Just finished the book — next week will be my first 5:2 week. I have some experience with fasting for religious reasons, and I know that coffee is very helpful for me in suppressing appetite. So I think it would be a good tool for me on fast days. But I can’t stand black coffee. I usually take both low-fat milk and sugar (I don’t do artificial sweeteners in anything). I could curb both the milk and sugar to the point that the total calorie count for an 8 oz cup of coffee would be less than 30 calories — and I only drink one cup a day.
So here’s the question: in the book Mimi and Michael suggest drinking a cup of “low calorie hot chocolate” as a treat if you get hungry. According to the calorie counter in the back, this would add up to over 40 calories. Yet they always stress that if you drink coffee, it must be black. Is there something I’m missing here? Is there some reason I can’t have the coffee as described above, as long as I limit the rest of my calories to 470? And would it make a difference when I drink it during the day?
7:15 pm
6 Jul 13