Works for your mind and your body!!

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Works for your mind and your body!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  galexinda 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I was skeptical when my doctor recommended this diet to me. From a personal perspective, I have to say that the 5:2 really works. I was amazed to lose 6 kilos in the first 6 weeks through rigid application (being careful not to overeat on non-fast days), then an additional 8kg over 5 months.

    I have been in balanced mode for 6 months now (2 kg variance) by continuing the 5:2 but literally throwing caution to the wind on non-fast days (pizza, cake, whatever I want) but religiously making sure that on my chosen fast days I stay within the 600 cal limit.

    On my fast days,I know I will feel hungry. I find it important to accept this and embrace it in the knowledge that it will pass.

    I think that the unique selling point of the 5:2 is that the it works from a psychological point of view for a significant number of people. If you can accept the ‘pay off’ around denying yourself and feeling hungry for 2 days – comfort yourself with the knowledge that the bit of chocolate or the cool beer you yearn for is less than 24 hours away……….. then you will definitely shed the pounds and lose the inches around the middle!!

    My experience has not only been that there was weight loss as above, but my blood glucose fell from 6.5 to 3, my cholesterol improved, my fatty liver disease was ‘cured’ and I had my best liver function test in 25 years (aged 47).

    Long story short – it works physically. And for many I think it can fit into a framework for life that allows them to have a “big night out” (as I plan tomorrow), but stay overall healthy.

    Best of all no prep needed and quick pay offs. Suggest you try it for 4 weeks rigidly and dump it if you don’t lose at least 2/3kg (cos’ your probably not doing it right anyway).

    Good luck.

    Congratulations on your fat loss and improvement in your blood chem’s. I agree that this seems to be a sustainable way to live. I’m on my 5th fast day and I find it pretty easy to do.

    Great post – always good to hear from someone who is following 5:2 properly (so many people overeat on their feast days) and to see the improvement in your health as well as a good weight loss. I have some blood tests scheduled at the end of June and am looking forward to the results, especially liver function and glucose and cholesterol levels, as by then I will have been 5:2ing 8 weeks. Not much weight to lose overall, but already 9lbs lower than five weeks ago and feeling much more energetic and getting an hourglass figure! I also think 5:2 is a great way to lose weight and keep it off as nothing is banned, just have to be careful with the quantities and you can switch your fast days to suit your social life.

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