Monitoring Blood Sugar on Fast Days (Diabetes)

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Monitoring Blood Sugar on Fast Days (Diabetes)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  QuietOne 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Dear All

    I have just read the Fast Diet book and have attempted a few days of fasting. I am Type 2 and I have yet to discuss with my GP about doing this diet. I guess I want to be better prepared about what to ask my GP, so I have a few questions I would like to ask you guys about. Hopefully my questions don’t sound too crazy or confused as I am fasting right this moment…

    First is that do you monitor your blood sugar on your fast days?

    I know that there are the accepted ranges – 3.9mmol/L to 5.9mmol/L (72 to 108 mg/dL) for non-diabetic before meals. How are these levels established? A few days ago I was listening to BBC Radio 4 and they were talking about treatment for high blood pressure. The doctor said that traditionally doctors have always targetted 80/120, but no one has actually tried to established if there may be potential benefits for targetting even lower level of blood pressure. Are there benefits targetting lower levels of blood sugar?

    My second question is, Dr Mosley mentioned (and several others too) that when blood sugar level is low, the body will start burning fat. Burning fat – this sounds so desirable! If I want to make sure my body is burning fat, what level of blood sugar I should target for?

    Hi black and welcome:

    This thread has much information on Type 2. Fasting combined with diet change is being used to totally reverse Type 2. Look for videos by Dr. Jason Fung.

    Good Luck!

    I am not recommending you do what I do, please consult with your doctor first. Im just saying this is what I do, but I do not have any medical conditions. I have been monitoring my blood glucose and ketone bodies for the last two weeks. I bought a glucose/ketone digital meter. They are reasonably cheap. Mine is a Freestyle Optium Neo. I water fast for two consecutive days per week on Mon/Tues. On Wednesday morning before I eat breakfast my BG = 3.9mmol and my ketone = 1 to 2mmol. On Tuesday my ketone = 0.5 mmol, the onset of ketosis. So over the week my BG varies from 3.9 to 5.6mmol and my ketones vary from 0 to 2.1 mmol.

    If you are diabetic I suspect that your BG is high, maybe >7 ??

    Too low a blood pressure can be problematic, 120/80 is good. 110/70 is better. Im a little higher than this but have changed my diet last month and it will be interesting to see if it has helped.

    Try and cut out simples carbs, Id try and cut out bread and white rice. They will spike your BG. But please consult your doctor first!!

    Talking with your Dr. is the best thing to start with. That being said finding any Dr. that supports fasting in any shape or manner can be a difficult thing. You may have to educate your Dr. get her/him to watch Eat Fast Live Longer and a few other videos have him read the 5:2 Fast Diet book if he/she will.

    If you get your Dr on side things get easier and safer.

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