Your breakfast )

This topic contains 14 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Smith2015 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi! My name is Juli, i’m from Russia)My english is low) I’m sorry)
    Tell me about your breakfast)

    I like porridge and eggs.

    My favorite breakfast is 3 tablespoons porridge and 4 egg whites, all mix and fry without oil.

    This is very tasty.

    Hi Juli.
    I’m from Scotland but live in England.
    Usually I have a breakfast cereal of some kind though I sometimes have poached eggs on toast.

    This is good breakfast.
    I like poached eggs, but I don’t know how to cook.
    How to do it?

    I like good health, my ration is celeal, chicken, lean, fish, seafood, rice, beech-wheat, eggs, vegetables, fruit.

    Hi Julia

    I have Scrambled eggs (just 2 or 3 eggs beaten with salt and pepper, milk optional) with Smoked salmon on my fast days. Keeps me fueled up until lunch.

    On my off days I add a slice of toast with Marmite as a treat.


    I’m fairly new to 5:2ing.

    To keep me going without too many hunger pangs I like to push up the proteins and hold back the carbs (and NO refined carbs!) on a fast day.

    My favourite fast day breakfast is an omelette. One or two eggs, a splash of semi-skimmed milk, maybe a smidgin of my own joghurt-cheese if calories allow, and loads of freshly milled black pepper….very tasty and really filling.

    But today I tried something different…2 low-fat sausages (85 calories each) cut into chunks, 4 cherry tomatoes halved, and a good smear of mustard all wrapped into a foil parcel and baked…it was absolutely yummy! And comes in at around 200 calories – (leaving me enough calories for an apple at midday and a tasty chicken dinner with steamed veggies tonight.)

    Hello Button boots, Ive just started on 5:2 Monday and today is my first fast day. I like the sound of your sausage receipe, can I ask which sausage you used please?

    Hi lavender….any low-fat sausage would be fine (check the calories as they can vary quite a bit!)….the ones I use are Marks and Spencer’s Low Fat Butchers Choice….they have a fairly have ration of meat and less ‘filler’. …they also keep their size nicely when cooking rather than sizzle away to nothing like some cheaper brands!…Hope you enjoy the recipe!

    I have poached egg on one slice of toast (no butter)

    Julia to make an easy poached egg boil water and add a spoonful of vinegar (this helps the egg whites stick together) crack an egg into a bowl then gently place it into the boiling water, immediately turn the heat off, cover with a lid and leave for 4 mins and you should have a yummy poached egg 🙂

    ^ sorry that made it sound like you place the bowl into the water – no you put the egg directly into the water, I just crack it into a bowl first as it’s easier than cracking it directly into the water. Hope that makes sense!

    Just enjoying my 20g of oats cooked in water only with about 20 defrosted blue berries. No milk or anything else. I find it very sustaining on days when I really can’t manage no breakfast. I used to wait and not eat until lunchtime.
    I try to keep my calculated calories between 300 and 400 cal on fast days to allow for errors. I see it as an insurance policy. So I aim for two 150 cal “meals” on a fast day. No snacks.
    I read an article recently where a woman has gone on 5:2 in order to gorge on other days. I like that. Penance for the good times;)

    Hi Julia,

    I regularly make myself a spinach smoothie for breakfast, with some unsweetened almond milk, some kale, broccoli, left over veggies from the night before, protein powder and some chunks of frozen pineapple or similar fruits. I get about 1.2 l of smoothie which lasts me for the whole day. I would NEVER eat nearly 250g of spinach…

    This way I get all my vegetable and fruit portions in that are recommended per day. Also, it fulfills all my micronutrient needs and gives me tons of fibre.


    I have One fried egg on wholemeal toast plus a cup of coffee with 1 sugar and skim milk
    What would be the calorie count??
    Any one that can help me

    Hi hamo:

    This will help you figure it out:

    Good Luck!

    Hi, Hamo-

    Get the MyNetDiary app, or join on line. It is VERY helpful- There is a database of thousands of foods, or you can add your own, and it automatically tracks your calories, plus other nutritional values. You can also chart your weight, and there is a Forum with a dietician.

    Thanks for these posts, all very helpful. I’m into week 2 so new to this.

    I favour 35g large oats plus 150mls almond milk for breakfast. I add cinnamon and nutmeg for flavour too. This keeps me going until lunch on fast and non-fast days but oats are carbs, although they’re ‘good’ soluble low GI carbs. I’m unclear about whether I should avoid carbs completely or whether oats are ok as long as the calories are not exceeded.

    Eggs and keilbasa every single morning, except for on fast days when I limit it to just one egg and coffee.

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