why are peopler so stupid

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  leevee 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Here we go again in the news. Somebody said they can of sugar and lost weight. It is the same like the new book is out called “I came off sugar”. When you look at what they eat it is still full of sugar. Like the brown bread and fruit ect. Dont they understand that to do no sugar diet they need to eat 0 CARBS food as there is no sugar in that at all. As I said in the beginning are they just stupid.

    Pia, you are right, but I guess if you do not see it that strictly than coming off added sugar is already an achievement. For instance I cut sugar down as much as possible and hike I am nowhere near a 0 carb diet, I am much more aware of my sugar intake these days.

    It does surprise me when people say proudly that they use honey on their porridge and don’t realise that it’s just as high in calories.

    This is clearly a post for smug, self-righteous people who have nothing positve to offer – best ignored by the the rest of the forum who are there to support and encourage each other in making positive lifestyle changes…

    Sorry if you’re offended. But hopefully no more than I am by your description of me.

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