I’m a 73yo woman who has 50+ pounds to lose.
I’ve done 5:2 before. In the past I was able to stay on it for a few years and I got very close to my goal weight but then something went wrong. It’s taken me *years* to establish the 5:2 habit and discipline again but I *hope* I’ve nailed it this time. I have nice clean fast days and on my food days I eat 2 sensible balanced meal that I plan the day before.
The only real problem I’m having is that mid-afternoon I get this feeling that I can’t make it until dinner and I snack. The things I’ve been going to when I can’t stand it is a few olives or some hummus or jicama — rather large amounts of jicama.
Does snacking do damage to the metabolism rates in 5:2? How can I get past these obsessive cravings for food at inappropriate times?
9:05 pm
31 Aug 20