started with a shock

This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bacco1977 8 years ago.

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  • So, I started yesterday my fast diet with a shock.
    First weight 125 kg, 275.58 lb
    My goal is 96kg. 211.65. That is 64 lb to go

    I had never been so bad in my entire life.
    I’m also starting tonight a couch to 5k running program, 3 times a week, 2 weekdays and 1 weekend day.

    I will keep progress on this thread. Had my first fast day yesterday.
    I’m a little bit depressed for the bad shape I put myself in, but I suppose, you are in control of managing to go back.
    Thanks for the support .

    Hi bacco and welcome:

    Here is the information you need to be successful with 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    thanks for the support !
    It is a long journey, but there’s no rush I suppose 🙂

    It’s doable. Sustainable. All you have do is do.

    Yes it gets easier. 1 tip think before you chew.


    By acknowledging there’s a problem and doing something about it, I’d say you’re off to a great start. Remember there are going to be ups and downs on your journey; weeks when you can’t seem to lose any weight even though you’re following the plan by the book. Just don’t give up; keep going and you’ll make it! I wish you great success with your fasting.


    On my second fast day.
    Doing Monday and Wednesdays. I’m tracking anything that goes into my mouth using Fitness Pal. It actually helps a lot.

    I’m also doing 2km walk a day. Before start running (couch to 5 k) I want to get in a better shape. Maybe lose the first 20 pounds and then start.

    I feel a lot of energy already.

    Good luck bacco. I started the couch 2 5k running programme a month after starting 5:2. After 10 weeks (5 doing the running) I’m 23lbs down and getting too small for my clothes.

    Had to suspend the second fast day yesterday, but my calories intake was below 1300. SO doing the second fast day today. it is good I think to put the fast days earlier in the week MON-WED, so that if you have an issue, you can move one day to later during the week do you won’t miss the fast day.

    Hi bacco. I fast on Mon and Thu. I never change days. I find it easier that way. I also only have one meal on a fast day – in the evening – 500 calories. I find I don’t get hungry during the day that way. Instead I drink lots of water and supplement this with black coffee and herbal tea. After 8 weeks, I’m 11kgs down. This really does work, so just keep going! Good luck.

    Hi Folks.
    initial weight was actually 127 kg. I put myself again on the scale the next day.
    Weighted after 1 week 124.5.
    Weighted this morning, after 15 days 122.
    Lost about 5kg in 2 weeks

    I’m fasting two days a week but sometime I go over and reach 800 calories.
    On the other end, the other day I stay between 1000 and 1200.
    I’m eating very low carbos. only proteins, fruit and vegetables.
    I have been running 3 times in 2 weeks and walking for at least 2 km basically every day.
    Last 3 days I walked for 5 km

    This morning I walked for 3 to get to work.

    I’m try to continue the couch to 5k by doing 2 runs a week for the next 4 weeks. Then try to increase at 3.

    New weight today.

    good, good

    Olá a todos, Bacco 1977 olhei seus resultados e são ótimos! eu estou com 110 kg e quero chegar a 90 kg, estou fazendo meus jejuns e exercícios quero colher resultados logo. Abraços! Ha, sou do Brazil, use o tradutor!

    Obligado! Best of luck!

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