Hi…..I would say I’m new to this but I’m not. Started doing 5:2 last year and it seemed to be working. I liked the freedom of being able to basically eat what I liked on the 5 other days and had varied my food quite a lot. Then Christmas happened……..went completely off the rails and then got talked into going back (yes, back!) to Slimming World classes. So bit the bullet with a friend and rejoined. Have lost 3.5lbs in 8 weeks!! This is obviously not good….I know it’s a loss but a bit of a pathetic one in 8 weeks!
SO need a huge kick up the @rse now and have come on here for some rejuvenation and help. I want to lose at least a stone…stone and a half…..and I need to stop buggering about basically. I’m going to start 5:2 again next week and need to stop lurching from one “diet” to another and getting nowhere…..
I live in SW England….anyone wanna be my 5:2 buddy?
Thanks for listening……..Jane xx
8:01 am
24 Feb 17