I first saw the horizon programme when I was still pregnant and knew that once I was ready I’d give it a go. Its very similar to how I ate as a student, often going a few days on just a couple of sandwiches and cereal then having big meals out and lots of drink. I thought it was really unhealthy at the time but I lost a stone over one summer so I was hopeful for this diet but the difference now is I’m 10 years older with a 3 month old baby to look after. I though this would be perfect as I don’t have to calorie count everyday but I’m finding that after a fast day I’m absolutely starving and I just eat everything I can get hold of. On a fast day I usually have an egg based meal at about 3pm and then some fruit about 5ish, my drinks are calorie free. The next day I don’t usually get to eat until 11am or sometimes later. I know where I’m going wrong and thats controlling my appetite on non fast days but I was hoping my tummy would shrink and my appetite with it as it did before. When I was pregnant I ate like a pig for most of it and I don’t seem to be able to shake the appetite. Should I try the odd 2 day fast in a row? Its very frustrating as I know I’m more than capable of doing it successfully.
7:37 am
31 May 13