work shifts, how will I fast on work days….

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  pegb 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi, did my first day on Mon and it was ok, felt a little sick but maybe that was my poor old body looking forward to an afternoon krispy creme donut and getting black coffee..I work shifts, either 5pm to 3am or dayshift 9am to 8pm and my next fast day will be a day shift. Don’t know how I’m going to do it, food kind of breaks up the day at work so any suggestions please???

    I have a similar problem. If I pull an allnighter after a fast day, I’m working all day, through the night and most of the next day. Can I start eating again at midnight? I certainly can’t work all night without anything to eat until breakfast.
    Any advice? thanks!

    I work shifts, 7:30 am till 8 pm, or 7:30 pm till 8 am.

    I find on day shifts fasting is not a problem, take some fruit, or cup a soup and crackers for breakfast at approx 10:30 am, and a proper meal for tea at approx 4:00 pm.

    Nights on the other hand is different. I move my fast days around- i know i am not going to do a successful fast on my first night when i will usually be awake for more than 24 hours of my target of 36 hours of fasting. I move the fast to night 2, where i will be awake from about 4pm till 9am, i skip the first meal of the night, and aim to eat between 2-5 am, and then eat again when i wake at 4 pm.

    If go by the mantra ‘there is always tomorrow’
    If i fail a fast today, i can do it tomorrow.
    If I want to indulge on a fast day, i can eat it tomorrow.

    I think you just have to experimemnt to find which method works best for you.

    All the best!

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