Zero Noodles

This topic contains 21 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  KirstyM 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I tried these on Monday with stir fried veg and a satay sauce – a big plate clocked up less than 220 cals. I really enjoyed them – they taste of nothing on their own (well they are 97% water) but with a tasty sauce they’re really nice… and very filling too. I’ve just ordered a load more online to help me through my fast days (I’m hoping the postman will bring them before its time to eat today!). I was just wondering if anyone else had tried them and had any comments about them or problems with them – did they affect your weight loss at all?

    Hi Lottielastic… yes I agree these are a great product (only 8 cals for 200g!)for making a very filling meal with very few calories. I douse mine with soy sauce and ginger; then stir fry in a teaspoon of oil and a big pack of stir fry veggies..
    a really filling meal for under 200 cals.

    Holland and Barrett also stock them……..

    best wishes..Sara

    I have bought some of these for fast days – 8cals for a whole bag?! I’m suspicious…seems too good to be true? Is it a cheat or are they a legitimate way to get through a fast day? My first fast day is today so planning on having them for dinner 🙂

    Hi Miss Bennet- I think they are legit. They are mostly water so very low in cals. Google shirataki noodles – there’s lots of info about them. They do need a good sauce though as they’re tasteless.
    Sara gee – that sounds really tasty but really simple!

    Oh by the way I’ve discovered my local asian store sells them cheaper than H&B (£1.60 for 200g rather than £1.99) but I had to ask for konjac (the plant they’re made from)

    Thanks Lottelastic and I agree soya and ginger sounds like a great idea! I bought mine from Japan Centre (london) they were only £1.05 a bag which I think is a bit of a bargain because I’ve seen them online for twice that. Very hungry now so looking forward to my noodle dinner!

    Thanks for this, i will be buying some for dinner tonight 🙂

    I picked some up yesterday too… Has anyone got a tried and tested recipe?

    I bought mine in Whole Foods Market, but I know you can get them online. I use them in soup. I use chicken stock and add ginger, spring onions, thinly sliced mushrooms, red peppers and red onions and a heap of prawns, chopped chilli and coriander. I dry-fry the noodles first to firm them up a little and then add to the broth in the final three mins of cooking. The whole thing takes about 8 mins to cook and although the noodles are not as nice as Udon noodles, on a fast day they are a god-send because they make soup more like a meal and it really fills you up. I think they’re great.

    I’ll be picking these up this weekend for sure. I’ve missed my stirfries on fast days as I like them cold for lunch too – this will certainly change things!

    wow the things you learn;; Caledonia did you get these at wholefoods in Glasgow? Green City?

    I got mine in Whole Foods in Glasgow. But STOP PRESS – forget them! Bare Naked Noodles have arrived (after their launch on the Dragons’ Den) and I find them to be infinitely better. They’re more expensive but I don’t care because in my stir fry today they tasted and felt like noodles. All I can do with Shiritaki is put them in soup – these actually added something good to the meal rather than jsut being a filler. They are 8 cals per 100g and I am yet to try them as a pasta. But I love them. If I report any more of them someone is going to think I am part of the company (I wish, I so wish) and I’m not..

    I’ve just had a delivery of slim noodles & slim pasta each 200g sachet is around 15 calories. More or less the same as all the above. Plan to use them on fast days, next one isn’t until Monday so I’ll let you know whether I like them.

    LittleWing, here is one recepy for you. I made this shirataki stirfry yesterday:

    200 g shirataki, 1 carrot, 1 small onion, 1 celery stalk, ½ a zucchini (courgette?), 1 clove of garlic, 1 tbsp of olive oil and 1 tbsp of tamari soy sauce and some “wok spice” (cumin, ginger etc.).

    Started by frying the veggies in the oil & spices, added the drained noodles and the soy sauce and topped the plate with 100 g of edamame (fresh green soy beans).

    It added up to 413 kcal according to My Fitness Pal. Cut down on the oil if you want to reduce it. Any kind of fresh veggies should be good but I like to focus on the chewier ones. The edamame can be replaced with chicken, salmon, prawns…

    I found the meal quite satisfying though I do prefer “real” noodles on my feed days 🙂

    i am trying Bare Naked Noodles tonight for the first time. Stir frying with (homegrown) garlic, ginger and soya sauce with a s plash of sherry with lots of fresh veg. We will see what they are like 🙂

    Please, everyone, remember this: Bare Naked Noodles are not the same as the Shiritaki noodles you get from Asian stores, they’re much better. Still not as good as pasta but very helpful on fast days.

    I don’t like them as a pasta substitute but love them mixed with Asian spices and vegetables. I’ve also heated them and crumbled a curry flavour stock cube over them. Just like having instant noodles but far less calories. Also mixed them in with home made soup. They’re brilliant 🙂

    Is anyone from NZ? I’m keen to learn more about these super noodles but not sure where to get them here.

    Hi KirstyM. Try Expensive but available I think.
    Good Luck.

    Hi KirstyM. Theres a few places that come up if you google, but as Couscous says they look a bit $$. Once you’ve tracked them down Peter Gordon has suggested some ways of cooking them

    Thanks ladies

    KirstyM, not sure where you are but try your local Asian Supermarket. I tried the Asian Food Specialist in Kilbirnie today and bought some small bags for $2.90. Not too bad…

    I’m in Auckland (Franklin). Thanks everyone

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