Works for me!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Robinerikson 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • It has been interesting and helpful reading all the posts on this website. I thought I’d just share my story. I’m in my 60s and my life has been one long diet. I was the ONLY obese child at school in the 50s and 60s. I have been 15 stone for at least the last 15 years & started a gluten free diet in January this year, not because I need to be gluten free but it cuts out bread, cakes, biscuits so I thought I’d give it a go. Then someone mentioned the 5-2 diet so I bought the book. That was about 16 weeks ago & I now weigh 13 stone 7 pounds. I’m so pleased, it seems like a miracle. I’ve tried various routines for the fast days & have settled on an allowance of skimmed milk for the day because I find black coffee difficult; I have an Oxo drink at lunch time, only 14 calories & quite satisfying, & dinner is a lot of salad & some cottage cheese. On non-fast days I try to be very good because I think that if you’ve tried hard on the fast days, then what’s the point of spoiling it? So I still don’t have bread, cakes, biscuits, sweets etc & avoid sugar like the plague – xylitol is a useful substitute. Have to admit that I’ve not given up alcohol completely but maybe I’ll get round to that.

    In the meantime, this diet works for me & I’m so happy to be making progress . Thanks for reading this & good luck to you all.

    Congratulations! That is great weight loss in 16 weeks! I’ve just started a few weeks ago and hope I have success like yours!

    Congratulations! And thank you for wishing all us good luck. Hehe. Hope we can achieve that too.

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