๐Ÿ November 2023 Challenge ๐Ÿ

This topic contains 224 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  AT 10 months, 3 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 225 total)

  • Welcome to the November 2023 Challenge!


    Why wait for a new year to make the usual resolutions……START TODAY! Join me for the next 30 days to shed some of those unwanted kgs/lbs and we can all start the new year in a positive place!

    Everyone is welcome to join the monthly Challenges. So whether youโ€™re a fasting veteran, just trying it for the first time, or if you fell off the wagon and are coming back to the fold, letโ€™s make every day of November count! Fasting is tried and tested, itโ€™s free and for many of us itโ€™s the only thing that works. We eat what we like โ€“ most of the time โ€“ and still lose or maintain weight and stay healthy.

    These monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016 and have been going strong ever since. Goals can be overwhelming when viewed as a whole. But by breaking them down into small achievable pieces, we are able to stay focused and motivated to accomplish our goals one step at a time in bite-sized monthly challenges.

    There are no rules, but as a general guide, here are some tips for any new people:

    1. Posting โ€“ Please start each post with the day of the month, where you are, and if youโ€™re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). Weโ€™re all over the world and in different time zones so it helps us keep track of which day weโ€™re talking about, who else is fasting with us on a particular day etc. Look at the various posts, and youโ€™ll soon see the pattern, and will learn how useful it is for reading.

    2. In your first post, please introduce yourself to the group โ€“ this helps us to get to know each other, which is especially helpful for newbies. Perhaps say something about where you started, your journey so far, what youโ€™re aiming for or how you are benefiting from fasting. You might like to include your starting weight or your goals for the month. But you donโ€™t have to โ€“ share only what you are comfortable sharing online.

    3. Spreadsheet โ€“ It is in alphabetical order by username. If you find it helpful, you can use it to record and track your progress as well as keeping track of how others are doing. It can help with perspective, accountability or planning. And if you need help just ask โ€“ thereโ€™s always someone happy to help. But you donโ€™t have to use it if you donโ€™t want to. Itโ€™s just another tool you can use if you choose. @merryapple kindly created the spreadsheet for this month ๐Ÿค—


    4. Frequency โ€“ Some people post daily, others check in every few days. Some are brief, others are long and chatty. If youโ€™re posting for a second time in the same day please head your post e.g. Day 1 second post. Past history shows that posting every day truly does help with motivation for staying on track with your goals, so please donโ€™t feel shy about suddenly posting daily; we love new members!

    5. Content of your postโ€“ Comments or questions, complaints or celebration โ€“ anything youโ€™d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks and bright ideas are always welcome. Remember: we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails, days when our mojo deserts us and days where we feel completely in control. So DONโ€™T GIVE UP โ€“ whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community โ€“ This is a worldwide forum so thereโ€™s usually someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support and solidarity

    7. Pocket lists โ€“A โ€˜pocket listโ€™ is a list of the names of people who are sharing the same goal on a particular day. Itโ€™s great psychological support in mentally keeping that list in our back pocket, knowing weโ€™re not alone. Anyone can join a pocket list or start a pocket list. Typical pocket lists are for FD but in the past theyโ€™ve been used for people doing daily exercise or planks, or DTF (dry till Friday).

    8. 5:2 basics โ€“ answers to many FAQs plus top tips:


    And by way of translation, we use a LOT of abbreviations. Hereโ€™s a guide to some of the more frequently used ones:

    5:2 โ€“ 5 days NFD โ€“ 2 days FD
    16:8 โ€“ 16 hours fast โ€“ 8 hours non fast
    IF โ€“ Intermittent Fasting
    ADF โ€“ Alternate Day Fasting (FD โ€“ NFD โ€“ FD โ€“ etc)
    AF โ€“ Alcohol-free
    B2B โ€“ Back to Back (consecutive FDs)
    BMR โ€“ Basal metabolic Rate
    CFD โ€“ Controlled Food Day (a dayโ€™s eating comfortably below your TDEE)
    DH, DD, DS โ€“ Darling Husband, Daughter, Son
    DTF โ€“ Dry โ€™til Fri (no wine, beer, etc.)
    EE โ€“ Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)
    EFS โ€“ Epic Face Stuffing (Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)
    FD โ€“ Fast Day (500 cals)
    FD800 โ€“ Fast Day 800 calories
    Hunger Dragon โ€“ that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce had an inner warthog!)
    IF โ€“ Intermittent Fasting
    Keto โ€“ way of eating that generates Ketones
    KISS โ€“ Keep It Simple Stupid!!!
    LC โ€“ Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF โ€“ Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    LFD โ€“ Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)
    LOL โ€“ Laughing Out Loud
    M/WOAM โ€“ Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)
    MFD โ€“ Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new Fast800, itโ€™s a FD
    MFP โ€“ MyFitnessPal โ€“ a smartphone app & website that tracks diet & exercise.
    NFD โ€“ Non Fast Day
    NSV โ€“ non-scale victory (courtesy of @flourbaby)
    OH โ€“ Other Half (eg spouse/partner)
    OMAD โ€“ One Meal A Day
    PFDS โ€“ Post FD Smugness (courtesy of moi!)
    Pocket List โ€“ Names to โ€œkeep in your pocketโ€ for a common goal for the day
    TDEE โ€“ Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the โ€˜how it worksโ€™ link on the home page to work out yours)
    TRE โ€“ Time Restricted Eating
    WFD โ€“ Water Fast Day (Water only)
    WFH โ€“ Working From Home
    WOL โ€“ Way of Life
    WOCA โ€“ Woman Of a Certain Age
    ZBC โ€“ Zero Breakfast Club

    My personal motto since finding this WOL has been โ€œIf I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am nowโ€

    Day 0 – USA/GA

    Looking forward to joining the November challenge.

    I’m a 49 y/o male near Atlanta in the USA; I started my journey in May 2020. I went from about 280 lbs to 207 lbs by March 2022. Unfortunately, I’m back up around the 223 mark, but I’m working to get back to the 200s and cross over to the 190s. My ideal goal is 154 lbs., but I would like to get to at least 169 lbs, considered “healthy weight” for my height. My challenge to myself this month is to not treat every day as a feast day, watch the soft drinks and snacks, and choose a nice portion of a homemade meal over double fast food meals whenever possible!

    Count me in please @at! And thanks for hosting the ๐ŸNovember Challenge๐Ÿ

    Iโ€™ll be there @at! Thanks so much for hosting. ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ

    A good time to start. I will probably try Tuesday and Thursday. So Thursday will be my start day.

    Thanks for hosting @at, Count me in!! November is going to be my re-start month, October was a trial run!!!

    Day 1 in Not Naughty November, Auckland NZ 82.4kg

    Greetings one and all!
    Iโ€™m 65, lost my DH 2 years ago and am just coming up for air.
    Iโ€™m an RN with a fine arts degree and live with a 15 3/4 yr old Westie, Macintosh. Iโ€™m his 1 on 1 caregiver, slave, chauffeur, chef, personal trainerโ€ฆ
    I did 5:1 in 2018 with success but the weight quietly crept back. I restarted in January this year and Iโ€™m on the way down maintaining a 1 kg/month loss – 10.6kg so far. Iโ€™ll be on maintenance this time next year๐Ÿ˜Š if all goes well.
    A big welcome to any new people and ๐Ÿ‘‹ to the returnees!!

    Start the way you mean to finish!!

    Day 0 USA/Hawaii
    Count me in for November and thanks for hosting.
    I am 77 year old female. Lost my DH of almost 57 years this past July and then the Lahaina fire in August took away my employment which I had enjoyed for decades. Joined this group some years ago but then got sidetracked. Returned last year and had done really well, hitting a low of 156 lbs and then bouncing up/ down but staying below 160. Now with getting out of the good habits of using MFP and regular FD800โ€™s, I am back up to 165 lb. Goal is to end this year back in the 150โ€™s . I know this is the place to achieve my goal with all the amazing support offered. And hoping in some way I can inspire others here as I get back to this way of life.

    Day 1 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – NFD

    @maui – welcome back & welcome to @carol_bt

    About me:- David, 61, originally from Manchester, England. Retired & living in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Been 5:2-ing/IF-ing since 2014. I joined the Challenges in 2018. Currently maintaining – 70.9 kgs/BMI 21.9

    @stitchincarol – covid, again?! Not a great start to the month. Or maybe it is, if you’ve got no appetite? Wishing you a speedy recovery ๐Ÿค—

    Wishing everyone a successful November ๐Ÿ’ช ๐ŸŽฏ

    โ€œEveryone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goals, if he is able to think, if he is able to wait, if he is able to fast”. ~ Hermann Hesse

    Day 1 – UK – NFD

    “โ€œFall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.โ€
    โ€” Lauren DeStefano”

    Welcome to @northgeorgia @funshipfreddie @jaifaim @carol_bt @flourbaby @merryapple @maui great to have you all on board for this November Challenge ๐Ÿค—

    Today is mine and OH 43rd wedding anniversary ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘จ we are having a quiet meal at home tonight but going out on Friday to one of our favourite local Michelin star restaurants to celebrate โค๏ธ

    @carol_bt – a special welcome to a first timer to this WOL – Thank you for sharing your recent fight with cancer and coming out a winner ๐Ÿ’ช I would encourage you to read my first post and check out point 8. 5:2 basics โ€“ answers to many FAQs plus top tips: The main advice I can give is to stick to the basics and watch you eat on your NFDs
    @maui – the summer months have not been kind to you but you stay strong and positive – so glad you are joining us this month to “inspire others here as I get back to this way of life.”
    @funshipfreddie – always happy to see your name joining the challenge – you are a great inspiration and always have words of wisdom and encouragement for us

    For any newbies joining us
    I am a 65y.o. female living with my OH – I retired in December 2013 and moved to the Lake District โ€“ best decision we ever made โ€“ OH and I love our new life here!
    I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 as I was fed up with being overweight and wanted to get fitter! I decided to join the challenges in November 2016 as I had plateaued for around 3 months and managed to reach maintenance in early December 2016 with the help of the lovely people here offering great support and advice ๐Ÿค—
    Total initial weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs and had managed to remain in maintenance range until this past year when I have struggled and gained an extra 5kgs/11lbs

    I decided to be honest with myself and looked back at my personal diary where I record events and found my weight as recorded at the end of each month!!
    Jan – 59.3kg
    Feb – 61kg
    March – 58.1kg
    April – 58kg
    May – 61.9kg
    June – 61.3kg
    July – 61.7kg
    August – 60.6kg
    Sept – 62.8kg
    Oct – 62.8kg

    So looking to regain my mojo and get back on the fasting wagon and lose those extra kgs that have crept on – I braved the scales (aka Cruella ๐Ÿคฃ) yesterday after my Monday FD and my weight was 62.8kg ๐Ÿ™ˆ Ideally I would love to be 4-5kg lighter so making a fresh start today. So even it’s my wedding anniversary today I am planning to keep within my TDEE ๐Ÿคž MFP will be my friend today ๐Ÿ˜‡

    Off to get ready for my Yoga ๐Ÿ™ class – a new block after the half tern break followed by an afternoon of volunteering awaits me today

    Catch up later to see who else will be joining us on this November Challenge today

    Day 1-No. VA USA-FD 800

    Thank you for hosting, @at, and thanks to @funshipfreddie for hosting October! (please keep the fun facts coming…)

    Joining the rest of you for a good month of healthy eating and some weight control, with some loss expected! We know how to do this.

    I am 73 yr. old pediatrician in practice in No. VA. (Retiring next summer, if all goes as planned). Joined 5-2 WOL in 2017 and lost 23 # over a five month period, and then threw maintenance to the winds, and have to do the whole business all over again!!! I have lost 8 # since March of this year, so that is good, but I bounce around with 2-3 pounds up and down and have not hit the “Down” button on this elevator consistently enough.

    This is a great group, very supportive and fun.
    Happy Anniversary, @at!

    Day 1 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. (Associated Mess) – The October Rebellion that recently devastated our lands continues. In order to combat the breakout, central command is planning a strategy to quell the increase, despite the upcoming holiday period. The goal is to push back slowly but steadily, to the former weight limits. Details to come.

    Day 1 London, UK, NFD,

    Firstly, thank you @funshipfreddie for a fabulous October challenge, a bigger brain and weight shedding (I always remember someone (@AT?) rejecting “weightloss” as LOSS implies weโ€™re trying to find what we lost!!) The FUFs were very entertaining!!! It wasnโ€™t as fabulous on the weight shedding as I hoped/prayed/wished. The -10lbs I wanted๐Ÿคจ turned out to be -1lb!!! Life can be cruel sometimes, however, Iโ€™m healthier than on October 1st, my Alzheimers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia risks are definitely lower, so in truth, -1lb is a win!!!๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ

    @at, thanks for hosting, Iโ€™ll swerve the spreadsheet until the number is respectable enough to post!!

    A little about me โ€“ very, very early 50โ€™s, Civil engineer, started 5:2 at the end of 2016, joined these challenges in Feb โ€™17, lost 44lbs (slowly as Iโ€™m not exactly disciplined!) put a large chunk of that back on over 2 lockdowns, selling my flat, looking to buy a house and coping with a debilitating illness that hit my beautiful mum out of the blue and stole her from me this September๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ข

    Iโ€™ve decided to try to get back to a happy weight by sticking what worked in the beginning โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ If it ainโ€™t broke and all that!! So at least 2 500cal FDs a week, I think the 500 is the critical bit, when I went to WFDs then FD800โ€™s the whole thing went to pot!!! Iโ€™m confident I can do it, I just need to remind myself when the RESOLVE wavers, that it isnโ€™t for ever and whatever takes my fancy will still be there tomorrow or better yet, in a year!! So, this WILL BE Sober November, carbs will be veg heavy but I wonโ€™t deprive myself into feeling sorry for myself then hurling myself off the wagon into a loaf of granary bread!!!๐Ÿ˜ฌ. Iโ€™m confident!!
    My plan for the foreseeable future โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.
    * 2-3L water/day
    * 2 x FD500 per week without fail (Sorry for the โ€˜Fโ€™ word)
    * Remember the protein on FDs!!! (thanks @funshipfreddie)
    * Walk with Leslie at least 4x/week, I discovered her a few years ago, fell in love, fell out of love & cast her aside as I watched my hips spread!!!
    * Booze free โ€“ without fail โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ (โ€˜Fโ€™ word again!๐Ÿคญ)๐Ÿ˜‚

    @excelsior12309 …………… your post sounds very very familiar!!! Restarting seems daunting, but what else is a girl to do???

    @northgeorgia, I guess like me, central command is just going to have to pull it’s finger out!!!!

    November 1st seems to not be a big fasting day!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Good luck @excelsior12309!!

    โ€œDo what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.โ€
    โ€” Oprah Winfrey

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    I’m fed up with all sorts of things in my life (my current case of Covid ranking high on the list), but the most aggravating is my total lack of control over what I put in my mouth. So today, I’ve climbed back on the wagon, I’ve given myself a firm talking-to and am gathering all my will- and won’t-power and I’m promising I’ll stick to my eating plan for today.

    Hmmm…but that requires me to HAVE an eating plan. Hang on.

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD — CONTINUATION

    Okay, food planned: tuna sandwich for lunch and Crab Corn Chowder for supper and about 200 discretionary calories to hit a max of 1200/CD


    Okay, ’nuff said.

    About me: I’m Carol, close to 65, wife of a pastor, mother of three adults, mother-in-law to a wonderful man, grandmother to two little girls and third baby due in late March. I celebrated 50 years on the organ bench this past summer–that’s what my degree is in–and direct our choir and teach piano lessons. I love to cook and try new recipes every week and sometimes every day. I knit and quilt. I don’t do mice or science. (We’re trying to catch a mouse that has moved in, and I’ve never liked science.)

    Oh, I suppose I’m supposed to talk about my weight journey, huh? It’s not as pleasant a topic, but here: My high weight–other than my three pregnancies–was 166 in 2013 when I discovered 5:2 and S.L.O.W.L.Y. got down to 137. Then I gained it back. Then in February 2020 I started the journey down again, got to 137…and now I’ve gained back most, but not all, of it. So now I’m making a new, much firmer commitment. Yes, I enjoy food, I enjoy cooking, I like to complement what I’ve cooked with a lovely wine. But I love a thinner body absolutely every bit as much, so must learn a way to allow my choices to coexist. The simple answer is moderation. Moderation is not, however, simple. I’m slowly learning.

    Welcome to our newbies; we’re glad you’re here. @at we’re especially tickled to have you back with us. You are the one who most stuck in my memory from when I first joined this forum, and I thought of you often even when wasn’t posting. Why? Because you weigh what I weighed when I was in my 20s, and we’re roughly the same age and height, so I’d often think “I could be just like @at with sufficient determination and self-control.”

    And where did you read about @carol_bt and her recent fight with cancer? I have nothing on my page…AH! In her “About Me” words. @carol_bt (Nice name, BTW ๐Ÿ˜‰) I’m so glad you were able to kick the cancer, and hope that you discover a deep love for the 5:2 lifestyle that we all feel. It truly works as long as you don’t go nuts on NFDs.

    @funshipfreddie No such luck as to lose my appetite…
    @maui My heart aches for all you suffered this past summer, and we’re glad to have you back with us so we can surround you with cyber love.
    @excelsior12309 I too am a “bouncer,” losing weight in the week and then finding it on the weekend, so truly admire your October loss! My goal is to be less successful at finding what I lose… ๐Ÿ˜‰
    @flourbaby One thing I’ve discovered is that meals are always more satisfying to me if there’s enough texture, so I always look to add texture where I can in order to find my meals enough to satisfy both my belly and my mouth’s craving. (So my tuna sandwich today will have celery added so that I have that added texture to the combo of the tuna, the bread, and the mayo.) Will that be helpful to you?
    @at Happy anniversary!

    Now I have to figure out what to do on this day when I feel pretty much back to normal but am still postive. Gah, gah, GAH.

    Here’s our list for today with the reference to “luck” removed (tsk, tsk, @flourbaby) because I’m sure you’ll do splendidly, @excelsior12309, as I will on my CD, because I’ve promised you all…

    November 1 Pocket List ๐Ÿ‚

    Day 1 Ireland – FD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธโœ… ๐ŸŒพ

    Quick check in.. will be back laterโ€ฆ lost a pound somewhereโ€ฆ whoo hoo.

    Post fun focus required.

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Day 1 USA/Hawaii CD
    164 lb

    Thanks to all my team for the kind words of welcome!๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ

    stitchincarol I am joining you today for a 1200 calorie CD. For the first week or two, Iโ€™m probably going to use 1000 to 1200 CD,along with eating window of 8 hours or less, as my point of entry back into this WOL. After getting back to using MFP this past week, I was happy to see 164 this morning. Weight was 166 about 3 days ago.

    Onward and downward! We must remember to eat our low carb healthy veggies ๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅฌ๐Ÿฅ’๐Ÿซ‘๐Ÿฅ‘

    Day 1 USA (Illinois) NFD

    I am alive but have been incredibly busy. This is my worst time of year with our Choral Society concert on the 19th, adding to that duties for our Children’s Museum, and now continuing to prepare for a move. The house is coming along wonderfully but our clearing and tossing here is far from done.

    I think of you all often — will try to pop in more but won’t make promises!

    Hugs from Gwynne (still at maintenance in low 160’s…)

    Day 2 NZ FD

    I forgot to list my other duty for Mr Mac and that is as a carriage, carry up steps, lift onto the sofa etc. My first job of the day – straight out of bed is to bend down, pick him up (all 9.7kg of him) and carry him out to the lawn so he has a morning pee. If he had his way he would go straight to the breakfast table – food first, ablutions secondโ€ฆ yโ€™day I felt a painful ping over my hip when I stood up. Today itโ€™s grabbing muscle painโ€ฆ Grrreatโ€ฆ On a happier note I steamed three Christmas puddings yโ€™day for 7 hours so that jobโ€™s done! Next is the Christmas cake but not on a FD!! I need to soak the dried fruit for several days first. As a cake it lasts for months and because itโ€™s so rich I only eat a small piece in the evening with a cup of tea๐Ÿ˜‹ To use up the tired vegetables in the fridge I also made a big pot of tomato and lentil based soup and added them in. And a loaf of sourdough @flourbaby Thanks for the reminder about protein!! I need more than just cheese on a delicious warm slice of bread!!! @stitchincarol Iโ€™m sorry to hear you have covidโ€ฆTake care. Now is not the time to be hard on yourself. Rest, relax and keep your fluids up! @northgeorgia Your camp commander would cut to the chase and say Just do it!! @excelsior12309 Your observation about maintenance is on the moneyโ€ฆ We have all reached our holy grails and then not put in the longterm effort that maintenance requires, which is why so many of us are back! That is why @songbirdme, @funshipfreddie and now @jaifaim are our shining lights!๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    Remember to have fun on a FD!

    Pocket List

    Day 2 โ€“ South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – FD

    These FDs really seem to come round quickly. And I’m grumpy because the cat decided I should wake up at…5:30 am?! ๐Ÿฅด๏ธ It will definitely be an early night for me tonight ๐Ÿ’ค

    Diet Coke won’t kill you. Good to know ๐Ÿ˜…

    I’ll be keeping this quote in mind today:- “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is – discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons”. ~ Jim Rohn

    Sending steely RESOLVE to everyone fasting today

    Pocket List – Day 2 ๐Ÿ’

    Day 2 – Ireland – NFD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธโœ… ๐ŸŒพ
    Hi again! Great to see you @maui ๐Ÿ’• and all the returning friends and newbies: @carolbt ๐Ÿ‘
    @at I hope you both had a very happy anniversary!

    @stitchincarol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I hope youโ€™ve caught the mouse in the house ๐Ÿญ. I am a bouncer too like you and @excelsior12309 and Iโ€™m sure many othersโ€ฆ I generally sort of reverse the 5:2 principle and have five days of focus and two of treating myself but actually if you can stick to that and the five are good focused tracked days it can work out well.

    Oh @merryapple thank you so much (I do feel very proud to have got there) but Iโ€™m not quite a shiny shining light right nowโ€ฆ the past two months of trips have proved that you can never be complacent in maintenance and Iโ€™m nearly 4lbs higher than I should be. Iโ€™m hoping it will be EOEO (Easy On Easy Off for the newcomers) but we will see. Just weighed today and another lb down so that is great. Neither of my FDs this week were actually FD500 but getting back to normal routine seems to be workingโ€ฆ If itโ€™s not, it will be a challenge but Iโ€™m up for it. Isnโ€™t that why we are all here. Love this group ๐Ÿ’•

    Was also awake at 5.30 here @funshipfreddieโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜  maybe there is something in the airโ€ฆ

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Day 2 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – FD

    Quick hello. Joining you all for November. Desperately need it. I cannot seem to get moving even when I fast. I have now a tortoise metabolism whereas when I started this in 2018 I was a racehorse and lost 30lbs in a few months. I am 56 and post menopause, I do lots of exercise, but cannot shift those pounds. Gah.

    I confess to having a peek at Slimming World but why should I pay to step on the scales?

    I am hungry now as we were out for dinner last night, how does that work?

    Have a good day, I am a little blue this week, possibly the clocks going back, now dark at 5pm, I have to WFH and my schedule is shot. I will get over this I know, and I am better than I was on Tuesday….maybe it’s SAD

    2nd Post – Day 2

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 2 ๐Ÿ’

    Day 2 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. Actually a few ounces lighter than yesterday, hmmm… Planning on a FD500 today, then a WFD on Sunday.

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 2 ๐Ÿ’

    Day 2 – UK – FD

    Welcome to @excelsior12309 @flourbaby @stitchincarol @songbirdme and @daffodil2010

    Thank you for your anniversary wishes – OH and I had a lovely meal at home and I may have overindulged in some ๐Ÿฅ‚ My penance today was a 0900 Aerobics class, an evening Pilates class and a FD500 today!! as tomorrow will definitely be another NFD!!!

    @songbirdme – great to read your post and to hear that you remain in maintenance and busy as ever ๐Ÿค—
    @stitchincarol – I do hope that you are feeling better – Thank you for the kind words and this month I’m joining you in having “given myself a firm talking-to and gathering all my will- and wonโ€™t-power”
    @northgeorgia – looking forward to reading your “details of how central command is planning a strategy to quell the increase” I second @merry๐ŸŽ advice that “Your camp commander would cut to the chase and say Just do it!!\

    I’m adding myself to the pocket list as I will need all my willpower today to stick to my planned FD500 as I have Book Club after my evening Pilates so will be having a decaf coffee and no ๐Ÿท or ๐Ÿฅ‚

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 2 ๐Ÿ’

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500

    I’m very proud to announce I kept my promise to all of you and clocked in at 1214 calories yesterday (or thereabouts, according to my best guesses at entries on MFP). It was tough several times, but I powered through, drinking water and chewing gum with determination. Today, I think I’m supposed to stay home one more day, so I’ll leave that up to my piano student mom whether she’s comfortable with me coming or wants me to stay home…I certainly feel FINE, and it’s tough to be stuck at home.

    As to the FD500, while I love my water fasts, I don’t feel any confidence to do them when I’m at home–which I suspect I will be–nor does it feel appropriate to deny my body any calories at all after I’ve had such a doozy of a cold. Okay, I had covid, but it simply felt and acted like a cold. So I’ll eat 500 calories worth of leftovers and call it a success.

    @jaifaim Well done on ridding yourself of one of your holiday pounds!

    Oooo, @maui, great progress to have dropped two pounds already! I’ve always been deeply impressed at your determination and will power.

    @songbirdme It is beyond impressive that, even with all that’s going on in your life–ESPECIALLY with all that’s going on in your life–you’re staying in maintenance. Well, well done.

    Wow, @merryapple, that’s some epic cooking/baking you accomplished yesterday!

    @funshipfreddie Yeah, that quote just cuts to the chase and tells the complete, unvarnished truth, doesn’t it?

    @jaifaim Nope, and it had the audacity yesterday to stroll through the living room where I was sitting on the couch, knitting. Poor DH is beside himself that the mouse traps have not succeeded, and we’re thinking of getting an ultrasonic device that’s supposedly 100% effective. Have any of you tried that??

    @merryapple Did you have lots of carbs when you went out to dinner? That always makes me hungry the next morning. Twenty years ago, I used to talk about “shrinking my stomach,” and by that I meant “eat little enough that it takes far less food to make me full.” It took a fair amount of will-power to accomplish that, and I never seem to do that these days, LOL! Those were the days when I weighed 132 with a BMI of 22.7 and always felt a solid 7+ pounds overweight…it’s so sad that I didn’t realize what a stellar woman I was at that point, with impressive will- and won’t-power! So, whatever your accomplishments on the scale, be proud of yourself and celebrate that you’re a warm, loving woman and you haven’t given up working on what you’ve decided looks like a healthy weight for you. โค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฐ

    @northgeorgia I too am looking forward to hearing your plan. And an NFD that resulted in being down a few ounces? That’s a well-behaved NFD; well done. You, along with @excelsior12309, @jaifaim, and me, are a bouncer, and we all–and I’m sure others–recognize that being down a few ounces after an NFD is indeed a sign of good food choices.

    @at Impressive list of activities today, LOL! Enjoy your Pilates and bookclub tonight!

    Say, have any of you watched “Blood Ties” (aka “Las Villmizars”) on Netflix? It’s a blissful 74 episodes, giving lots and lots of watching hours, and a fascinating (but fictional) account of what it was to be under Spanish occupation with a war for independence. I only have a few episodes left, and still don’t understand the Spanish, LOL, but I catch the occasional words! I can’t do anything but WATCH, however, and often have to backtrack to catch what I didn’t absorb the first time… closed captions are a blessing, but certainly not easy!

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 2 ๐Ÿ’

    Day 2, London UK, FD

    And by FD I mean <500cals!!! Not some wishy-washy approximation of a FD!! Iโ€™ve just had 1/3 of the 473cal salad I prepared for today with high protein marinated anchovies, Iโ€™m satisfied and the remainder is back in the fridge for dinner at 6:30. I must remember to take it home!!! Being flat out at work has helped too.

    @songbirdme, lovely to hear from you!! Youโ€™ve been maintaining for so long, does it come naturally or take as much effort as 5:2-ing???

    @daffodil2010, I can tell youโ€™re a bit blue!! The weather makes me think of hibernating with steaming bowls of something comforting and hunks of bread with butter for dunking! I feel as though I joined that tortoise club too, initially it took a few months to lose 35lbs then a further 10 took FOR EVER, then I took my eye off the ball and now it seems as though my body isnโ€™t willing to fall for that fasting trick again!!!! But, we persevere๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ, this works, we know it works, we just have to keep the faith and know that we might not shed huge amounts of weight like we once did๐Ÿ˜ฉ, but we MUST trust our bodies, trust this process and most importantly โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ. Relax!!!

    Today Iโ€™m reminding myself of why fasting makes sense, so, at regular intervals โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

    I will remind myself that food does NOT have magical โ€˜comfortingโ€™ powers!!

    โ€œYou can find inspiration from others, but determination is solely your responsibility.โ€

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 2 ๐Ÿ’

    I’m new and trying to figure out how to post.

    live in Minnesota (USA), age 65, female, happily married 48 years, and need to get serious about getting 30 pounds off my 5’4″ frame. I’m a bit of an emotional eater, but I’m working on it. I loosely do Intermittent Fasting but need to get back on the wagon and get consistent with it. I’m also desperate for a weight loss group. I don’t have anything in my area as far as a support group is concerned. I seem to do better when I have people to talk with who are working toward the same goals. SO I’M IN. In on the November challenge and I desire to continue through the next several months until I hit my goal of 140ish (back in my size 12’s or there about). My plan is to do IF and stay within 1200 calories or lower each day. I would also like to report my food intake to the group each day to keep me on track. That’s all for now. Thanks for including me.

    Day 2 USA/Hawaii CD

    Welcome @snowflower. You will find a great support group here. We have similar goals. Iโ€™m 5โ€™ 4โ€ and would love to hit the 140โ€™s. Using MFP app to monitor calories at 1200 or less daily. My son did a solo canoe trip on the Boundary Waters in your beautiful state and loved it.

    I am holding at 164 lbs and plan to see 159 soon. I will feel energized when I say goodbye to the 160โ€™s for the second time this year. Itโ€™s time to do some serious self care and climb out of this rabbit hole I find myself in.

    Thank you @maui for welcoming me. I’m on track today because of the hope of having this support group. Yes, we are close in our numbers – age, height, and weight. Good for you for getting your weight down.

    I am in southern Minnesota, about 6 hours from the Boundary Waters. It is so rugged up there. I’m glad your son enjoyed his trip.

    I can’t tell you how much I wept for your state during that terrible fire. I can’t even imagine the horror of being trapped like that. I’m glad you only lost your job but that is a terrific loss too. At 77 years old I hope your job was simply for extra fun money and not for your main/supplemental Social Security income. I just can’t imagine and I’m so sorry for what you have suffered.

    Day 3 โ€“ South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – NFD 71.0 kg

    Yesterday was a struggle. I ate earlier than usual, 620 cals. I managed 10,600 steps & had an early night. It was nice to see a fairly long pocket list – 7 of us! Here’s to ‘No-Nonsense November’ ๐ŸŽฏ

    @snowflower – welcome! 1200 cals per day sounds do-able. Have you done any regular fast days yet? On my fast days I stay away from food all day until my evening meal, which usually comes to 600 – 700 calories.

    @stitchincarol – I’ve got a furry, four-legged ultrasonic device called Boo Boo. She is 101% effective, & would take care of that mouse for you in 0.4 seconds๐Ÿคฃ I haven’t seen ‘Blood Ties’ yet. Someone recommended ‘Velvet’ to me as a suggestion for improving my very beginner/low-intermediate Spanish. I don’t think I could follow it even with Spanish subtitles. But I started watching it with English subtitles, & now I’m hooked on it & just started season 3. It’s set in Madrid in the ’50’s, mostly in a department store/fashion house. Doesn’t sound very exciting, it’s a bit ‘soapie’ but the characters are great & the acting is really good.

    Gotta dash. Happy Fri-yay y’all! ๐Ÿน

    Day 3 NZ NFD

    Gโ€™evening everyone! I read the posts this morning and forgot to add my two cents!
    Hi @maui and welcome @snowflower Great name! I love your 5โ€™4โ€ match up!
    @daffodil2010 Iโ€™m in the same boatโ€ฆ Iโ€™ve had to reduce my intake to lose… The flip side๐Ÿ™ƒ is itโ€™s super easy to put on weight๐Ÿ™
    @funshipfreddie Trust you to do NNNov๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I live on an ancient lava flow. Rats lurk in the basalt rocks and there are plenty of cats on duty. Boo Boo would love it! The first rat Mr Mac met when he was a puppy belonged to my friendโ€™s daughter so unfortunately he doesnโ€™t view them as chaseable and dispachable.
    @flourbaby You can get those โ€˜magical comforting powersโ€™ from exercise too!!!
    @stitchincarol Good on you for fulfilling your pledge!
    Time to go to bedโ€ฆ

    Day 3, London, UK, NFD,

    Well, yesterdayโ€™s FD was a spectacular success. Absolute epic PFDS here as <500cals has seemed so tough to manage 2nd time around!! Confidence is high!!!๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸฝThe dragon was ROARING at about 4pm, so next time Iโ€™m going to fast all day then have a 500cal high protein evening meal, then find 1 million things to do to keep busy and more importantly โ€ฆ.. OUT of the kitchen!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Welcome @snowflower, youโ€™re in the right place. Any success Iโ€™ve had has been when I posted daily & honestly, the accountability and support here will keep you on track. Read @atโ€™s OP for all the hints & tips of how this works and thereโ€™s always someone here to offer advice & support. Weโ€™ve got you!!!

    @funshipfreddie, you read my mind!!! My neighbour mentioned an influx of mice in the summer, I was shocked until I realised why we hadnโ€™t suffered!! Bo-Bo is mighty territorial and I guess the word has been spread amongst the mouse worldโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. he is NOT to be messed with!!! @stichincarol, do you have a friend that would lend you their cat for a couple of hours (minutes in truth!)???

    Aiming to be controlled today, despite the sausage sarnie planned for lunch today, itโ€™ll be ok though as itโ€™s so filling it might be an OMAD!!!

    @merryapple, let’s not get carried away just yet!!! Exercise will become part of my plan ……………. at some point in my lifetime!!!๐Ÿ˜

    Keep the faith folks!!! Planning to fast tomorrow๐Ÿ˜ฑ, I know on a Saturday!!! So Iโ€™ll definitely be posting for accountability & support!!…………………….. Iโ€™ve made up my mind โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

    “I have learned over the years that when oneโ€™s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” โ€“ Rosa Parks

    Day 3-No. VA USA-NFD

    Yesterday, I did the first honest to goodness 500 cal. FD in a long time. I was inspired by @merryapple‘s vegetable soup description, and made a large pot of vegetable soup (cabbage, carrots, celery, tomato) and ate that for lunch and dinner. No snacks. Surprisingly easy. Of course the scale was down this morning, but I know that won’t stay that way without some control!

    Welcome to you, @snowflower. You will find this a friendly and helpful group!

    @stichincarol, we have had mice over the years, and I have to agree with@funshipfreddie that cats are a tremendous deterrent. Unfortunately, old fashioned mousetraps are probably the safest and most effective way to ..”dispatch”..the creatures. But usually there are tiny openings under the sink, or in the foundation, etc that allow them in. The most aggravating thing is, if you see one, you KNOW it is not the only one… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Day 3 – UK – NFD

    A successful FD500 yesterday – weight this morning 62kg โฌ‡๏ธ0.8kg for the week ๐Ÿ˜‡

    @stitchincarol – well done on sticking to your target on Day 1
    @snowflower – welcome to our monthly challenges – great motivation by logging on daily and being accountable – I’m also around the same height as you and currently sit around 150lbs but I feel my best around 125 so my aim is to get back there………I’m with @funshipfreddie in that I find it easier to have OMAD on my FDs – much easier to keep in control!
    @flourbaby – well done on your successful FD on Day 2 and enjoy your epic PFDS this morning and aim for good control on today’s NFD to keep that good feeling going

    I’m out tonight for a wonderful meal with OH so my plan for today is to keep fasting until then (my last meal was lunch yesterday as I had a 6pm Pilates class followed by my monthly bookclub) this should ensure that I don’t undo all the good work so far this week.

    The sun is shining and that immediately makes you feel good ๐Ÿ˜Š I have some “Me” time planned today = a relaxing pedicure this morning followed by a much needed hair cut late afternoon – then out for our meal early evening at a local Michelin Star restaurant – a real treat ๐Ÿ˜‹ ๐Ÿฅ‚ for our wedding anniversary ๐Ÿ’•

    โ€œYou don’t have to make any big sweeping commitments. Just do the best you can do for yourself today. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Then you look back and all of a sudden you’ve strung together a lot of days where you’ve done the right things by yourself.โ€ โ€” Rob Lowe

    Day 3 – USA/GA – Pause

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. Felt bad yesterday; caught a cold or something — so I suspended yesterday’s FD to get in some protein and nutrients, soup, etc. Will probably continue the course until feeling better.

    Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Okay, yesterday was a successful FD, and I’m feeling quite delighted. My piano lessons were cancelled, so I stayed home all day except for the bit of time I spent at the church office in the morning; that worried me to think how much self-control I was going to need to fast while home all day–that self-control muscle is currently quite atrophied, you know! And sure enough, by 3 o’clock, I’d lost my discipline. But then it hit me that on a Sunday, I often eat whatever I consider “supper” to be around 3:30 and then am content for the rest of the evening, so I decided to let myself eat and then hold on for dear life to make that my only food for the day. And I was fine, much to my amazement. Today will be its own challenge, as I tend to think of Fridays as “celebration day” and that’s hard on food control. DH and I aren’t going to go out tonight, so I have either chicken or pork Marsala planned, and have the hours of the day planned to keep me busy and away from snacking temptations.

    And we caught a mouse yesterday! I’m so amused by DH: he keeps growling, “I can smell mouse!” I have no idea what he’s smelling, but he swears there’s a smell, LOL! I gave up yesterday morning–before the mousetrap did its job–and ordered the ultrasonic thing, so we’ll see what happens with the mouse traps still set and the ultrasonic thing plugged in when it arrives. Since Boo Boo and Bo-Bo aren’t available to me, if it gets bad again, I’ll see what I can do about inviting a cat over for dinner. ๐Ÿคฃ

    Yay YOU, @flourbaby, for your successful fast, and thanks for that quote; it’s one of my favorites, but I’d forgotten about it. โ€œYou can find inspiration from others, but determination is solely your responsibility.โ€

    Welcome, @snowflower! You and I and @at (in the Lake Counties [am I saying that right??] in England) and @merryapple (in NZ) are all the same age. More, I used to be 5’4″ but am now 5’2ยฝ”. I’m curious if you’re listing your current height or what you used to be? @at Same question. @merryapple I don’t know that you’ve ever listed your height; where do you fall on the measuring stick? Oh, and I’m quite close to Omaha (I drive there twice a week to teach piano lessons), so you and I are not all that far from each other!

    And @at, you do not either weigh 150! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ I believe, according to the kgs you listed, you’re 136, right? Perhaps it FEELS like 150 because you’re unhappy with it? Have a lovely, lovely day and dinner!

    @maui And you’re another 5’4″ woman?? Same question: you used to be or still are?

    I ask you all that, because I’ve discovered that weight that used to be reasonably decent on me now has me plumper than I’m willing to be, and it’s because I’ve shrunk…

    @funshipfreddie Thanks for the “Velvet” recommendation; I’ll check it out. I finished Blood Ties last night, and was ready to be done–74 forty-five minute episodes is a LONG series! DH and I are a little over half way through Who is Erin Carter? and are really enjoying it; have you seen it?

    @merryapple Ugh…rats. Mice are bad enough, but rats seem far worse.

    @excelsior12309 Good for you for a successful FD yesterday! Sounds like November 2 was an epic success for everyone on the list!

    Oops, @northgeorgia, not an epic success for you. I do hope the crud that hit you yesterday goes away quickly! My advice? Test early so, if you’re positive, you know when to count your five days.

    Well, I’m off to start my to-do list, both because it needs doing and also because I need to stay busy and out of the kitchen. Have a grand one, everyone!

    โ€œYou can find inspiration from others, but determination is solely your responsibility.โ€ Perhaps this is going to be my mantra for November?

    Day 3 – 2nd post

    @stitchincarol – I live in the Lake District, which is a region and national park in Cumbria in northwest England.
    In answer to your question I used to be 5ft 5in so slight shrinkage in height and sadly ๐Ÿ˜ข my current weight is really 68kg/149.9lbs as stated – the weight where I was earlier this year (March/April) and my target weight is around 58kg/127.8lbs
    When I first lost weight on 5:2 I did drop to 53.5/118lbs but did look too scrawny ๐Ÿคฃ
    I have started this month with a small downward trend so hoping to stay on that trend from now on……if my mojo can stay firmly in place ๐Ÿคฃ

    Second Post

    Ahh, yes, Lake DISTRICT not COUNTIES.

    Oh, painful indeed then, to be higher than what you prefer. But you realize your first post this morning said 62kg and Google said that was 136. This is proof I really do notice your progress because of the connection you made to me when I first joined, LOL.

    Regarding height: It used to be, when I was actually 5’4″, I was not overweight at 145 pounds; I was heavier than I wanted to be, but not overweight. What made me realize I’d gotten shorter was when I got down to 145 and favorite pants were still too tight. Hmph! You get to the goal line and discover someone has moved the prize! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    I’m sure you WILL stay on trend, both because you have the skills to do so, and because you’re fully engaged this month, and we all know that’s the true key to this plan working for us. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

    Day 3 Minnesota (USA) Just starting day

    Thank you to all of you for welcoming me into the group. I’ve been reading your posts and you all sound like wonderful humans. Take a bow. I’ve been looking for a group for several months and yesterday I found you. I’m so happy and motivated to get some fat off my frame. I need to do this for me, my health, and my mental health.

    Before I forget it I wanted to comment about the ultrasonic mouse machine for @stitchincarol. My parents have those machines and they work. My mom loves them. She found that she needed several of them to totally rid her house of mice. I think she had 3 or 4 for a house that was about 2000 square feet. The only strange thing is that adults can’t hear the sound but small children can. When our kids and the cousins would visit the parents the 3,4,5 and 6 year old’s would complain that “something is beeping and hurting my ears”. They didn’t cry. It wasn’t that bad but they did complain and my mom would turn the machines off when the young children were around then when they left she would turn the machines back on. We didn’t know if they could hear the sounds because of their young ears or if it was because they were short and the sound wave was at their level. We, as adults, would get down to their level but still could not hear the sound so I think it was about their young tender developing ears. So be aware and if you have a fussy baby in the house that can’t tell you that the sound is bothering them turn off the machines while the baby (or very young toddler) is there. Eventually the children got older and didn’t complain anymore. I’m thinking they could still hear the sound until they were about 10 years old. And yes, if a mouse dies in the walls of your house it is going to get pretty stinky for about 7-10 days. Hopefully your husband’s smeller is just imagining things.

    I’m so excited to be in a group where so many of you are my age and close to my weight/height. OK, I’m a little bit of a fibber…My actual height is about 5’3 1/2″, yes I have shrunk a wee bit but not a lot. Out of habit I still claim my original 5’4″ height but you are right @stitchincarol that I too am a shrinker. Darn aging. It gets us every time doesn’t it?

    My diet/weight history is the following: As a 20,30, and 40 year old my weight stayed right in the 125 range and clothes sizes 10’s and 12’s (US sizes) and medium size tops. I didn’t have a weight problem at all. I was young, active, and life was good. I had a car accident and messed up my back and around age 45 I could no longer do the physical exercise/activities that I had done for decades. I was an avid walker, usually between 45-60 minutes most days. Long story short (very long story….blah, blah, blah) as my activities slowed the weight started creeping on. It came on slowly, around 3-5 pounds each year until I was in the 155-160 range for a while. I should have gotten a handle on it back then but I was working a job where I sat behind a desk all day for the first time in my life, couldn’t do walking for exercise anymore, and I didn’t change my eating habits to match my reduced activity…Oh, and I entered menopause….oh yes, don’t we love that waist thickening time of our lives. So more years passed and three years ago (age 62ish) I found my self at my highest weight of 180. That is wayyyyyyyyyyy too heavy for my 5’4″ frame. I was stuffed into my size 16/XL pants and all my XL tops looked terrible on me. I had to do something so I enrolled in TOPS Club (Taking off Pounds Sensibly). I lost 14 pounds that summer, and got down to 166. I was looking a lot better and feeling better too. The TOPS group I was in was not very inspiring and I had to drive 30 minutes to get to it so by winter (we have lots of snow in Minnesota) I went solo. And, little by little I’ve gained back to 173. I’m not quite looking like the stuffed sausage that I looked like a couple years ago but I’m getting there and I don’t want to get back to that weight. The fat train stops today!

    So, what worked for me when I took off the 14 pounds was eating 1200 calories each day and an eating window between noon and 7:00 p.m. I don’t really do the 5:2 but one or two days a week I would get my calories down in the 900 calorie range. I also relied heavily on higher protein foods, very little sugar, almost no high carb foods (corn, breads, dried beans) and lets face it….some hunger. Even though the TOPS group was not my favorite group (they were really a fat club that didn’t want to work on reducing which I found annoying) I did find that facing that scale in front of a person who weighed us to be helpful.

    So, I’ll be doing the same basic plan with you lovely humans. Are we all ladies here? I think @funshipfreddie might be a fellow. Not sure about that one. Anyway, until I know, I’ll presume we are all humans. Hello Humans :). I have a noon to 7 (sometimes I cut off at 6 p.m.) p.m. eating window then fast the rest of the time. Higher protein, low carb veggies, 900-1200 calories, and a few enjoyable foods within my calorie limit. I track calories in a spiral notebook. I’m not very tecky. I weigh once a week on Monday or Tuesday mornings and I keep my fingers out of the cookie jar, my all time food weakness. (Goodbye cookies until I get this pudge off.)

    I have a spinal fusion surgery coming up in Feb/March of 2024 and I’d like to weigh much less on the surgeons table than I am now. I was on trek to have the spinal surgery last year at this time but we discovered in my scans that I have a pretty good case of osteoporosis so surgery was put on hold and I’ve been taking Evenity injections monthly to strengthen my bones. If the bones are strong enough this coming Feb/March I’ll get my spinal fusion and will hopefully say goodbye to chronic back pain. No pity party…just facts. I had a spinal stimulator placed a few years ago and it helps with the pain but I just need the problem area fused to quite the miserable nerves in my spine that talk to me regularly if I do much physical activity. So I have to rely on calorie restriction to get the weight off. I’m physically unable to do much activity. I do some but not much that counts for reducing weight. It’s all calorie reduction.

    Things I enjoy are: reading, writing, keeping a tidy house, baking (but not for a while), gardening, canning, freezing, and drying foods, piano (but I hurt too much to sit at the piano for long), quilting (but I don’t do much anymore because my house is stacked with quilts and it hurts to sit at the quilting frame and sewing machine). I’m thrifty and enjoy stretching pennies but I’m not a tightwad, I’m actually quite generous.

    Things I did while working (now retired) were cleaning homes in my younger years (It worked well while raising my kids), then a medical receptionist for 8 years, then an office manager for an insurance company then an office manager for an outdoor living company for several years (awnings, decks, patio furniture etc.). I started a non-profit organization to raise money for nutritional support for people who have cystic fibrosis and it is still in operation today but I stepped away from it 5 years ago due to my fading back health problems. And a mom, a wife, a grandmother, and lots of life’s stories.

    That’s me in a nutshell. More adventures to follow but for now it is 11:00 a.m. and I HAVE NOT EATEN YET and I’m not even hungry. Thank you to all of you for letting me chat with you instead of putting food in my mouth to comfort my emotions. That, I think, is my biggest obstacle, emotional eating when I am bored, in high pain, or lonely. Hunger is rarely my problem. As a matter of fact I’m not much of a foodie but I’ve let food be my friend at times and believe me….FOOD IS NOT A GOOD SUBSTATUTE FOR REAL RELATIONSHIPS. So now I have 7,8, (??? how many humans are in this group???) new friends and I’m so thankful and excited to get to share life with you all.

    Have a good LEGAL FOOD day and I’ll catch you tomorrow.

    Day 3 – Ireland – NFD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธโœ… ๐ŸŒพ
    Hi all, I hope everyone is well! There is definitely an air of motivated enthusiasm for success this month ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ and so many people on the pocket list yesterday was great to see. ๐Ÿคฉ

    Welcome @snowflower – great to have you with us ๐Ÿ‘
    @daffodil2010 I understand the mood and it may just be a day or two of blueness so go easy on yourselfโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ’•
    @northgeorgia bravo โฌ‡๏ธ
    @at Enjoy your lovely dinner tonight! ๐Ÿฅ‚
    @stitchincarol bravo bravo bravo to you and @flourbaby, @at and @excelsior12309 – you all deserve to feel proud and super motivated with a good FD done โœ…๐Ÿคฉ
    Great you caught one ๐Ÿ˜‚Have you tried melted chocolate in the traps ๐Ÿญ ? That way they have to stay longer on/near it to try get it?
    74 episodesโ€ฆ. Wow! ๐Ÿ“บ It sounds great but I know me and hours of my life would disappear in a flashโ€ฆ noโ€ฆ days!!! Still enjoying The Morning Show here. All caught up. I must look at Velvet too @funshipfreddie- sounds nice!
    @maui Iโ€™m around the same numbers as you now.. and will head back down nowโ€ฆ. With you ๐Ÿ˜€. Minor blip last night with celebration meal here for friend last night butโ€ฆ on track again. ๐Ÿš‚
    @merryapple Iโ€™m big on the power of exercise too but must get back into that zone ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ so important for us and vital for me for mindset etc.- if we can just keep walking and lifting something ๐Ÿ’ช just not food or drink ๐Ÿ˜‚.
    Ok got to rush here.. nothing exciting to report from here today just a good old normal day โ€ฆ I like them!
    Have a greatFriday all!

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Psโ€ฆ @stitchincarol Iโ€™ve seen Who is Erin Carterโ€ฆ will be interested to hear what you think.๐Ÿ‘

    THIRD post

    @snowflower Lovely to read all your details; thanks for sharing, and we’ll keep that in mind if we have little ones here once we have our ultrasonic mouse thing installed. I have one comment on your approach to weight loss. First, if it works, then do it–YOU DO YOU. Period. But the thing to consider is that you eventually want to bake again, right? And you don’t want to limit yourself to 1200 calories a day for the rest of your life, right? Because that sounds suspicially like a diet, rather than a sustainable approach to life/eating that you can do forever, which is what most of us are assuming 5:2 will be for us. So as you lose the weight, contemplate what your process could look like once you reach maintenance, because you’re going to want to bake again, but won’t want to go back up in weight again. I sure do want to bake again; I make a mean Gooey Chocolate Chip Cookie!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Oh! And there was a second mouse in a trap this morning, but I heard more scurrying as I was doing some laptop work, so I’m thinking we have an entire colony living here. I’m certainly eager for our ultrasonic thing to come.

    Day 3 2nd post Minnesota (USA)

    Hi @stitchincarol. I will definitely be baking in the future but when I say baking, I mean baking cookies. I’ve learned that the main reason I bake is not because I want to eat cookies but because I’m bored and want something to do. But, when I bake cookies I inevitably end up eating a cookie or two and I can’t afford that extra 200 calories when I’m working to get pounds off. It just trips me up when I’m trying to reduce. Also, when I eat sugar (processed carbs) my body wants more sugar. It becomes a roller coaster of chasing the sugar. Cookies, for me, simply need to be off the table (no pun intended). I know a lot of people don’t like the word diet but it doesn’t really phase me. To me a diet is when a list tells me that I can only eat 5 different foods or something like that. For me, I know that if I eat too many calories I will gain and if I restrict calories I will lose. Is that a diet? Maybe. It is just my way of life. Thankfully, I don’t gain quickly. The pounds come back slowly when I soothe my emotions with snack foods (which I’ve been doing lately). Now, because I have done that over the last year or so, I need to correct (diet) and get things going in the other direction. Oh believe me, I will be baking in the future and I will enjoy it but for now I know my brain and it needs to find enjoyment that doesn’t involve calories.

    I’m so glad you are catching your mice. Do you live rural? Those little creatures seem to come out of the fields and try to find a new winter home when the crops come out in the fall. I live in town now but when we lived in the country we would often have a mouse or two come into the house when the fields came down. One year they made a nest in the back of my piano. I was not happy about that. My children (about ages 8 and 10 at the time) thought I was so mean because I threw the whole nest of baby mice outside and let the cat have them. There were lots of tears that day but we lived through it.

    So glad you are feeling better, hopefully no more Covid for you this year. Are you stitching anything right now? What kind of stitching do you do – sewing, quilting, cross stitch, ???? I presume from your ‘handle’ that you stitch. I just made new sheers for my music room windows and I had some shortening of the hem of a couple new store bought tops. No quilting for me this season but I did cut one of my older quilts down to a lap quilt size. It was fraying from years of use around the edges so I trimmed it down, put new edging around it and now I have a smaller version to use in the car during our freezing winter months. You sound very busy with church activities and piano lessons. How many students do you teach? I taught beginners years ago but life changed and piano teaching got sidelined. What do you enjoy playing – classics, hymns, contemporary, country, jazz etc.? I’m a big Carpenters fan, (love Richards selection of music) so I spend most of my time playing Carpenters music from the 70’s these days.

    It’s mid afternoon and I’m totally on track for my plan today, thanks to connection with all of you. Enjoy your day.

    Day 4 NFD NZ

    I ran after Mr Mac first thing this morning to put him on the lawn and am crippled again. Itโ€™s a worry because if I canโ€™t pick him up to carry him up the steps and the hill, what next??
    @stitchincarol I measured myself using a book in the doorway and was a bit shocked to find I have gone from 5โ€™9โ€to 5โ€™7โ€. That means my BMI numbers (which Iโ€™ll adjust in the tracker) and end goal arenโ€™t accurate but Iโ€™m far enough away Iโ€™m not going to worry!!
    @funshipfreddie Is Velvet on Netflix? I studied Spanish and had quite a good vocabulary after traveling for 7 months in central and South America but my verb conjugation is shocking. I donโ€™t have an opportunity to practice here but I would like to see if I can pick it up again.
    @at A hair do and Michelin Stars – youโ€™re definitely living the life! Congratulations and let us know the menu!
    @excelsior12309 Iโ€™m glad the soup worked for you. I have thyme and sorrel growing which help to amp up flavours. I love the thyme, potato, leek, lemon juice and chicken stock combo for an easy tasty soup (cut up not blended). Or I switch out leek for sorrel.
    @flourbaby On FDs I start preparing dinner at 5pm so I donโ€™t grazeโ€ฆ The trick is to go to bed early enough so I donโ€™t get hungry again!
    @snowflower Youโ€™re off with a bang! Just do what works. The FDs do help to eventually regulate how you eat on NFDs with, we all hope, moderation and consistency and dining out is a pleasure.

    Onwards and downwards!!

    Day 4 โ€“ South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – NFD

    I had a lovely lunch at the ‘Off the Hook’ restaurant down by the harbour yesterday. It was supposed to be fish & chips, but in line with ‘No-Nonsense November I opted for the savoury rice instead of chips, & I only drank a Coke Lite ๐Ÿ˜‡

    @snowflower – wow? looong posts?! ๐Ÿ˜… Yes, I’m a guy; & human! @northgeorgia too. I think we’re currently the only two males. There were 4 or 5 of us not too long ago. I’m not sure how many of us there are in total; the numbers fluctuate all the time. Y’know, if you’ve never tried a regular fast day, you might be pleasantly surprised at how easy they can be. Like any skill, it gets easier with time. I have the occasional tough one, but the difficulty is mostly psychological. You learn to ride the hunger waves, & mostly just ignore them. And the benefits of fasting in general go way beyond weight loss/maintenance. I’m curious about the ‘mouse machine’. Does it affect domestic pets too? I mean, their hearing is so sensitive. Do you know if cats & dogs can hear it too?

    @merryapple – yes, ‘Velvet’ is on Netflix. It’s 4 seasons/55 episodes, & they’re all over an hour long. Not to be confused with ‘Velvet Collection’, which is a spin-off. I’ve been trying to learn Spanish forever. But the grammar drives me nuts, especially the pronouns. But I’ve started using ‘comprehensible input’ a lot. The theory is that you learn more naturally simply by listening, & later by reading too. They say you shouldn’t worry about grammar. By listening a lot, we simply acquire it, just as we do when we learn our mother tongue. I spend a lot of time on the Dreaming Spanish site, & there’s tons of stuff on YouTube. Espaรฑol con Juan is great, & he has a free podcast on his ‘1001 Reasons to Learn Spanish’ site. I also use Duolingo, but that’s more like playing a game & I don’t think I benefit from it too much. My plan is to start on Chinese once I’m fluent in Spanish. So that’ll keep me busy when I’m in my 90’s ๐Ÿ˜‚

    @stitchincarol – I haven’t seem ‘Who is Eric Carter?’ yet. So much choice on Netflix?! I’ve heard a lot of people are raving about a new Mexican series – Pact of Silence – so I was planning on watching that if I ever get to the end of Velvet.

    @northgeorgia – feel better soon! But don’t forget to switch off that pause button ๐Ÿ”˜ I’m planning on another Sunday FD. Maybe.. ๐Ÿค”

    Michael Mosley on fructose…

    Have a good weekend everyone ๐ŸŒค ๐ŸŒˆ

    Day 4 – UK – NFD

    Good morning all

    Had a lovely evening with OH yesterday and the food was fab ๐Ÿ˜‹ The Taster menu was based on a wonderful journey around Cumbria in Autumn

    Going to a Yoga Workshop today “Nourish your Soul – a day focusing on Yoga (yin/yang), meditation, self massage, relaxation, journaling, delicious vegetarian food, and quite simply time to Be, in a peaceful and tranquil setting”

    @stitchincarol – Thank you for noticing what I’m up to……..my brain was definitely not functioning yesterday – total brain ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ I definitely weighed in at 62.8kg/138.5lbs at the beginning of the challenge and yesterday my weight was 62kg/136.7lbs – I must have kept reading 62.8 as 68……….seriously!!!!! ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ
    @flourbaby – I too like @jaifaim strongly recommend exercise both for the physical and mental benefits – just start off really slow like a 5-10mins walk outside increasing as you feel able – the benefits of fresh air and exercise cannot be over estimated
    @merryapple – the hair cut was a planned 5/6 weekly one and I hope your back eases off soon

    Anyone from this current group belong to the ZBC like me????

    Right must finish my 2nd cup of tea then shower and get ready to be out the door in time to drive to my yoga workshop starting at 10am……๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ ๐Ÿ™

    “Strive For Progress, Not Perfection”

    2nd Post – Day 4

    @at – yes! I never eat before 11:30, 12 noon. Often later. I like ‘breakfast food’, just not first thing. So it’s usually poached eggs, avo & toast for lunch. Enjoy the Yoga Workshop.

    Day 4 – Ireland – NFD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธโœ… ๐ŸŒพ
    Hi all,
    A quick check in as I must see to mumโ€™s breakfast. On that @at I am ZBC Monday to Fridayโ€ฆand then it depends whatโ€™s happening at the weekend – sometimes Iโ€™ll go for early brunch or need some food before I cycle or hike. Today I will breakfast as mum eats more if I eat with her.
    @snowflower lovely to read your post and see you are getting into the swing of things here.
    @merryapple mind yourself running after Mr Mack ๐Ÿฅฐ maybe mobility exercises would be good for you? I say that and donโ€™t actually do them myself ๐Ÿคฃ but must. Itโ€™s gentle stretches to ease into the dayโ€ฆ
    Ok must dashโ€ฆ

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others

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