March's Small Group Accountability Challenge!

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March's Small Group Accountability Challenge!

This topic contains 74 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Smeagle 7 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 75 total)

  • It feels as though I should have about another week before announcing this but here goes.. welcome to the third small group accountability challenge!

    Lots of us rearing to go and show March who’s boss ๐Ÿ˜‰ as always if you weren’t with us last month please feel free to join in this time.

    How it works:

    First of all a quick post to introduce yourself and let me know your goal for February, your goal can be in terms of weight, exercise commitment, diet commitment or anything else.

    Feel free to give me stats for โ€œStarting Weightโ€ and โ€œIdeal Weightโ€ as well as our monthly goal just to give us that added bit of motivation โ€“ if you donโ€™t feel comfortable disclosing this information donโ€™t feel any pressure at all. Youโ€™re still more than welcome.

    Then post as often as you like to let me know about your fast days (FD) and non-fast days (NFD).

    **Slight change from last month – please can we all post our fast days AFTER the fact in the format โ€œDay# or Mar# = FD or NFDโ€ as a separate paragraph above your main message – this makes it easier for me to keep track on the spreadsheet and also avoids re-dos if anyone slips up on an intended fast day ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you!**

    I will then update the spreadsheet for everyone, you can keep track of it here:

    Lets do this ๐Ÿ˜‰ xx

    @xamos – I am IN!!! Ok – My goal this month is to lose 6lbs. I am downgrading it somewhat, as I have a 10 day ski trip, 20 hour drive each way which fast food always seems to sneak in – and then some drinking with my sister and friends that will be coming from Arizona to join us. So, up until then – I am going to fast 3 days a week, which I have not done yet – so…feeling good and motivated here on the start. I will let you know start weight – on Wednesday the 1st – as I am fasting today and hope it to be down a couple.
    Excited to keep going – my ultimate goal is to weigh 160 – one large bag of dog food to go!!! 51 lbs!
    Thanks Xamos – for keeping this going!

    @xamos Thank you for arranging and I’m back in!
    I will update the starting weight tomorrow but today I’m 74.7 kg. My goal weight is 70kg. If I get my act together…I could get there by the end of March!!

    Hello @xamos, I would like to join too.
    I live in Essex.
    This month my goal is aim for a modest loss of one kilo. It’s a stubborn kilo and it doesn’t wish to go. I will also try not to weigh myself daily..

    I’ve learned things about myself by being in this group for a couple of months, so thank you everyone. Especially I now try to plan what to eat, and count calories on fast days.

    Good luck and good health.

    Hi @xamos,

    Hope you’re having an excellent Tuesday! Will you please include me in the March challenge? I’m in New Jersey on business travel and will update my weight after I return home on Thursday.

    And goals remain the same as Feb, looking to lose 2-4 lbs in March.

    @xamos Im in!!

    Im going for 10lbs this month after a rubbish 7lbs last month!

    Start weight is 17st 6lbs.

    March…. YOUR MINE

    Yaaaay hello everyone!

    @grins lovely to have you again ๐Ÿ™‚ sounds like a wonderful trip and you can plan to make sure it doesn’t throw you off too much!

    @tiffoz sounds like you had a really beautiful time in Bali, lets get to your goal this month!

    @smeagle so happy you’re so close to your goal! Amazing!

    @lessofme34 I was going to put out a search party for you! Please stay in one place we all miss you!! How’s your lovely wife?

    @hippyhayles Hello again ๐Ÿ˜›

    **EVERYONE – Me and Hayley (HIPPYHAYLES) have a whatsapp chat going on where we’ve been chatting regularly – if anyone else wants to join just let us know and we can get a group chat together! It’s good for venting ;)**

    March – you may not be shaking in your boots at the thought of me after my efforts this last month but mark my words, I will have you!!

    Putting everyone into the spreadsheet now and pulling a couple others from the Feb sheet that’ve said they want to join in, if I need any more info from anyone I’ll make a fresh post and ask for it!

    **LASTLY – PLEASE PLEASE can you read and take note of the paragraph about noting your fast days separate from your main message, I’m sorry to be a pain but this makes my life so much easier especially if I’m having a manic day and don’t have much time! This is from @willworkforhealth‘s experience of running this group before me. Love you all!**

    @xamos Thanks for doing this, I am completely in!

    Starting weight= 167.9lbs
    Ideal Weight = 160lbs
    March Target = 163lbs

    I plan to fast on Mondays and Wednesdays.

    Looking forward to working with you ladies and gents. Lets do this!!

    Thank you @xamos !

    I would like to join please ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am 30, 5 ft 4 and getting married in September which is my motivation I have recently restarted my fasting journey (this is my third week).

    Start Weight – 11 stone 0.5 lbs
    Ideal Weight – 10 stone
    March Target – 10 stone 10 (4.5lbs please)

    I am also giving up sweets and chocolate for lent – so hopefully this will help and ‘looking into’ joining back at the gym.

    Thanks once again

    Hi all.
    Feb 27&28= FD.
    I weighed myself this morning and was 55.7kg – yay, met and exceeded my Feb goal!
    My goal for March is to lose a kilo so I have a new goal of 54.7 kg, which is scary (I haven’t been that weight for a few years!)
    I will generally stick to Mon and Tues fasts but will update you @xamos after the fact because yes I completely understand it is lots of work, so thank you so much for doing the spreadsheet. It really helps to see progress.

    Food loving fasters, I completely relate! We are going for a meal out on Friday – Indian food at a restaurant we didn’t try before but has a good reputation, so I will be very good today in order to have a guilt free supper.
    I am half-way through a 1500g box of Belgian chocs that were a valentines gift from my partner … It has been nice to incorporate them into my diet. I asked my partner to help me eat them as there are so many chocolates.
    Is there a link between the stubborn kilo that won’t leave me and the 1.5 kilo box of chocs? Hmm.

    Hi! Newbie here. I’m in for the March challenge but I am BRAND new to this diet so I’m slightly overwhelmed.

    Starting weight today: 181lbs
    Goal weight: 155lbs
    Target for March: I have no idea since I’ve never done this before.

    I have some questions so please tell me if there is a better place to ask them. Do you fast on consecutive days? Do you still drink wine, beer, etc on non-fasting days?

    Can you exercise on fast days?

    Hi all!

    Jumping in this month. My goal is to lose a pant size and fit into my smallest pants in my closet! I so have my serious hat on for March. Excited for everyone’s progress to come!

    @angela80 I got you ๐Ÿ™‚ keep me updated as the month goes on!

    @09katie welcome great to have you! Another bride-to-be just like @hippyhayles ๐Ÿ™‚ also very similar stats to me (i’m 5’2) so let the competition commence ๐Ÿ˜‰

    @smeagle amazing stuff well done! Hahaha love that chocolate box comment.. practically all my extra kg’s are from chocolate ๐Ÿ˜›

    @niccibyrd welcome ๐Ÿ™‚ you can ask questions here no worries, we’ll all try to help. Alot of your questions come down to preference really and you’ll have to test things out to see how you go, some people like to fast consecutive days and “get it over with” others prefer spreading them apart, similarly some decide to use some of their cals for drinking on a NFD (as long as you stay within your TDEE – check this sites calculators under the resources section if you don’t know what that is) and some feel great after exercise on a FD while others crash and burn – you just need to see what works for you! I’ll put you down as a 4lbs loss goal for this month and we’ll see how you get on ๐Ÿ™‚

    Glad to have you again @willworkforhealth ๐Ÿ™‚ adding you now.

    Good morning. My starting weight is 73.1kg for March.
    My fast days will be Mon & Wed each week.
    Thank you.

    Mar 1 FD
    Starting wt. 210LB
    Goal at month end 200
    Happy March, MSGAC Friends!!!! I am starting today at 210lB Just .2 up from yesterday which is not bad, as yesterday was NOT a FD!!! Today is a FD, and I am happy for a new month – it is a beautiful day here in Minnesota, and we are going to have a wonderful weekend forecast as well. I am busy – as we are going to be selling our house and moving to a lakehome that has been in my family since my grandfather. Hard on my husband, as this was his home where he raised his kids – both homes are furnished, so we have to pick and choose. I must get in more exercise!!!
    I hope we all have a great month..
    @hippy – what is your wedding date…getting closer!
    Good luck everyone

    hello all!!

    Day 1 NFD

    Yesterdays FD went well, pancvake day and had to make the family lost of them but I didn’t eat any, plus I was tested at work, chippy day for the lads at work, another HUGE test.

    Great to have some new people in here too for this month! This is a great group and I cant believe we are 3 months in already. I cant believe im still sticking to this 3 months in, couldn’t have done it without you all!

    @xamos my weight in the spreadsheet is wrong lol wish I was that light!!

    @09katie oh another bride! Hows the palnning coming along? Very exciting times ahead!

    @grins oh gosh its sounds wonderful. Yes must be hard for your hubby. Can I come and live with your please! Wedding is in….58 DAYS!! Hen party in 48 hours!!

    March is going to be a good month I can feel it! xx

    Would love to join again please!

    Start weight 64.7kgs
    Goal weight this month 62kgs
    Overall goal 60kgs

    Days 1-5 NFD

    I’m guessing my start weight since I don’t have scales at the hotel I’m in at the moment, but that was my last weigh-in a week or so back, and I doubt it’s changed much. As many of you know, I’m actually more interested in my waist size than weight, but to decrease one I seem to need to decrease the other… Not a big surprise really!

    I’m travelling this week, and it’s hard enough travelling to the other side of the world without fasting, so my first fasting for March will be next week. However, I’m very motivated to lose some fat this month – I’m getting up on stage on the 31st March for a pole dancing performance, and it will be a whole lot easier if I weigh less! So I’ll be tracking my food intake on NFDs as well as FDs once I return home (I know this gives better results, I just get lazy about doing it most of the time).

    Bring on March, glad to see you all again, and welcome to the newcomers!

    Day 2 FD (did I do that right?)

    First fast day of march (although only my 6th fast day in total) and feeling like I’m looking forward to it. Got a 200 cal soup for lunch and a veg chilli in the slow cooker that’s about 250 cals ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope everyone has a successful day!

    If my scales are working tomorrow it’s weight day, so I’ll post my results.

    I have a slimstagram if anyone wants to follow me on there too, part fast, part sw @murrayslimmings_ sw


    Day 1 FD
    Day 2 NFD

    Good afternoon all!

    Yesterday’s fast felt like a real struggle, I was hungry for the majority of the day, and got quite grumpy mid afternoon.

    Luckily, I took myself off to the gym, and thrashed it out. My mood increased significantly, and I was able to go to bed in a great mood.

    A successful day over all, finished up at 378 cals.

    Hello all,

    Yesterdays NFD went well, I went out for a meal at my wedding venue with my mum to pay the final balance. Certianly lost a few pounds there!

    @angela80 Im sorry but I feel I have to raise some concerns about your calorie intake. I really feel that the intake your having on a FD is not enough. You have also been to the gym on 378 calories. Or have you eaten more and the 378 is whats left after burning at the gym? What is your calorie content on NFD?

    Day 1= NFD

    Start weight is 177 this month. I am still building back strength post pregnancy and I am very proud of the way my body composition changed the last month. Even though I gained a couple pounds in February I am watching the rolls and inches melt away! A friendly reminder to everyone that the scale is not the final verdict on your progress. This month, I will make diet my focus over building muscle. It’s going to be a challenge not to let my lack of progress in the gym mess with my mind. Just have to change focus back to the scale.

    Today is my first FD of March!

    @hippyhayles if I may suggest that you look into fasted cardio/ fasted exercise. It can be quite beneficial under the right circumstances.

    @willworkforhealth Thanks for that, I’ve just had a look and from what I have read its more complicated that just doing cardio on an empty stomach.

    Anyway with that said, I don’t feel I am enjoying this group anymore. So wont be posting any further, I wish you all well in your journey.

    @hippyhayles I hope I haven’t offended you in some way! Sometimes tone comes across differently in text. If I have I’m sorry.

    Hey all,

    Anyone wishing to give starting weight statistics please do so, I have updated the spreadsheet for everyone that’s given info so far ๐Ÿ™‚ i’m torn between continuing ADF and starting a 16:8 regime to get my eating in check.. i’m going to try a FD tomorrow and see how I get on then go from there.

    Hope we’re all doing well, forgive me if my replies are a little less all-inclusive this month than other months, I don’t want to fall into a pattern of being far too repetitive in replies ๐Ÿ™‚ you are all appreciated and acknowledged of course so please never feel that you aren’t!

    @hippyhayles so sorry to hear this isn’t working out for you anymore, thank you so much for your support over these past couple of months and I sincerely hope you have a fantastic journey and a beautiful wedding. We will be here if you ever decide to return.

    Day 3 – NFD

    Happy Friday everyone. Weigh day today and I’ve lost over a 1lb ๐Ÿ™‚ super chuffed and feeling motivated after a good fast day yesterday. Gym tonight, no more fasting until Monday, so have a great weekend everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 2 =FD

    I ended 200 calories over my goal by still an FD and not bad for the first one in weeks. I forgot how strict I need to be about the calories I take in and making sure every single one is as filling and nutritious as possible.

    Surprisingly, my workout this morning was not much different. I thought I would be super tired and weak.

    Congrats @09katie !! It’s always a great feeling.

    Hi MSGAC friends
    I should not have weighed myself this morning but couldn’t resist- the result was okay but ‘for my eyes only’ !! as I am sure that next week I will be heavier, it is the nature of things. I’m feeling good about my progress this year. Last year I got to this weight too then lapsed though.

    I have been good today in preparation for a meal out later this evening! Yay, no cooking and lovely food.

    @xamos no worries about replying individually, it’s difficult as there are a few of us. I try 16:8 sometimes. I am thinking of trying the 800 cal per day BS Diet (lol!) as a different method. Sometimes it’s good to try a different way.

    @angela80, hi, I was wondering about cutting my fast day food to around 400 cal as I don’t consume 2000 calories per day as a TDEE. Elsewhere on his site, Dr Mosely says your cal intake on a Fast Day should be a quarter of your total daily requirement, and if you are small-ish or not esp active, I read that as saying you can adjust to lower than 500. So 400 would suit me. So difficult to do. Well done. Also, some people on this site eat nothing at all on their fast days as they find that easier. Perhaps one day I will give that a go but how difficult that must be.

    Hello @willworkforhealth. Nice to have you here.

    Hi @09katie well done

    Everyone else, well done for continued efforts.
    Have a lovely weekend.

    Day 1 NF
    Day 2 F
    Day 3 F
    Current Waist 40″
    Goal for month Waist 39″

    Newbee here๐Ÿ˜Š I appreciate all your efforts and inspiring statements in this group. I am setting up a Bluetooth scale, when I get it setup I will send my weight. I would be interested in joining a WhatsApp group for daily updates, give and get support if your still doing that!โœจ

    Hi @xamos,

    Day 4 NFD

    I’m working on day 5 for a FD with 4,500 steps showing on Fitbit and did 50 situps so far today. I’m Going to try to do 50 -100 sit ups daily. I have Brocken my leg last May. I have physical therapy excercises I have to do also. Working my way back to more Gym work and possibly aerobic class ๐Ÿ’ญ ๐Ÿคž

    I am so thankful I found this group. So happy to hear about all the experiences people are having while fasting. For me fasting is better done with a group! ๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ๐Ÿ˜Š

    @xamos if your still interested in the WhatsApp more regular support texts send me your WhatsApp name ๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ

    I read an awesome article about how fasting is soo healthy. I have Lyme disease this article is about healing from that, but it also applies to overall health.

    I find it inspiring to read all the benefits, it keeps me motivated. We also have our Neice’s Wedding to go to on June 11.
    I’m definitely wanting to be trimmer by then if possible…Very determined.

    @angela80. One successful day after another! Will definitely get you to your goal! Your doing great! ๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ

    @willworkforhealth I was reading about the benefits of fasting. 1 of them is a person can have more energy while fasting because, the body doesn’t have to digest food and the energy is coming straight from fat stores so the energy is available faster. I can see why you would still have energy to excercise. I’m going to have to get my confidence back since breaking my Tibia.
    @smeagle it sounds like your doing great๐Ÿ˜Š

    @09katie Congratulations!๐ŸŽ‰

    Today I just keep telling myself, thinner is healthier. Fasting is great for the immune system. Definitely making it easier for me to walk and work my way back into shape๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ

    @xamos I just measured my waist and it’s at 36.5 Inches. Either I’m doing better than I thought or I originally measured my abdomen midsection ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Hi Everyone,

    Glad to be in the group.๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ๐Ÿ˜Š

    @xamos Hope all is going well๐Ÿ˜ŠThanks for initiating the group!๐ŸŒˆโœจ

    March 1 NFD
    March 2 FD
    March 3 FD
    March 4 NFD
    March 5 FD
    March 6 FD

    Current weight March 6 181.00 Lbs / 82.1 Kg
    Goal weight 171.00 lbs. for the month. 78 kg for the month.

    Goal for end of June is 131.00 lbs 59.4 kgโœจ๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰โœจโœจโœจโœจโœจ๐ŸŽ‰โœจ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ€โœจโœจ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŒบโœจ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Happy Monday MSGAC friends,
    I had an ok weekend – worked really hard on getting our house ready to sell – put in lots of steps! Went to a Miranda Lambert Concert on Saturday – no seats had to stand and dance the whole time, which my left foot and right knee were killing me, but lots of fun!
    @xamos March 1 FD
    March 2-5 NFD
    March 6 FD
    @okeydokey – thanks for posting the article on healing and Lymes. I have 2 friends that have had Lymes and one of them is still suffering after so many years! I am forwarding the article to her…you just never know what may help someone. Here is another article for you, on Omega’s. I use a really great balance Omega Oil that helps to balance between the Omega 3 and 6. If you are interested let me know.
    Have a good week everyone!

    โœจโšก๏ธThanks @grins for the article! I will read it. I’ve been taking Omega oils. Since fasting I haven’t been able to take them, I basically get an upset stomach and foul tasting gas. The indigestion also happens, even when I take them with food in the evening. It makes it hard to sleep. If you have any hints on solving that problem, I’m all ears ๐Ÿ‘‚.

    I will read the article now๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Day 6 – FD

    Well I’m back home, which is lovely, and I managed to do a FD yesterday. Trying to change your body clock by about 12 hours twice in a week isn’t much fun, but at least I had productive meetings in the UK.

    @smeagle, @09katie – I don’t always eat the full 500cals on my FDs either. I’ve got to the point where I’m generally happy to hold off eating on my FDs until late afternoon at least, so I just have dinner, and skip breakfast/lunch. And if I make dinner with lots of veggies, 500cals is heaps of food!

    Days 3-6 = NFD

    Away at a work conference but ill post more another time.
    Way to go everyone!

    Good morning everyone,
    I’m still focussed and had a successful FD yesterday despite it being a long weekend and all the family were home and eating around me.
    I joined a 10,000 steps challenge which spans 12 weeks and started yesterday through the “City of Perth” It got me out of the air-conditioning yesterday . It’s still 36 degrees and now Autumn!

    @smeagle I can highly recommend the BS diet. I lost about 4.5 kg in 3 weeks. It’s great to make a quick start and then maintain on 5:2 or 6:1.

    Hi all,
    6 and 7 March FDs.

    Hope you are all well and enjoying your week. Yesterday’s fast went well until 9pm when I caved in and had a load of cashew nuts. So that was an 800 cal half-fast day, oops. Hoping to do better today,
    Yesterday I felt lightheaded and also had to drive, so that was the reason for the slip-up.

    Also failed to drink less alcohol last week, with a huge 30 units consumed. To compensate I did not drink when we went out to a restaurant. It was nice because I really enjoyed the food more.

    @tiffoz I think the BS diet may suit me. 800 cal is easy compared to 500.

    My partner got a smart watch that tells him lots of info about health. So much better than my little pedometer – jealous and contemplating getting one.

    Day 7 = NFD

    I fell prey to a gorgeous dessert display on the last day of my conference and then my husband ordered pizza for dinner so yesterday was nooot so great. One step forward one step back is what it feels like. And now my boss has just asked me to go on a dessert tasting to choose the dessert for our upcoming conference. I swear as soon as I resolve to take a break from sugar it chases me down! hahaha

    @smeagle – thank you for the welcome!

    @okeydokey – I’ve heard the same but always thought one must get “fat adapted” before you get to that point. Fat adapted would be wonderful but I’m definitely on a carb roller coaster for now. If anyone knows how I can find the exit please let me know! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 7 NFD

    Finally weighed and measured myself after returning home – and got a pleasant surprise ๐Ÿ™‚ I have done one FD since I got back, but my weight (and size) is lower than I expected even with that. I’m now 64.1kgs, and have lost size since I last measured in most places (except my waist unfortunately).

    I’m hoping to make today a FD, but will update once it’s actually done! Although now I’ve said it, I have to follow through ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have also been good with my daily 10,000 steps since returning home – 2 day streak achieved…

    @smeagle – can I ask what the BS Diet is? I’m curious, and haven’t heard of it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi All,

    @grins Funny I took my Omega 3 today on an empty stomach after I saw your post. I didn’t have the digestive problems like I use to. Maybe I am burning fats better๐Ÿ˜Š Maybe the fasting has cleared my system enough so that I can process it better without having to eat Carbs with it๐Ÿ˜Š I’ve been fasting for 2 days, I consider that a success. I don’t want to go back to the ups and downs of Carb inflammation and withdrawals. You mentioned a specific type of Omega oil caps. You can send it to me if you like. Either through WhatsApp or text or email. Maybe it’s fine to post through the group forum๐Ÿ˜Š I am wholeheartedly happy and grateful to be able to connect with this wonderful group and you to share information and support on fasting. โœจ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’›๐ŸŒˆโœจ๐Ÿ‘

    @willworkforhealth. Well for today I could take the Omega oils w/o food. That is a first for me. I think the fasting is beginning to lower the issues I had with carbs and inflammation. Thank-you for the info๐Ÿ˜Šโœจโšก๏ธ๐ŸŒŸ

    If I take my probiotics during fasting it stops the hunger pain in my stomach. I’m going to try it tonight to see if it can help me go to sleep without eating.๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ’›

    Hi peeps,
    Yesterday was Another half-fast day at 800 cal. Another day of driving around, but I love my family so have to do it!

    @willworkforhealth, the dessert buffets are irresistible, I give in too with small helpings of all that looks good. I would go dessert tasting in your place if I could!

    @karlanz someone in this group, I believe it was @tiffoz , suggested the Blood Sugar diet. If you google it it’s a Dr Mosely diet with 800 cal per day for a duration that I don’t recall. Which sounds okay apart from weekends when I believe it is not okay to break the rules.

    i have flax seed oil as an omega 3 supplement. @okeydokey I always forget to take it probably because it tastes horrid. I eat it off a spoon. Yuck. I don’t take it often enough to do me good.

    Hello all ๐Ÿ™‚ so sorry i’ve been neglecting this group, it seems the combination of stress in both my personal and work life and being hungry through attempted fasts have really made my sugar cravings rear their ugly head and I’ve turned into an unstoppable eating machine on most days.. sigh. Wondering if I need to re-commit to my willpower or search for alternatives.

    Anyway, sounds like everyone’s doing great ๐Ÿ™‚ i’m updating the spreadsheet for you all now:

    DAY 3 NFD
    DAY 4 NFD
    DAY 5 NFD
    DAY 6 FD
    DAY 7 NFD
    DAY 8 NFD

    Hi all,

    @hippyhayles I’m still experimenting with how to approach this. I’ve been an avid exerciser for the last few years, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world- it’s helped me greatly, not just with slimming down, but with battling mental health issues and dealing with stress, boosting my motivation and increasing my heart health- something I worry about greatly as premature death from sudden heart failure is something that runs rife in my family.
    So far I haven’t encountered any problems with burning out, but that’s not to say I might in the future, so I’ll look change things up again then.

    @okeydokey Thanks so much for the encouragement. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I can’t believe it’s the 8th already!

    So my fasts are going well. I have a lot more will power than I ever credited myself with. I am sticking mainly liquids on fast days, (protein shakes or soup) and am finding that this works well for me, as crunching and chewing on actual food on fast days awakens some kind of gluttonous monster that resides deep in my belly. PLUS- I’m wondering whether it will give my body more of a break not having to deal with solid food on these days.
    On my NFDs during the week (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday), I am trying to make better choices, and that’s not really as I’m at work, and I bring a packed breakfast, lunch, and a snack.
    However, in the evenings, I’m struggling. I’m not necessarily a snacker, but I find that I’m coming up far short of my TDEE- which I promised myself I would hit after months of under-eating on a strict calorie controlled diet.
    So when I see this figure, I look for a quick snack that will give me an extra few hundred calories… and then I eat whatever I can find (pick and mix, large chocolate bar, crisps etc) and feel awful! PLUS I’m finding that when this happens, I wake up completely famished on the following FD!(probably from the sugar crash)

    Do any of you have any ideas for calorie dense, but lower sugar snacks that I could try?

    @okeydokey I have a really easy snack recipe that the kids love that will give you a sweet treat but may be a bit better than some snacks?
    It’s called a “bounty bar” and has 4 ingredients!

    3 cups dedicated coconut
    3 cups pitted dates (Medjool or dried but try for soft)
    200g Dark chocolate 80% (but I use 70%)
    1/2 cup coconut oil

    Blitz coconut and dates in food processor/thermomix
    Once they are finely blitzed stir in melted coconut oil and finely chopped chocolate. Press into lined lamington tin ( rectangle 25cm x 15cm) and freeze for 2 hours.
    Take out of freezer and cut into squares. Keep in the fridge.
    It tastes like chocolate crackles from when I was a kid!

    @tiffoz Your recipe sounds ๐Ÿ˜‹ delicious!

    Hi All,
    March 1 NFD
    Day 2 FD
    Day 3 FD
    Day 4 NFD
    Day 5 FD
    Day 6 FD
    Day 7 NFD
    Day 8 FD

    @xamos Thank-you for your efforts and initiating this group. I’m happy to listen and talk to people as we go through this process. Thanks for your candid information about your journey through fasting. โœจ๐Ÿ’›โœจ

    @angela80 @tiffoz‘s recipe above is calorie dense like you requested.
    I was also just looking up a recipe for Kale chips. For me it would be easier digestion and less blood sugar fluctuation.

    Other ideas are cucumbers, they seem to be soothing for the stomach๐Ÿ˜‹

    I might be to strict on myself. I’m trying to loose weight for my Neices’s wedding in June. I also broke my leg last May. Still working on strengthening my left leg and knee muscles. So I can’t burn off as many calories as I used to, for now. Fasting itself seems like the best way to burn off the fat and it’s helping to reduce anxiety. My blood sugar seems to be remaining steady. I take plenty of vitamin, mineral and amino acid supplements.๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ๐Ÿ˜Š

    @willworkforhealth I love the term fat adapted, I hadn’t heard that term before. Thanks for sharing! Getting of the carb roller coaster, I think I’ve spent my life working on that one… ok I’m 55 so that’s been a while๐Ÿ˜Š After I eat carbs and or sugar there is a high relation to the amount of sugar eaten. The insulin kicks in and about 2,4 (depending on how much sugar) hours after there is a low. Cause by insulin, also causing me to retain fat. Thus the low. The low for me remains until all the carbs are burned or I eat something else. The problem is it takes more and more carbs to satisfy. What I do to trick my self: during the night the body naturally goes into a fasting state. So in the morning whatever we do we’re basically burning fat๐Ÿ˜Š I either go ahead and fast that day or try to eat protein like eggs with a slice of tomato. I can substitute different proteins with different low carb vegs. That will keep the fat burning to continue. Getting off the carb roller coaster๐Ÿ˜Š I personally take tryptophan an amino acid because it naturally increases seratonin which helps to feel calm and satiated. If I stay clear of the high’s (sugar) I don’t have to experience the lows. This probably isn’t anything new to you, but during the night when I sleep I get a new kick start into health. Through the night the sugar levels out if I don’t eat the Carbs/ Sweets it stays level for now. ๐Ÿ˜ŠโœจโœจThe brain is addicted to sugar so weaning yourself off of it slowly is usually the way to go. I don’t know if this helps, only wishing you the best on your journeyโœจ๐Ÿค—

    Hi All,

    March 1 NFD
    March 2 FD
    March 3 FD
    March 4 NFD
    March 5 FD
    March 6 FD
    March 7 NFD
    March 8 NFD

    Weighed March 6 181 lbs. 82 kg
    Goal weight for March 171 lbs. 78 kg
    Goal for end of June is 131 lbs. 59.4 kg

    Checking in: Wishing our group well and lots of Success ๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿค—

    Feeling well. โœจmany times I’ve been absent minded today. It’s happened before with the Lyme disease. I know I’m getting better but it’s frustrating. I typed a long post out. With individual postings….then somehow accidentally lost it (deleted, maybe).

    Wishing Everybody Well! โœจ

    Day 7 NFD
    Day 8 FD
    Day 9 NFD
    3 day 10k steps streak

    Had an easy FD yesterday – being busy really helps! Not eating breakfast isn’t usually too hard anyway, then I worked through lunch, and had a couple of exercise classes in the evening (I managed to squeeze in a low-cal quick dinner in my 20 mins at home between work and class). Once I got home again it was pretty much bed time…. If only all FDs were that easy! Mind you, I think it helps that I’m very motivated right now – I’m getting up on stage in 3 weeks (gulp).

    @smeagle – thanks for the info. I don’t think I could manage 800cals a day for any length of time to be honest! But that’s just me ๐Ÿ™‚ it could always be something you do for a week just to try out and change things up?

    @xamos – is there anything we as a group can do to help? Or maybe some of us as individuals? You’ve put so much effort into helping us all with this group, hopefully we can help you!

    @angela80 – I’ve recently discovered almond butter (I don’t like peanut butter). So many good options for snacking (e.g. slather it onto apple slices or celery), but I normally just go for toast I must admit. It’s really nice and filling, has a reasonable amount of calories, is super yummy, and is low sugar! Otherwise nuts in general are good for a healthy higher-calorie, low-sugar snack. My other go-to is cheese, but I’m trying to cut down on dairy at the moment…

    Day 4 – NFD
    Day 5 – NFD
    Day 6 – FD (although I did go over my calories)
    Day 7 – NFD
    Day 8 – NFD
    Day 9 – FD

    Hi everyone,

    Really enjoying reading all your posts, it is keeping me motivated so thank you.

    I am having some CBT at the moment for my anxiety, and I’m finding the focus on being healthy, eating well and moving more is a real comfort to me when I’m feeling low. I’ve been to a gym a few times, and I’ve massively upped my steps and I’m on track for another loss tomorrow, so I feel the best I’ve felt in ages (the sunshine is probably helping too)

    Hope everyone is having a great week ๐Ÿ™‚

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