Worries about eating on non fast day

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Worries about eating on non fast day

This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Bootsy Badger 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi every one well done some amazing stories x

    So Started my fast this week, the first time 5.2 for me. I have a 2 stone to lose, fantastic this week lost 3 lbs very pleased.
    However today is a non fast day and I just seem to be really worried about eating normal. I have my TDEE limit do you have to eat up to this for the diet to still work? Or if I keep the calories down on a non fast day will it still work on a fast day. Feeling worried about undoing all my good work any advice. thank you

    Hi Ladyeleanor, I can’t answer your question but also I’m looking for the same answer so will be watching this thread 🙂 Well done on your 3lb loss!

    hi Lauren, just read your weight loss wow brilliant. this is week one for me, my husband to is doing it we both need to lose around about 2 stone not loads but enough every ones different. I have two girls aged 5 and 9 so this fits great with cooking. Just hoping not to be too bad or eat too little on non fast days. Await some replies, if you want a curry can you have it?

    Thanks 🙂 I have more too lose, about 60lb to be where I want. My other half is also fasting with me. It makes it much easier I think! My girls are 6 and 9, but they tend to eat earlier than we do. I’ve found lots of good low calorie recipes on BBC Good Food website, plenty of curries on there.

    Hello Ladyeleanor and Lauren

    Relax – it’s fine to eat less than your TDEE on non-fast days!

    Well done on starting 5:2 and any losses so far 🙂

    As you lose weight/change your activity level, your TDEE will probably change, so use the ‘My Tracker’ section to record that and reset your TDEE. (Personally, I only do that about once a month, as weight fluctuates day to day, even on a diet. I look for a ‘downward trend’ – and 4 months in, so far so good.)

    It’s great to have a good spurt of weight loss at the beginning. Partly, this is water loss, so don’t get disheartened if the rate of loss slows down. Dr Mosley has just posted some figures for average rate of weight loss for 5:2 dieters – will post the link here.

    Hope this is helpful and best wishes
    Bootsy B

    thank you for your reply, good thinking I probably wouldn’t of thought about re-entering my data as my weight goes down. Thank you for the link.

    Early days and I’m asking some silly questions the non diet days are what concern me so will keep to TDEE and see how we go. thank you j

    Lauren, you will do it. I think men lose so much fast than women.
    After hitting 40 I find it really hard to shift anything. But a loss is good for me. Just didnt’t want to go 2 steps forward and 1 step back. So being goodish today.
    Love curries will check BBC food website thank y!

    Hi Lady Eleanor! I lost 2 stone in Summer 2013 with 5:2 (in 10 weeks) and am back to do the same since having my 2nd baby – 2nd fast day today and waiting for baby to go to sleep so I can break my fast with a big plate of stir fry!

    I find I worry on my non fast days too, but in the end it just makes me a bit more conscious of making healthier choices, which is no bad thing. You can still eat what you normally would and might find you naturally gravitate towards smaller portions and the need for cake etc. Give it time 🙂

    Don’t be disheartened by a 2 steps forward 1 step back sort of thing, it is a bit like that in some ways but the cumulative effect is in the end, better general health and weight loss. In my experience anyway!

    The lovely thing about 5:2 is that there is always tomorrow to have that slice of buttered toast or bag of crisps or chocolate biscuit or whatever, unlike some diets that are an every day slog of misery and abstinence! They are designed NOT to work so you keep paying up for more.

    Best of luck with the 2 stone… we’re on the same journey!

    Nikki 🙂

    Hi again
    Lady Eleanor – there’s no such thing as a silly question. Ask whatever you like. I’ve had loads of support from this forum and I LOVE it!

    Interesting you and Little Wing talk about worrying about eating on non-fast days. I seem to get more hung up about the fast days. I’ve had weeks where I’ve dreaded them. But what I often find is that they aren’t half as difficult as they seem in anticipation. Am sure you will really get into the swing of your non FDs.
    You and Lauren sound very motivated -good luck to you both, to Nikki – and to me 🙂

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