2 months in and not losing anything!

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2 months in and not losing anything!

This topic contains 47 replies, has 31 voices, and was last updated by  esin 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi, I have been doing the fast diet for 2 months now and have not lost anything! My clothes are not any loser than before and I’m starting to get disheartened. I don’t want to give it up but could do with a little help on why I’m not shifting any weight.

    I am strict on Fast days and don’t go over 500 calories, i usually eat around 1200 – 1500 calories on non-fast days (this is what I was eating before I started the diet), I do high intensity exercise 3-4 times a week and hike on weekends. I also only drink once a week – if that!

    Can anyone help?


    fatty85 – do you have much/any weight to lose? Have you been dieting prior to starting 5:2?

    Hi Humphrey,

    I want to lose a stone and wasn’t really dieting before – just trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Lots of fruit and veg, avoiding processed food where possible etc.

    I’m six weeks in and only lost 2lbs
    Had lost six in first couple of weeks but seem to put it back on over the weekend
    It’s not as easy as I thought it was going to be
    My husband is doing much better than me

    fatty85, consider changing your user name, to something like slim00 to start.

    The weight may be ok for you now, as you didn’t mention health problems.

    For me, lifestyle is about life and not about weightstyle.

    Curious about your thoughts on this?

    I’m not all about being skinny – I am slightly overweight and want to shed a few pounds as most of us do. After much research this diet seemed like the best option due to the numerous health benefits, and the likelihood of falling off the wagon is very slim as you don’t have to deny yourself anything (for long anyway!).

    I don’t have any health problems at the moment – I want to do the diet to prevent them from happening in the first place. If I can live a healthy life while reducing the risk of various illnesses and loss a few pounds in the process that seems like a good life!

    ” If I can live a healthy life while reducing the risk of various illnesses and loss a few pounds in the process that seems like a good life!”

    I get that. You’ve got the first part, now for the second part.

    Fatty85, I’m no dietician but it should not be possible to stay the same weight if you’re doing everything you mention. My wife just dropped of the diet as she hadnt lost anything after four weeks. She was also faithful to the 500 cal. I have lost 7 pounds in the same time but I have been exercising about as much as you, my wife hasn’t been exercising. It seems that we are all different. It seems to me though that if you were doing just one of the things you say you are doing- 5:2, 1200-1500 cal off days AND good exercise, the weight should be coming off. But no movement with all three? Bizarre!

    Wait 2 more months, then call me in the morning.

    Not an expert, but is it possible you’re not eating enough on non-fast days? From what I’ve read, your body goes into “starvation mode”, and lowers your metabolism, if you under eat on consecutive days. That’s one of the reasons people often regain even more weight after traditional diets. The whole point of this diet is to avoid that problem by eating normally most of the week.

    Hi julwat,

    Thanks for the reply. I wondered about that fact that I don’t eat 2000 calories on a non fast day but as it says to eat ‘normally’ that’s what I do….. My calorie intake before starting 5:2 was about 1200-1500 and has been for at least a year so that is normal for me. Very frustrating!!

    I am in the very same situation! Today is the start of my ninth week and I follow the 500 calories on the fast days and eat normal the other 5 days. Not only have I NOT lost anything but I have actually gained 3 pounds! I love the idea of the diet but it doesn’t seem to make sense restricting ones self on the two fast days a week if I not only don’t lose weight but gain instead. I would be interested in hearing from others that have the same problem to see what they did about it.

    I was exactly in the same situation as you, prima_mona, after two months on the plan I hadn’t lost a single pound, my clothes weren’t feeling any looser, and I was on the verge of giving up. Thankfully, I happened to spot in the mirror the fact that my bingo-wings were looking less flabby, and that is what spurred me on to keep going. Sure enough, shortly after that, I finally saw a small decrease in my weight. I put my very slow progress down to the fact that I don’t have much to lose, my body has been subjected to every diet under the sun (and is therefore resistant to change), I don’t do any exercise, I’m generally a very healthy eater and I’m not prepared to count calories on my non-fast days. I’m happy with that though. After years of failed diets I’m happy to settle for the long haul if its an easier ride than the rest. What has been your starting point?

    You should try to keep your fast days at under 25% of normal eating or 300 calories for you. I know I should be under 500 (even though I’m a guy) on that basis, but I don’t trust the calorie estimates and always keep it under 400 just for good measure. If I were you I’d try 200 calories on fast days in order to make sure I was entering the fasting state. I can tell when this happens for me.

    Then try eating more than 1200 on non-fast days, but don’t go overboard. Hopefully your metabolism will increase a bit. If you stick to 200 on fast days, you’d have 2000 extra calories to work with per week. I don’t count calories on non-fast days because It’s hard and I’m lazy, but it sounds like you’re used to doing it. I do have to work at not going overboard on non-fast days. Often I fast until noon on non-fast days and I mostly avoid high calorie foods (except for a few things I especially love).

    Good luck fatty85. You’ll have to change your name to skinny85. Just keep at it until you get those calories low enough it works.

    ½ chicken breast 93 cals

    not everything u said just the breast

    oops i c what u meant it is that
    this is a usa goverment site they r super accurate

    Thanks for suggestions and support. I will keep going as the health benefits are too good! I will try just having 300 calories tomorrow….. Wish me luck!

    Oh Fatty85 I do feel for you.I haven’t a clue why you are not losing weight except that,as others have suggested, there seems to be a possibility that you just don’t have any weight to lose.
    I have no idea whether the strategy of breaking the “diet” for a couple of weeks and then coming back to it would work but I have heard this suggested for other regimes in the past.You sound very organised but the importance of weighing/measuring on a fast day cannot be over emphasized. My husband invested in some decent kitchen scales and was shocked by the difference between what he thought was the correct portion size and what he could actually eat.
    Good luck.

    Thanks Old Faster. I tend to stick to prepacked salads on fast days so I don’t have to weigh things but when winter creeps in I will need to rethink s the scales will definitely make an appearance! thanks 🙂

    I was pleased to see that someone else actually admits to having the same problem as I’ve experienced on this diet, fatty85. I went two months on it and lost no weight. My usual food intake, like yours is just to eat healthily and my normal non fast day calorie intake is about 1500 to 1700, which is correct for my age and BMI. I gave up on it, as the fast days seemed to be making me feeel ill. Perhaps it is not suitable for those who have only a few pounds to lose. Like you, I want to prevent myself from putting on weight and to keep healthy. I did find that I seemed to feel thinner on it and my stomach seemed flatter, so I’m still thinking about trying it again. There is the problem that 500 calories is more than a quarter of my recommended daily intake for my BMI and age (fifty nine). I also found it hard to get my five a day veg on fast days.

    This is just my opinion, but if you are limiting yourself to 1200-1300 cal on NON-fast days, then that is far too little. In my opinion, your body was already thinking that it was in a long-term famine, as there were far too few calories coming in to begin with…especially if you are exercising heavily along with it. The key to the 5:2, as I understand it, is that you only calorie restrict on the fast days. But if your “non-fast” days are maxing out at 1300 cal, then your body is actually thinking that EVERY day is a calorie restricted day and on two days of the week the restriction gets even worse. For 5:2 to work, there has to be enough calories, on the non-fast day, for your body to understand that it isn’t in a long term famine.

    To support my hypothesis, let me give my own example. I have only been doing this for two weeks, however, so take it with a grain of salt. Moreover, I am doing ADF, rather than 5:2. Plus, on my fast days, I am truly fasting. No food at all. Just water. I am 44 years old, I am about 6′ tall, and I started at about 248. In just two weeks I am now at 240. But here’s the thing: Yes, every other day I don’t eat a thing. But on the non-fast days, the sky is the limit. Seriously. I eat whatever in the world I want, and don’t think twice about it. Sugary sodas? Check. Ice cream? Check. Pizza? Check. Seriously. Yesterday I had a ridiculous amount of seven layer dip and chips, pizza, coffee with cream and sugar, a 20 oz soda, and a pretty decent alcoholic night cap. This morning I was 1 lb up from my previous weigh in, but on my fast days I am usually going down anywhere from 2-3 lbs. So it is an up and down sort of thing, but my ultimate point is this: I make sure that my body understands that the calorie restriction was only temporary. I don’t recommend that people eat like I do on their non-fast days (especially if they are only doing 5:2 and not ADF like me), but it doesn’t change the fact that I believe that your lack of progress is that your body thinks each and every day is calorie restricted, and two days a week it gets even worse, and so therefore your body is going to hold on to all the fat as if your life depended on it. Because your body thinks your life DOES depend on it.

    Again, that’s just my two cents…

    Sounds like you aren’t eating ENOUGH on non-fast days! It should be up around 2,000 calories (depending on your weight and exercise level). You need to figure out your TDEE and make sure you are hitting that on non-fast days….even if 1200-1500 is what feels “normal” to you…it may not be enough for your body! Go to this site and calculate your TDEE and then come back and let us know what it said: http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html

    Thanks for your comments. My TDEE is 2448. I struggle to get 2000 in without feeling gross! I can’t eat much pasta, rice or potatoes as they make me bloat so much and I would need to eat a mountain of veg to get those kind of calories in me! Eating junk/fatty/greasy food really makes me feel sluggish, bloated and just horrible. I will try and up my intake on non fast days and see how it goes although I’m terrified of putting on weight!

    concerning ur bloating

    this helped me

    by the way

    Rice is the only starch that does not cause gas.
    So u can eat that 🙂

    Gas in the Digestive Tract
    Part 1 – Why gas happens and what foods can cause it.


    this is not a computer glitch
    just checkmarking
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    new here – been lurking for several days.

    i agree with many of the points brought up here.

    i too have a tendency to go overboard on the exercise because i love working out, but have you tried easing up on the intensity of your workouts? that would lower your TDEE, and also match up with your tendency to undereat.

    also, i understand about the healthy eating habits you already espouse. i too do not eat greasy foods and starchy carbs. how about adding nuts and seeds to your meals?

    having been on 5:2 for just 3 days (doing my 2nd fast day today as we speak :)), i was down 2 pounds the past few days, and logging all of my foods in Fitday.com. i also have been keeping my workouts moderate – light weights, 30-40 min max. if i do a 2nd workout for the day, i make it really light, like barre work or walking (leslie sansone).

    about me: i’m perimenopausal (gained 8# over the past 2 yrs, something unheard of for me), turning 51 this weekend, 5’3″, and i weigh 126 today. my TDEE is around 1600. yesterday, i ate way too much! like 1800 or something, but the day before (a feed day), i ate around 1300.

    my cholesterol has been borderline for many years now, 249 at the last fasting blood test. but now that i am going into meno, i’m extremely concerned that i won’t have the estrogen protection against heart disease. i see my doc quarterly and do a fasting cholesterol blood test for each visit.

    i have been able to get my blood pressure down w/o meds, and he has been very congratulatory, but frowns at the cholesterol readings.

    would you care to share your stats with us?

    i think that what others have said regarding eating too little, compounded with your extensive workouts, is probably putting your body in “stress” mode.

    another point: you could be gaining more muscle, especially if you lift heavy.

    read this thread – it’s written by a man, and he stopped losing weight 3 months ago while on the 5:2 plan. HOWEVER, comma, his size has decreased around his hips and waist, so much so that his old pants are falling off:


    i’ve also noticed in just a few days, my formerly tight work pants were loose on me yesterday. 🙂

    There’s one thing to remember about loosing weight, you didn’t gain it in a few weeks, so you really don’t want to loose it quickly. That’s bad. Be patient and you will get there and don’t forget all the other health benefits you are getting even when your weight loss slows or even stops temporarily.
    It is disheartening not loosing, but keep at it, it does work and as I’m always saying, we are all different.

    Thanks all – I’m still going – still haven’t lost a thing! I have tried to up me calorie intake on non-fast days despite feeling horribly bloated most of the time. I have also reduced my fast day intake. I try and stick to around 300 calories on a fast day which I will have in one go in the evening which I have found is the easiest way for me. Because I feel so awful on non-fast days I look forward to fasting so much as I feel ‘normal’!. I will keep going due to the health benefits but am completely gutted that I haven’t lost anything 🙁

    “I will keep going due to the health benefits but am completely gutted that I haven’t lost anything ”

    I am also fasting because of the lifestyle & benefits and recently checked on my muscle increase. I’m able to monitor the % of fat and muscle on my body with the scale that I have.

    It encouraged me to continue on my strengthening & cardio that I’ve increased doing over the past months.

    Besides weight as a measurement of progress, how else can you measure progress for yourself?

    Reading through some of this thread I am concerned some people are using 5:2 as a ‘quick fix diet’ which, I believe, not to be the case. Most folk on the 5:2 as I am aware are either doing it as they are overweight to start with or they are doing it for the health benefits (therefore not overly preoccupied with the scales). It concerns me to think people are worrying so much about whether the scales have moved or not…this is not a healthy attitude to have & will only make you miserable.

    Please try to remember that this is for the benefit of our HEALTH and not just about looking good on the beach. Plus in my experience exercising & doing the 5:2 I have found the scales don’t shift but my clothes are feeling looser & I FEEL healthier. I wish people wouldn’t get obsessed with numbers…as somebody who has been surrounded by people (family/friends) with eating disorders I know it’s a dangerous road to go down.

    I hate to think of anyone being upset & frustrated by doing this as it shouldn’t be that way. Maybe the 5:2 way of eating isn’t for everyone?

    I couldn’t agree more AGurl78, well said.

    Unfortunately it’s human nature to want to see the scales ‘go down’ – though we all know that our bodies ‘do their own thing’ when it comes to weight loss.

    The health benefits are still there and that’s important.


    I think that u rly need to lower ur calories. I mean 1200-1500 calories in non fast days and no more than 500 calories on fast days is way too much. Instead u should try not to have over 500 calories on non fast days and as close to 0 calories as u can on fast days. Also u should make as many days as u can fast days

    What on odd post

    At that rate you’ll be living on fresh air within the week!

    For my two cents, I do NOT recommend lowering your calories any more than you eat right now. As someone with a past eating disorder, continuing to lower your calories continually is indicative of disordered eating, as well as being terrified of gaining weight. As I saw on another post here, your body is probably too famished to lose weight. That’s how my body got to be–I was exercising too much and eating too little calories everyday so that I couldn’t lose any more weight (as countercultural as that sounds). Take care of yourself and figure out whether you might actually have an eating disorder.

    do not push yourself so much .we should have a good mood when we are losing weight . otherwise you will be failed . really

    Hello, I just finished my second month of the 5:2 and I have been very faithful. I am 53, post menopausal, 5’2″ and hover around 125 pounds. I have never had a weight problem, as I have always been fit and active and ate well. Now I am concerned. Two months into the 5:2 and I have not lost an ounce!!! not an ounce! Not only that, my thighs seem to be getting bigger. I’m not delusional. Two pairs of my pants are proving me right. Weirdly, my waist is narrowing in, which is nice, but my thighs and hips are expanding. I cannot explain this. Have any of you experienced something similar? many thanks, Juno

    same here, I was very hopeful about this diet but I´ve done 3 weeks now and have absolutely not lost a single gram. Despite not eating excessively on normal days. I don´t think this diet is working at all. I´m giving up. No point in suffering for nothing. I´m glas I tried because the fast diet has made me learn how to make some very low cal dishes and I now eat twice as many veggies than before and less junkfood and sweets. But as far as weight loss it is absolutely not working for me.

    You’re still eating too much then. Go zero on your fast days (it’s not hard) and under your TDEE on your feed days and the weight cannot fail to drop off.

    well maybe zero on fast days is not hard for you but I would find it absolutely impossible. I would not be able to function and definitely not be able to work. It´s horrible enough to eat only 500 calories. I feel hungry all day long every single minute of the day – and no it does not get better with time – and I tend to have moments of mental blackouts at work on those days. The only way fast days are even bearable at all is by eating very large volumes of veggies for lunch and dinner.
    so, I need to see some results soon or I will switch to a less extreme diet.

    I want to add that I´m 50 and am taking candesartan for bloodpressure since 2 years. I have in the past always been able to lose weight on diets. But since I take this drug I have gained weight and no matter what I do I cannot lose any of it. So, the cause is either this medication or my age. If it´s the pills, then it´s absolutely counterproductive. Gaining weight on bloodpressure meds is pathetic since weight gain will make the condition worse and the unhappiness resulting from all of that is not exactly helpful. So anyone who is not losing weight on the fast diet like me, are you taking meds and have they maybe made you fat?

    Hi plancton:

    Given your language, it is clear that you and 5:2 do not agree. I suggest you find another diet you can believe in as soon as possible.

    Good Luck!

    Hello, Midway into my fourth month of 5:2 and actually have some good news to report. The first sign this diet was working came in end of March at a routine dental exam. I was diagnosed with gingivitis years ago, which surprised me as I thought I had good oral hygiene routines. I’ve used prescription rinses, floss, blah, blah, blah.
    Well, at my most recent appointment the dentist was “floored” that I had no signs of gingivitis. She even called her assistant over to have a look. Though I am not sure if this is a 5:2 thing, as I seen no one else reporting such on this site, I give the diet credit, as nothing else has changed.

    Just last week I have finally noticed a drop in weight. I went from 125 to 121. also I fit very well into the pants that I could not get into in February.

    Also, my skin is in amazing condition. Very soft and clear. My hair, too is very soft. (I don’t color)

    So, those are my results at 3+-months into 5:2.I plan to stay on board and see what other surprises are in store.

    You need to think positively that you gonna achieve it, eat lots of fruits and veggies, drink too much water, it will work!

    Thanks Tom. I started out attempting to raise my resting pulse above 45. I had read “180 degree health” and when I ate 2000-3000/day for 2 weeks, I gained 15 lbs. Now I have a low pulse and alot of extra body fat. I have also attempted raising calorie intake more slowly but with the same result. More fat. I have experimented with different macro % over the past two years with no results. I believe the science behind it is sound but once you have added a bunch of mid-rift fat and you are a senior with low thyroid, you are stuck.
    I am thrilled with 5:2 idea also makes a lot of sense but I have not lost any inches or weight in 2 months. I feel good on the plan but it needs some adjusting. I typically eat 1200-1500/day or I gain weight. I suspect that 500 is not low enough on fast days to make a big enough contrast. I also suspect that my body may think I am fasting all the time now. (Before this disastrous little experiment, I ate a lot some days and very little other days much like the 5:2 pattern and I was thin and happy. However, I wanted a higher pulse as I know that is better for long term health, thus the dietary experiments.)
    Also, I cook for my boyfriend two days a week now and we eat well on those days. I may make it to 2000-2500/day.
    I just started doing 300 on fast days and normal 1200-1500 on non-fast days and more on cooking days. (I have always been a whole foods eater. I don’t buy or consume packaged food, so junk is not the problem.) I now live in Argentina which is a bread and pasta loving country. I am eating more of these foods than before but not more than twice a week. I enjoy a cocktail once or twice a week, which is also new.
    At first I didn’t feel hungry at all on fast days, now sometimes I do. I suspect that maybe the fat on my organs is starting to decrease and that is why the inches haven’t decreased. If that doesn’t work, I will do the nothing but coffee and water on fast days approach that you suggested.
    Something has to give, the math has to win out at some point.
    Thanks again Tom

    Just read your post and had to share. Have a look at The obesity Code by Jason Fung. I just downloaded it onto my kindle and couldn’t put it down. I think that you would find it very useful, I know I have.

    I am pleased to discover that one week after our two week vacation, I have lost 1/2lb. Slight reduction in back fat otherwise measurements are the same except waistline which is worse. I am hopeful that this is an indication that it is working. Its going to be very slow due to the low thyroid. Much slower than I anticipated. I’ll check out your book reference. Thanks

    Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I was glad to learn that 5:2 can be ‘slow’ diet not fast diet.
    My first F-day was on November 15th, 1&1/2 month ago, and no weight loss at all.
    I exercise every day ( on F-days I practice yin yoga, the rest are cycling/strength classes), I eat 540 cal on fast days – 3 raw bars 180 cal each and eat just like the owner of this topic 1200 to 1500 cal on eat-days.
    Ok, I am going wait patiently for results
    Many thanks again to all ‘slow’ dieters

    Hi everybody. I started the 5:2 diet 2 weeks ago and have been gaining the weight back on non-fast days. I want to loose 15 kg; but the health benefits are more important to me. I wonder whether there is anybody who has monitored his/her blood sugar levels in due course of the diet? If I witness that people have benefited from this diet in terms of improving their blood sugar levels (or insulin resistance, diabetics, etc.), which is stated as the major benefit of this diet, then I’d be much more motivated to stick to it even if I do not loose weight fast.

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