Hi all
Anyone here use xylitol (e.g. Total Sweet) as a sugar replacement? In our house it lives in the sugar jar and nobody notices the difference (apart from when buying it, it’s somewhat expensive). It has 40% of the calories of sucrose, is tasteless (not like stevia, ugh) and physically the same as sucrose granules, it’s great. We only use real sugar for baking, where xylitol doesn’t really work properly.
Anyhow my question was more around the metabolism of xylitol. It clearly has different pathway to typical dietary sugar, and doesn’t elicit the same insulin response. I often have 2-3 cups of tea (usually with xylitol) on my fast days, but never eat my 5-600 calories until after 19:00 when I get back from work, giving me a full 24 hours of fast. Does this have any effect on the perceived benefits of that long-as-possible fasting period, compared to either no sugar or adding standard sucrose?
Interesting xylitol paper for reference:
12:08 pm
14 Mar 18