Wrinkles after losing weight

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Wrinkles after losing weight

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Is there any hope of eventually losing the wrinkles I am left with on my abdomen and bottom after losing 3 stones? I realise I am lucky not to have the huge folds some people have after rectifying obesity, I was overweight rather than obese

    Hi Kris, unfortunately I don’t have an answer but more questions regarding the skin. I’m sure that all of this mostly depends on our age and the amount of weight we lose. I’ve lost about 6kg so far (about a stone), so it’s not an issue yet, but my abdomen is starting to look a little flabby (lost 2in around my waist). I saw a documentary on liposuction where the patients had to wear tight fitting support undergarments afterwards, but I’m not sure if this had medical reasons or if it was supposed to help the skin. So is there anybody out there who’s lost a lot and has some answers? Would massages, oils, etc. help the skin? I know excersise is always good, but will it help with wrinkles or lose skin? Will the skin continue to adjust to our new size? And since this is Thursday – happy fasting to many of us! 🙂

    My tummy looks like a balloon that is starting to deflate! I suspect you are right, there is little hope of improvement at my age (60), but I certainly have no regrets about losing the weight! I suppose my bikini days are over anyway, and I feel so much better on the fasting strategy

    Hi Kris,
    since I’m in your age group I’m not planning on shopping for bikini, either 🙂 So let’s just spend the money we save on some nice body oil, excersise a bit and enjoy our new lifestyle! Congratulations on your great result, I still have about 8kg to go.

    Another deflating balloon tummy here! In fact, despite doing loads of exercise even my thighs are ‘loose’. Fortunately my neck and face aren’t fairing too badly (thank you Clarins!). Maybe, eventually, if we keep exercising and keep doing 5:2 it will all miraculously snap back into place and even if it doesn’t we will still be better off than before 🙂

    I’m with “Fastinginberlin”…not going to be buying a bikini…but I might spend the Bikini Money on a nice Swedish Massage 🙂 Here’s to US!

    The good thing is that I’m not aware of any extra wrinkles on my face and my double chin has disappeared. Tummy wrinkles are for the most part hidden under my new size 12 (UK) wardrobe! I’m already a gym fanatic (that’s partly how I have lost the weight) but I like the sound of the massage. Thanks for the suggestions!

    Some people say Bio Oil (available from chemists and supermarkets) helps reduce stretch marks/wrinkles, but I find it very greasy, or cocoa butter. I found that it helps to do toning exercises whilst dieting – I’ve managed to avoid a saggy tummy that way, it’s just my inner thighs which feel as if they’ve got ‘loose’ skin (which is where my body shape – pear – stores fat) and nothing seems to help that so far – I don’t know if this way of eating will make any difference as it’s too early for me to tell.

    I have thought about this while loosing weight and have come to the conclusion that if I have to use bigger knickers to keep my wobbly (but now smaller) belly under control then so be it! Hopefully the slower approach to weight loss helps too! My exercise mainly takes place in the pool so hopefully the ‘Bingo Wings’ won’t be so bad! I’m 46 – not sure at what age your skins elasticity goes out of the window! (Quick look on the Internet) Well it seems the best way is to loose weight slowly! Toning does help but because of muscle tone. One article said – it’s better to have excess skin than excess fat! Lol! My future modelling career seems to be getting further and further out of my reach! Lol 😉

    “Not sure at what age your skins elasticity goes out of the window! (Quick look on the Internet) ”

    This question interested me & I did a cursory search for exercises to minimize wrinkles.


    Most articles seem to refer to creams of some sorts.

    I wonder if strength training and using natural oils would maintain the skin elasticity ?


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