Why do I fear the fast day?

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Why do I fear the fast day?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Lindyw 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Before my day of fasting, I have a fear that I will get hungry and over indulge the evening before. Perhaps this helps me get through the day of fasting, but it sure creates havoc for the weight loss.

    The fasting day doesn’t end up being a problem — why do I think it will be? Why do I go bonkers and eat all the calories I need for the next day in a few hours? I might be only a little hungry, but go well beyond what is needed to appease the hunger.

    I realize these are questions only I can answer, but it sure is frustrating.

    Hi Amy C,

    I think its natural to feel the way you do, but you shoudnt dread your fast day, i dont particulary enjoy them myself lol!
    Do you keep to your TDEE on normal days? I hate counting calories on those days so i kind rough guess what i am eating.. Try not to let it worry too much, keep at it, i hope this helps a little , sorry i couldnt suggest more!

    Keep us posted 🙂

    Its all about re-training your mind set Amy.
    You know know you can manage your fast days, and these get easier the longer you do IF.
    Now you need to manage your normal days. You can eat what you normally would eat on these day – just watch the portion control.
    Eating in excess just before your fast nullifies your fast day really.
    Don’t dread your fast day, believe me you will come to look forward to them 🙂

    Lindyw is right-the fast days do get easier. I look forward to them now-don’t have to think about what to make for lunch,don’t have to rush back from the gym to get lunch and then you can really enjoy your dinner when it’s time.

    Angie090465, Lindyw and sonunda – you are both right! Thanks for commenting. Yesterday was my 5th fast day and I had a sense of peace that I didn’t experience before. If I can eat so dramatically less on two days of the week, why not on the other five? What a dumb trick my mind is playing on me! I can do this!

    I don’t know if the weight loss will stick, but I did lose 1/2 pound with yesterday’s fast.

    I do like the convenience of not having to make breakfast or lunch on my fast days. I never realized what a hassle that was as a daily grind. I like not have to wash the dishes at work (no dishwasher) and drag them back and forth to work.

    Well done Amy C! a loss is a loss no matter how small 🙂 x

    of course you can do this, the more fasts you do the less you will eat on normal days…promise!!

    have a lovely Saturday 🙂

    I am now convinced that I can do the fast day — having successfully completed 5 fasts. Now I will work on the non-fast days — one at a time. It is funny how the problem days are reversed for me.

    I think we all felt like that at sometime Amy. I don’t have a sweet tooth but just lately have been eating cake and biscuits. I just hope that doesnt show up and have given myself a good talking too!
    Don’t weigh too often as weight changes daily and can be demoralising, try once a week on the same day.

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