I’ve been experimenting with finding a good routine for my fasting days.
For a while I thought eating a pint of grape tomatoes and a large amount of baby carrots was great– very sustainable to graze throughout the day.
I read the book, though, and it encourages longer periods of actual not eating– my understanding is 5:2 has 2 styles of benefits, one is simple calorie reduction, and the other is the harder to track idea of a body’s cells going into a hunker down, fasting (but not starvation!) mode — that’s the part correlated with the longevity and what not.
So another “fasting” plan I’ve come up with, based on what seems agreeable to my body and hunger, is black iced coffee (~20 cals now that I look at it) in the morning, maybe the odd bit of sugarless gum and/or zero calorie sweetened tea, until the evening, at which point I’d have a big salad and use ~480 cals at one time.
My question is, would the 20 calories of coffee be likely to stop the good effects of fasting mode from kicking in? My guess (and hope) is no: that in the same way the coffee doesn’t “start my appetite” in the same way a breakfast would, these small amount of calories aren’t enough to feel like food.
6:33 pm
30 Dec 13