Who are you telling?

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  carley.marie 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I started the fast diet the last week of September, but I’ve only told a few people I’m fasting. I’ve been successful, I love it and am 10lbs down, but I’m still hesitant to tell anyone. There are two reasons mainly, first, I’ve tired many other diets and failed and second, I don’t want to deal with people arguing with me that fasting is dangerous when they haven’t read any of the research. It seems the best plan is to keep it to myself and only explain if someone notices my weight loss and is really interested. I’ve got another 50lbs to lose so it’s not likely anyone will notice until I’ve lost more weight. How have you all gone about it? Happy Fasting!

    I’ve told as many people as will listen. The more people I tell, the likelier I am to succeed due to my pride not letting me fail.

    If nobody notices any weight loss that’s fine but nobody will be able to say I gave up.

    I have told a few people, but tonight I went out and people were asking me why I looked so different, really healthy and so different!!! I have lost 11 pounds , but I do feel so much better.

    That’s excellent Dramaqueen6. I’m still not ready. I’ve failed on many diets before so it’s still something I know my family will scoff at – especially the idea of skipping meals. But with progress, it will come with time. Have a great week!

    I told my daughter and sisters.
    With everyone else I wait until they say something about how much weight I have lost, or how good I am looking, and then I say “Thanks, I am doing the 5:2 intermittent fasting and it suits me really well!”
    And the conversation goes from there. 🙂

    Only my husband and kids know I’m doing 5:2. I started end of May and have now lost 32 pounds. So far, only ONE person has acknowledged I’m not taking up as much space anymore. When I told her about my new way of life, she expressed concern that I was an anorexic. Uhhh, I’m 5’5″ and started out 190 and now 158. Of course, she is my height and pushing 300, so I suppose to her I do look anorexic. I’m very happy with my progress and I’m feeling so much better. I’m hoping by May next year I’ll be at my 140 goal, which puts me in the normal BMI for my height.

    It’s my big secret – only my long-suffering OH knows, and I’ve even tried not to mention it in front of the kids. I hate shopping so I plan to wear the same clothes for as long as possible (already getting really baggy!) then start moving into things I grew out of a couple of years ago. I’m 13kgs down, with 13kgs to go to BMI 24.9, so I’ll be heading backwards in time to the mid-90s by the time I get to a ‘healthy’ BMI!

    Ha! I’m not shopping either yet. But I have many sizes in my closet from yo-yo dieting so it’s fun to drop a size and ‘shop’ in the back of my closet. I have many sizes to go before I need to shop outside!

    A couple of weeks ago I was cleaning out my closet to donate. Ended up keeping half of what I was giving away because it now fits. 🙂

    my husband and I started together. I don’t care who knows. OH doesn’t mention it to others much. Told our children at some point early on. Mostly I just answer people who notice the change. If they ask for information I give it. If they don’t or give a negative ‘Oh, I could never do that’ sort of comment I say nothing more. If they give back an incorrect perception, eg like the anorexic comment, I say that it’s taken from the results coming from medical research into reversing the problems brought about by the western diet.

    I am telling no one, so there is no pressure!!! I want this journey to be for me and md only. Less pressure.

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