Stuck at the "sound barrier" of 70 kg – no matter what I do…

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Stuck at the "sound barrier" of 70 kg – no matter what I do…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 6 years, 12 months ago.

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  • I started the 5:2 Fast Diet on 28 March 2017 weighing 74.4 kg with a target weight of 58.5 kg.

    Ever since I have been able to stick to the 2 fasting days per week (not consecutive, though), taking in only 1/4 of my TDEE (= 400 kcal) during a fasting day and keeping away from sweets and alcohol during the 5 other days…

    I thought I was doing well: During the 1st month I lost exactly 2 kg which is what I had expected and which is what I normally use if I stick to Weight Watching.

    During the 2nd month the weight loss was lowed down: 1.8 kg only.
    But that was in April – and the Easter weekend was a bit of a “pig out weekend” for me: too many sweets during the 5 “normal” days…

    But ever since 22 April I’m “stuck” above the “sound barrier” of 70 kg, my weight alternating between 70.0, 70.6 and 70.4 kg for the past 2 weeks.
    That is SO frustrating since I have not changed anything since 28th March and I’m sticking to the diet (and sticking to the same weighing routine in order to get comparable results) without fail.

    Any ideas as to how to “break this sound barrier”?

    That is sooo frustrating!
    Here is a read that might provide some comfort:

    I know that lots of people complain about being on a plateau, so if you type ‘plateau’ into the search space up on the top right of this page, you’ll get lots of results!

    Good luck!

    There is an interplay between the leptin signal (produced by fat cells) and insulin produced by you pancreas. As you have reduced you fat levels your leptin signal has been lowered. Therefore for you to continue to lose weight you must lower your insulin levels. Describe a typical non fast days food intake? Avoid all processed carbs, especially grain based carbs. No bread, pasta, pizza, cake, biscuits breakfast cereals etc. If it was made from grains its a no go zone.

    Get you carbs from veggies. No potatoes, no fruit juice, no fruit smoothies, so sugar anything. No artificial sweeteners, no sugary drinks, including sports drinks.

    When I don’t have any processed carbs my blood glucose will be about 4.8-5.2mmol/L. If I eat processed carbs the night before my BG will be a full unit higher the next day. You want to lower your BG as low as it can go. 3.9mmol/L is rock bottom.

    Good luck.

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