beautiful morning here……..low humidity, only 66 F (18.9 C) and slight breeze. Gorgeous day for a walk!

    @i-hate-lettuce So happy to read your post and know that everything went well. Thanks for the humor….you have such a great attitude!!
    @daffodil2010 Feel better soon!
    @annabelle48 Enjoy that whoosh! And Happy Anniversary! 61 years? Wow! Wonderful!
    @flourbaby You’ve been a wonderful host…..you get right back on the wagon after a slip or two, and that’s a great example for the rest of us……because we are all only human, and have our slips.
    @stitchincarol Sometimes a day like you had yesterday is needed to enjoy life. Doesn’t sound that bad. You will reset and it continue your downward progress.

    Pocket list day 29🍋 🐉
    @flourbaby LFD

    ZBC day 29☕🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 29 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    Enjoy the weekend!

    D29 NFD UK Lake District.

    2nd post

    Well I have been very at keeping up with posting, so here goes it might be a long one.

    I listened to a podcast on a site called In the fasting lane. It was about an a lady who found this WOL at the beginning of lockdown and has managed to lose 50lbs. It was very motivating. She just started with TRE 16:8 and drinking lots of water and she lost almost a stone the first week.

    @at Well done with 4 FD800’s. I managed 3 and then felt I needed some more calories. I did F800 for 12 weeks (October 2019/January 2020) and found it OK but I struggle to do 3 days now. It has to be a mind set.So are you back to the weight you want to be now? Traffic has been really bad again today we cant wait for schools to go back now. Your L’Enclume meal sounds really. good.

    We can DO this, we can DO this, we can DO this, we can! (That’s a cadence used by lots of high school cheerleaders; is it a familiar cadence around the world??) 🙂 YES WE CAN.

    @snowflake56. I have got my planking up to 70 seconds now. We used to go the gym but haven’t returned since lockdown due to my husband being on chemotherapy and we don’t really feel comfortable yet. When we were there we did classes spin, circuits and kettlebells every week plus a run and several swims. I do miss the classes but we now have a personal trainer come to the house and have a session in the garden and of course we open water swim. There are too many tourist around at the moment to even think about running as we cant get round them.

    @Daffodil2020 Look after yourself and that cold. Everyone seems to think that the only illness around is Covid.

    @i hate lettuce Glad all went well and you didn’t lose you appetite.

    @annabelle Congrats on reaching your August target and also on 61 years of married life. Enjoy your cream tea I think you deserve it.

    Day 29 Oxfordshire, UK – NFD
    Had a busy week and haven’t been logging my food. Oh dear. 🙁
    I think its been broadly ok, but the truth will be the weigh in on Tuesday.
    @i hate lettuce – so glad it all went well on Friday. I had a scare about 4 years ago and had a lump cut from my tongue but fortunately it wasn’t cancer. Just an ulcer that hadn’t healed properly. The NHS were brilliant just the same.
    @daffodil2010 – hope you’re feeling better soon.
    @northgeorgia – glad your mum is recovering well.
    Well done to those who are staying strong and congrats on the whooshes.
    Today has been a bit of a treat day. I finally got round to having the pedicure that DS bought for my Xmas present.
    I’m going to be cheeky and ask for a repeat this Xmas and hope I can have it a bit sooner.
    Enjoy the weekend. It’s a BH here in the UK but I really must fast.

    Day 30 Melb Aust CD
    Day 29 NFD

    Oh dear, I followed @stitchincarol and @flourbaby into indulgence yesterday – a NFD indeed, instead of the intended CD, and the scales jumped back up the 1.2 kg I’d lost. I know the gain is in part due to me eating bought food which is much saltier than my norm, so I am hoping with a controlled day today to see the scales go back down again tomorrow. But oh dear, not as planned at all.

    @i hate lettuce, great to read your post and to know that the op went so well. You really didn’t want to be knocked out, did you?!

    @annabelle48, well done for your loss on the scales, yay!
    Just a hint – if you leave a gap between the @ and the following name, the posts are not sent to people’s emails, and we do like to read when someone mentions us.

    @daffodil2010, hope you’re feeling better now. Disappointing that you couldn’t visit your Dad and had to cancel your dinner. Really, with everything happening re Covid-19, everyone should be well aware of the risks. I guess your older friend was just quite disappointed, but not easy for you to get the brunt of it.

    Keep on keeping on everyone, just today and tomorrow to go for August!

    Day 30, Emden Germany, NFD

    @kazoo I hope your husband will get his health back again. You’re such an active couple, hiring a personal trainer sounds so luxurious and I’m sure it will pay off. With everything you do, I don’t think you’ll have any problems doing planks, you must have strong muscles already from swimming. I just listened to the podcast, what a great result she had.

    @betsylee we still have 2 days to go this month.

    ZCB day 30

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 30, London, UK, NFD

    Yesterday’s whinging was just a minor confidence wobble, silly really. Today WILL be a controlled day of mindful eating, yesterday’s LFD went really well although I’m still not managing very much liquid😂!! It’s a Bank holiday tomorrow, so mindful today, small indulgences tomorrow, I can’t afford to reverse yesterdays’ success, one day at a time🙏!!!

    @snowflake56, I hope your LFD went as well as mine, I thought of you often, particularly when the dragon🐉 was roaring LOUDLY!!!!

    @northgeorgia, your parents are blessed🙏 that you live next door and are able to help them so much as they age, it’s a worry for all of us😟!!! I expect you’re going to fly through the 240’s without even touching the brakes💪 keep doing what you’re doing!!

    @annabelle48, belated anniversary congratulations!!! 61 years??!!! Wow, now that’s some staying power😜😂!!!

    @betsylee, I’m not sure where this final week curse came from😤, but it’s been doing a number on me and my fasting efforts for a couple of months now ……………………………………….. Salubrious September WILL be different😊!!!

    Stay strong everyone, 2 days to go………………………… let’s all hope/ pray/ wish for a whoosh!!!! …………………………… Now, where’s that water🙏??

    “You can find inspiration from others, but determination is solely your responsibility.”

    Day 30 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Gloriously sunny but cool morning, going for a stroll today and bimbling in the garden I think.

    Good news… Had a lovely walk down the estuary yesterday strolled along for an hour, fantastic views and no one about. Slept like a log last night, 9 hours solid! Just need to get going this morning, but generally feeling good.
    A good rugby (union) match on the tv yesterday afternoon, glad I don’t play anymore, these guys are on a completely different planet compared with 40 years ago, they’re far better, fitter and disciplined.

    Bad news … No beer while watching the game. There you go unusual for me, a moan 😉

    How about this for service, Friday afternoon, just home after surgery, telephone landline not working. Luckily internet OK so reported fault to ‘phone company, they asked if there was anyone in the household with medical problems. Told them re situation, OK, priority list for you! Engineer appointment for first thing Wednesday (its a holiday weekend here in UK)
    Saturday afternoon, internet down for about 15 minutes, wonder if someone working in exchange? Within 10 minutes, van pulls up outside, very nice chap who had been to the local exchange, saw our ‘priority listing’ fixed it there and then and called round to make sure all was OK! All done and dusted in less than 24 hours, fantastic service. Much better than when everything went through one company, best you could hope for was a week!

    Take care all

    D30 NFD UK Lake District

    Just checking in. Two days to go.

    The sun is shining here today so we will be going for our usual open water swim. It takes us nearly as long to get dressed for it than the swim itself. I don’t find putting a wetsuit on very easy wish someone would invent a spray on one. we look like Mr & Mrs Blobby walking to the lake. At least it is only for a couple of minutes.

    @snowflake56 My husband was diagnosed in November last year and as you can imagine it was a great shock. He did not have any symptoms and it was found by another routine test. He has had 12 rounds of chemo to date and is doing really well, so will continue until his body cannot take any more. He is fit and well otherwise but we did make a promise to ourselves then we would continue to keep fit. He is not swimmer but now really loves our open water swim and finds it invigorating so it is something we will continue to do until the water gets too cold.

    @flourbaby Glad you are back on track. It makes you wonder why we all have these little blips. One thing I have learnt is to get straight back to it but easier said than done.

    @i hate lettuce Your obviously didn’t get enough sleep under the anaesthetic but good you were able to sleep last night.

    We had a similar issue with our electricity during lockdown. When I rang in to check what was happening they already knew my husband was vulnerable (Must have picked it up from NHS England as we hadn’t told them). They asked if we needed help (which we didn’t) and rang us to check when the power was back on. Also they sent us a gift to enjoy a picnic in our garden. A rug, torch, and two insulated mugs. amazing service.

    Enjoy your Sunday and see you all in September.

    Sorry forget pocket lists

    ZCB day 30

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 30 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    Day 30 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Last August FD tomorrow. I think I’m going to need it 😳

    @annabelle48 – Happy anniversary, & enjoy the lunch 🎊 🍾

    Happy S🌞nday everyone

    Pocket List – Day 30 🍌

    ZBC List – Day 30 🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 30 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    Day 30 OMAD London

    Yesterday was a bit of a disaster. We walked part of the London Capital Ring, starting in Crystal Palace and ending in Tooting. I forgot the friends we were walking with like lunchtime drinking, so we stopped at the pub about halfway round, which was the beginning of a completely uncontrolled day, ending up with a curry. We did around 22,000 steps ( trying to claw something back here…), but it felt like a mess. Better pick myself up.

    We are off to Rome tomorrow for a couple of weeks. I’ll still be doing OMAD, but not DTF!! Sorry Brad, I’d better come off that particular list for a while. ZBC is fine.

    @ihatelettuce – glad to hear things went well. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

    Day 30 – USA/GA – NFD

    Wow! Another weigh in at 246 lbs. today. One more day of 246, please?

    As the next few days will end the challenge for Auspicious August, I hope to see those who want to continue participating in next month’s challenge for Salubrious September!

    Best wishes today and tomorrow!

    Day 30 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Salubrious September! @northgeorgia – terrific title! I love your vocabulary choice.

    Playing piano for church shortly, but wanted to do a quick check-in.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 30 Canada NFD

    Swerved the wine this weekend but did enjoy a delicious pasta dinner last night. Will have a final weigh in tomorrow but will be on my 60kg goal for the month.

    The days are starting with that crisp chill in the air, my favourite time of the year is the fall:)
    @emmataylor that is so many steps! A couple of weeks in Rome sounds exciting!
    @i-hate-lettuce it is fantastic to think how much this WOL has helped your health and ability to deal with your challenges. Yes we are all cheering for you
    @flourbaby we all have wobbles and will continue to have them, this WOL settles them down though. One day at a time…
    @annabelle48 congrats on reaching your goal
    @at your meals sounds delicious, it is so great to see how inventive restuarants can be and come up with neat ideas like this
    @northgeorgia I am so glad you are hosting next month and will be there. You are doing so well

    Day 30 MN/USA NFD

    Yesterday wasn’t as “controlled” as I’d hoped, but not a terrible disaster, either. DH brought home a large jar of cashews…..a weakness of mine. And it only takes two or three (or maybe more) handfuls to ruin a CD. My plan is to give the majority to DD and her family to take home, and send the rest to my DH’s man cave……the family room in downstairs. Keeping one handful for myself today, though. 😉

    No lists today. Enjoying a relaxed Sunday.

    Day 31, FD, Aus

    Quick post – great to hear you’re up and out (MOAMing), @Ihatelettuce.

    See you in September!

    Day 31 – Japan – WFD #69

    My Friday fast went well. This morning I felt sick and almost gave up on fasting, but a couple hours later and I’m feeling okay. I’ll see how it goes but it just happens sometimes.

    Day 31 Update

    Still fasting and feeling much better than I did after waking up. Sometimes not eating is simply the best thing to do.

    Day 31, Emden Germany, FD

    I had a good month although I lost it a bit in the middle. I reached my goal, my weight was 59.5 kg/131.2 lbs this morning so a loss of 1.9 kg/4.1 lbs. My DH lost 3 kg and wants to lose 1.3 kg next month but has to stop then. Next month I’ll try to maintain this weight. I loved the ZBC and exercise list, it encourages me to do it.

    @flourbaby My LFD went very well, I only had 2 mugs of chicken broth. Thanks for encouraging to start LFDs again.

    @kazoo It’s hard enough if you expect the outcome after a test but to hear it unexpected is something else. I’m glad your DH is doing so well, staying fit is important.

    @i-hate-lettuce That’s called service! If it happens here, you can wait forever until it’s fixed. Service is rare in this country.

    @flourbaby Thank you so much for being such a enthousiastic and helpful host, I really loved your hosting. 💐

    So many of you did so well this month, let’s try to do the same next month.

    Pocket list day 31

    ZBC day 31

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 31

    Have a nice day everyone, see you on the next challenge!

    Day 31 – Lake District UK – CFD

    Good morning everyone,

    Another glorious morning this morning, enjoyed another short walk yesterday and then some bimbling around in the garden. Decided to have a lazy afternoon and put the feet up. Watched the T20 ‘hit and giggle’ cricket, England vs Pakistan. I’m not much of a cricket fan to be honest, but these short games really are entertaining stuff. Still sans beer though, throat prefers warm milk and honey at the moment !!!

    To all those ‘cheering me on’ this month, thank you, it really has given me a boost, big hugs all round 😉

    @kazoo@snowflake56 – Yes really impressed with the ‘phone company, couldn’t believe how quick they were!

    @flourbaby – Thanks for looking after us all this month, it’s been a funny old month, but I managed a couple of pounds off, which I’m more than happy with.

    Take care all, ‘see you’ all tomorrow in the September edition of our WOL.

    Day 31 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I’m pretty sure I’ve had another successful month as far as maintenance goes; but I’ll wait until tomorrow before I get on the scales. The weather here was quite grim yesterday & I didn’t even set foot outside. But it’s officially Spring tomorrow & we really need the rain.

    @emma-taylor – lucky you! Enjoy Rome.

    Well done @snowflake56, @annabelle48 & @i-hate-lettuce & everyone else who reached their goals, made progress or just clung onto the wagon 🎯 🏆

    Thank you @flourbaby for hosting August 🤗

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍓
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 31 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 31 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 31 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    Day 31, London, UK, NFD

    Where has Auspicious August gone???? You know you’re getting old(er) when you stay stuff like that, or “Doesn’t time fly”, or “In my day …….” or “When I was younger…………..” ……………………………….. or “where are my teeth!!!”😜😂

    I wish I could end this challenge on a LFD, but it’s a bank holiday and even though one day is the same as any other, I couldn’t possibly try to fast😲!! Yesterday was a controlled OMAD, although there was wine, so I’ll be skipping that particular BH staple today and sticking to the water😰. ……………………………………… right back on the DTF list!!

    @i-hate-lettuce, I really do enjoy my morning catch-up on “Stories from the Lake District” 😁, it’s good to read posts about something other than lbs, lbs, lbs!!! ……………………… although, I enjoy those too😜!!!

    @emma-taylor ………………………… I’m crossing my fingers for you in Rome………………………. Swerve the gelato💪!!!!

    @bellyblast, you deserve a medal🥇, I couldn’t quite understand your post ……………..”Swerved the wine this weekend but did enjoy a delicious pasta dinner” ………………………………….. Isn’t it international law that you MUST have vino🍷 with pasta🍜???? Are you about to be arrested or is it ALL in my vino soaked brain???

    @snowflake56, yay!! for the LFDs, they work for me, but as always, control on NFDs is required to reap the true benefit!!!😢

    Weigh-in tomorrow to see just how auspicious this month has actually been …………………… considering the recent vino situation, I’m guessing …………………………… Not very😜!!!!!!

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍓
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 31 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 31 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 31 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    D31 MFD UK Lake District

    Well it’s Monday again how time flies. I have been on this friendly and motivating forum for a month now. Thank you all.

    Doing a MFD today and just logged my calories for the day into nutracheck and I have 30 calories left. Any ideas?

    I got on the scales this morning then realised I had another 24hours before my official weigh in and its a MFD. Hoping for a few more grams tomorrow.

    @EmmaTaylor Well done on the steps. The Capital Ring is something we would like to do, we have the book but not done any of the walks yet. Not sure when we will get back to london yet as we don’t want to use the underground. Enjoy Rome. You will be able to get a lot more steps in there.

    @northerndawn Cashews yum yum. Can’t buy them. As you said one handful leads to another.

    @snowflake. Congrats on the successful weight loss. Will be joining you in the ZBC this morning.

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍓
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 31 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 31 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 31 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    Day 31. OMAD. London / Rome. I know. Sorry.

    @flourbaby – thanks for being a great host. You have been so good at motivating us. Much appreciated.
    @kazoo – we have done a few bits of the Capital Ring, and also the further out London Loop ( is that right? Maybe not). The Epping Forest stretch starting at the Queens Hunting Lodge was lovely. I know what you mean about the tube. We have had to get the Victoria line a couple of times and it feels very unsafe. And some people still don’t wear masks!!! Have a good week all. I’ll be posting from Rome. 😎😎😎

    Day 31 UK FD

    Thanks for hosting @flourbaby 👏👏 it’s been an interesting month for me , pleased with the results but seem to have managed to self sabotage at the last minute due to G&Ts not been 56 cal no carb treat MFP told me !!! We live and learn

    Putting myself in every list Did consider postponing fasting to tomorrow but I’ve had a fairly hectic weekend and I think I need the jump start

    Oh enjoy Rome @emma-taylor my absolute fave city We were there in Early March literally the day before the madness started and it was great Hope it’s still the same you can release your inner Audrey Hepburn cin cin🥂

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍓
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 31 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 31 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 31 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    See you all in September

    Day 31 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    @flourbaby thank you for hosting Auspicious August, you have been a wonderfully entertaining host 💐🙂

    Its been a good month for me, back in maintenance zone, another couple of pounds off would be better and I aim to shift those in the next month or two so that I have the comfort of some wriggle room for special treats times.

    Congratulations to everyone who has hung onto the wagon this month, it isn’t always easy. If you have reached your goal for August well done, if you haven’t no worries just reboot and start again.

    I need a digital detox so I’m taking a break from the forum, but not this WOE, I will still be here in spirit. Just think of me as sitting quietly and determinedly at the back of the wagon.

    Keep safe, keep healthy and keep on keeping on everyone 😎

    Day 31 NFD UK

    Yesterday went well with cream tea. DSIL brought a bottle of champagne and I had 2 glasses so all in all a very calorie laden day. Recovering today before Salubrious September starts.

    I have been reading some of the past posts in August and now know what Club Tor-Twah is. I am a fully paid up member.

    @betsylee thank you for your hint re using the @ sign, I had no idea. I am not the brightest button re IT and am grateful for any hints and tips anyone may care to pass on. Nobody needs to pussy foot around me, I will not get the hump at any corrections anyone cares to make. I have had to drag myself kicking and screaming into the 21st century and am now here for the long term.

    Re the film Tenet here is something interesting I came across.


    Known as the SATOR SQUARE it very old and used in spells and incantations. All palindromes.

    I have decided that starting September I am going to try some sort of system with replying to posts to save me going up and down previous posts like a fiddler’s elbow. I will start with the easiest for me, pencil and paper but I am sure there is some IT way. Will have to try to figure something out.

    Am planning a quiet day today ready to make a good start tomorrow.


    Day 31 – USA/GA – FD

    Awww, up to 247 lbs. Still, that was my target goal for August, so I did it! Whew! Hopefully, this week will be good-bye to 247 as we move into September.

    Good luck to all of us on the pocket lists today!

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍓
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 31 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 31 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 31 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    Day 31 USA (Illinois) OMAD

    Ate too much yesterday, but will hopefully make up for it today.

    @flourbaby – thank you for your wonderful hosting this month. It’s been wonderful being with you all.

    See you over in September!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 31 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    Despite beer and a bit more freedom over the weekend, I still held my own at 152.4 until this morning; yesterday’s indulgences were apparently too much as I’m up to 154.4 this morning. I’m sure today’s FD will cure that, however, and no beer again until Friday will perhaps drop another pound off? We’ll see.

    I’m finding the Fast5, with my own window from 4 to 9 (and really, in practice, it’s more like 4-7) to be surprisingly easy. When I would try OMAD, I always had to eat before the actual meal, which felt like a failure, so I wasn’t fond of it; calling it a fast except for a certain set number of hours has been a game-changer for me, as I feel no guilt to have a snack of something right at 4 to tide me over until our meal at 6. The thing that sabotages my week’s efforts is Sunday: I won’t give up our family brunch, so I always end up eating far more on Sundays than other days. But, this is, after all, a WOL and Sunday Brunch is a big part of our life, so I’ll find a way to lose weight even with a Sunday Sabotage, LOL.

    @kazoo, is there hope of remission for your DH?
    @EmmaTaylor, my DH and I went to Rome last summer for three glorious days (we were on our way to Israel for a study trip). Have a grand time!
    @northgeorgia, great name, LOL! Plus, since August isn’t yet over, I am of the opinion that what you weigh TOMORROW’S is the actual weight for you to record your Amazing August Accomplishments! 🙂
    @annabelle48, are you writing posts on a phone, a tablet, a laptop? We could offer suggestions if we know which it is.
    @flourbaby, thanks for hosting August; you did an auspicious job! 🙂

    BTW, I’m so glad the 30×5 list has been helpful! I realized too late last Thursday that I shouldn’t have put my name on that day as I didn’t have time until evening, and was too tired then. Nonetheless, I walked with Leslie five times last week, and could see on my FitBit the additional calories that burned, so it’s clearly a factor in how quickly I lose weight.

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍓
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 31 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 31 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 31 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    Day 31 Minnesota, USA FD

    @flourbaby Thank you again for being such an encouraging and entertaining host for August…..I always look forward to reading your witty and amusing posts. Hugs!

    I hopped quickly on scales and off immediately! Yes, I’m going to fast today and hope to see the number I’ve been aiming for when I weigh tomorrow. I think I will.

    Good luck to all of us on the pocket lists today!

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍓
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 31 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 31 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 31 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    Day 31 2nd post

    @stitchincarol Our posts crossed but I caught it in time to edit ( without losing the whole thing) and include your name on the lists before mine. I agree about Sunday’s being a family day with food, thus my reluctance to use this morning’s weight as my final August one. Maybe the Sunday sabotage is a midwestern thing? Idk, but I am not giving that up even if it slows my weight loss. And, thanks for the 30×5 list: it really is a great idea and leaves the type of activity to each person. Very motivating for me.

    Day 31 Canada NFD

    Very happy that I have finally broken below 60kg, just:) Weighed in at 59.9 this morning and am so happy. I think a couple less kilos could happen!!

    @flourbaby thank you so much for being such a great host and keeping it fun and on track. You run a great wagon!

    The ZBC and DTF lists have been great for me, a really easy way to keep on track.

    Big congrats to everyone who lost this month, if you didn’t we have all been there so stick around and I am sure it will happen.

    See you in Salubrious September

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍓
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 31 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 31 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 31 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    Day 31 North canton OH FD

    August has come to an end, and what a beauty she was.

    @flourbaby, thank you for being such a lively and entertaining host 🎉

    @Ihatelettuce thank you for sharing, I am so glad that you are doing better. Kudos on your weight loss and successful surgery. You are right, losing extra weight and getting fitter is not just about vanity (although that is an added perk) it’s an added all around physical, emotional, mental boost to our health and wellness.

    I plan to do better in September, I have been sporadic at best with posting, and last week I just needed a break from everything. So I chucked it all and I am starting over with September. I have chucked all the cashews and nuts that were sabotaging my efforts, I am staying away from alcohol (for now), and I just need to get in the groove again. I have been juggling a lot more than usual, and I’m just trying to figure out how to incorporate all my have-to-dos in a sustainable fashion. One day at a time is my motto from here on out.

    With regards to exercise; a close friend of mine and I settled on a system that ensures we have to work out during the week. We both subscribe to Beachbody.com and we are accountable to each other to complete one exercise a day during the week. Every time subscribers exercise using the app, it auto-populates a grid. For accountability,we decided to screen grab that grid and send to each other. Failing to do that for the day means that you owe the other person $5 for each day that you do not exercise. It has proved to be quite the motivator for both of us.

    Good luck to all of us on the pocket lists today!

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍓
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 31 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 31 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 31 💃🏋🏃 🏊

    D31 MFD UK Lake District

    2nd Post

    Well my final post for August. Kitchen closed at 6pm this evening thankfully. I have really struggled today to do a MFD. I just wanted something to eat not needed something.

    @missybear Well done on getting back to your maintenance zone.

    @stitchincarol Enjoy your Sunday Brunch. My DH has been told that he will always have the cancer and the treatment is to try to reduce it. They have said that they do not want to operate but there are other options should the chemo stop working. He has also been told that he stands a better chance than average due to the fact that he has no symptoms and keeps himself fit and that he has a healthy diet. He doesn’t feel ill just tired for a few days after the chemo.


    Day 31 – UK – TDEE

    Where has the last few days gone?? Been out walking every day making the most of the nice weather and going off the beaten track to avoid the large number of tourists.

    Thank you @flourbaby for being such a great host and for your funny and entertaining posts – always look forward to reading them and end up with a ☺️ and at times even 🤣 These are for you 🤗💐

    No time to catch up with the posts so hoping everyone is doing OK and keeping safe – Weigh in tomorrow morning for end and start of challenge weight!!!!

    Looking forward to a good September – See you all there

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    2nd Post,

    I’m hoping to get this in before @penz posts from down under, so every challenger feels the 💜💜💜!!

    To all who’ve enjoyed Auspicious August, been rewarded by those fickle scales, polished some halo’s, found & kept hold of their mojo🥇 ……………………. Or had THAT lightbulb moment & discovered exactly what does NOT work ………………….. I wish you well for Salubrious September🙏 Thanks for keeping me company, thanks for your appreciation of my Auspicious August efforts, but you should be aware, …………………………….. I did nothing!!! NOTHING I tell you😂😂😂!!!!

    I’ll repost this with my ‘Final post’ & results tomorrow😢😭😰, but for now, keep the faith folks!!!!!

    It’s still day 31 in some parts of the world, so I am logging in just to say THANK YOU to @flourbaby for your enthusiastic and amusing hosting this month. Always a pleasure to log on and see all your wonderful exclamation marks and bemusement over the antics of the rest of us (but I am with you in hoping that Interpol aren’t after Bellyblast for the crime against humanity of shunning wine with pasta).

    See you all in September!

    3rd post,

    @penz, I might just be psychic!!!! Time to do the lottery!!!

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