Why Black Tea?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  enjoyingtea 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Somewhere in one of the books I remember reading that we can drink as much black tea as we like on days of fasting. Could anybody illuminate me a bit on this question of teas? I like green tea and red tea, would like to try silver tea if ever I get some money. Of course I also like black tea.

    You can drink whatever you want, as long as you count the calories. No sense in adding rules to this diet where there aren’t any. Last time I checked, tea didn’t have any calories.

    Since that astute mind of your has worked out the counting calories bit Amy, could you tug it on a step further with a thought about the actual question. Would it be simpler maybe to rephrase it? Since tea doesn’t [seem] to contain any calories why did MM use the term “Drink as much black tea as you like”? As far as adding rules go you might like to take it up with MM since this it’s his.

    MelvynMurphy, my best guess is that MM meant tea without milk and that he assumes that a lot more people drink regular black tea rather than green or white – not that black tea has superior nutritional/weight loss properties.

    Thanks Barbarita, I actually drink around the same amount of each but wondered if we had missed something, maybe around black tea being fermented etc. All the best, /MM

    The penny finally dropped despite valiant efforts by Amy and Barbarita! Of course MM is an Englishman and he meant black tea as in black coffee, as Barbarita pointed out, sans milk. I was getting grumpier by the minute (or mail). In a somewhat tenuous defence I’ve now spent more time of my life in Scandinavia where the other colours are as popular and asked for by colour.

    Black tea is popular tea and healthy delicious drink. I like to drink for its health benefits. It can help lower the risk of stroke because of high levels of flavonoids.

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