Zero noodles and pasta

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  DTfromWA 10 years ago.

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  • I find the zero pasta very useful on fast days. I’ve acyua gotten to like the texture of it. I make it with chicken breath broth with loads of spices and broccoli! Yum! It’s also very filling. I eat only once at dinner on my fast days. Drinking loads of water helps to keep the hunger at bay so much so that I don’t feel the need to break the fast before 10am or later the day after my fast day! I am in my third week.

    Hi Slimjojo, I’ve just purchased a similar product, just a different brand, this one’s called Slendia which also comes in rice and noodle variations as well as the pasta. I think Zero also has the same range. I added the noodles to miso soup with lots of vegies. I found the texture better than I had expected and it made me feel full. I’ll try the rice and pasta shortly. I think the trick is to make a really flavour filled sauce/broth to overcome the blandness of the noodles. Good luck with your journey 🙂

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